AT :: Volume #9

#856: Heavenly Tribulation power and influence

Generally martial artist liquefies true essence in Life and Death Realm, in the dantian can store up many true essence! But after arrived Divine Sea Realm, can open a side world, in the dantian is similar to the vastness to be the same. 一般武者生死境真元液化,丹田中能够储存更多的真元!而到了神海境之后才能开辟一方世界,丹田之中就如同汪洋一般。 But after arrived higher level, even can breed the life in that vastness, even these lives can multiply to live, is as for the birth civilization, even can also cultivation! 到了更高的层次之后,在那汪洋之中甚至能够孕育生命,甚至那些生命能够繁衍生息,乃至于诞生文明,甚至还能够修炼 Then this time, liquefied true essence will be coagulating slowly, forms Continent in Divine Sea...... 便是在这时候,液化的真元才会缓缓的凝固,在神海之中形成一块块大陆…… Properly speaking Luo Zheng present cultivation base, solidifies from true essence is far, but his true essence started to solidify like this! 按理说罗征现在的修为,距离真元凝固还远得很,可偏偏他的真元就这样开始凝固了! Does this make Azure Dragon not amazed? 这让青龙如何不惊诧? Azure Dragon that even if famous for the knowledge vastly, could not master this is completely what condition! 即使是以知识广博著称的青龙,也完全搞不懂这是什么状况了! true essence of Luo Zheng within the body in the process of solidification, the speed of revolving is gradually getting more and more slow, then at this time, in the sky presented dark cloud suddenly! 罗征体内的真元在逐渐凝固的过程中,旋转的速度越来越慢,便是在这个时候,天空之中骤然出现了一朵乌云! Ten thousand li (0.5 km) clear sky, how strange emitting such dark cloud!” “万里晴空,怎么会诡异的冒出这样一朵乌云!” „It is indeed strange, how on this day does the color suddenly turn about?” “的确很奇怪,这天色怎么说变就变?” That dark cloud is expanding! The speed of expansion is quite fast!” “那乌云在扩大!扩大的速度好快!” The people raised the head, look above the sky to present the phenomenon. 众人纷纷抬头,望着天空之上出现了异象。 The deep blue clear sky, presented small dark cloud suddenly, but that dark cloud looks like drips into ink in deep clear water to be common, starts to expand at the inconceivable speed, suddenly, entire dark cloud Feather Sovereign's Island covering! 原本还是湛蓝的晴空,忽然就出现了一朵小小的乌云,而那一朵乌云就像是滴入一泓清水中的墨汁一般,以不可思议的速度开始扩展,眨眼之间,整个乌云就已经将羽皇岛给覆盖! The previous quarter during the daytime, the next quarter is cloudy, the people were similar to in the night, but that dark cloud as before rapid proliferation! 前一刻还是白天,下一刻乌云密布,众人便是如同处在了黑夜之中,而那乌云依旧迅速的扩散! After ten time of breath, the dark cloud has covered entire Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea...... 十个呼吸的时间之后,乌云已经将整个天羽圣海所笼罩…… After burning a joss stick, the dark cloud has covered entire Divine Country Continent...... 一炷香后,乌云已经将整个神国大陆所笼罩…… The lands of four big Divine Country lengths and breadths, went black, in Divine Country various Dacheng Town lightened the oil lamp in abundance, the people of some older generations are muttering to the day air disaster, was praying that the gods do not lower the anger...... 四大神国广袤的土地,都陷入了黑暗之中,神国中各大城镇都纷纷点亮了油灯,一些老一辈的人则是对着天空难喃喃自语,在祈祷神明不要降下怒火…… Luo Zheng is looking at that pitch-dark sky, suddenly, then feels a arrived intense evil intention! That is came from the day evil intention! 罗征望着那黑漆漆的天空,骤然之间,便是感受到了一股强烈的恶意!