AT :: Volume #9

#854: Tribulation Blossom

kuāng dāng, kuāng dāng......” 哐当,哐当……” Cracks, spread above the leaf blade of azure unceasingly, life crystallisation then jump to shoot directly! 一道道裂纹,在湛蓝色的叶片之上不断地扩散,一颗颗生命结晶便是直接迸射出来! Under Luo Zheng smiles lightly, puts out a hand to circle, these life crystallisation by stored away in the Luo Zheng's ring. 罗征淡淡一笑,伸手一绕之下,那些生命结晶就被收纳罗征的戒指之中。 Just obtained this Black Star Ore Pick time, in addition Luo Zheng was somewhat disappointed, but this thing, since were the ore pickaxe, was treated as the ore pickaxe to use. 刚刚得到这黑星矿镐的时候,罗征尚且有些失望,不过这东西既然是矿镐,原本也就是当做矿镐来使用了。 After this obtains life crystallisation, the Luo Zheng trip most important goal was also completed. 这番得到生命结晶之后,罗征此行最重要的目标也算是完成了。 However attains this Black Star Ore Pick with great difficulty, he will naturally unearth an ore...... 不过好不容易拿到这黑星矿镐,他自然会多挖掘一点矿石…… In Luo Zheng stands above the leaf blade, seeks for the next target time, is hears the Zhou Huang polite sound to transmit, Tianxing, this you arrived Black Star Ore Pick, I have the matter to ask you!” 就在罗征站在叶片之上,寻找下一个目标的时候,便是听到周煌客气的声音传来,“天行,这番你得到了黑星矿镐,我可是有事情要拜托你!” Actually these Divine Sea Realm great energy want to open the mouth, but currently most has the qualifications to Zhou Huang that Luo Zheng opens the mouth. 其实那些神海境大能都想开口,不过现在最有资格向罗征开口的还是周煌 Zhou Huang helped itself keep off several times of troubles, moreover does Luo Zheng above others boundary, where he open the mouth Luo Zheng to have the truth of rejection now now? 周煌可是帮自己挡了数次麻烦,况且现在罗征在人家的地界之上,他现在开口罗征哪里有拒绝的道理? Country Lord, but said might as well, the nature that my Luo Zheng can achieve cannot reject,” Luo Zheng nods saying that look is actually very respectful. 国主,但说无妨,我罗征能够做到的自然不会拒绝,”罗征点点头说道,神色却是十分恭敬。 Zhou Huang actually gratified nod, this Luo Zheng also really treats as Country Lord to treat him, the following words saying, our four big Divine Country to enter in Heavenly Star Mystical Place, needs one ore in this leaf blade, the name to say......” 周煌倒是欣慰的点点头,这罗征还真将他当做国主对待,接下来的话就好说多了,“我们四大神国为了进入天辰秘境之中,都需要这叶片中的一种矿石,名曰……” Soul nuclear, right?” Luo Zheng has listened to Swallow King saying that he has guessed immediately. “魂核,对吧?”罗征已经听燕王说过,他当即就已经猜出来了。 Right, has a soul nuclear in your left one zhang (3.33 m) distance!” Zhou Huang saying with a smile, the tone is also very polite. “对,在你脚下左边一丈的距离就有一枚魂核!”周煌笑吟吟的说道,口气也十分客气。 In four ten fifth layer, four ten sixth layer and four ten seventh layer, has many soul nuclear, is for these years, they also can only wanting to pin on the body of Purple Ore Devouring Insect, since these years four big Divine Country altogether have also obtained hundred soul nuclear! 在四十五层、四十六层和四十七层之中,存在不少魂核,可是这么多年以来,他们也只能将希望寄托在紫色噬矿虫的身上,这些年以来四大神国总共也才得到百来枚魂核! If this soul nuclear can use also on that's all, but the soul nuclear also has the loss in the process of use, the soul nuclear that for example this year can use only has 36 merely! 若是这魂核可以一直使用也就罢了,可是魂核在使用的过程中也有损耗,例如今年能够使用的魂核仅仅只有三十六枚! To enter Heavenly Star Mystical Place, must take possession using the soul nuclear above corpse of dragon vein clan, is four big Divine Country Divine Sea Realm great energy so many years, where enough divides? Therefore every year four big Divine Country shouted in confusion for the issue of soul nuclear assignment! 