AT :: Volume #9

#885: Help

Now the people then fall into the situation of being in a dilemma, drawing back is not, entering is not! 现在众人便是陷入了进退维谷的情况,退也不是,进也不是! Four Country Lord complexions, gloomy as if can drop the water leakage, overcast sky. 四位国主的脸色,阴沉的仿佛能够滴出水来,阴云密布。 What is that?” Luo Zheng narrows the eye to ask. “那到底是什么?”罗征眯着眼睛问道。 Zhou Huang shakes the head: Has not seen, had not previously appeared!” 周煌摇摇头:“没有见过,此前从来没有出现过!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is frowning saying: Moreover after that human form sculpture, has Spiritual Wisdom, he knows that we are corpse that occupies, therefore arrow looks at the head to shoot!” 天风战皇则是皱着眉头说道:“而且那人形雕塑之后有灵智,他知道我们是占据的尸身,所以箭矢是瞄着脑袋在射!” What the people occupy is corpse, everyone present is to then be equivalent to a zombie, but has zombie that's all of soul. 众人占据的是尸身,大家现在便是相当于一具僵尸,只是一具有灵魂的僵尸罢了 This corpse was shot through, will only present hole that's all, will not cause mortally injured, is impossible to have the blood to flow. 尸身被射穿,也只会出现一个窟窿而已,并不会造成致命伤害,也不可能有血液流淌出来。 But the head was shot through by this arrow is not good, under high velocity penetration, the soul will also be broken directly! 可是脑袋被这箭矢射穿就不行了,高速贯穿之下,灵魂也会被直接震碎! Looks at the arrow might, is used together the shield that Yuan Magnetism Divine Stone builds also to shoot through, this strength, super great energy corpse that even if four Country Lord occupy is unable to resist. 看着箭矢的威力,便是连用元磁神石打造的盾牌也能射穿,这份力量,就算是四位国主占据的超级大能尸身也无法抵挡。 Country Lord, what to do? We draw back!” 国主,怎么办?我们退回去吧!” Country Lord, tries to find a solution quickly......” 国主,快想个办法啊……” Some Divine Sea Realm great energy have been scared thoroughly, on the contrary is Huo Chen and the others, although fears, but has not spoken, Huo Yun'er their these young generation of martial artist are also clear, they are incapable of making any change radically, can only take orders in Imperial Father, hopes that Imperial Father they can find out the means. 一些神海境大能已经彻底慌了神,反倒是火辰等人,虽然恐惧,但是却没有说话,火允儿他们这些年轻一辈的武者也清楚,他们根本无力做出任何改变,只能听命于父皇,希望父皇他们能够想出办法。 What means but four do Country Lord have? 可是四位国主又有什么办法? Great Yu Battle Emperor and Zhou Huang, on the Heavenly Fate Country Lord face reveal the impatient color, seized ten third layer corpse with great difficulty, prepared the Daithi fists and feet in Heavenly Star Mystical Place, finally has not entered Heavenly Star Mystical Place, meets arrived this trouble, in the world also has ratio more depressed matter? 大禹战帝周煌,还有天运国主脸上都流露出不耐烦之色,好不容易抢占了十三层尸身,原本准备在天辰秘境中大施拳脚,结果还没有进入天辰秘境,就遇到了这种麻烦,天底下还有比这个更郁闷的事么? At this time Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign said loudly: Walks! We overrun! Also can only overrun, this statue should be irremovable! Everyone stares at the great shield to clash together!” 这时候天风战皇却是大声说道:“走!我们冲过去!也只能冲过去了,这雕像应该不能移动!大家盯着巨盾一起冲!” As Country Lord, even if has not found out solution suddenly, still has courage and wisdom promptly, Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign does not know that own suspicion is whether correct, it is very likely his order can cause the person who dies more, no matter but what decision, always compares one group of people to punish by forcing to stand here, when the target is good! 身为国主,即使一时间没有想出解决的办法,也有当机立断的胆识,天风战皇也不知道自己的猜想是否正确,很有可能他的命令会导致死的人更多,但不管是什么决策,总比一群人在这里罚站当靶子好! These Divine Sea Realm great energy hear the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign words, again not slightly hesitant, carries the surrounding shield, numerous then slightly runs toward Saint's Road on! 那些神海境大能们听到天风战皇的话,再也没有丝毫犹豫,扛着周围的盾牌,众多便是朝着圣者之路上小跑起来! People by frame in this box, even if increases speed, the speed will not be express, the speed of but before leisure than was raised much. 众人都被框在这“盒子”中,即使是提速,速度也不会特别快,但比之前慢悠悠的速度还是提升了不少。 But at this time, Divine Sea Realm great energy actually pointed at the sea level saying: Look, fellow!” 可是就在这时候,一位神海境大能却是指着海面说道:“看,那家伙!” Under this Divine Sea Realm great energy one finger/refers, is actually saw that human form statue rises with a spring unexpectedly, unexpectedly steps on the sea level to move unceasingly. 