AT :: Volume #9

#857: Comprehension

Even Luo Zheng uses True Essence Body Protection, simultaneously opened Stellar Battle Body, he does not have the feeling of slight Anxin / at ease, in the vision as before full is the solemn color. 即使罗征利用真元护体,同时开启了星辰战体,他也没有丝毫安心的感觉,目光之中依旧满是冷峻之色。 Previously Ning Yudie Life and Death Tribulation time, first wave of Thunder Tribulation is weakest one wave, then surface several waves of Heavenly Tribulation are actually a wave of great strength! 此前宁雨蝶生死劫的时候,第一波雷劫乃是最弱的一波,而后面的几波天劫却是一波比一波强大! But now merely was first wave of Thunder Tribulation is so terrifying, behind how many wave of Heavenly Tribulation? 而现在仅仅是第一波雷劫就已经是如此恐怖了,那后面的几波天劫呢? Luo Zheng does not dare to imagine, is disinclined to think! 罗征不敢想象,也懒得去想! Even if unable to evade, now still can only attack the problem one manifestation at a time! 即使无法避过,现在也只能见招拆招! After that lightning big dragon is away from Luo Zheng is getting more and more near, the dark cloud on his top of the head suddenly slowly revolves, then in the process of revolving, presented a hole in the central zone! In a sunlight very strange that hole hit, this also seems very strange! 当那道闪电巨龙距离罗征越来越近后,他头顶上的乌云忽然缓缓旋转起来,便是在旋转的过程中,在中心地带出现了一道孔洞!一道阳光很诡异的中那孔洞之中打了下来,这一幕看上去也十分离奇! However that sunlight maintained the time of blinking merely, saw that sunlight was covered by the dazzling white ray together, quick has the dragon claw that a lightning forms to extend from that hole! 不过那一道阳光仅仅维持了眨眼的功夫,紧接着就看到那阳光被一道炽白色的光芒所掩盖,很快就有一个闪电形成的龙爪从那孔洞之中伸出来! Below many Divine Sea Realm great energy are looking at that only giant dragon claw, the vision all flashes, in heart imposing. 下方诸多神海境大能望着那只巨大的龙爪,目光皆是一闪,心中凛然。 The dragon claw that after that lightning forms stretches out the hole, actually rips suddenly! 当那闪电形成的龙爪伸出孔洞后,却骤然一撕! Under this rips, directly that thick dark cloud level to tearing, however in people opinion, seemed directly the day ripping open! 这一撕之下,直接将那厚厚的乌云层给撕裂,但是在众人看来,仿佛是直接将天给撕开了! Then, the true body of that lightning big dragon, appeared under of cloud layer finally, dazzling white dragon head that lightning formed to Luo Zheng, was initiating startled day roaring suddenly! 接下来,那条闪电巨龙的真身,终于出现在了云层的下方,那闪电形成的炽白色龙首对着罗征,骤然发起了一道惊天的咆哮! Roar!” “吼!” On that lightning big dragon body flashes before the light of thunder and lightning, immediately is a giant bellow! 紧接着那闪电巨龙身体上闪现出雷电之光,随即又是一道巨大的轰鸣声! The Luo Zheng's vision flashes slightly, is so, the Luo Zheng's mentality is instead steadier, slightly had flurried look is actually more and more quiet, he then opens the withered lip, said in a soft voice: Come!” 罗征的目光微微闪动,越是如此,罗征的心态反而越是平稳起来,原本略有慌乱的神色却是越来越沉静,他便是张开干枯的嘴唇,轻声说道:“来吧!” Bang!” “轰隆!” Together thunder light flash, that big dragon after in the air circles, pounces upon suddenly toward Luo Zheng! 一道雷光闪过,那条巨龙在空中一个盘旋之后,就朝着罗征猛扑下来! This lightning big dragon endures compared with sits the mountain range! The instance that however is flushing, its build swiftly is actually reducing, but reduces does not mean the power and influence on weaken, the imposing manner that this lightning big dragon contains is actually increasing unceasingly! 