AT :: Volume #1

#40: selflessness realm

That Luo Zheng why so silly, accepts the challenge of Xu Lie unexpectedly? If I mouth close tight, kills does not comply!” “那罗征为何那么傻,竟然接受徐烈的挑战?要是我就把嘴巴闭的紧紧的,打死也不答应!” Hehe, it is estimated that just inspected through the trial, becoming the outer sect disciple is supercilious, thinks own unmatched in the world, must pay the price of blood like this fellow generally.” “嘿嘿,估计刚刚通过试炼考核,成为外门弟子就心高气傲,以为自己天下无敌了,像这种家伙一般就要付出血的代价。” Heard that is not such matter, that Luo Zheng was too aggressive, actually wants Xu Lie to challenge him on own initiative!” “听说不是这么回事,那罗征太霸气了,竟然主动要徐烈挑战他!” Must challenge the Xu Lie news about Luo Zheng, quick spread over Little Rain Peak outer sect, becomes Little Rain Peak outer sect these days the biggest hot spot. 关于罗征要挑战徐烈的消息,很快就传遍了小雨峰外门,成为小雨峰外门这段时间最大的热点。 Luo Zheng as one of the arena leads, very indifferent sitting on own bed , to continue to contemplate bitter cultivation «Startling Spirit Thorn». 罗征身为擂台的主角之一,十分淡然的坐在自己的床上,继续冥想苦修惊神刺》。 In several days of arena , he since had complied, will not make that turtle absolutely. 还有几天的时间上擂台,他既然已经答应了,绝对不会做那缩头乌龟。 If «Startling Spirit Thorn» transforming the soul into a thorn practices the meeting, his chance above the arena will be bigger. 倘若将《惊神刺》中的“化魂为刺”练会,在擂台之上他的赢面会更大一些。 transforming the soul into a thorn...... 化魂为刺…… How to change into a sharp thorn the soul? 到底如何将魂魄化为一根尖刺? Soul type of thing invisible does not have the nature, in the ordinary circumstances is maintaining own appearance. 灵魂这种东西无形无质,一般情况下都是保持着自己本身的样貌。 Because the person in contemplation, substitutes unknowingly this me. 因为人在冥想的时候,不知不觉将本我代入进去。 Therefore the Luo Zheng's soul, presents is Luo Zheng own appearance. 所以罗征的灵魂,就呈现为罗征自己的模样。 So long as does not forget itself, then the Luo Zheng's soul, maintains his own appearance forever, is impossible to change into other appearances, more impossible transforming the soul into a thorn. 只要不忘记自己,那么罗征的灵魂,就永远保持他自己的模样,不可能化为其他的样子,更不可能化魂为刺 Only then completely forgot oneself, may transform other shapes. 只有把自己完全忘记,才有可能变换成其他形态。 Thinks of here, in the Luo Zheng's heart spirit light flashes. 想到这里,罗征的心中灵光一闪。 I understood, achieves this one step key, is selflessness!” “我明白了,做到这一步的关键,就是忘我!” How can enter selflessness realm? Forgot oneself completely? Is this possible? 如何能进入忘我境界?完全把自己忘掉?这怎么可能? The Luo Zheng's brow wrinkled. 罗征的眉头皱了起来。 He closes the eye, trying to forget who oneself are. 他闭上眼睛,试图忘记自己是谁。 Passed the most double-hour, raids except for an intermittent feeling of weariness, does not have the slight effect. 过了大半个时辰,除了一阵阵的倦意袭来,却没有丝毫的效果。 Luo Zheng cannot bear somewhat be also anxious, in the heart somewhat accumulates depressed, reason to choose two high grade cultivation technique, finally the aptitude is dull-witted, is unable to comprehend, regarding Luo Zheng, indeed is an attack. 罗征忍不住也有些焦躁起来,心中有些积郁,原因为挑选了两本上品功法,结果自己资质愚钝,一本都无法领悟,对于罗征来说,的确是一个打击。 Depressed, Luo Zheng leaves own room, walks following the Little Rain Peak precipitous mountain road upward. 郁闷之极,罗征离开自己的房间,顺着小雨峰险峻的山道往上走。 Outside the room is before dawn (3 - 5 am) day, Sun has not promoted, all around is quiet one piece. 屋外才是五更天,太阳还未升级,四周都是静悄悄的一片。 Roughly walked the 6-7 zhang (3.33 m) away on the mountain road, eye front has a steep mountain wall, extends to outside, formed a natural viewing platform. 在山道上约莫走了六七丈远,眼前边有一处陡峭的山壁,延伸至外,形成了一个天然的观景台。 