AT :: Volume #9

#858: Controls Thunder Tribulation

Right, comprehends Thunder Element Law, controls Thunder Element Law! In the Luo Zheng heart jumps slightly. 对,领悟雷系法则,掌控雷系法则罗征心中微微一跳。 This cannot blame the Luo Zheng's head unable to make a turn, previously he placed to resist above Heavenly Tribulation all thoughts! Actually forgot this Heavenly Tribulation not only can resist, even can use this Heavenly Tribulation! 这不能怪罗征的脑袋转不过弯来,此前他是将所有的心思都放在对抗天劫之上!却忘记了这天劫不仅能够对抗,甚至可以利用这天劫 Bang!” “轰隆!” Under the Luo Zheng's figure flashes, the submersion, then avoided about converging attack of two lightning big dragons suddenly, that two lightning big dragons connect in together, formed initial that lightning big dragon to clash toward the Luo Zheng overhead! 罗征的身形一闪之下,骤然下沉,便是避开了两条闪电巨龙的左右夹击,那两条闪电巨龙相互之间交汇在一起,又形成了最初的那条闪电巨龙朝着罗征当头冲下来! crackling......” 噼啪……” In this process, thick lightnings spread to go toward the surroundings, some lightnings stroke directly in the ground, rapid was absorbed by the land, but some lightnings are to directly soar these Divine Sea Realm great energy go. 在这个过程之中,一道道粗大的闪电则是朝着周围蔓延而去,一些闪电直接击打在地面上,迅速的被大地所吸收,而其中一些闪电则是直奔那些神海境大能而去。 All Divine Sea Realm great energy, have launched Body Protecting True Essence, the lightning that these dissipate is then ordinary like the whip, brushes above Body Protecting True Essence, making these light/only cover is trembling unceasingly. 所有的神海境大能,都已经展开了护体真元,那些逸散出去的闪电便是如同鞭子一般,抽打在护体真元之上,让那些光罩不断地震颤着。 Thunder Element Law......” 雷系法则……” Luo Zheng on the True Dragon Clan obelisk, had comprehended first layer Thunder Element Law, this is the Luo Zheng Thunder Element Law foundation! 罗征真龙一族的方尖碑上,已经领悟了第一层雷系法则,这便是罗征雷系法则的根基! This Luo Zheng's figure sinks rapidly, he is also earnest start observation top of the head Thunder Element Law on that lightning big dragon. 这番罗征的身形急速下沉,他也是认真的开始观察头顶上的那条闪电巨龙中的雷系法则 Thunder Element Law first layer is the destruction...... 雷系法则第一层是毁灭…… second layer purifies, but third layer is Heavenly Tribulation...... 第二层则是净化,而第三层便是天劫…… General martial artist promotes Life and Death Realm time, in inspiring Life and Death Tribulation will often lower third layer Thunder Element Law, because of so, Thunder Element Law third layer is named as Heavenly Tribulation probably! 一般的武者晋升生死境的时候,引动的生死劫中往往就会降下第三层雷系法则,大概因为如此,雷系法则第三层才被命名为天劫 In the lightning big dragon that Luo Zheng faces, contains fourth layer Thunder Element Law. 只是罗征面对的这闪电巨龙中,却蕴藏着第四层雷系法则 His static looks at this lightning big dragon, the mind is actually rotating rapidly, mysterious Law that in that dazzling thunder and lightning contains, by Luo Zheng untying bit by bit! 他静静的望着这闪电巨龙,脑海却是在飞速的转动着,那耀眼的雷电之中蕴藏的玄奥法则,也被罗征一点一点的解开! Is higher to some Law compatible, the speed of Law comprehension is also faster, after experiencing Law baptism, high-level Source Law does not say, however floor Law is not too difficult to comprehend to Luo Zheng! 对某一项法则的亲和度越高,法则领悟的速度也就越快,经历了法则洗礼之后,高层的本源法则不好说,但是底层的法则罗征来说并不是太难领悟! However although words saying, wants to comprehend Thunder Element Law in a short time is not an easy matter, let alone that lightning big dragon closely grabs Luo Zheng not to put, here dives directly, swallows to be one of them again Luo Zheng. 