神海境大能一指之下,却是看到那人形雕像竟然一跃而起,居然踩着海面不断地移动。 Unexpectedly with! Moreover can in sea move in......” Divine Sea Realm great energy helpless shouting. “居然跟了上来!而且还能够在海中移动……”一位神海境大能无奈的喊道。 He built the bow, he built the bow! Everyone was careful!” “他搭弓了,他搭弓了!大家小心!” Under the gaze of people, that human form statue extracted black arrow from the back again, building gently above the dark golden long bow, aimed here again. 在众人的注视之下,那人形雕像再次从后背抽出了一把黑色的箭矢,轻轻的搭在了暗金色的长弓之上,再一次瞄准了这边。 Just the people can also work as one slightly ran, now saw that here that human form statue aimed again, all people were flurried, this box in could not withstand on the courage, now under everyone avoids competitively, was pushes one group! 刚刚众人还能够齐心合力的小跑,现在看到那人形雕像再次瞄准这边,所有的人都慌乱起来,原本这“盒子”之中就勇气不堪,现在大家争前恐后的躲避之下,更是挤成了一团! Gives me calmly! Useless things, should not be too dissolute!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign roared suddenly. “都给我镇定一点!一个个没用的东西,不要太放肆了!”天风战皇骤然咆哮道。 Country Lord gets angry, is a little function, the people slightly were quiet a point, immediately Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign said: Everyone disperses, as far as possible dispersing, do not press together, presses together the person who dies will be more!” 国主发怒,还是有点作用的,众人稍微平静了一点,随即天风战皇才说道:“大家分散,尽量散开,不要挤在一起,挤在一起死的人会更多!” If everyone disperses some, arrow that human form statue projects does not have is so easy to pass through several people, but presses together the situation was different, perhaps under an arrow can the exterminate 5-6 person, even with are more. 若是大家都散开一些,那人形雕像射出的箭矢也没有那么容易贯穿数人,可是挤在一起情况就不同了,一箭之下恐怕能灭杀五六人,甚至与更多。 In the people after order dispersing of Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign, from the dark golden long bows of that human form statue, explodes again projects together black glow! 就在众人按照天风战皇的命令散开之后,从那人形雕像的暗金色长弓中间,再次爆射出一道黑芒 Whiz pā pā bang! “嗖-啪啪啪! That said black glow just projected, the strength is not very as if terrorist, the speed also smudges Dragon Arsenic Poison arrow to be faster than that but soars in in the air, will blast open continuously three times, each blasting open speed and strength will promote one time, after three blasting open, this arrow speed and strength on a arrived extremely terrifying position! 那道黑芒刚刚射出的时候,力量似乎并不是特别恐怖,速度也只是比那涂抹着龙砒毒箭矢快一些,可是飞翔在空中的时候,会连续炸裂三次,每一次炸裂速度和力量都会提升一倍有余,三次炸裂之后,这箭矢的速度和力量就到了一个极为恐怖的境地! black glow is fleeting in the vision of people, above the great shield presented two small cavities. 黑芒在众人的目光之中稍纵即逝,紧接着巨盾之上就出现了两个小小的空洞。 The people look at themselves, finally was centralized on a body of Divine Sea Realm great energy, above his forehead then presented a small cavity, immediately plop, fell down on the ground. 众人都望了望自己,最终集中在了一位神海境大能的身上,他的额头之上便是出现了一个小小的空洞,随即“噗通”一声,栽倒在地上。 These only died time,” saying that Zhou Huang muttered. “这一次只死了一个,”周煌喃喃的说道。 Saint's Road also has is not away from short, even if overran, similar that the person perhaps can still die!” 圣者之路还有不短地距离,就算是冲过去了,人恐怕也会死的差不多!” Drawing back the situation feared that is also the same!” “退回去情况怕也一样!” That what to do?” “那怎么办?” Although the second arrow only died a person, but many Divine Sea Realm great energy had fallen into the desperate condition. 尽管第二箭只死了一个人,可是诸多神海境大能已经陷入了绝望的状态。 Cannot say that these Divine Sea Realm great energy fear death, they boiled so many years, some day finally can open Ascension Channel, but actually must face so the hopeless situation now, at this moment their mood fluctuations can be imagined! 不能说这些神海境大能怕死,他们熬了这么多年,有朝一日终于能够打开飞升通道了,可是现在却要面对这般绝境,此刻他们的心情波动可想而知! Sends, solves that statue!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign is the sinking sound said. “派个人出去,解决那雕像!”天风战皇却是沉声说道。 But by this Saint's Road is the sea area, we are unable to use true essence, cannot fly!” Divine Sea Realm great energy said. “可是这圣者之路旁边是海域,我们无法动用真元,根本不能飞行!”一位神海境大能说道。 His finishing speaking, everyone's vision fell on Luo Zheng! 