那是来自于天的恶意! „Is this my first Small Heavenly Tribulation?” “这就是我的第一次小天劫么?” Luo Zheng had experienced Small Heavenly Tribulation, Ning Yudie Transcending Tribulation time, presented the phenomenon of huge day, the range of but covering that's all above Cloud Hall, this dark cloud cannot look at the end merely at present, is so unexpectedly vast, the Small Heavenly Tribulation might that then Luo Zheng faces can be imagined! 罗征曾经经历过一次小天劫,宁雨蝶渡劫的时候,也是出现了巨大的天之异象,可是覆盖的范围仅仅只是在云殿之上而已,眼下这片乌云一眼望不到尽头,竟然如此浩大,接下来罗征面临的小天劫威力可想而知! Very powerful big imposing manner, this belongs to Luo Tianxing Life and Death Tribulation!” Zhou Huang sighed one, this imposing manner, is huger than our generation Life and Death Tribulation!” “好强大的气势,这是属于罗天行生死劫!”周煌叹了一声,“这气势,比我辈度生死劫还要庞大!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign sees this, sighs, looks at this imposing manner, how Luo Tianxing can boil?” 天风战皇看到这一幕,也是叹了一口气,“看这气势,罗天行如何能熬过去?” After breaking through Life and Death Realm, martial artist is rejected the vigilance and Heavenly Way, can one by one lower Heavenly Tribulation, Life and Death Realm or Divine Sea Realm, even higher realm will have different Heavenly Tribulation to serve! 在突破生死境后,武者受到天道的警惕和排斥,都会一一降下天劫,无论是生死境还是神海境,甚至于更高的境界都会有不同的天劫伺候! One are powerful, Heavenly Tribulation that Heavenly Way lowers is fierce. 自身越是强大,天道降下的天劫就越是厉害。 Everyone is also clear the Luo Zheng's strength to far exceed the same step, if he promotes Life and Death Realm, inspiring Heavenly Tribulation will be fiercer! 大家也清楚罗征的实力远远超出同阶,若是他晋升生死境,引动的天劫会更加厉害! But no one can think, Luo Zheng's Heavenly Tribulation meets the terrifying to so the degree, this has been separated from the Life and Death Realm Small Heavenly Tribulation category, even is more terrifying than many Divine Sea Realm great energy Great Heavenly Tribulation! 可是没有一个人能够想到,罗征的天劫会恐怖到如此程度,这已经脱离生死境小天劫的范畴了,甚至比许许多多神海境大能大天劫还要恐怖! Bang......” “轰隆……” In the jet black cloud layer, releases ray of light to be bright suddenly, the big dragon that a lightning forms circles in the dark cloud unceasingly, in instance that lightning big dragon shines suddenly, was jet black piece of Divine Country Continent, is similar to the daytime to be the same! In the entire world all things, the mountains, the rivers, the cities, old person's face, the fur/superficial knowledge of puppy...... in this moment is bright as snow one piece! 漆黑的云层之中,骤然释放出一道光亮,一道闪电形成的巨龙在乌云之中不断地盘旋,在那条闪电巨龙骤然亮起的瞬间,原本漆黑一片的神国大陆,便是如同白昼一般!整个天地间所有的东西,山川,河流,城镇,老人的脸孔,小狗的皮毛……在这一刻都是雪亮一片! However this ray of light glow continued time of breath, in an instant, the form of that lightning big dragon hid in the heavy/thick dark cloud, in a flash, the world immersed in the darkness. 但是这一道光芒只是持续了一个呼吸的时间,转眼之间,那条闪电巨龙的身影又隐藏在了厚重的乌云之中,转瞬之间,天地又沉浸在黑暗里。 Bang......” “轰隆……” Also is the loud sound sound transmits together, the lightning big dragon cuts the horizon again, that ray glitters again, wishes one could to give brightly the eyes of all living being blind...... 又是一道巨响声传来,闪电巨龙再次划破天际,那光芒再一次闪烁起来,恨不得将所有生灵的眼睛给亮瞎…… The mortals in some cities, kneel under clansman's leadership, is praying toward the sky, hopes that Blue Heaven forgives their sins, purifies their souls. 一些城镇之中的凡人,在族人的带领之下纷纷跪地,朝着天空祈祷着,希望苍天饶恕他们的罪孽,净化他们的灵魂。 