想要进入天辰秘境,就必须利用魂核附身在龙脉一族的尸身之上,可是四大神国神海境大能这么多年,哪里够分?所以每年四大神国都为魂核分配的问题吵嚷不已! Perhaps this year does not need to struggle...... 或许今年不用争了…… In all Divine Sea Realm great energy hearts is this thoughts, all do obeisance this Void Tribulation Realm little fellow to grant! 所有的的神海境大能心中都是这个心思,一切还是拜这个虚劫境的小家伙所赐予! According to the instruction of Zhou Huang, Luo Zheng then moves the footsteps, looks for a arrived circular ore there, the shape of this ore is actually very unique, assumes the perfect circular all over the body, moreover in the contraction of time and time again, as if a small heart is beating. 按照周煌的指示,罗征便是挪动脚步,在那里找到了一块圆形的矿石,这矿石的形态却是非常独特,通体呈完美的圆形,而且还在一次次的收缩着,仿佛一颗小小的心脏在跳动。 „Is this soul nuclear? Attains this, is qualified for Heavenly Star Mystical Place,” Luo Zheng's vision twinkle, has the opportunity to enter Heavenly Star Mystical Place, Luo Zheng also complies to help Azure Dragon take Ancestral Dragon Egg. “这就是魂核么?拿到这个,就有资格进入天辰秘境,”罗征的目光闪烁,有机会进入天辰秘境,罗征也答应帮助青龙取走祖龙蛋 Thinks of here, Luo Zheng is then brandishing Black Star Ore Pick, shivers the leaf blade with ease, took the soul nuclear that this beats unceasingly! 想到这里,罗征便是挥舞着黑星矿镐,将叶片轻松敲碎,将这颗不断跳动的魂核从中取了出来! Numerous Divine Sea Realm great energy see this, smiling faces on the face are ordinary like the flower, Zhou Huang sees that then said: Everyone looks a bit faster, where oneself has the soul nuclear first records, then feared that must trouble Tianxing!” 众多神海境大能看到这一幕,一个个脸上的笑容如同花一般,周煌见状便是说道:“大家快点找找,自己脚下哪里有魂核的先记录下来,接下来怕是要麻烦天行了!” At this time, Luo Zheng said: Wait, Country Lord, my actually also request.” 就在这时候,罗征却说道:“等等,国主,我却还有一个请求。” Zhou Huang said with a smile: Tianxing, please say!” 周煌笑道:“天行,请说!” Heavenly Star Mystical Place one line, I whether to participate?” Luo Zheng opens the mouth to ask. 天辰秘境一行,我可否参加?”罗征开口问道。 A Luo Zheng such saying, Liu Zan suddenly said coldly in corner: Heavenly Star Mystical Place, is most important of my four big Divine Country, your bystander, how possibly puts you to go in!” 罗征这么一说,在角落中的刘赞忽然冷声说道:“天辰秘境,乃是我四大神国的重中之重,你一个外人,怎么可能放你进去!” On many Divine Sea Realm great energy face also reveals the strange color, since they found enters the Heavenly Star Mystical Place method, never has the Divine Sea Realm following junior to go, Luo Zheng opens the mouth indeed not to gather the custom now...... 不少神海境大能脸上也流露出古怪之色,从他们找到进入天辰秘境的方法之后,就从来没有神海境以下的小辈进去过,罗征现在开口的确不合规矩…… However Zhou Huang has not opened the mouth, Heavenly Fate Country Lord that had not spoken said actually: little friend Tianxing is not the bystander, he is Black Iron Divine Country one, past the soul nuclear quantity was limited, now has little friend Tianxing to assist, did not fear many several people actually!” 不过周煌还没有开口,一直没有说话的天运国主倒是说道:“天行小友可不是什么外人,他乃是黑铁神国的一员,昔日咱们的魂核数量有限,现在有天行小友相助,倒是不怕多几人了!” A Heavenly Fate Country Lord such saying, Zhou Huang also echoed saying: Said right, the soul nuclear in this third layer adds quantity perhaps over 200, a multi- Tianxing person are not many!” 天运国主这么一说,周煌也附和道:“说得对,这三层之中的魂核加起来数量恐怕超过两百枚,多天行一人也不多!” Under Great Yu Battle Emperor cold snort/hum, the people oppose, he does not have the means that let alone also counts on that now Luo Zheng digs the soul nuclear! 