AT :: Volume #9

#859: Metal Tribulation

Heavenly Tribulation is the disaster that Blue Heaven lowers, this lightning big dragon belongs to Heavenly Way, in fact is also equal to the thing of without owner! 天劫乃是苍天降下的劫难,这条闪电巨龙属于天道所有,实际上也等同于无主之物! After Luo Zheng controls fourth layer Thunder Element Law, starts to refine this lightning big dragon unceasingly! 罗征掌控四层雷系法则之后,就开始不断地炼化这条闪电巨龙! From this perspective, Heavenly Tribulation to martial artist difficult, similarly is also an opportunity, strengthens own opportunity. 从这个角度来说,天劫武者来说既是艰难,同样也是一次机会,增强自己的机会。 Therefore starts from Life and Death Realm, every time passed Life and Death Tribulation time, is Life and Death is informed and experienced, can become by oneself more powerful! 所以从生死境开始,每度过一次生死劫,就是一次生死历练,同时也能让自身变得更为强大! In Luo Zheng both eyes thunder light surge unceasingly, after this lightning big dragon absorbs, these electric currents as in Luo Zheng's within the body scurry about, by to the control of Law Strength, Luo Zheng is then digesting massive the strength of thunder and lightning unceasingly. 罗征双目中一道道雷光不断地涌动,将这条闪电巨龙吸纳之后,那些电流依旧在罗征的体内乱窜,凭借对法则之力的掌控,罗征便是不断地消化着海量的雷电之力。 He swallowed all Thunder Tribulation unexpectedly, this Luo Tianxing......” “他竟然将所有的雷劫都吞噬了,这罗天行……” This matter has to happen, initially thunder Xing attacked Divine Sea Realm time, wasn't same also swallowed Thunder Tribulation?” “这种事情并不是没有发生过,当初雷星冲击神海境的时候,不是一样也吞噬了雷劫?” Same is the same, but thunder Xing attacks Divine Sea Realm time, Thunder Element Law that in that Thunder Tribulation contains only then second layer that's all, Thunder Tribulation big fourth layer that just in that lightning big dragon contained......” “一样是一样,可是雷星冲击神海境的时候,那雷劫之中蕴藏的雷系法则只有二层而已,刚刚那道闪电巨龙中蕴藏的雷劫可是高大四层……” These Divine Sea Realm great energy were also discussing in a low voice, on the face also reveals the color of envying, that Thunder Tribulation has not only caused the too big damage to Luo Zheng, instead is of great help to Luo Zheng. 那些神海境大能也在低声议论,脸上也纷纷流露出羡慕之色,那雷劫不仅没有对罗征造成太大的伤害,反而对罗征大有裨益。 Snort, Thunder Tribulation that first layer Thunder Tribulation that's all, this boy inspires is so terrifying, does not know that behind also has what ghost thing!” Saying of Great Yu Battle Emperor coldly. “哼,第一层雷劫而已,这小子引动的雷劫就已经如此恐怖了,不知道后面还有什么鬼东西呢!”大禹战帝冷冷的说道。 The dark cloud above sky starts the dissipation of first layer first layer, in the sky reveals in giant cavities to shine, this first layer thick dark cloud then by being able to see the speed is dissipating. 天空之上的乌云开始一层一层的消散,天空之中露出一个一个巨大的空洞之中照射下来,这一层厚厚的乌云便是以看得见的速度消散着。 After the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, the dark cloud above entire Divine Country Continent completely vanished, above Continent also sees the light again, above Divine Sea Realm great energy also returned Feather Sovereign's Island of that several suppression tsunami. 一炷香的时间之后,整个神国大陆之上的乌云都完全消失了,大陆之上也重见光明,那几位镇压海啸的神海境大能回到了羽皇岛之上。 At this time, the horizon then had the shining ray to fly to shoot to come together, is actually wrapping more than ten a silhouette in that ray, was one person of head wears the Daoist robe, the frown was graying, the host near Western Dragon River compared that Daoist Bai Mei that fought! 