AT :: Volume #9

#853: Accepting fate

Because of the dual reasons of Secret Church and small monster, three big Divine Country have been exercising forbearance Great Yu Divine Country, because four big Divine Country with being the upper realm human race control, these years each other are harmonious, regard as an influence is not overrated entire Divine Country Continent. 因为密教和小怪物的双重原因,三大神国一直都忍让着大禹神国,但是因为四大神国同属于上界人族掌控,这些年来彼此和睦,将整个神国大陆看做一个势力也不为过。 This Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign ignition, really cannot tolerate, naturally, a reason because of Huo Yun'er, how he could not then have seen, Huo Yun'er in fact extremely does care about Luo Zheng? 这一次天风战皇发火,也是实在看不过去,当然,其中还有一个理由便是因为火允儿,他如何看不出,火允儿实际上非常关心罗征 Must real thing!” “要动真格了!” „, Four big Divine Country had not happened for the second time for a long time contradictory......” “第二次了,四大神国好久没有发生矛盾了……” „Can Great Yu Battle Emperor begin?” 大禹战帝会不会动手?” The Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign domain spreads, heat wave spreads immediately, appearance that must begin directly. 天风战皇的领域扩散出来,一波波的热浪顿时扩散出来,显然是要直接动手的样子。 This moment Zhou Huang also said in side indifferently: Liu Zan, since you are unable to control that Black Star Ore Pick, gives back to Luo Zheng's to be good it!” 此刻周煌也是在旁边淡然说道:“刘赞,既然你无法掌控那黑星矿镐,还是将它还给罗征的好!” Heavenly Fate Country Lord also takes one step, stood side Zhou Huang, this time, as if all people have not stood Great Yu Battle Emperor. 天运国主也迈出一步,站在了周煌身边,这一次,似乎所有的人都没有站在大禹战帝这边。 In the Great Yu Battle Emperor vision reveals a gloomy and cold color, but he has not given back to Luo Zheng Black Star Ore Pick as before, but under is the figure flashes, directly soars pyramid to go. 大禹战帝目光之中流露出一丝阴冷之色,但是他依旧没有将黑星矿镐还给罗征,而是身形一闪之下,直奔金字塔而去。 He does not lose heart. 他到底还是不死心。 Even he is unable to control Black Star Ore Pick, must try, after all is supreme divine item, this ore pickaxe is only the intensity should compare general saint item, in divine item many. 就算他无法掌控黑星矿镐,也要试一试,毕竟是至尊神器,这矿镐光是强度应该就比一般的圣器,神器强上不少。 Saw that Great Yu Battle Emperor directly soars four ten fifth layer of pyramid to go, three Country Lord also sigh, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign then said: that's all, he is willing to try, makes him try.” 看到大禹战帝直奔金字塔的四十五层而去,三位国主也是叹了一口气,天风战皇便是说道:“罢了,他愿意试,就让他一试吧。” After Great Yu Battle Emperor drills into four ten fifth layer narrow doors, then crashed into above a leaf blade of four ten fifth layer. 大禹战帝钻入四十五层的窄门之后,便是坠入了四十五层的一个叶片之上。 Is perching Purple Ore Devouring Insect on this leaf blade, after discovering Great Yu Battle Emperor comes , is zhī zhī two, fans the wing to swoop toward him. 在这叶片上栖息着一只紫色噬矿虫,发现大禹战帝进来之后,便是“吱吱”两声,扇动着翅膀朝着他飞扑过来。 However this only Purple Ore Devouring Insect also close to Great Yu Battle Emperor, he then has not been a boxing leaves, as an invisible fluctuation spreads, that Purple Ore Devouring Insect was only shaken by the Great Yu Battle Emperor strength flies! 