The artisan in Azure Clouds Sect, has not naturally given up here, restored an exquisite cabin on that viewing platform. 青云宗内的工匠,自然没有放弃这里,在那观景台上修缮了一座精巧的小亭。 In this moment that cabin is a person does not have. 此刻那小亭之中却是一个人都没有。 Luo Zheng leisurely strolled, stood in the cabin, looked into the distance as far as the eye can see, distant place mountain peak continuously, complete infiltration in white sea of clouds. 罗征信步走了上去,站在小亭上,极目眺望,远处连绵不断的山峰,全部浸润在白茫茫的云海之中。 The mountain peak of vicinity, is situated 21 day fine jade peak, but of distant place is situated fifth Vast Spirit Peak...... 近处的这座山峰,是排行二十一的天琼峰,而更远处的那座则是排行第五的寰灵峰…… These mountain peaks stand firmly in the world, perhaps is 1 million years, thousands of years, even talent in high, the enchanting disciple, is still similar to regarding them flashes by. 这些山峰屹立于天地之中,也许是百万年,千万年,即便是天赋在高,再妖娆的弟子,对于它们来说也如同白驹过隙。 Luo Zheng stands in these grand mountain peaks, felt oneself are similar to sand in a Da He / big river is so tiny. 罗征站在这些雄伟的山峰之间,感觉自己如同一颗大河中的一颗沙子那样渺小。 Facing this magnificent scene, a string in Luo Zheng heart was touched suddenly. 面对这盛景,罗征心中的一根弦忽然被触动了。 His slowly closes the eye, tiny that oneself imagine, what compares with the sand is tiny is the dust, what is tinier than the dust is...... 他慢慢的将眼睛闭上,把自己想象的更加渺小,比沙子还渺小的是灰尘,比灰尘还渺小的是…… Tiny to the degree that can ignore, tiny to nihility...... 渺小到可以忽略不计的程度,渺小到虚无…… , In the Luo Zheng's mind was similar the shining great doors to open loudly. 轰然一声,罗征的脑海之中仿佛有一扇金灿灿的巨门打开了。 At this moment, Luo Zheng with own means that entered no realm, by oneself radical disappearance, thorough does not exist, this is selflessness realm! 在此刻,罗征用自己的办法,进入的无的境界,让自己彻底的消失,彻底的不存在,这就是忘我之境 Although his eyes open, the present all actually in his eyes, as if he does not think that are the tree, can turn into the tree, oneself are the grass, can turn into the grass, the world myriad things he all may transform. 他双眼虽然打开,眼前的一切却不在他眼中,仿佛他想自己是树,就能变成树,自己是草,就能变成草,世间万物他皆可幻化。 As for «Startling Spirit Thorn» transforming the soul into a thorn, the Luo Zheng's thoughts move, has a duskiness from the place of his forehead, the translucent sharp thorn punctured suddenly. 至于《惊神刺》中的“化魂为刺”,罗征的心思一动,从他的眉心之处就有一根灰蒙蒙,半透明的尖刺猛然刺了出去。 Finally success! 终于成功了! He succeeds when emitted Startling Spirit Thorn, this translucent sharp thorn is transforms by the Luo Zheng's soul, besides Luo Zheng, others cannot see, is virtually impossible to guard against! 他成功的时放出了“惊神刺”,这半透明的尖刺是由罗征的灵魂所幻化,除了罗征之外,其他的人看不见,根本防不胜防! Although his «Startling Spirit Thorn» cultivation date and time was still shallow, this punctures can only attack about one meter distance, with „the kilometer in cultivation technique recording, virtually impossible to guard against is far, but he has comprehended selflessness realm now, made a connection with a crossing river bridge, the following road was good. 虽说他的《惊神刺修炼时日尚浅,这根刺只能攻击一米左右的距离,与功法中记载的“千米之内,防不胜防”相差甚远,不过如今他已经领悟了“忘我之境”,打通了一道过河的桥梁,接下来的路就好走了。 On the Luo Zheng's face showed the smile, he also some worried after the 3rd arena competition, at this moment had some anticipations faintly. 罗征的脸上露出了微笑,原本他对三日之后的擂台比试还有一些担忧,此刻却隐隐有了一些期待。 Three days, in an instant until. 三天的时间,转眼及至。 On Little Rain Peak, on the arena is always a much-noted matter. 小雨峰上,上擂台一向是一件备受瞩目的事情。 In the arena, can observe and emulate the true fight, can realize thing that ordinary cultivation is hard to realize. 在擂台上,能够观摩到真正的战斗,能够体会到平常修炼难以体会的东西。 