就在这时候,天边便是有一道金灿灿的光芒飞射而来,在那光芒之中却是包裹着十几道人影,为首的一人身穿道袍,双眉斑白,正是在西龙江边主持比斗的那白眉道人 This Daoist Bai Mei, then came from upper realm human race martial artist! 这位白眉道人,便是来自于上界人族武者 Supervisor Duke came!” Zhou Huang said lightly. 督公来了!”周煌淡淡的说道 Is Luo Tianxing Transcending Tribulation, attracts Supervisor Duke?” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign said, is flies upwards, but welcomed to that Daoist Bai Mei, other Divine Sea Realm great energy are also respectful, salutes to that Daoist Bai Mei. “是罗天行渡劫,将督公吸引过来的吧?”天风战皇说完,便是飞升而起向那白眉道人迎了过去,其他神海境大能也是毕恭毕敬,向那白眉道人行礼。 Daoist Bai Mei leads these people to arrive above pyramid, then asked with the sharp sound: Who is in Transcending Tribulation? Unexpectedly so big power and influence!” 白眉道人带着那些人降临在金字塔之上,便是用尖利的声音问道:“是谁在渡劫?竟然如此大威势!” The Heavenly Tribulation power and influence of Luo Zheng inspiring extremely in amazement, this Daoist Bai Mei is actually thinks some Divine Sea Realm great energy in this Transcending Tribulation, but Divine Sea Realm great energy Transcending Tribulation, still is very even difficult to move so powerful Thunder Tribulation! Therefore Daoist Bai Mei will go to the Feather Sovereign's Island nosing outcome personally. 罗征引动的天劫威势太过于骇然,这白眉道人却是以为某位神海境大能在此渡劫,可即使是神海境大能渡劫,也很难移动如此强悍的雷劫!所以白眉道人才会亲自前往羽皇岛查探究竟。 Hears the Daoist Bai Mei issue, Zhou Huang then said submissively: Supervisor Duke, is my Black Iron Divine Country Divine Rank Talent Luo Tianxing in this Transcending Tribulation!” 听到白眉道人的问题,周煌便是拱手说道:“督公,是我黑铁神国神级天才罗天行在此渡劫!” Luo Tianxing?” On the Daoist Bai Mei face stares, under the vision sweeps, really saw that Luo Zheng sits well is locating unceasingly, in his whole body also discontented trace of lightning ignition! He is not Void Tribulation Realm middle stage martial artist, how can Transcending Tribulation! How also to inspire Thunder Tribulation of such magnificent scene?” 罗天行?”白眉道人脸上一愣,目光一扫之下,果然看到罗征端坐在不断处,在他的周身还不满了闪电灼烧的痕迹!“他不是一位虚劫境中期武者,怎么会渡劫!又如何引动这么大场面的雷劫?” This color of Daoist Bai Mei whole face not believing! 白眉道人满脸不信之色! He does not believe actually not Luo Zheng breaks through Void Tribulation Realm middle stage in a short time, enters Void Tribulation Realm later stage to be able Transcending Tribulation to attack Life and Death Realm, Daoist Bai Mei came from upper realm after all, regarding upper realm martial artist, builds base that's all from Innate Secret Realm to Void Tribulation Realm. 他倒不是不相信罗征短时间内冲破虚劫境中期,进入虚劫境后期就能渡劫冲击生死境,白眉道人毕竟来自于上界,对于上界武者来说,从先天秘境虚劫境都是筑基而已 The issue is Small Heavenly Tribulation of only Void Tribulation Realm martial artist inspiring, can actually be so terrifying, this somewhat was unthinkable! 问题是区区一位虚劫境武者引动的小天劫,竟然能够如此恐怖,这就有些匪夷所思了! These Battle Sovereign Battle Emperor have not seen so terrifying Small Heavenly Tribulation from the start, how can answer the Daoist Bai Mei issue? 这些战皇战帝们压根没见过如此恐怖的小天劫,如何能回答白眉道人的问题? Under the vision twinkle of Daoist Bai Mei, is actually stands firm on the spot, observes well. 白眉道人的目光闪烁之下,却是站定在原地,好好地观察起来。 Daoist Bai Mei had previously paid attention to arrived Luo Zheng, by this performance of Luo Zheng near Western Dragon River, even if placed in upper realm in human race any big influence, was still the noticeable talent. 此前白眉道人就已经注意到了罗征,以这罗征西龙江边的表现,即使放在上界人族任何一个大势力中,也算是引人瞩目的天才。 