不过这只紫色噬矿虫还没有靠近大禹战帝,他便是一拳击出,随着一股无形的波动扩散出来,那只紫色噬矿虫就被大禹战帝的力量震飞! If in the past, Great Yu Battle Emperor were also interested in seizing this only Purple Ore Devouring Insect, now he had Black Star Ore Pick, was disinclined to pay attention to this only Ore Devouring Insect. 若是以往,大禹战帝还有兴趣逮住这只紫色噬矿虫,现在他有了黑星矿镐,便懒得理会这只噬矿虫了。 After Purple Ore Devouring Insect expels, he starts to walk two steps, raised Black Star Ore Pick in hand, in the vision glittered color of the ruthless offense, immediately pounded Black Star Ore Pick layer on layer/heavily! 紫色噬矿虫赶走之后,他迈开两步,就扬起了手中的黑星矿镐,目光之中闪烁出一丝狠戾之色,随即就将黑星矿镐重重的砸了下去! Disruption!” “碎裂!” In Divine Sea of his within the body, intermittent mighty waves are turbulent, the strength that true essence expedites will erupt shortly! 他体内的神海之中,一阵阵波涛汹涌,真元催生出来的力量在顷刻之间爆发! pang!” “嗙!” As that Black Star Ore Pick pickaxe pounds suddenly to the leaf blade, the tremendous strength makes the entire ore set up one to drag immediately. 随着那黑星矿镐的镐头猛然砸向叶片,巨大的力量顿时让整棵矿树一阵摇曳。 The leaf blade of that azure is similar to the mirror surface to be common as before, has not disrupted...... 湛蓝色的叶片依旧如同镜面一般光滑,没有丝毫碎裂…… Disruption!” “碎裂!” pang!” “嗙!” Disruption!” “碎裂!” pang......” “嗙……” „......” “……” For dozens times, pounds, the fingers/tiger mouth of Great Yu Battle Emperor was shattered, blood flow to Black Star Ore Pick following his fingers/tiger mouth, but Black Star Ore Pick these blood one by one separating, was actually recognized after by Luo Zheng main, this Black Star Ore Pick will not admit the blood of Great Yu Battle Emperor...... 一连数十次,砸下去,大禹战帝的虎口被震裂了,一道道鲜血顺着他的虎口流向黑星矿镐,但是黑星矿镐却将那些鲜血一一弹开,被罗征认主之后,这柄黑星矿镐根本就不会接纳大禹战帝的血液…… Actually above the leaf blades of four ten fifth layer, also contains together karmic law. 其实四十五层的叶片之上,同样也蕴藏着一道因果律 This together karmic law, is absolute defense karmic law! 这一道因果律,便是绝对防御的因果律 Because this karmic law exists together, the light is impossible to break open by the brute force, this is not Great Yu Battle Emperor is lacking strength, but is the rule limits! 因为这一道因果律存在,光是凭借蛮力是不可能破开的,这并非大禹战帝力量不足,而是规则所限制! But Black Star Ore Pick has to dig up all karmic law, the most important thing is, Black Star Ore Pick karmic law dominates above karmic law that the leaf blade contains, if under these two karmic law dispute mutually, wins can be Black Star Ore Pick! 黑星矿镐拥有挖开一切的因果律,最重要的是,黑星矿镐因果律凌驾在叶片蕴藏的因果律之上,若是这两道因果律相互较量之下,胜出的一定会是黑星矿镐 Doing to Great Yu Battle Emperor is unable to control Black Star Ore Pick, similarly is unable to begin using karmic law in Black Star Ore Pick...... 奈何大禹战帝无法掌控黑星矿镐,同样也无法启用黑星矿镐中的因果律…… At this time, in the Great Yu Battle Emperor heart could the puzzled degree be imagined? 这时候,大禹战帝心中纠结的程度可想而知? He clenches teeth, in the heart sighed that's all, this thing was not I hits to have a thing.” 他咬咬牙,心中却叹息一句“罢了,这东西并不是我命中应有只物。” Then jumped down from the leaf blade, falls such as in the light halo, the quick figure appeared in one side of pyramid. 这才从叶片之上一跃而下,坠如了光圈之中,很快身形就出现在了金字塔的一侧。 Saw Great Yu Battle Emperor that overcast sky the expression, Zhou Huang and Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign looks at each other one, on the face revealed together the understanding happy expression. 