AT :: Volume #9

#855: true essence solidification

Many rich resources in Great Realm, cultivation technique, is legacy, or is the broadness of the world 诸多大界中的资源丰富,无论是功法,还是传承,又或者是世界之广阔 Therefore in a cultivation way, is not lower realm martial artist is not upper realm can compare. 所以在修炼一途,远不是下界武者远不是上界可以比拟的。 In the upper realm martial artist eye, lower realm these fellows look like from country bumpkin that's all of remote mountain area, can promote upper level few! 上界武者眼中,下界的这些家伙不过就像是来自于偏远山区的乡巴佬罢了,只有极少数能够晋升上层! However this world is relatively fair, upper realm no doubt has the upper realm advantage, but some martial artist exceptional superiorities in this humble one, for example the effort of competition relative is not intense. 但是这世界是相对公平的,上界固然有上界的优势,但是在下界中的武者也有一些得天独厚的优势,例如竞争的力度相对没有那么激烈。 Like Tribulation Blossom this type of increase Transcending Tribulation difficulty thing, lower realm martial artist for fear that perhaps evades it less, these Life and Death Realm expert are counted on eagerly after oneself passed several Life and Death Tribulation, in facing set toward Divine Sea Realm! Where is also willing to increase the Transcending Tribulation difficulty? 劫花这种增加渡劫难度的东西,下界武者或许唯恐避之不及,那些生死境强者可是眼巴巴的指望自己度过几次生死劫后,往神海境里面钻呢!哪里还肯增加自己渡劫的难度? But regarding upper realm martial artist, absolutely is supreme treasure general existence, even a divine item value was still inferior that this Tribulation Blossom is important. 可是对于上界武者来说,绝对是至宝一般的存在,就算是一把神器的价值也不如这劫花重要。 Luo Zheng is doomed not to limit in small lower realm, then from Void Tribulation Realm to Life and Death Realm, must build the foundation from now on. 罗征注定不会局限在一个小小的下界之中,那么从虚劫境生死境,从现在开始就必须要打造根基。 The martial artist strength is more powerful, the Heavenly Tribulation difficulty will rise, Ning Yudie cultivation nine revolutions of cultivation technique, her strength also far exceeds same step martial artist, therefore Ning Yudie breaks through Void Tribulation Realm , to promote Life and Death Realm time Small Heavenly Tribulation that encounters is also the unprecedented great strength, even rare Nightmare Tribulation fell. 只是武者的实力越强大,天劫的难度原本就会上升,宁雨蝶修炼九转功法,她的实力也远超过同阶武者,所以宁雨蝶突破虚劫境,晋升生死境的时候遭遇的小天劫也是前所未有的强大,甚至连罕见的梦魇劫都降下来了。 Luo Zheng is only Void Tribulation Realm middle stage, the main body strength can with Divine Sea Realm great energy to shaking now, if Divine Sea Realm great energy does not use the domain to limit Luo Zheng, then Luo Zheng is equal to invincible existence in this Great Thousand World! 罗征现在只是虚劫境中期,本体的实力更是能与神海境大能对撼,若是神海境大能不动用领域限制罗征,那么罗征在这大千世界中等同于无敌的存在! If he wants to promote Life and Death Realm, originally difficulty on strong is unable to imagine, if adding on this Tribulation Blossom...... 他若是想要晋升生死境的话,原本难度就强的无法想象,倘若在加上这劫花…… Luo Zheng looks at that shape extremely beautiful Tribulation Blossom, on the face not too many hesitant colors, walks directly, was uses Black Star Ore Pick in hand to pound! 罗征看着那朵形状极为美丽的劫花,脸上并没有太多的犹豫之色,直接走过去,便是利用手中的黑星矿镐砸了上去! In that Black Star Ore Pick erupts an invisible strength immediately, has the thing to block this Black Star Ore Pick Luo Zheng in upper realm unclear, perhaps however in this Great Thousand World, nothing can resist, karmic law was really overbearing. 