不过话虽然这么说,想要将雷系法则在短时间内领悟也不是一件容易的事情,何况那闪电巨龙可是抓着罗征紧紧不放,这边又是直接俯冲下来,再次将罗征吞噬在其中。 This Luo Zheng has not revolted, he has completely immersed in the Law world, Law that in each lightning contains, looks like puzzle fragments, in the Luo Zheng's mind rapid is piecing together, he then must before own body reaches the limit, controls Thunder Element Law that in this lightning contains completely! 这一次罗征根本就没有反抗,他已经完全沉浸在了法则的世界之中,每一条闪电之中蕴藏的法则,就像是一枚枚拼图碎片,在罗征的脑海之中迅速的拼凑着,他便是要在自己的身体达到极限之前,将这闪电之中蕴藏的雷系法则完全掌控! A breath...... 一个呼吸…… Ten breath...... 十个呼吸…… 20 breath...... 二十个呼吸…… The lightning is corroding Luo Zheng's fleshly body always, even Body of Saint Artifact cannot undergo the thunder and lightning so to divide to hit, from he burned black piece of body, transmitted burnt flavors, Luo Zheng's fleshly body by burnt that the lightning burns! 闪电无时无刻不在侵蚀着罗征的肉身,就算是圣器之体也经受不住雷电如此劈打,从他焦黑一片的身体之上,传来了一股股焦糊的味道,罗征的肉身被闪电灼的焦糊! The body somewhat could not shoulder! 身体有些扛不住了! The Luo Zheng's time was too short, although in his mind about from the first layer fourth layer Thunder Element Law fragment unceasing gushing out, in the short time, Luo Zheng had been completing 1/3 this puzzle, but his body could not have shouldered, Luo Zheng felt that own fleshly body is getting more and more weak, if continuation stands whatever here this lightning big dragon chops to hit, before he completely grasps fourth layer Thunder Element Law, his fleshly body must advance the damage! 罗征的时间太短了,虽说他脑海中关于从第一层第四层雷系法则的碎片正在不断的涌出,短短的时间里,罗征已经将这一幅拼图完成了三分之一,可是他的身体已经率先扛不住了,罗征感觉自己的肉身越来越虚弱,若是继续站在这里任由这闪电巨龙劈打,在他完全掌握四层雷系法则之前,他的肉身恐怕就要先行损毁了! It is not good, the plan depended upon own strength purely, shoulders hardly this lightning big dragon, evidently thinks was too simple! 不行了,原本打算纯粹依靠自身的力量,将这闪电巨龙硬扛过去,看样子还是想的太简单了! He sighs gently, the thought flashes past, then started the strength shift directly! 他轻轻叹了一口气,念头一闪而过,便是直接开启了力量转移! Shift!” “转移!” After using the strength shifted, was equal to that Luo Zheng helps him undertake the strength of this thunder and lightning using the whole world. 在动用了力量转移之后,等于罗征利用整个世界帮助他承担这雷电之力。 Bang......” “轰……” In Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea, ascends suddenly a huge spray! 天羽圣海之中,骤然升腾起一道巨大的浪花! After the first spray appears, is second, third, fourth...... the innumerable huge spray splutter, then quiet disappearance. 第一朵浪花出现之后,紧接着是第二朵,第三朵,第四朵……无数朵巨大的浪花溅射开来,然后又悄无声息的消失。 Luo Zheng then exerting of this lightning big dragon in oneself strength, complete shift in Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea! 罗征便是将这闪电巨龙的施加在自己身上的力量,全部转移在了天羽圣海之中! Under help that the strength shifts, Luo Zheng then had enough time, starts to comprehend Thunder Element Law of lightning big dragon. 在力量转移的帮助之下,罗征这才有了充足的时间,开始领悟闪电巨龙的雷系法则 Half...... I already Thunder Element Law second layer and third layer comprehension!” Luo Zheng does not look askance, both eyes are common like the nail, are staring at that dazzling lightning, is absorbing mysterious Law crazily! “一半了……我已经将雷系法则第二层第三层领悟了!”