看到大禹战帝那阴云密布的表情,周煌天风战皇对视了一眼,脸上就流露出一道会心的笑意。 Great Yu Battle Emperor grabs Black Star Ore Pick, leaps, stared Luo Zheng cold snort/hum one, the right hand slightly in a flash, that Black Star Ore Pick then brings together sharp whistling, directly soars to come toward Luo Zheng, obviously, is coercing the extremely strong strength in that Black Star Ore Pick. 大禹战帝抓着黑星矿镐,飞跃过来,瞪了罗征冷哼一声,右手微微一晃,那黑星矿镐便是带着一道尖锐的啸叫声,朝着罗征直奔而来,显然,在那黑星矿镐之裹挟着极强的力量。 Luo Tianxing, be careful!” Saw that flies Black Star Ore Pick that shoots to come, Huo Yun'er reminds hastily. 罗天行,小心!”看到那飞射而来的黑星矿镐,火允儿连忙提醒道。 Luo Zheng's eyes flash, Might of Dragon Scales in within the body gushes out suddenly, then has 3000 Might of Dragon Scales to collect in the flash on him! On his face is hanging the indifferent smile, but stretches out two fingers, actually gripped this Black Star Ore Pick with ease! 罗征的目光一闪,体内的龙鳞之力骤然涌出,在一瞬间便是有三千枚龙鳞之力汇集在他身上!他脸上挂着淡然的微笑,只是伸出两根手指,竟然就轻轻松松的夹住了这黑星矿镐 Sees this, these Divine Sea Realm great energy complexions also changed several times. 看到这一幕,那些神海境大能的脸色也是变了数次。 The people see clearly, the strength that Great Yu Battle Emperor angry strength this throws may be big, even they must whole-heartedly, just now be able this Black Star Ore Pick following. 众人可是看得清楚,大禹战帝恼怒之力这投掷的力量可不小,就算是他们也要全力以赴,方才能够将这黑星矿镐接下来。 But lifting a heavy weight as if light of Luo Zheng performance! Caught this ore pickaxe with two fingers merely, the strength of this boy...... big? 可是罗征则表现的举重若轻!仅仅用两根手指就接住了这柄矿镐,这小子的力量……到底有多大? After catching Black Star Ore Pick, Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, is wholly-absorbed crawls toward the pyramid peak. 接住了黑星矿镐之后,罗征微微一笑,便是专心向着金字塔顶端爬去。 These Divine Sea Realm great energy see Luo Zheng to enter pyramid, is flying in abundance shoots, entered the narrow door with Luo Zheng. 那些神海境大能看到罗征进入金字塔,也是纷纷的飞射上去,跟着罗征进入了窄门。 As for Huo Chen, Huo Yun'er, Swallow King, Yue Ying these Divine Rank Talent, followed certainly in behind, although in the top layer had the threat of Purple Ore Devouring Insect, but so many Divine Sea Realm great energy in the ore tree, the threat are not big. 至于火辰,火允儿,燕王,月盈这些神级天才,当然也跟在了后面,虽然顶层上有紫色噬矿虫的威胁,不过这么多神海境大能在矿树之中,威胁却是不大了。 Top level of Luo Zheng has not stepped into, but directly soars four ten fifth layer to go, he bears the brunt the ore that needs to obtain is life crystallisation in four ten fifth layer, the strength of life in this life crystallisation contains, only needs one to save Ning Yudie. 罗征并没有踏入顶层,而是直奔四十五层而去,他首当其冲需要获得的矿石乃是四十五层中的生命结晶,这生命结晶之中蕴藏的生命之力,只需要一颗就能够拯救宁雨蝶 In Luo Zheng in the instance that on four ten fifth layer stands firm, many Divine Sea Realm great energy also enter, they stand in four ten fifth layer respectively, above four ten sixth layer and top leaf blade! 就在罗征在四十五层上站定的瞬间,诸多神海境大能也进入其中,他们分别站在四十五层,四十六层和顶层的叶片之上! 45 th, 46, in leaf blades of four ten seventh layer, the ore quantity of wrapping although are not many, but is almost the rare treasure, each same ore almost can take half-divine item, even divine item material...... 