黑星矿镐之中顿时爆发出一道无形的力量,在上界之中有没有东西能够挡住这黑星矿镐罗征不清楚,但是在这个大千世界中,恐怕没有什么东西可以抵挡,因果律实在是太霸道了。 Dang! “哐当! That Tribulation Blossom disrupts under the Luo Zheng's rap suddenly, the flower petals of these polygons are common like the colored glaze, becomes the innumerable tiny fragments shatter, reveals in Tribulation Blossom a section of small stamen and pistil. 那朵劫花罗征的敲击之下骤然碎裂,那些多边形的花瓣如同琉璃一般,破碎成无数细小的碎片,露出劫花中一截小小的花蕊。 Picks that stamen and pistil, drinks up nectar,” Azure Dragon very clear Tribulation Blossom can the benefit that Luo Zheng provides, therefore hopes very much Luo Zheng takes well this opportunity. “将那花蕊摘下来,喝掉其中的花蜜,”青龙很清楚劫花可以给罗征带来的好处,所以很希望罗征将这机会好好利用起来。 Many Divine Sea Realm great energy have not departed, stands looks at this above the flower petal motionlessly, when they break open this Tribulation Blossom, on faces reveals the color of envying! 诸多神海境大能都不曾离去,站在花瓣之上一动不动看着这一幕,当他们砸开这朵劫花的时候,一个个脸上都流露出羡慕之色! The flowers of this ore top of the tree level, how many years were in full bloom did not know, many Divine Sea Realm great energy had also once guessed this flower function, did to the top of ore tree flower to be the same with these leaf blades, they are unable to pick, this Luo Zheng relaxed this flower breaking, took stamen and pistil, didn't they envy? 这颗矿树顶层的花朵,盛开了也不知道多少年,许多神海境大能也曾猜测过这朵花的作用,奈何矿树之顶的花儿和那些叶片一样,他们根本无法采摘,这番罗征轻轻松松的就将这花给砸碎了,取走了其中的花蕊,他们如何不羡慕? Luo Zheng has not paid attention to their vision, this stamen and pistil is a wrist/skill thick columnar body, is very similar to the natural crystallization of some ores, but the center of this columnar body was actually filled with many pale-green liquids, Luo Zheng just took, immediately smells arrived intoxicant delicate fragrance! 罗征没有理会他们的目光,这根花蕊就是一根手腕粗的柱状体,和一些矿石的自然结晶很相似,不过这柱状体的中央却盛满了不少淡绿色的液体,罗征刚刚取到手的时候,顿时就闻到了一丝醉人的清香! Quite fragrant!” Luo Zheng acclaimed one, later then places the mouth this stamen and pistil, rinsed in that pale-green liquid the mouth. “好香!”罗征赞叹了一句,随后便是将这一根花蕊放在嘴边,一口将那淡绿色的液体灌进了嘴中。 This pale-green liquid entrance time, Luo Zheng then felt that together extremely intense scalding hot feeling, this scalding hot feeling extends together from own mouth section, the entire throat, is the chest, finally is the stomach! As if the flame is poured into within the body together! 这淡绿色的液体入口的时候,罗征便感觉到一道极为强烈的灼热之感,这一道灼热之感从自己的嘴部一路延伸下去,整个喉咙,然后是胸口,最后是胃部!仿佛是一道火焰被灌入体内! This type scalding hot feels Luo Zheng to endure actually, was is very uncomfortable! He felt that own all internal organs the combustion is ordinary, transmits severe pains from the belly! Meanwhile, true essence in his dantian, as well as astral essence in Myriad Gathering Platform also hardly receives to control is hot tempered! 这种灼热之感罗征倒是能够忍受,可是接下来就十分难受了!他感觉自己所有的内脏都在燃烧一般,从肚子里传来一道道剧烈的痛楚!与此同时,他丹田中的真元,以及百会台中的罡元也几乎不受控制的暴躁起来! This severe pain, even hammered the body compared with Luo Zheng initially also wants fierce innumerable times, even if Luo Zheng vigorously to endure, cannot bear erupt to roar together lowly! 这剧烈的痛楚,甚至比当初罗征锻体的还要厉害无数倍,即使罗征倾力忍受,也忍不住爆发出一道低吼! „......” “啊……” selflessness realm...... 