大禹战帝冷哼一声,众人都反对之下,他也没有办法,何况现在还指望罗征挖魂核呢! Since several Country Lord agreed that Luo Zheng naturally also bustles about. 既然几位国主都首肯了,罗征自然也忙碌起来。 He falls down from the leaf blade unceasingly, enters in the narrow door unceasingly. 他不断地从叶片上掉下去,又不断地进入窄门之中。 Here has the soul nuclear! Four ten sixth layer......” “这里有魂核!四十六层这边……” On my leaf has three!” “我这片叶子上有三枚呢!” Dug, came, me also had two......” “挖完了,就过来吧,我这边也有两枚……” Soul nuclear constantly were excavated by Luo Zheng, during excavation soul nuclear, Luo Zheng does not forget to unearth other ores, ore each same value in this third layer is quite terrifying, Luo Zheng is one by one puts in the bag it! 一颗颗魂核不断地被罗征发掘出来,在挖掘魂核的同时,罗征也不忘记挖掘其他的矿石,这三层之中的矿石每一样的价值都极为恐怖,罗征便是一一将其收入囊中! These Divine Sea Realm great energy then eager looks at Luo Zheng to take away these precious ores, has to think that begs to Luo Zheng, but is not quite good to open the mouth. 那些神海境大能便是眼巴巴的看着罗征收走那些珍贵的矿石,有心想向罗征讨要,但却不太好开口。 In the Luo Zheng heart has actually decided that the soul nuclear, Luo Zheng wants one, as for other ores, if they want Luo Zheng to donate appropriately, he after all is also only Void Tribulation Realm martial artist, wants to base in Divine Country, must be on good terms these Battle Sovereign Battle Emperor, others impossible helplessly looks at Luo Zheng to poach their treasures! Although they cannot dig...... 罗征心中却是已经打定了主意,魂核,罗征只要一枚,至于其他的矿石,若是他们想要的话罗征可以适当的赠予,他毕竟还只是一位虚劫境武者,想要在神国中立足,必须要交好这些战皇战帝,人家不可能眼睁睁的看着罗征挖走他们的宝物!尽管他们自己挖不走…… Under Luo Zheng shuttles back and forth unceasingly, the leaf blade of this third layer by Luo Zheng shivering, the ore is also takes out, when Luo Zheng crawls top level of arrived, starts to mine the top three leaf blades time, the vision actually went to the top that fine flowers! 罗征不断地穿梭之下,这三层的叶片被罗征一块块的敲碎,矿石也是一枚枚被取出,但是当罗征到了顶层,开始开采顶层三个叶片的时候,目光却是投向了顶层的那朵精致的花朵! Previously Luo Zheng when four ten fifth layer, have observed this mysterious flowers, without a doubt, this flower should be the crystallization of this ore tree...... 此前罗征在四十五层的时候,就观察过这神奇的花朵,毫无疑问,这朵花应该就是这颗矿树的结晶…… Breaks open it, Luo Zheng,” the Azure Dragon sound made a sound instantaneously. “将它砸开吧,罗征,”青龙的声音不失时机的响了起来。 This flower......” Luo Zheng sized up two. “这朵花……”罗征打量了两眼。 Azure Dragon smiles, this is Tree of Mother Earth Tribulation Blossom.” 青龙嘿嘿一笑,“这是大地之树劫花。” Tribulation Blossom? What name is this?” Luo Zheng eyes flash, this flowers are so attractive, the name is actually very strange. 劫花?这是什么名字?”罗征目光一闪,这花朵如此漂亮,名字却是很奇怪。 This Tribulation Blossom, can increase the Heavenly Tribulation might, can the might enhancement of Life and Death Tribulation to biggest,” Azure Dragon replied. “这劫花,能够增加天劫的威力,能够将生死劫的威力增强到最大,”青龙如此回答。 Hears this saying, in the Luo Zheng vision full is the color of surprise, increases the Life and Death Tribulation might?” 听到这话,罗征目光之中满是诧异之色,“增加生死劫的威力?” From Life and Death Realm, martial artist is unable to avoid Life and Death Tribulation, Small Heavenly Tribulation that in other words Xun said that also after only then experienced several times Heavenly Tribulation, can promote Divine Sea Realm! However most Life and Death Realm expert fate, fall from the sky in this Life and Death Tribulation! 