AT :: Volume #9

#860: Lotus Flower

Sees golden long sword that gathers unceasingly, Luo Zheng is also deep inspiration , the muscle that just relaxed ties tight again! 看到不断聚集的金色长剑,罗征也是深深的吸了一口气,刚刚放松的肌肉再次紧绷起来! These golden long swords condense with Law, has not contained heavenly evolution essence, therefore Luo Zheng is unable to conclude rank of these long swords, but looks at the cold light that above these sword edge exudes, these gold/metal sword might are not inevitably weak. 这些金色长剑只是用法则凝聚而成,其中并没有蕴藏天衍精华,所以罗征无法断定这些长剑的品阶,但看着那些剑锋之上泛出来的寒光,想必这些金剑的威力必然不弱。 After a little while later, that gold/metal cloud is calm, the first gold/metal sword calls gently, flies to shoot suddenly toward Luo Zheng! 少顷之后,那一朵金云无风自动,第一把金剑轻轻鸣动之下,骤然朝着罗征飞射下来! Is second, third...... 紧接着是第二把,第三把…… That cloud layer that becomes by gold/metal sword shape changes into the golden mighty current to emerge Luo Zheng immediately together! 那一朵由金剑形成的云层顿时化为一道金色的洪流涌现罗征 The Luo Zheng starting to walk both legs, stand erect at the scene, is ordinary like stabilizing force, nail firmly in same place, is looking at that golden tide, in the vision full is the color of resolute resolution. 罗征迈开双腿,矗立当场,如同一根定海神针一般,牢牢的钉在原地,望着那金色的潮水,目光之中满是刚毅坚定之色。 In the past I spent this Metal Tribulation, but caught Demon Core Battle Armor, moreover consumed 200,000 best quality goods true essence stone, this avoided a tribulation, the present these long swords are sharper than the long sword that the past years I face, this boy also did not have the protection of Demon Core Battle Armor......” that once to cross Metal Tribulation Divine Sea Realm great energy to shake the head to say. “当年我度这金劫,可是接住了‘魔心战甲’,而且消耗了二十万颗极品真元石,这才躲过一劫,眼前的这些长剑比当年我面对的长剑更加犀利,这小子又没有魔心战甲的保护……”那位曾经渡过金劫神海境大能摇头说道。 Demon Core Battle Armor, is half-divine item body protecting games armor, as magical treasure of defense class, the value endures compared with general divine item, this Divine Sea Realm great energy also borrowed to Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign initially. 魔心战甲,乃是一件半神器护体甲,作为防御类的法宝,价值堪比一般的神器,这神海境大能当初也是向天风战皇所借。 Hears this saying, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is actually helpless smiling, „, if Demon Core Battle Armor still, me can lend Luo Tianxing actually, what a pity......” 听到这话,天风战皇却是无奈的笑了笑,“倘若魔心战甲还在的话,我倒是能够借给罗天行,可惜……” That Demon Core Battle Armor dozens years ago, actually damaged. 那件魔心战甲在数十年前,却是损毁了。 Is speaking, that golden mighty current has charged into Luo Zheng! 正在说话之间,那道金色的洪流已经冲向了罗征 Came!” “来了!” Looks at the first gold/metal sword, Luo Zheng is grasping single-handed, gold/metal sword immediately by Luo Zheng pinching smashing! 望着第一把金剑,罗征单手一抓,那金剑顿时被罗征给捏的粉碎! „It is not the real long sword, but condenses with Metal Element Law, intensity as if might as well saint item,” crushed the first gold/metal sword, in the Luo Zheng's heart understood clearly. “到底不是真实的长剑,只是用金系法则凝聚而成,本身的强度似乎还不如圣器,”粉碎了第一把金剑,罗征的心中了然。 However then, gold/metal sword the number rises dramatically immediately, Luo Zheng is actually not able it one by one crumb, only to be able, whatever these gold/metal swords approach themselves from the thorn in all directions! 