这条闪电巨龙的个头堪比一坐山脉!但是在冲下来的瞬间,它的体型却是在迅速缩小,可是缩小并不意味威势减弱,这条闪电巨龙蕴藏的气势反而在不断地增加! Heavenly Tribulation is the disaster that Blue Heaven arrives , is in itself is unable to dodge, oneself can only the hard anti- this big dragon......” 天劫苍天降临的劫难,本身是无法闪避的,自己只能够硬抗这条巨龙……” While that lightning big dragon approaches rapidly, Luo Zheng was actually stood from the ground suddenly, at the same time, erupted together the astonishing imposing manner from his within the body similarly! 在那闪电巨龙迅速靠近的同时,罗征却是骤然从地上站了起来,与此同时,从他的体内同样爆发出一道惊人的气势! Is thunder and lightning dragon that's all, puts on airs! Was badly far with true True Dragon!” “不过是雷电化龙而已,装腔作势!和真正的真龙差远了!” Strength, continuous wells up toward the Luo Zheng's body. 力量,源源不断的朝着罗征的身体之中涌去。 1000...... 一千枚…… 2000...... 两千枚…… 3000...... 三千枚…… 4000...... 四千枚…… The Luo Zheng fleshly body limit, should be 5000 Might of Dragon Scales! However if activates 5000 Might of Dragon Scales, his body is burdensome, instead to be easy injured! 罗征肉身的极限,应该是五千枚龙鳞之力!不过若是将五千枚龙鳞之力激活的话,他的身体却是难以承担,反而容易受伤! This Small Heavenly Tribulation wave, is injured incessantly now is not a good deed, therefore Luo Zheng facing such a lightning big dragon, he still has to promote even! 小天劫不止一波,现在受伤可不是一件好事,所以即使罗征面对这样一条闪电巨龙,他也不得不晋升! 4000 Might of Dragon Scales flood into Luo Zheng's fleshly body, immediately makes the skeleton heating power of his whole body make noise, the body of whole person also rose suddenly one time, Luo Zheng looks like a giant, stands erect in same place, the one person alone is facing the big dragon on sky! 四千枚龙鳞之力涌入罗征的肉身,顿时让他全身的骨骼卡卡作响,整个人的身躯也暴涨了一倍,罗征就像是一个巨人,矗立在原地,孤身面对着天空上的巨龙! Compared with other human race, the Luo Zheng's body was big one time, compared with lightning big dragon that but dropped with the midair in rapidly, Luo Zheng was is similar to the ant general to be tiny. 与其他的人类相比,罗征的身体是大了一倍有余,但是跟半空中迅速落下的闪电巨龙相比,罗征便是如同蚂蚁一般渺小了。 That big dragon rapid lowering, with Luo Zheng's from also rapid pulling closer. 那巨龙迅速的降下,与罗征的距离也迅速的拉近。 Thousand zhang (3.33 m), hundred zhang (333 m), ten zhang (3.33 m)! 千丈,百丈,十丈! At this moment, the lightning big dragon opened large-mouthed vessel big mouth suddenly, must swallow down Luo Zheng one directly! 这一刻,闪电巨龙骤然张开了血盆大嘴,直接要将罗征一口吞下去! Luo Zheng does not enter instead draws back, he actually leaps suddenly, direct impact on this lightning big dragon! 罗征不进反退,他却是猛然一跃,直冲向这条闪电巨龙! Saw this, Huo Yun'er covered own small mouth with the hand, among the features all worries about the color, but Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign said one in a soft voice: Good! Has the courage! Dares to grasp the nettle!” 看到这一幕,火允儿用手捂住了自己的小嘴,眉目之间全是担忧之色,但是天风战皇却轻声道了一声:“好!有胆魄!敢迎难而上!” martial artist cultivation, complies with the Heavenly Way rule, establishes own rule to resist Heavenly Way, must step over this ridge. 武者修炼,无论是顺应天道规则,还是建立自己的规则对抗天道,都要迈过这一道坎。 That Heavenly Way then spans the nightmare in each martial artist top of the head! 天道便是横亘在每一位武者头顶上的梦魇! To have a stronger strength, wants to step higher martial arts Peak, how regardless of that imposing manner in heart cannot be lax, the disaster that even if lowers facing Blue Heaven, must bite the tooth to go against the flow on! 