However human race occupied over ten thousand Great Realm, the influence in each Great Realm is innumerable, the light is every large or small Holy Land can calculate surely, so-called noticeable must look in what range, according to Daoist Bai Mei looks like, Luo Zheng such talent is also nothing in Great Realm, idle talk three Lord clan influences, over ten thousand Great Realm. 不过人族占据了上万大界,各个大界之中的势力数不胜数,光是大大小小的圣地都能以千万来计算,所谓的引人瞩目也要看在什么范围内,依白眉道人看来,罗征这样的天才在一个大界之中也算不了什么,更遑论三大人族势力,上万大界 Luo Zheng are most can only in second-class Holy Land, object who lists as key training! 罗征最多只能在一个二流圣地之中,列为重点培养的对象! Moreover Daoist Bai Mei and Immortal Heavenly Vast are different, Heavenly Vast is calculated that using Crape Myrtle Great Heavenly Palace the Luo Zheng's Grand Era's Struggle life standard, this Daoist Bai Mei only depends on an eye, is impossible to see the Luo Zheng's life standard. 而且白眉道人天渺仙人不同,天渺乃是利用紫薇大天宫才推算出罗征的大世之争命格,这白眉道人仅凭一双眼睛,不可能看出罗征的命格。 Therefore relative outstanding of Luo Zheng performance, can say that although in four big Divine Country same steps invincible, but is also nothing in the Daoist Bai Mei eye...... 所以罗征尽管表现的相当优秀,可以说在四大神国同阶之中无敌,但在白眉道人眼中也算不了什么…… However before that is, to the Luo Zheng's impression, this saw so vast Small Heavenly Tribulation, Daoist Bai Mei is actually shocked! 不过那是之前对罗征的印象,这番看到如此浩大的小天劫,白眉道人却是被震惊了! Promotes Life and Death Realm first Small Heavenly Tribulation, is so terrifying, what origin is this boy? 只是晋升生死境的第一道小天劫,就如此恐怖,这小子是什么来历? This Heavenly Tribulation wave, he then must observe incessantly well, this Heavenly Tribulation is so terrifying, perhaps after Transcending Tribulation, will have Lotus Flower to bloom, he was has a look at this boy to put several Lotus Flower temporarily! 天劫不止一波,他便是要好好地观察一番,这天劫如此恐怖,说不定渡劫之后会有莲华绽放,他便是看看这小子能暂放几道莲华了! Bai Yuerong follows behind Daoist Bai Mei, knew that after just now Thunder Tribulation is Luo Zheng inspires, her vision is also very complex, as the Secret Church saintess, she is responsible for communicating with upper realm, understands these Divine Sea Realm great energy to the upper realm information are more , is also more comprehensive, she also has not thought that this Transcending Tribulation unexpectedly is Luo Zheng! 白月蓉跟随在白眉道人后面,才得知方才的雷劫乃是罗征引动之后,她的目光也是十分复杂,身为密教圣女,她负责与上界沟通,对上界的信息比那些神海境大能了解更多,也更加全面,她同样也没有想到,这番渡劫的竟然是罗征 Luo Zheng sits in same place, but also in digestion within the body the strength of thunder and lightning, the strength of these pure thunder and lightning spreads in Luo Zheng's within the body, the differentiation, pours into each cell, stimulates his fleshly body rapid growth! 罗征坐在原地,还在消化体内的雷电之力,这些精纯的雷电之力在罗征的体内蔓延,分化,灌注在他每一个细胞之中,刺激他的肉身迅速的生长! Any Law Strength, is not only used to destroy, for example Fire Element Law symbolized the destruction, contains the new student|life, Nirvana these abilities. 任何法则之力,都不仅仅只是用来毁灭,例如火系法则原本象征毁灭,其中却蕴藏新生,涅槃这些能力。 But Thunder Element Law can bring the vitality during the destruction, the spring thunder deafening sound land, can shake awakes all thing of hibernation, making the nature give full play to the vitality, this is the outset of life! 