但是接下来,金剑的数量顿时暴增,罗征却是无法将之一一捏碎,只能任由这些金剑从四面八方刺向自己! Luo Zheng looks like the person who in a great river will not swim, in an instant was submerged in this golden mighty current. 罗征就像是一条大江中不会游泳的人,转眼之间就被淹没在了这金色的洪流之中。 Ding-” “叮叮叮叮叮-” Luo Zheng's fleshly body such as saint item is ordinary, each gold/metal sword hits on Luo Zheng, then changes into the golden powder, these tiny powder change into little Metal Element Law to dissipate quickly in the world. 罗征的肉身圣器一般坚固,每一柄金剑撞击在罗征身上,便是化为金色的粉末,那些细小的粉末很快就化为一点点金系法则消散在天地间。 However, these gold/metal swords no doubt were inferior that Luo Zheng's fleshly body is firm, but sword edge actually, each sword edge can leave behind an extremely thin scratch on Luo Zheng's sharply, with a large number of gold/metal sword unceasingly thorns to Luo Zheng, these scratches is also more and more, after the scratch accumulates to certain degree, sword edge then cut the Luo Zheng's skin, splutters blood! 然而,这些金剑固然不如罗征的肉身坚固,但是剑锋却犀利至极,每一道剑锋都能在罗征的身上留下一道极细的划痕,随着数量众多的金剑不断地刺向罗征,那些划痕也是越来越多,当划痕积累到一定的程度之后,剑锋便是划开了罗征的皮肤,溅射出一道道鲜血! Resists so the degree, Luo Zheng is also sigh one gently, actually closed the eyes...... 抵抗到这般程度,罗征也是轻轻的叹息一声,却是闭上了双眼…… Beyond several thousand li (0.5 km), west side Divine Country Continent unvisited place, is standing erect palatial great mountains, presented invisible sword qi in this moment suddenly, starts to corrode that length and breadth unceasingly the hills! 在数千里之外,神国大陆西边人迹罕至之处,矗立着一座座巍峨的巨山,就在这一刻骤然出现了一道道无形的剑气,开始不断地侵蚀那广袤的群山! A several thousand zhang (3.33 m) high mountain, then suffers at the visible speed, as if invisible big mouth, gnaws to eat this mountain, after several breath, this mountain has not then existed, but changes into the little dust, flutters everywhere. 一座数千丈高的大山,便是以肉眼可见的速度挨下去,仿佛有一张无形的大嘴,啃食着这座大山,几个呼吸之后,这大山便已经不复存在,只是化为一点点尘埃,四处飘荡。 Two, three...... 一座,两座,三座…… After the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, this mountain range then vanished baseless. 一炷香的时间后,这一片山脉便是凭空消失了。 But on Feather Sovereign's Island, these gold/metal sword also totals dissipate. 羽皇岛上,那些金剑也全数消散。 Perhaps Transcending Tribulation regarding others, walks one time in Between Life and Death, was called Life and Death Tribulation, but is not difficult regarding Luo Zheng. 渡劫对于其他人来说,或许是在生死之间走一遭,才被称之为生死劫,但是对于罗征来说却并没有那么困难。 This Heavenly Tribulation might is powerful, so long as does not shut off the relation of Luo Zheng and this Great Thousand World, is unable Luo Zheng exterminate! 天劫的威力再强大,只要不切断罗征与这大千世界的联系,就无法将罗征灭杀 Has destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth Heavenly Tribulation truly to exist, in upper realm some super great energy Transcending Tribulation time, the might that erupts destroys Great Thousand World sufficiently. 拥有毁天灭地天劫的确存在,上界之中有些超级大能渡劫的时候,爆发出来的威力足以将一个大千世界所毁灭。 After passing this Metal Tribulation, again in the sky appeared wind tribulation, this Five Elements Tribulation presented one one by one...... 度过这“金劫”之后,天空之中再次出现的则是“风劫”,这五行劫却是挨个的出现了一遍…… After half double-hour, looks at ten thousand li (0.5 km) clear sky, Luo Zheng blinked eyes, finally ended?” 