想要有更强的实力,想要踏上更高的武道巅峰,心中的那口气势无论如何也不能松懈,即使是面对苍天降下的劫难,也要咬着牙齿逆行而上! Luo Zheng is plunging the instance of this lightning big dragon, Body Protecting True Essence collapsed instantaneously! 罗征在扑向这条闪电巨龙的瞬间,身上的护体真元瞬间就崩溃了! Generally martial artist Body Protecting True Essence will not be powerful, Luo Zheng does not have cultivation fruit related cultivation technique, facing Thunder Tribulation of this grade of degree, was naturally crushed instantaneously! 一般武者护体真元都不会特别强大,罗征也没有修炼果相关的功法,面对这等程度的雷劫,自然瞬间就被粉碎了! That lightning big dragon routed Luo Zheng's Body Protecting True Essence, is wants to continue to plunge the Luo Zheng's body, but these was actually blocked by the two star light of Luo Zheng surface time. 那闪电巨龙击溃了罗征的护体真元,便是想要继续倾入罗征的身体,可是这一次却被罗征表面的两道星光所挡住。 «Stellar Battle Body» after all is Supreme Divine Martial Arts, even Luo Zheng present stage cultivation to second move, the might that but plays cannot be passed over. 星辰战体》毕竟身为无上神武,即使罗征现阶段才修炼第二式,但是发挥出来的威力已经不容小看。 Composes this lightning big dragon the strength of thunder and lightning to be the strength of fourth layer thunder and lightning, close to fifth layer! Perhaps «Stellar Battle Body» is unable to resist......” the Luo Zheng's vision to be indifferent, at this time he had entered the condition completely, in the heart already not slightly the distracting thoughts, is only wholehearted resistance this Heavenly Tribulation. “组成这闪电巨龙的雷电之力应该属于第四层雷电之力,接近第五层!《星辰战体》恐怕无法抵挡……”罗征的目光淡然,这时候他已经完全进入了状态,心中已经没有丝毫杂念,只是一心一意的对抗这天劫 Under the corrosion of that lightning big dragon, the star light of Luo Zheng body surface also by being able to see the speed gets down dimly, above thick dark cloud two stars also gradually is dim. 在那闪电巨龙的侵蚀之下,罗征体表的星光也是以看得见的速度黯淡下去,厚厚的乌云之上两颗星辰也渐渐的黯淡下来。 After this stars ray vanishes, he can only rely on oneself fleshly body to go to hard anti- this lightning big dragon! 等到这星辰光芒消失之后,他就只能凭借自己的肉身去硬抗这条闪电巨龙! „......” “噼里啪啦……” The lightning that winds around fiercely the Luo Zheng's body tight package, as if the hands of god of death is stroking Luo Zheng, wants to entrain his life to the hell! 剧烈缭绕的闪电将罗征的身体紧紧的包裹起来,仿佛一只只死神的手在抚摸罗征,想要将他的生命拽向地狱! Quick, strength of stars vanished finally, horizon that two stars also vanish in the cloud layer. 很快,星辰之力终于消失了,天边那两颗星辰也消失在云层之中。 Then is the piercing pain transmission comes! 紧接着便是刺骨的痛楚传递而来! This luckily Luo Zheng's body is also tyrannical, if general Void Tribulation Realm later stage martial artist, in fleshly body loses the protection under the situation, perhaps the bone ash that swallows directly does not exist by this powerful thunder and lightning instantaneously! 这也幸亏罗征的身体强横,若是一般的虚劫境后期武者,在肉身失去保护的情况之下,恐怕瞬间就被这强大的雷电给直接吞噬的连骨灰都不存在了! Even Luo Zheng, above his fleshly body still presents paint black traces, under that dense and numerous lightning strokes, the skin of his whole person turned into pitch-black one piece instantaneously, just like just the mining coal labor that crawled from the mine tunnel! 