生死境开始,武者就无法避开生死劫,也就是说所说的小天劫,也只有经历数次天劫之后,才能够晋升神海境!但是绝大多数生死境强者的宿命,就是陨落在这生死劫中! Four big Divine Country Life and Death Realm expert quantities are innumerable, can with ten thousand calculate, if counted these over ten thousand years of Life and Death Realm expert, the quantity must innumerable times, how many people but promotes Divine Sea Realm great energy also to have? 四大神国生死境强者数量数不胜数,可以用万来计算,若是算上这上万年的生死境强者,数量更是要多出无数倍,可是晋升倒神海境大能又有几人? 99% Life and Death Realm expert, fall from the sky finally under Life and Death Tribulation! 90%九的生死境强者,最终都陨落在生死劫之下! Lest everyone this Life and Death Tribulation difficulty was too big, is this Tribulation Blossom, truly can increase the Life and Death Tribulation difficulty? Luo Zheng thinks immediately is not clear. 大家都唯恐这生死劫难度太大了,可是这劫花,确实要增加生死劫的难度?罗征顿时想不明白了。 Azure Dragon is said lightly: In this humble one, builds Divine Sea then to fly upwards, however in Great Realm, Divine Sea Realm is actually a new start, that is martial artist steps first step of journey! But Life and Death Realm Small Heavenly Tribulation, is not only the disaster, to martial artist baptism! True Dragon Realm, or in other Great Realm, Small Heavenly Tribulation in Life and Death Realm is most important! But the Small Heavenly Tribulation quantity of passing are more, the future potential will also be bigger!” 青龙则是淡淡的说道:“在下界之中,修成神海便是可以飞升,但是在大界之中,神海境却是一个新的开始,那才是武者踏上征程的第一步!而生死境小天劫,不仅仅是劫难,也是对武者洗礼!无论是真龙界,又或者其他的大界之中,生死境中的小天劫都是重中之重!而度过的小天劫数量越多,未来的潜力也就越大!” Passed five times, after six Small Heavenly Tribulation, promoted Divine Sea Realm martial artist, was the last stage in upper realm! 度过五次,六次小天劫后晋升神海境武者,在上界之中属于末流! But passed seven Small Heavenly Tribulation to promote Divine Sea Realm martial artist , can only be second-class. 而度过七次小天劫晋升神海境武者,也只能算是二流。 In many influences, can accept Small Heavenly Tribulation baptism martial artist eight times, advanced into sufficiently first-class, being worth the big influence vigorously to train. 诸多势力之中,能够接受八次小天劫洗礼武者,就足以跻身一流了,值得大势力倾力培养。 As for nine Small Heavenly Tribulation martial artist, this was extra-superior! This character, will dominate the entire world in the future after all, becomes the darling of this time, in a large clan, during 10 million years perhaps also only birth 5-6 person that's all...... 至于九次小天劫武者,这就是超一流了!这种人物,未来毕竟叱咤寰宇,成为这个时代的宠儿,一个大族之中,一千万年之中恐怕也只会诞生五六而已…… Hears the Azure Dragon words, in the Luo Zheng heart imposing, upper realm does not have what Heaven Rank Talent evidently, a Divine Rank Talent minute/share of method, in the method of upper realm large clan, wish makes martial artist break through Divine Sea, perhaps was simple, but Heavenly Tribulation is very that influence, or change! 听到青龙的话,罗征心中凛然,看样子上界并不存在什么天级天才,神级天才的分法,以上界大族的手段,想要让武者突破神海,恐怕简单了,而天劫则是很那影响,或者改变的! Such being the case, should upper realm also take seriously this Tribulation Blossom?” Luo Zheng asked. “既然如此,上界应该也会重视这劫花了?”罗征问道。 Azure Dragon smiles lightly, upper realm, without Tree of Mother Earth, this Tribulation Blossom, is your lower realm martial artist benefits!” 青龙淡淡一笑,“上界,没有大地之树,这劫花,也算是你们下界武者的福利!” = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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