Some many outer sect disciples, during observing and emulating, if has obtained, achieves mastery through a comprehensive study own core technique, can break through. 有许多外门弟子,都是在观摩之中若有所得,融会贯通自己的心法,才得以突破。 During the depressed cultivation profession, the arena ratio of this fill grudges rival in love fights, itself has ornamental. 在苦闷的修炼生涯之中,这种充满恩怨情仇的擂台比斗,本身就颇具观赏性。 Let alone this fight unexpectedly is Viscera Refinement Realm to half-step Innate! 何况这次战斗竟然是炼脏境半步先天 If half-step Innate Xu Lie is a lion, then Viscera Refinement Realm Luo Zheng looks like a mouse, both are completely not a level opponent. 如果说半步先天徐烈是一头雄狮,那么炼脏境罗征就像是一只老鼠,两者完全不是一个层面的对手。 Most people asserted the duration of competing will be very perhaps short is very short, finally was needless saying that definitely was Xu Lie one-sided torture Luo Zheng. 大部分人都断言打擂的持续时间恐怕会很短很短,结果也不用说,肯定是徐烈一边倒的虐杀罗征 Xu Lie one group, early comes to the arrived arena, here waiting. 徐烈一行人,早早的就来到了擂台,在此等候着。 Today in the Xu Lie side, but also were many a middle-aged person. 今天在徐烈的身边,还多了一位中年人。 The middle-aged person wears the hand towel, wears the gray cotton garment, appearance that a servant dresses up. 那中年人头戴方巾,身穿灰色布衣,一副下人打扮的模样。 When many outer sect disciple on Little Rain Peak noticed that on the middle-aged person gray cotton garment is embroidering a design of Eight Trigrams (gossip), no one dares to look down on. 但是当小雨峰上的众多外门弟子看到中年人灰色布衣上面绣着一个八卦的图案,也没有人敢小瞧了。 That the design of Eight Trigrams (gossip), is of a Zhuge Family's emblem Seven Great Families. 那八卦的图案,乃是七大世家之一的诸葛家的家徽。 Although looks at this person is a servant, but from Zhuge Family, seven big upper class makes a sound eventually the dāng dāng giant in the entire empire, is not a Azure Clouds Sect's outer sect disciple can look down on. 虽说看此人不过是一位下人,但终究是来自于诸葛家,七大士族在整个帝国之中都是响当当的巨头,不是一个青云宗的外门弟子就能够小瞧的。 Our family/home young masters said that this person, must die today, regardless of pays what price,” the tone of that servant is unambiguous, even facing half-step Innate realm Xu Lie, the whole face is still arrogant, has not placed in Xu Lie the eye slightly. “我们家少爷说了,这个人,今天必须死,无论付出什么代价,”那下人的口气也不含糊,就算是面对半步先天境界徐烈,也满脸倨傲,丝毫没有将徐烈放在眼中。 Can step into half-step Innate cultivator, in the heart will have some arrogance to come somewhat, but turns over to uncomfortable uncomfortable, the Xu Lie future road must take advantage of then that in population young master, therefore suppresses the temperament to nod saying: This is inevitable, above the arena, the fists and feet non- eye, he small Viscera Refinement Realm dares to accept my challenge, then must die without doubt.” 能够踏入半步先天修炼者,多多少少心中也会生出一些傲气来,但是不爽归不爽,徐烈未来的路还要依仗这下人口中的那位“少爷”,故而还是压住脾气点点头说道:“这点是必然,擂台之上,拳脚不眼,他一个小小的炼脏境敢接受我的挑战,便已经是必死无疑了。” The servants nod, that is good, haven't you wanted to promote are the inner sect disciple? The young master said that today's matter was solved, next month will adjust Black Cliff Peak you, and makes you a inner sect disciple!” 下人点了点头,“那就好,你不是一直想晋升为内门弟子吗?少爷说了,今天的事情解决了,下个月就把你调去黑岩峰,并且让你成为一位内门弟子!” Xu Lie hears the words of servant, immediately is delighted, said repeatedly: I first many thanks young master.” 徐烈听到下人的话,顿时喜出望外,连声说道:“那我就先多谢少爷了。” Wants to become the inner sect disciple, regarding the upper class juniors is a very easy matter, was regarding grassroots birth Xu Lie, was very difficult. 想要成为内门弟子,对于士族子弟来说是一件非常容易的事情,可是对于草根出生的徐烈,却十分艰难。 