雷系法则能够在毁灭之中带来生机,正所谓春雷震响大地,才能够震醒一切冬眠之物,使自然界重新焕发生机,这就是生命的起始! It is said opens Divine Sea, really after solidification, needs to introduce the dantian the thunder unceasingly, under the stimulation of strength of thunder and lightning, can have the life in the dantian, this is Thunder Element Law fourth layer, mold!” 据说开辟神海,真远凝固之后,就需要不断地将雷霆引入丹田,在雷电之力的刺激之下,才能够在丹田之中产生生命,这就是雷系法则第四层,“塑造!” Quick, his fleshly body just like new student/life general, the skin that first layer of surface carbonizes starts to chap unceasingly, reveals bright red delicate meat, when the after skin of that carbonization falls off completely, Luo Zheng's fleshly body seemed like just like the birth from Progenitor was just ordinary. 很快,他的肉身宛若新生一般,表面的那一层碳化的皮肤开始不断地皲裂,露出其中鲜红细嫩的肉,等到那碳化的皮肤完全脱落之后,罗征的肉身看上去宛若从母体之中刚刚诞生一般。 Will have the second wave?” “会有第二波吗?” After passing first wave of Heavenly Tribulation safely, Luo Zheng looks up the sky. 安然度过第一波天劫之后,罗征抬头望了望天空。 If strength general martial artist, attacks Life and Death Realm time many only then first wave of Thunder Tribulation! The talent is stronger, this Heavenly Tribulation wave number are more, the might is bigger. Heavenly Tribulation that even these Divine Rank Talent face often still incessantly a wave, therefore Luo Zheng is big faced with several waves of Heavenly Tribulation probabilities. 若是实力一般的武者,冲击生死境的时候多数都只有第一波雷劫!天赋越强,这天劫的波数越多,威力越大。即使是那些神级天才面对的天劫往往也不止一波,所以罗征面临几波天劫的概率非常大。 Really, before long above the latter sky starts to present the little pale golden shadow, these golden light are getting more and more obvious, golden sharp swords appear slowly! 果然,不一会儿后天空之上开始出现一点点淡金色的影子,那些金光越来越明显,一枚枚金色的利剑慢慢地浮现出来! This is Metal Tribulation! This wave of Metal Tribulation appears after Thunder Tribulation, feared that will be the difficulty will be higher!” Divine Sea Realm great energy has about experienced so-called Metal Tribulation, saw that this cannot bear yell. “这是金劫!这一波金劫出现在雷劫之后,怕是难度会更高!”一位神海境大能大约经历过所谓的“金劫”,看到这一幕忍不住大叫起来。 However on the Daoist Bai Mei face actually appears the color of disdaining, he actually despises in Divine Country Continent very ignorant and inexperienced of these Divine Sea Realm martial artist, he then in said lightly: Is Metal Tribulation that's all, what has to make much ado about nothing?” 不过白眉道人脸上却浮现出不屑之色,他却是十分鄙夷神国大陆中这些神海境武者的孤陋寡闻,他便是在淡淡的说道:“不过是金劫而已,有什么大惊小怪?” It looks like in Daoist Bai Mei, Thunder Tribulation, is Metal Tribulation, or is the wind tribulation, the water tribulation...... this Five Elements Tribulation cannot amount to something, can upfront martial artist in the future the potential, only has Lotus Flower! 白眉道人看来,无论是雷劫,还是金劫,又或者是风劫,还是水劫……这“五行劫”统统都上不了台面,能够正面一位武者未来潜力的,也只有莲华 This Luo Zheng Transcending Tribulation is no doubt mammoth, but does not have birth Lotus Flower to the present, this is also nothing. 罗征渡劫固然声势浩大,但到现在都没有诞生莲华,这也算不了什么。 Golden sharp swords appear above the sky densely and numerously, sword edge of each long sword is glittering the dazzling cold light, 1000 handles, 10,000 handles, hundred thousand , 1 million handles...... 一道道金色利剑密密麻麻出现在天空之上,每一柄长剑的剑锋都闪烁着耀眼的寒光,一千柄,一万柄,十万柄,百万柄…… The golden sharp sword number are getting more and more, this then blocks the sky, seems like a cloud layer of shiny golden. 金色利剑数量越来越多,这番便是遮天蔽日,看起来就像是一朵金晃晃的云层。
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