罗征目不斜视,双目如同钉子一般,盯着那耀眼的闪电,疯狂吸收着其中的玄奥法则 Any Law is high is more unreadable, first two third layer Thunder Element Law is on the other hand easy to comprehend some, but after arrived Thunder Element Law fourth layer, the difficulty of containing is to then assume the multiple rises...... 任何法则都是越高越难以理解,第一二三层雷系法则相对来说容易领悟一些,而到了雷系法则第四层后,其中蕴藏的难度便是呈倍数上升…… In Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea, that great quantity sea water continues to tumble, under spray swat, ultimately formed the huge tsunami! These tsunami reach as high as the hundred zhang (333 m), then pounces upon suddenly toward Feather Sovereign's Island, if makes this tsunami throw together, can perhaps submerge entire Feather Sovereign's Island! 天羽圣海之中,那巨量的海水继续翻滚,一道道浪花扑打之下,最终形成了巨大的海啸!那些海啸高达百丈,便是朝着羽皇岛这边猛扑过来,若是让这一道海啸扑过来,恐怕能够将整个羽皇岛都淹没! Obviously, four big Divine Country are not willing to see that this matter happened, three Divine Sea Realm great energy saw the tsunami that racing wells up comes, under three people of figure twinkles, then welcomed directly to that tsunami! 显然,四大神国是不愿意看到这种事情发生的,其中三位神海境大能看到那奔涌而来的海啸,三人的身形闪烁之下,便是直接迎向了那海啸! Displays barrier! Blocks this tsunami!” “施展结界!挡住这海啸!” Cannot light/only block, if blocks this tsunami, shoots, perhaps will destroy these cities of Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea edge!” “不能光是挡住,若是挡住这海啸,弹回去的话,恐怕会破坏掉天羽圣海边缘的那些城市!” That extinguishes this tsunami!” “那就将这海啸消弭掉!” Three Divine Sea Realm great energy , are displays two barrier to isolate to be one of them this tsunami jointly! That tsunami turbulent strength whips in two barrier back and forth, is some little time tranquil. 三位神海境大能联手之下,便是施展出两道结界将这海啸隔绝在其中!那海啸汹涌的力量在两道结界之中来回拍打,好一会儿才平静下来。 However after they just this tsunami extinguished, not far away formed a tsunami, continued to pounce upon suddenly toward Feather Sovereign's Island, three Divine Sea Realm great energy also can only look at each other to smile bitterly, again this tsunami suppressing. 不过他们刚刚将这海啸消弭之后,不远处又形成了一道海啸,继续朝着羽皇岛这边猛扑过来,三位神海境大能也只能相视苦笑,再度将这海啸给扑灭。 Actually under protection that the strength shifts, Luo Zheng does not fear current this together Thunder Tribulation, however Luo Zheng was also clear that own first Small Heavenly Tribulation will not be absolutely simple, therefore he does not want to come up the method that uses the strength to shift, passed this first wave of Thunder Tribulation! 其实在力量转移的保护之下,罗征并不惧怕当前的这一道雷劫,然而罗征也清楚自己的第一场小天劫绝对不会简单,所以他也不想一上来就用力量转移的方法,来度过这第一波雷劫 crackling......” 噼啪……” In lightning big dragon just like white practice, Luo Zheng package stubbornly, because twines in Luo Zheng thunder and lightning quantity are too many, the people have not seen clearly the central the situation, but sees middle has a dazzling white light group! 闪电巨龙中宛若一条条白练,将罗征死死的包裹起来,因为缠绕在罗征身上的雷电数量太多,众人已经看不清楚中心的情况,只是看到中间有一个炽白色的光团! fourth layer the strength of thunder and lightning, even if I by intensity the strength of package of thunder and lightning, unlikely were still so hard to escape by luck!