忘我之境…… Luo Zheng was very easy to immerse in selflessness realm, was at this time because of the disturbance of that pain, his selflessness realm is unable to enter, only then swayed back and forth above this broad leaf blade everywhere! 原本罗征很容易沉浸在忘我之境中,可是这时候因为那痛楚的干扰,他连忘我之境都无法进入,只有在这宽阔的叶片之上满地打滚! Stands is appears to sneer on Great Yu Battle Emperor face above another leaf blade: Any thing has not made clear also dares to eat randomly! Gets what one deserves!” 站在另外一道叶片之上的大禹战帝脸上便是浮现出一丝冷笑:“什么东西都没有搞清楚也敢乱吃!活该!” However besides Great Yu Battle Emperor, on Zhou Huang and other faces also reveals the color of worry, they indeed have not made clear the flower of this ore tree to have the toxicity, if contains lethal poison that to should do? 不过除了大禹战帝之外,周煌等人脸上也流露出担心之色,他们的确没有搞清楚这矿树之花有没有毒性,万一其中蕴藏剧毒那可如何是好? Luo Zheng under the tumbling, quick rolled from the leaf blade, falls. 罗征在翻滚之下,很快就从叶片之上滚了下来,直坠下去。 After the ore tree others see Luo Zheng falls, in abundance leaves the leaf blade. 矿树之中其他的人看到罗征坠下去后,也纷纷离开叶片。 Under the light halo twinkle, the Luo Zheng's form appears in one side of pyramid again, the pain of abdomen is getting more and more intense, the scope that the Luo Zheng body sways from side to side is also bigger and bigger, is good is so intrepid because of his body, under the tumbling hit, the body has not damaged unceasingly, then hits the ground bumpy...... 光圈闪烁之下,罗征的身影再次出现在金字塔的一侧,腹部的痛感越来越强烈,罗征身体扭动的幅度也是越来越大,好在他身体如此强悍,不断地翻滚撞击之下,身体没有丝毫损伤,便是将地面撞的坑坑洼洼…… Luo Tianxing, you how?” Huo Yun'er and the others saw the Luo Zheng so action, together with Swallow King, Huo Chen and the others surrounds together. 罗天行,你怎么了?”火允儿等人看到罗征这般举动,连同燕王,火辰等人一同围拢过来。 Swallow King is frowning saying: Wasn't the poison?” 燕王皱着眉头说道:“不会是中毒了吧?” Huo Yun'er actually shakes the head saying: Is impossible, even Dragon Arsenic Poison takes Luo Zheng to have no alternative, what toxicant but also there is able to make Luo Zheng so painful?” 火允儿却摇头说道:“不可能,连龙砒毒都拿罗征无可奈何,还有什么毒药能够让罗征如此痛苦?” At this time just left the Zhou Huang light solution of opening up a mine tree to reply: He swallowed ore top of the tree end that flower stamen and pistil, why actually does not know, has the so huge response!” 这时候刚刚离开矿树的周煌却淡淡的解答道:“他吞服了矿树顶端那朵花的花蕊,却不知道为何,有如此剧烈的反应!” It is estimated that stamen and pistil is world one type to the thing of poison, the clothing/taking must die, this boy is also has only self to blame,” Great Yu Battle Emperor continued Zhou Huang. “估计那花蕊乃是天下一种至毒之物,服之必死,这小子也算是咎由自取,”大禹战帝接过周煌的话茬。 Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign hears this saying, is said coldly: Even if Luo Zheng died, you did not understand how to control that Black Star Ore Pick, our four big Divine Country also no one can mine the mining industry, later what to do?” 天风战皇听到这话,便是冷声说道:“就算罗征死了,你也不懂得如何掌控那黑星矿镐,我们四大神国也没有人能够开采矿业,以后怎么办?” This year with the Luo Zheng's help, mines the arrived enough soul nuclear, but the soul nuclear will also consume, so long as four big Divine Country days have not controlled Heavenly Star Mystical Place, one day cannot leave the soul nuclear, if after these soul nuclear consume slowly, everyone is must return to stress the Ore Devouring Insect day? As the matter stands, they often several years get down to be able a soul nuclear, oddest one time was for successive nine years, has not obtained one! 