Xu Lie enters Little Rain Peak already five years, his strength in these five years time had the considerable progress, wholeheartedly wants to become the inner sect disciple. 徐烈进入小雨峰已经五年有余,在这五年的时间中他的实力有了长足的进步,一心就想成为内门弟子。 Any mountain peak, the inner sect disciple and treatment disparity of outer sect disciple is big, so long as becomes medicinal pill that inner sect disciple cultivation uses, the cultivation place that various moon/month cases, as well as provide has the remarkable promotion. 无论是哪一座山峰,内门弟子与外门弟子的待遇差距都非常大,只要成为内门弟子修炼用的丹药,各种月例,以及提供的修炼场所都有显著的提升。 But wants to enter inner sect, must emerge when over ten thousand outer sect disciples, the Xu Lie strength is freely good, in Little Rain Peak outer sect can arrange in 30 positions, but strives for the quota of inner sect disciple each time, he falls short. 可是想要进入内门,就必须在上万名外门弟子中脱颖而出,尽管徐烈的实力不错,在小雨峰外门能够排三十名的位置上,可是每次争夺内门弟子的名额之时,他都功亏一篑。 After five years of waiting, the Xu Lie patience exhausted finally, now some people make him get rid of Luo Zheng, can dispatch Black Cliff Peak ranked the second him, moreover can promote is the Black Cliff Peak inner sect disciple, this absolutely is a huge seduction. 经过五年的等待之后,徐烈的耐心终于耗尽了,现在有人让他干掉罗征,就能将他调遣到排名第二的黑岩峰,而且还能够晋升为黑岩峰内门弟子,这绝对是一个巨大的诱惑。 Xu Lie must move. 徐烈不可能不动心。 Just entered Little Rain Peak Luo Zheng as for that his life is stepping-stone that's all of future, who will care? 至于那刚刚进入小雨峰罗征,他的性命就是自己前途的垫脚石而已,又有谁会在乎? Thinks oneself boiled immediately raised one's head, on the face of Xu Lie could not bear reveal an exciting color. 想到自己马上就熬出头了,徐烈的脸上也忍不住流露出一丝兴奋之色。 Here waited for half double-hour, unbearably anxious Xu Lie felt the time passes was too slow, simultaneously has the doubts at heart, after the boy will not accept a challenge, regretted? 这里等了半个时辰,急不可耐的徐烈觉得时间过的太慢了,同时心里生出疑惑,那小子不会应战后又后悔了吧? People who here wait to observe, discusses spiritedly. 在这里等候观战的众人,也是议论纷纷。 Little Rain Peak outer sect as a big collective, the prestige of everyone is very important, if after Luo Zheng so consents, actually reneges on a promise, to his prestige is a considerably large attack. 小雨峰外门作为一个大集体,每个人的信誉都很重要,倘若罗征这般应允之后,却又反悔的话,对他的信誉是一个相当大的打击。 This Luo Zheng estimate does not dare to come, talks big, actually flinches, this person is doomed no future!” “这罗征估计是不敢来了,说了大话,却又临阵退缩,这种人注定没啥前途!” Walks, walks, no looks, had this time might as well to bring cultivation, I know that our Little Rain Peak had/left a good-for-nothing!” “走吧,走吧,没啥看的了,有这时间还不如拿来修炼,我就知道咱们小雨峰又出了一个窝囊废!” After a double-hour, many people have lost to come the patience, is about to leave. 一个时辰之后,不少人已经失去而来耐心,正准备离开。 Xu Lie is the impatient person, under waits right and left, that Luo Zheng has not actually come, Xu Lie is very impatient. 徐烈本来就是急性子,左等右等之下,那罗征却还没有来,徐烈也十分不耐烦了。 Xu Lie, you said that today Luo Zheng will be accepting a challenge, why hasn't appeared to the present?” Zhuge Family's that servant asked. 徐烈,你说今日罗征会在应战,为何到现在还未出现?”诸葛家的那下人问道。 Xu Lie accompanies the smile saying: Relax, Steward Zhu, the boy cannot dare!” 徐烈陪上笑容说道:“放心,朱管事,那小子不敢不来!” Steward Zhu cold snort/hum a sound said: That is good, hopes that do not waste my time, disappoints my family young master's instruction.” 朱管事冷哼了一声道:“那就好,希望你不要浪费我的时间,辜负我家少爷的吩咐。” Doesn't dare!” Xu Lie is saying, actually saw that the Luo Zheng's form flashes, walked from the entrance with long hurried strides. “不敢不敢!”徐烈正说着,却看到罗征的身影一闪,从门口大步流星的走了过来。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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