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign shakes the head slightly, „, but this Luo Zheng insisted unexpectedly is so long!” 四层的雷电之力,就算是我被如此强度的雷电之力包裹,恐怕也难以幸免!”天风战皇微微摇头,“可是这罗征竟然坚持了这么久!” This first Thunder Tribulation is prolonged, as if the law of good decoding, has not known how here Luo Zheng does get out of trouble?” Zhou Huang frowns, although Luo Zheng can shift the strength, shifted the strength of that thunder and lightning completely in Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea, but that lightning big dragon's power and influence has not been weaken, has refused to compromise? “这第一道雷劫经久不息,似乎并没有太好的破解之法,不知道这里罗征如何脱困?”周煌皱起了眉头,尽管罗征能够将力量转移,将那雷电之力完全转移在了天羽圣海之中,可是那闪电巨龙本身的威势没有丝毫减弱,难道就这么一直僵持下去? Many Divine Sea Realm great energy see this, is only sigh slightly, in their hearts actually understands, don't said is Void Tribulation Realm time, perhaps even now, they are unable anti- to live in this grade of terrifying Small Heavenly Tribulation...... this Luo Tianxing, was really the evildoer/monstrous talent, brought in the Blue Heaven so intense counter-attack unexpectedly. 更多的神海境大能看到这一幕,也只是微微的叹息,他们心中却明白,莫说是自己虚劫境的时候,就算是现在,他们恐怕也无法抗住这等恐怖的小天劫……这罗天行,实在是太妖孽了,竟然引来苍天如此激烈的反击。 Extremely in going against heaven's will existence, does not accommodate for the heaven eventually! 太过于逆天的存在,终究为老天所不容! In the heart of people also sighed, is holding the pessimistic attitude to the Luo Zheng's destiny! 众人的心中也是叹息,对罗征的命运抱着悲观的态度! However...... 然而…… After the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, the people discovered suddenly some not right place, the figure of this lightning big dragon gradually is reducing unexpectedly. 一炷香的时间之后,众人骤然发现了一些不对劲的地方,这条闪电巨龙的身形竟然在慢慢地缩小。 This Thunder Tribulation arrived last act? But how possibly rapidness of such weaken?” “这雷劫到了尾声了吗?可是怎么可能衰减的这么快?” „The weaken of this lightning big dragon from just started, does not know that what happened!” “这闪电巨龙的衰减是从刚刚开始的,不知道发生了什么事情!” Really is very strange, probably had anything suction this thunder and lightning!” “真的是很奇怪,好像是有什么东西将这雷电给吸走了!” Many Divine Sea Realm great energy cannot feel the mind, only then the whole face wonders is staring at the front, but Huo Yun'er in this moment is the pursing the lips lip, in the vision reveals color of the hope! 诸多神海境大能也是摸不着头脑,只有满脸纳闷的盯着前方,而火允儿在这一刻便是抿了抿嘴唇,目光之中流露出一丝期盼之色! Luo Zheng time and time again stems from her unexpected, although she worried, but is still confident about Luo Zheng, this Luo Zheng can also achieve similarly! 罗征一次次的出乎她的意料之外,她虽然担心,但对罗征却依旧信心满满,这一次罗征同样也能够做到! The speed that this lightning big dragon weakens increases unceasingly, from one like the big dragon rapid weaken of mountain range same size, turned into a size of mountain, a rapid deflation, vanished in the people finally like this nearby. 这闪电巨龙衰减的速度不断增加,从一条如同山脉一样大小的巨龙迅速的衰减,变成了一座山的大小,个头迅速的缩减,最终就这样消失在了众人的跟前。 But Luo Zheng stands erect as before on the ground, whole body burned black he, only then the pupil blooms the bright ray, in the double pupil has the thunder glittering faintly. 罗征依旧矗立在地上,全身焦黑的他只有眸子绽放出晶亮的光芒,双眸之中隐隐有雷光闪烁。
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