Looked at this terrifying power and influence, Luo Zheng is also swallowing saliva, on the face even revealed color of the fear! In the heart even somewhat regrets to swallow tribulation the nectar in Huahua / playboy pistil...... 望着这恐怖的威势,罗征也是咽了一口唾沫,脸上甚至流露出一丝畏惧之色!心中甚至有些后悔吞服劫花花蕊中的花蜜…… If said did not fear that is definitely false, even these Divine Sea Realm great energy facing this degree of power and influence, are still secretly the heart startled! 要是说不怕,那肯定是假的,即使是那些神海境大能面对这种程度的威势,一个个也是暗自心惊! This Small Heavenly Tribulation does not come in view of them, makes them be afraid, but Luo Zheng is the lead in this Heavenly Tribulation, Heavenly Tribulation that this will soon arrive at comes in view of him, in his heart the fear is also natural! 小天劫不是针对他们而来,都让他们心生畏惧,而罗征乃是这次天劫中的主角,这即将降临的天劫就是针对他而来,他心中害怕也是自然! However Luo Zheng's dreaded continued the short time merely, Luo Zheng has pinched tightly the fist, on the face appeared the resolute color. 不过罗征的畏惧仅仅只是持续了短暂的时间,紧接着罗征就已经捏紧了拳头,脸上浮现出刚毅之色。 This is came from the Blue Heaven disaster! 这是来自于苍天的劫难! The leeway that Luo Zheng has not retroceded, this Heavenly Tribulation then in view of Luo Zheng's baptism, is he in one step that in the martial arts must step! 罗征根本就没有后退的余地,这场天劫便是针对罗征的一场洗礼,是他在武道之中必须迈出去的一步 Only then steps forward this one step, Luo Zheng has the qualifications to promote Life and Death Realm, toward Divine Sea Realm, pushes onward toward upper realm one step one step. 只有跨出这一步,罗征才有资格晋升生死境,朝着神海境,朝着上界一步一步挺进。 Blue Heaven......” through the Xun information, Luo Zheng has known that this round of Heavenly Way is Blue Heaven, he is looking up to the sky, but put out two characters lightly, comes!” 苍天……”通过的信息,罗征已经知道这一轮天道就是苍天,他仰望着天空,只是淡淡的吐出了两个字,“来吧!” Bang, bang, bang......” “轰隆,轰隆,轰隆……” That resounds through the entire Divine Country Continent thunderclap to be getting more and more crowded, just like footsteps of big dragon, above dark cloud slowly steps, makes great strides forward toward on Luo Zheng one step one step situated in Feather Sovereign's Island. 那响彻整个神国大陆的雷声越来越密集,宛若一条巨龙的脚步,在乌云之上缓缓的迈动,朝着位于羽皇岛上的罗征一步一步迈进。 Yun’er, Chen'er, you fall back on me to come behind!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is said to Huo Yun'er and Huo Chen. 允儿,辰儿,你们退到我身后来!”天风战皇却是对火允儿火辰说道。 At the same time, Zhou Huang also lets Swallow King and Zhou Ning approaches itself. 在同一时间,周煌也让燕王周宁靠近自己。 This Heavenly Tribulation might was too terrifying, but dissipates one, perhaps sufficiently these Divine Rank Talent exterminate. 天劫的威力太恐怖了,只是逸散出一丝,恐怕就足以将这些神级天才灭杀 Other Divine Rank Talent do not have the asylum of Divine Sea Realm great energy, as far as possible also only then hides distant...... 其他的神级天才没有神海境大能的庇护,也只有尽量躲的远远的…… Imperial Father, Luo Tianxing won't he have the matter?” Sees this, Huo Yun'er is saying that the whole face worries about. 父皇,罗天行他不会有事吧?”看到这一幕,火允儿便是满脸担忧的说道。 This issue, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is not quite good to reply, if general Divine Rank Talent Transcending Tribulation, they can give by oneself experience actually analyzed, but Luo Zheng this boy was unable to use common sense it completely! At present this Heavenly Tribulation, even if Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign, feared that has not grasped passed, therefore in the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign heart, is very difficult to give a Huo Yun'er optimistic answer. 