今年是在罗征的帮助下,开采到了足够的魂核,但是魂核也是会消耗的,只要四大神国一天没有掌控天辰秘境,就一天离不开魂核,若是这些魂核慢慢地消耗之后,大家是不是又要回到抓噬矿虫的日子?这样一来,他们往往几年下来才能够得到一枚魂核,最离谱的一次是连续九年,没有获得一枚! Snort, this year soul nuclear so many, our four big Divine Country occupy Heavenly Star Mystical Place, later, later could not use the soul nuclear!” Great Yu Battle Emperor did not have the words saying that can only so argue. “哼,今年魂核这么多,我们四大神国已经占据天辰秘境,以后,以后用不上魂核了!”大禹战帝没话说了,只能这般辩解道。 During several Divine Sea Realm great energy discussed that Luo Zheng stopped the tumbling suddenly, immediately the aura that transmitted from Luo Zheng within the body is the remarkable enhancement! 就在几位神海境大能议论之中,罗征忽然停止了翻滚,随即从罗征体内传来的气息便是显著增强! Well? This Luo Tianxing imposing manner grown stronger!” Divine Sea Realm great energy said. “咦?这罗天行的气势变强了!”一位神海境大能说道。 Should break through, he now is Void Tribulation Realm later stage cultivation base!” Another person said. “应该是突破了,他现在已经是虚劫境后期修为了!”另一人说道。 Breaks through in this crucial point unexpectedly......” “竟然是在这节骨眼上突破……” In this moment, the Luo Zheng's pain indeed vanished, but true essence in his lower abdomen actually condenses an unprecedented shape! These true essence after compress extremely, gas general true essence, is started to liquefy probably unceasingly! 在这一刻,罗征的痛楚的确是消失了,可是他小腹之中的真元却凝聚成一个前所未有的形态!那些真元在极度压缩之后,原本像是气体一般的真元,便是开始不断地液化! Only has Life and Death Realm martial artist, gradually the true essence liquefication! In other words Luo Zheng after entering Void Tribulation Realm later stage, starts to attack the Life and Death Realm bottleneck unexpectedly directly! 只有生死境武者,才会逐步将真元液化!也就是说罗征在进入虚劫境后期之后,竟然开始直接冲击生死境的瓶颈! true essence in Luo Zheng dantian compresses the recompression unceasingly, that true essence mobile speed is also more and more slow...... 罗征丹田中的真元不断地压缩再压缩,那真元流动的速度也是越来越慢…… Most Life and Death Realm martial artist, the process of liquefication is extremely slow, moreover true essence that liquefies flows just like the water generally, but under Luo Zheng's true essence liquefies unceasingly, is actually more and more viscous, is similar to the starch generally viscous. 大部分生死境武者,液化的过程都极度缓慢,而且液化出来的真元宛若水一般流淌,可是罗征的真元不断地液化之下,却是越来越粘稠,便是如同浆糊一般粘稠。 Delicious strength that true essence revolves! Might solidify......” the Luo Zheng end same on the ground, the brow was actually wrinkling. 真元运转的好吃力!好像要凝固一样……”罗征端在在地上,眉头却是皱了起来。 Who knows Azure Dragon whole face shocking saying: true essence solidifies, this...... Life and Death Realm started to solidify unexpectedly!” 谁知道青龙满脸震惊的说道:“真元凝固,这……生死境竟然就开始凝固了!” Luo Zheng hears the Azure Dragon words, the complexion is actually the whole face feels strange the color, true essence solidification? What do you mean?” 罗征听到青龙的话,脸色却是满脸奇怪之色,“真元凝固?什么意思?” ( Thanked 2501 to read coin to hit to enjoy, thanking farmer three fist ^ was a little sore, Yuan great, Uncle, Ke Jianqun, running water silent hitting enjoyed ^ _ ^, was planned to explode ten, result has not attained a designated standard, accumulates manuscript to erupt again next time, thank you!) (感谢甘豪2501阅币打赏,感谢农夫三拳^有点疼,袁伟,才叔,柯建群,流水无声的打赏^_^,原本是打算爆十更,结果没达标,再攒稿下次爆发,谢谢大家!)
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