即使是罗征,他的肉身之上也出现一道道漆黑色的痕迹,那密密麻麻的闪电击打之下,他整个人的皮肤瞬间就变成了乌黑一片,宛若刚刚从矿洞之中爬出来的挖煤工! Stops to me!” “给我停下!” Luo Zheng this rushes, has come arrived this lightning big dragon the abdomen, after achieving here , the Luo Zheng's body stretches suddenly, simultaneously releases Might of Dragon Scales in within the body! 罗征这一路冲上去,已经来到了这闪电巨龙的腹部,达到这里之后罗征的身体骤然舒展,同时将体内的龙鳞之力释放出去! Is irresistible like the tide general strength, so spreads, then just like an invisible sharp blade, aims at this lightning big dragon to cut! 如同潮水一般的力量不可阻挡,就这般扩散出来,便是宛若一把无形的利刃,对准这条闪电巨龙斩下去! Shortly, the lightning big dragon divided into two from the middle, succeeded in giving up two sections! 顷刻之间,闪电巨龙就从中间一分为二,断成了两截! This looks like in numerous Divine Sea Realm great energy, shock of ten points! As if Luo Zheng really bare-handed ripped two sections True Dragon generally! 这一幕在众多神海境大能看来,十分的震撼!仿佛罗征真的徒手将一条真龙撕成两截了一般! Luo Zheng gasps for breath slightly, but was ripped two sections of lightning big dragons to explode toward the two sides shoots to go, turned into two slightly small lightning big dragons unexpectedly, to/clashes again toward Luo Zheng! 罗征微微喘了一口气,但紧接着被撕成两截的闪电巨龙朝着两边爆射而去,竟然变成了两条稍小一段的闪电巨龙,再次朝着罗征冲过来! In this Heavenly Tribulation lightning the big dragon does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, how should I deal? Is always impossible really to depend upon own fleshly body, this lightning swallowing down?” On the Luo Zheng face is also pitch-dark one piece, only has a pair of pupil to spread none as before. “这天劫之中闪电所化的巨龙根本就是不死不灭,我应该如何应对?总不可能真的依靠自己的肉身,将这闪电给吞下去?”罗征脸上也是黑漆漆的一片,只有一双眸子依旧散布着精光。 This lightning big dragon does not give the time of Luo Zheng thinking, two big dragons one on the left and other on the right then toward Luo Zheng hold/container clip. 这闪电巨龙根本就不给罗征思索的时间,两条巨龙一左一右便是朝着罗征包夹而来。 „......” The Luo Zheng complexion somewhat is what to do worried. “怎么办……”罗征脸色有些苦恼。 However at this time, Azure Dragon actually light saying with a smile: Luo Zheng, did you forget your own talent?” 但是就在这时候,青龙却淡淡的笑道:“罗征,你忘记了你自己的天赋了么?” My talent?” Looks at more and more near two lightning big dragons, Luo Zheng is asking in the mind. “我的天赋?”望着越来越近的两条闪电巨龙,罗征在脑海之中反问道。 You have experienced Law baptism! This Thunder Element Law compatible was highest...... I have also said that Heavenly Tribulation to martial artist was a disaster, similarly was also an opportunity! In upper realm, many talents hope that eagerly oneself Heavenly Tribulation is more powerful! For such opportunity!” The Azure Dragon reminder said. “你经历过法则洗礼!这雷系法则的亲和度也是最高……我说过,天劫武者来说是一次劫难,同样也是一次机会!在上界之中,还有许许多多的天才眼巴巴的希望自己的天劫更加强大!就是为了这样的机会!”青龙提醒道。 Opportunity! Comprehends Thunder Element Law?” The Luo Zheng's vision narrows the eyes slightly. “机会!领悟雷系法则?”罗征的目光微微眯起。 In all Source Law, Time Law is most difficult, Space Law next best, but Thunder, Fire, Ice, Metal...... these Source Law want to be easier on the other hand! 所有的本源法则之中,时间法则最难,空间法则次之,而雷,火,冰,金……这些本源法则相对来说要容易许多! Because Luo Zheng has experienced Law baptism, even most difficult Time Law he can still comprehend rapidly, let alone compared with Time Law simply Thunder Element Law? 因为罗征经历过法则洗礼,即使是最难的时间法则他也能够迅速领悟,何况远比时间法则简单地雷系法则 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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