四十五,四十六,四十七层的叶片之中,其中包裹的矿石数量虽然不多,但几乎都是稀世奇珍,每一样矿石几乎都能够作为半神器,甚至于神器的材料…… Luo Zheng started to walk two steps above the broad leaf blade, then looks for arrived that life crystallisation! 罗征在宽阔的叶片之上迈开了两步,便是找到了生命结晶 In order to get so far as this life crystallisation, Luo Zheng also consumed many times, wandered such big, he brings Black Star Ore Pick to come to arrived here finally, on the face also floats off gradually wipes the exciting color. 为了弄到这生命结晶,罗征也是耗费了不少功夫,转悠了这么大一圈,他终于带着黑星矿镐到了这里,脸上也渐渐浮起一抹激动之色。 This Luo Zheng, needs Life Origin Stone from the beginning, must unearth this life crystallisation, evidently this thing to him really very important......” “这罗征,一开始就需要生命原石,现在又要挖掘这生命结晶,看样子这东西对他真的很重要……” What family member life was he has finally, needed life crystallisation to maintain the life?” “是不是他有什么亲人寿元将终了,需要生命结晶维系生命?” This is not clear, he is not my four big Divine Country people.” “这就不清楚了,他本来不是我四大神国的人。” Does not know whether this Black Star Ore Pick really can open this leaf blade......” “不知道这黑星矿镐是否真的能打开这叶片……” I also a little suspected, although this Black Star Ore Pick was known as that is supreme divine item, but no one has experienced its might!” “我也有点怀疑,这黑星矿镐虽然号称是至尊神器,可是谁也没有见识过它的威力!” These Divine Sea Realm great energy discuss spiritedly above the leaf blade, in the eye also reveals the color of expectation. 那些神海境大能在叶片之上议论纷纷,眼中也流露出期望之色。 To put it bluntly third layer of this ore top of the tree end is the transparent valuable boxes! For these years, they are unable to receive the key of this valuable box, but now this key then falls in the Luo Zheng hand, everyone also hopes that Luo Zheng can turn on this valuable box. 说白了这矿树顶端的三层乃是一个个透明的宝箱!只是这么多年以来,他们都无法拿到这宝箱的钥匙,而现在这钥匙便落在了罗征手中,大家也希望罗征能够开启这宝箱。 This time, can certainly become!” “这一次,一定能成!” Luo Zheng's eyes flash, the ore pickaxe in hand gently knocks toward the leaf blade of azure. 罗征的目光一闪,就将手中的矿镐轻轻的朝着湛蓝色的叶片敲过去。 He has not used the big strength, as Luo Zheng brandishes the ore pickaxe, the extremely mysterious strengths spread! This is the karmic law strength! 他并没有使用多大的力量,但随着罗征挥舞矿镐,就有一股极为玄奥的力量扩散出来!这就是因果律的力量! Ding......” “叮……” After many Divine Sea Realm great energy see that strength, deep inhaled cold air! 当诸多神海境大能看到那股力量之后,都深深的吸了一口凉气! This strength is not gaudy, even can say is quite simple, but makes many Divine Sea Realm great energy have a feeling, they are unable to defend this strength! That strength as if can penetrate all together. 这道力量并不花哨,甚至可以说极为简朴,可是却让诸多神海境大能产生一种感觉,他们根本就无法防御这道力量!那一道力量似乎能够穿透一切。 In the pickaxe hit of Black Star Ore Pick in the instance of leaf blade, above that leaf blade , the invisible strengths split! This invisible strength, is absolute defense karmic law that above the leaf blade contains! 就在黑星矿镐的镐头撞击在叶片的瞬间,在那叶片之上,同时也有一股无形的力量裂开了!这一道无形的力量,也就是叶片之上蕴藏的绝对防御的因果律 Under two karmic law contend mutually, karmic law on Black Star Ore Pick got the absolute winning side! 两道因果律相互抗衡之下,黑星矿镐上的因果律占据了绝对上风! Therefore Luo Zheng knocks gently, this leaf blade starts to disrupt layer upon layer...... 所以罗征只是轻轻一敲,这叶片就开始层层碎裂……
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