半个时辰之后,看着万里晴空,罗征眨巴了一下双眼,“终于完了么?” At this time Luo Zheng was felt that the whole body was relaxed, in the Transcending Tribulation process, true essence in Luo Zheng dantian as before during gradual solidification, when the Luo Zheng preparation set out to leave, in the sky presented pure white Lotus Flower phantom suddenly! However that Lotus Flower is actually in bud, has not bloomed! 这时候罗征便是感觉到满身轻松,在渡劫的过程之中,罗征丹田中的真元依旧在逐步的凝固之中,就在罗征准备起身离开的时候,天空之中骤然出现了一朵纯白色的莲华虚影!不过那朵莲华却是含苞待放,并没有绽放! What thing is that?” “那是什么玩意?” How in the air to present huge Lotus Flower?” “怎么空中会出现一朵巨大的莲华?” „Is this also Heavenly Tribulation? How to see not like!” “这也是天劫么?怎么看也不像啊!” These Divine Sea Realm great energy whole face surprise, is staring at Lotus Flower phantom on sky. 那些神海境大能满脸诧异,怔怔的盯着天空上的莲华虚影 They are not clear, is Daoist Bai Mei is very clear! 他们不清楚,可是白眉道人却十分清楚! When Daoist Bai Mei sees that being in bud lotus flower phantom, the complexion is then broadminded changes, the sound also shivers: Really appeared, in Small Heavenly Tribulation will really have Lotus Flower to bloom, really has Lotus Flower to bloom! This...... this......” 所以当白眉道人看到那朵含苞待放的莲花虚影,脸色便是豁然一变,声音也颤抖起来:“真的出现了,小天劫中竟然会有莲华绽放,真的有莲华绽放!这……这……” Bai Yuerong sees this, that pair of elegant both eyes winked, during is lost in thought. 白月蓉看到这一幕,那双秀美的双目眨了一眼,陷入了沉思之中。 In some top-secret literature through Secret Church, she naturally understands existence of Lotus Flower. 通过密教中一些绝密的文献,她自然了解莲华的存在。 In upper realm the so-called talent and a lower realm minute/share of law is different, absolutely does not have so-called Earth Rank Talent, Heaven Rank Talent and Divine Rank Talent, weighs a martial artist potential, can only be able to manifest through Transcending Tribulation, whether in other words in Transcending Tribulation produces Lotus Flower! 上界中所谓的天才和下界的分法不同,根本就没有所谓的地级天才,天级天才神级天才,衡量一位武者的潜能,只能通过渡劫才能体现,也就是说渡劫之中是否产生莲华 Records in the literature, this Lotus Flower seems like exceeds the Heavenly Way product, Transcending Tribulation later presents Lotus Flower, is explained that martial artist has to exceed the Heavenly Way potential. 在文献之中记载,这莲华似乎是超越天道的产物,渡劫之后出现莲华,便是说明武者拥有超越天道的潜力。 Naturally, did not mean that has Lotus Flower certainly to exceed Heavenly Way, in hundred thousand Great Realm has the Lotus Flower martial artist quantity is also many, is about 3.6 billion years, can exceed Heavenly Way and how many people have? 当然,并不是说拥有莲华就一定能够超越天道,十万大界之中拥有莲华武者数量也不少,不过三十六亿年,能够超越天道的又有几人? But in the literature records, generally will have in Great Heavenly Tribulation birth Lotus Flower, why...... this had Luo Zheng in Small Heavenly Tribulation, been born Lotus Flower?” Bai Yuerong is looking at Luo Zheng, although she and Luo Zheng are hostile, is with the appearance of this Lotus Flower, she is also getting more and more curious to Luo Zheng. “可是文献之中记载,一般只有大天劫中才会诞生莲华,为何……这罗征小天劫之中,就已经诞生了莲华?”白月蓉怔怔的望着罗征,虽然她与罗征敌对,可是随着这莲华的出现,她也是对罗征越来越好奇。 Therefore Bai Yuerong then said: Actually does not know that Luo Zheng can bloom several flower petals, are three pieces, five pieces?” 