这个问题,天风战皇也不太好回答,若是一般的神级天才渡劫,他们凭借自己的经验倒是能够给出一些判断,可是罗征这小子已经完全不能用常理度之!眼前这天劫,就算是天风战皇自己,怕是也没有把握度过,所以天风战皇心中,很难给火允儿一个乐观的答案。 Saw that Imperial Father did not speak, Huo Yun'er has not closely examined again, in each individual heart had an answer, Huo Yun'er is clear about this Life and Death Tribulation difficulty? 看到父皇不说话,火允儿也没有再追问,每个人心中都有一个答案,火允儿何尝不清楚这生死劫的难度? On the Great Yu Battle Emperor face actually hangs one to sneer, in heart said lightly: You are really a peerless talent! What a pity you extremely in going against heaven's will, this Blue Heaven wants you dead, you then have dead, how also to allow you to revolt!” 大禹战帝脸上却挂着一丝冷笑,心中淡淡的说道:“你果然是一位绝世天才!可惜你自身太过于逆天,这苍天要你死,你便是不得不死,又岂容你反抗!” In other Divine Sea Realm great energy hearts imposing, this Luo Zheng, feared that ended...... 其他的神海境大能一个个心中凛然,这罗征,怕是完了…… Bang!” “轰隆!” Also the electric light cuts the dark cloud together, the distance of that lightning big dragon has come sky over arrived Luo Zheng's. 又是一道电光划破乌云,那条闪电巨龙的距离已经来到了罗征的上空。 Came...... 来了么…… Luo Zheng's eyes flash, starts dantian an extraction of astral essence faint trace, the reason that because true essence solidifies, Luo Zheng extracted the true essence difficulty actually to increase, solidification true essence was very difficult to revolve, little going custom! Gradually, the Luo Zheng's meridians also compare general martial artist to want thick many! 罗征的目光一闪,开始将丹田中的罡元一丝丝的抽取出来,因为真元固化的原因,罗征抽取真元的难度反而增加了,固化的真元很难运转,也只有一点点的去习惯!久而久之,罗征的经脉也比一般的武者要粗大的多! Body Protecting True Essence......” 护体真元……” The light purple true essence guard/shield, covers Luo Zheng together is one of them. 一道淡紫色的真元护罩,将罗征笼罩在其中。 Meanwhile, Luo Zheng starts consciousness to send out, starts to communicate the stars...... 与此同时,罗征开始将意识散发出去,开始沟通星辰…… Stellar Battle Body......” 星辰战体……” Was cloudy above the sky, actually two star light penetrated the thick cloud layer suddenly, enhances one another's beauty on Luo Zheng's! 原本乌云密布的天空之上,却是有两道星光骤然穿透了厚厚的云层,交相辉映在罗征的身上! This star light! The strength of stars! This Luo Zheng cultivation what cultivation technique!” On a Divine Sea Realm great energy face reveals the surprised color, this Divine Sea Realm great energy is visualization stars martial artist, is how regardless of his visualization, even is really again impossible to inspire the star light! He thinks completely does not understand how Luo Zheng achieves, how can inside and outside hundred million stars inspiring the indicating! This simply was too mysterious! “这星光!星辰的力量!这罗征修炼的什么功法!”一位神海境大能脸上流露出惊奇之色,这位神海境大能便是观想星辰的武者,可是无论他如何观想,就算是再真实也不可能引动星光!他完全想不明白罗征到底是如何做到的,如何能够将兆兆亿里外星辰引动!这简直是太神奇了! Looks at Luo Zheng star light, numerous Divine Sea Realm great energy are also silent, when Western Dragon River changes, they think Luo Zheng showed the complete strength, but now looks like, on Luo Zheng seems to be also hiding huge trump card...... 看着罗征身上的星光,众多神海境大能也是默然不语,在西龙江变的时候,他们原本以为罗征展现出来了全部的实力,可是现在看来,罗征身上似乎还潜藏着巨大的杀手锏…… On this boy how many cards in hand? 这小子身上到底有多少底牌?
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