他的话音刚落,所有人的目光都落在了罗征身上! The people had been clear, at present also only then Luo Zheng occupies is fleshly body, moreover previously he also used true essence to fly, let alone his fleshly body has Divine Extremity Realm cultivation base, at present the only prospect falls on him! 众人已经清楚,眼下也只有罗征占据的是肉身,而且此前他也动用真元飞行过,何况他的肉身拥有神极境修为,眼下唯一的指望都落在了他身上! But beside this great shield must face coverage of innumerable arrow rain, making Luo Zheng go out same is the danger is also incomparable. 可是这巨盾之外还要面对无数箭雨的覆盖,让罗征出去一样也是危险无比。 Looks at the people to look at itself, he blinked a golden pupil, is then light smiles, „can only I destroy that statue evidently!” 看着众人望着自己,他眨巴了一下金色的瞳孔,便是淡淡一笑,“看样子只能我去毁了那雕像了!” Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign vision brilliant is staring at Luo Zheng, later then said: Luo Tianxing! If this you can rescue us, is my four big Divine Country obligation people! In the future if......” 天风战皇目光灼灼的盯着罗征,随后便是说道:“罗天行!这番若是你能将我们解救,便是我四大神国的大恩人!日后若是……” Luo Zheng actually waves gently, actually stopped the Heavenly Wind Battle Sovereign words, said lightly: Everyone together wanderer Heavenly Star Mystical Place, is crosses a river in a boat together, I save you, saves itself, was needless saying that turned on this great shield!” 罗征却轻轻一挥手,却是制止了天风战皇的话,淡淡的说道:“大家一起闯荡天辰秘境,也算是同舟共济,我救你们,也算是救自己,不用多说,打开这巨盾吧!” All Divine Sea Realm great energy are looking at Luo Zheng with the grateful vision. 所有的神海境大能都用感激的眼光望着罗征 Who can imagine, this little fellow near Western Dragon River goes to battle on behalf of Jade Profound Martial Mansion, then by powerful strength steamroll young generation of same step martial artist, gets down after again enters Heavenly Feather Sacred Sea, then played the huge role, but arrived now, becomes in everyone hand an only straw to grasp! 谁能够想象得到,在西龙江边这个小家伙只是代表玉玄武府出战,尔后便是以强大的实力碾压年轻一辈的同阶武者,再下来进入天羽圣海之后,便是发挥了巨大的作用,而到了现在,更是成了大家手中唯一的一根救命稻草! In this moment, in their hearts besides gratitude , was only left over the sigh. 在这一刻,他们心中除了感激之外,也只剩下感叹了。 Two Divine Sea Realm great energy then turn on the buckle of great shield edge, flows out together the small seam merely, the Feng Nianyun body is petite, is actually gently a drill, then drilled from that slit. 两位神海境大能便是将巨盾边缘的卡扣打开,仅仅只是流出一道小缝,封念云的身躯娇小,却是轻轻一钻,便是从那缝隙之中钻了出去。 Luo Zheng too does not pay attention to the chest the size, actually the chest rubbing arrived, brings in Internal Body World a complaint of Feng Nianyun! 只是罗征不太注意胸部的大小,却是将胸口给蹭到了,引来体内世界封念云的一阵抱怨! Naturally, regarding this complaint, the Luo Zheng choice disregards...... 当然,对于这种抱怨,罗征选择无视…… Ka!” “咔哒!” After Luo Zheng lets out, two Divine Sea Realm great energy instantaneously the great shield take away in one, that black glow is fatal, other illness/quick arrow similarly fatal! 罗征放出去之后,两位神海境大能瞬间又将巨盾扣在了一起,那黑芒致命,其他的“疾箭”同样致命! Luo Zheng just left this box the protection, has 7-8 blue arrow to come toward his lasing immediately, in the wink of an eye from Luo Zheng only then zhang (3.33 m) remote. 罗征刚刚离开这“盒子”的保护,顿时就有七八支蓝色的箭矢朝着他激射而来,瞬息之间距离罗征就只有丈许之遥。 Walks!” “走!” Luo Zheng's true essence has revolved, is the Divine Extremity Realm great energy speed what kind of terrifying? Almost is blinks, Luo Zheng left same place, whirlwind shoots above the upper air! 罗征的真元早已经运转,神极境大能的速度又是何等恐怖?几乎是眨眼之间,罗征就离开了原地,飚射在高空之上! Because has not controlled good true essence and strength, this rises with a spring, actually to the altitude of arrived 5-6 hundred zhang (333 m)...... 还是因为没有控制好真元和力量,这一跃而起,却是冲到了五六百丈的高度…… You give me carefully, if hit a target by the arrow, Dragon Arsenic Poison processes is very troublesome!” In Internal Body World, the Feng Nianyun sound fluttered. “你给我小心一点,若是被箭射中了,龙砒毒处理起来还是很麻烦的!”体内世界中,封念云的声音又飘了过来。 Luo Zheng smiles, then to nod, the vision then passed over gently and swiftly in the golden sea, finally the Luo Zheng's vision then locked on the body of that dragon vein bowman, at the same time, that dragon vein bowman also lifted the head, a pair of scarlet pupil also locked on Luo Zheng. 罗征嘿嘿一笑,便是点了点头,目光便是在金色的海洋之中掠过,最终罗征的目光便是锁定在了那龙脉弓手的身上,与此同时,那龙脉弓手也是抬起了头,一双猩红的眸子也同时锁定在了罗征身上。
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