于是白月蓉便是说道:“却不知道罗征能够绽放几片花瓣,三片,还是五片?” Daoist Bai Mei shakes the head, immediately said: Can bloom three pieces of martial artist, has become a nine great holy land core sufficiently, five pieces, Hehe, enters tenth grade Holy Land sufficiently, becomes the core of extra-superior influence! The saintesses, this matter trouble you through counter spirit channel reporting!” 白眉道人摇摇头,随即说道:“能够绽放三片的武者,已经足以成为一个九大圣地的核心,五片,呵呵,足以进入十品圣地,成为超一流势力的核心!圣女,这件事情麻烦你通过逆灵通道上报!” Bai Yuerong nods immediately, she as the Secret Church saintess, relative importance of very clear matter, since Luo Zheng bloomed Lotus Flower in Transcending Tribulation, perhaps the she and Luo Zheng contradiction between was nothing...... 白月蓉随即点了点头,她身为密教圣女,很清楚事情的轻重缓急,既然罗征渡劫的时候绽放了莲华,她与罗征之间的矛盾恐怕就算不了什么了…… Hears the Bai Yuerong words, in these Divine Sea Realm great energy hearts is also one cold! 听到白月蓉的话,那些神海境大能心中也是一凛! How do not look at these Divine Sea Realm great energy in Divine Country Continent imposing, in this humble one perhaps they is a character, but compared with upper realm these expert, their anything is not! 别看这些神海境大能神国大陆之中如何威风,在下界之中他们或许是一个人物,但是与上界那些强者们相比,他们什么都不是! Although they expensive/noble are seventh grade Divine Country Country Lord, but this Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea merely is only eighth grade Holy Land of dragon vein clan, they consumed so many years, will not have to occupy absolutely! What concept then ninth grade Holy Land is? What concept tenth grade is Holy Land? This is inconceivable simply! 虽然他们贵为七品神国国主,可是这天羽圣海仅仅只是龙脉一族的八品圣地,他们耗费了这么多年,也没有将之完全占据!那么九品圣地是什么概念?十品圣地又是什么概念?这简直难以想象! At this time, that pure white Lotus Flower of Luo Zheng top of the head revolved slowly, in Lotus Flower that some little time later, that was in bud then had a pure white flower petal slowly bloomed! 就在这时候,罗征头顶的那朵纯白色的莲华缓缓旋转起来,好一会儿之后,那含苞待放的莲华中便是有一片洁白的花瓣缓缓的绽放下来! The instance when that flower petal puts, the fragrant winds send out, drills into the nose of everyone! 当那花瓣放下来的瞬间,就有一道道香风从中散发出来,钻入每个人的鼻子之中! This Lotus Flower is quite fragrant!” Huo Yun'er could not bear smell the nose, although this fragrance was rich, but was not greasy, attracted one fiercely, that fragrance as if can seep in the soul. “这莲华好香!”火允儿忍不住嗅了嗅鼻子,这香味虽然浓郁,但却并不腻人,猛吸一口,那香味仿佛能够沁入灵魂之中。 „The first piece,” Bai Yuerong bites the lip saying that she understands this Lotus Flower from the literature, but this is the first time that she saw martial artist to bloom after all Lotus Flower, sees this, she actually anticipated ardently, this Lotus Flower can bloom several pieces. “第一片,”白月蓉咬着嘴唇说道,她从文献之中了解到这莲华,但这毕竟是她第一次看到武者绽放莲华,看到这一幕,她竟然是殷殷期待,这莲华能够多绽放出几片。 Luo Zheng stands erect same place, is looking in the sky slowly revolving Lotus Flower, through Azure Dragon, he has also known that this Lotus Flower is representing anything, at this time was also static looked at that Lotus Flower to revolve, vision pure like water. 罗征矗立原地,望着天空中缓缓旋转的莲华,通过青龙,他也已经知道这莲华代表着什么,这时候也是静静的望着那莲华旋转,目光纯净如水。 Under that Lotus Flower revolves unceasingly , the flower petal puts. 就在那莲华不断地旋转之下,又有一片花瓣放下来。 „The second piece......” Bai Yuerong continues several. “第二片……”白月蓉继续数道。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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