AT :: Volume #1

#39: Challenge

Mo Can sees that drew the Luo Zheng's sleeves secretly, said: We change a place.” 莫灿见状,偷偷的拉了拉罗征的衣袖,说道:“咱们还是换一个地方吧。” This group of people cannot stir up, but can always hide? 这伙人惹不起,但是总躲得起吧? Luo Zheng actually selfish is eating the meal, has not raised the head has not paid attention. 罗征却自顾自的吃着饭菜,没有抬头也没有理会。 i told you to fuck off, haven't you heard?” The youth sees Luo Zheng to be entirely still, a palm of the hand claps on the dining table of cafeteria, this dining table is builds with Iwaki, firm exceptionally, a youth palm of the hand claps on the dining table, presented hand palm imprint, the palm strength of youth is vigorous, can be inferred. 我叫你滚开,听到没有?”那青年见罗征纹丝不动,一巴掌拍在食堂的饭桌上,这饭桌乃是用岩木打造,坚固异常,那青年一巴掌拍在饭桌上,却出现了一个手掌印,青年的掌力雄浑,可见一斑。 Luo Zheng lowers the head to eat meal as before, chews carefully, as if the surroundings big sound is also uninterested with him. 罗征依旧低头吃饭,细嚼慢咽,仿佛周围再大的动静也跟他毫无关系。 I!” “我呸!” The youth see Luo Zheng to be actually unresponsive, saliva actually spat in the Luo Zheng's food dish, scoffed to say with a smile: father looked how you eat!” 青年见罗征竟然还无反应,一口唾沫却吐进了罗征的菜盘之中,嗤笑道:“老子看你怎么吃!” Luo Zheng stands suddenly, a hand finds out like the lightning generally, holds the collar of that youth, another hand pinches the fist, wants the overhead to punch shortly. 罗征豁然站起来,一只手如同闪电一般探出,抓住那青年的衣领,另一只手则捏成拳头,眼看就要当头揍下去。 But at this moment, nearby Mo Can actually held on Luo Zheng, urgently said ; Brother Luo Zheng, cannot fight here, according to Azure Clouds Sect Sect Rule, the disciple beats mutually, is to deduct points, if your points is insufficient, light was expelled Azure Clouds Sect, heavy shuts in Purgatory Mountain!” 但就在此刻,旁边的莫灿却拉住了罗征,急道;“罗征兄,不能在这里打架,按照青云宗门规,弟子互殴,是要扣除积分的,倘若你积分不够,轻则被赶出青云宗,重则关进炼狱山!” Hears the Mo Can words, Luo Zheng also calms down, joined Little Rain Peak for serveral days, he also understood these rules. 听到莫灿的话,罗征也冷静下来,加入小雨峰这些天,他也了解了这些规则。 Before Luo Zheng has not grown healthy and strong, these rules look like thunder pond to be the same, insurmountable one step, this point, Zhou Xian has said that Teacher Su Lingyun has also mentioned with them. 罗征没有茁壮成长起来之前,这些规则就像是雷池一样,不可逾越一步,这一点,周显说过,苏灵韵导师也跟他们提起过。 This youth obviously comes prepared, the goal is to begin quoted from oneself, compelling oneself to offend Sect Rule, oneself will expel Azure Clouds Sect. 这青年明显就是有备而来,目的就是想引自己动手,逼自己触犯门规,将自己赶出青云宗 Read hence, on the Luo Zheng's face floated off suddenly the light happy expression, loosened the hand, later leisure stared at that youth saying: I do not know that is who instigates you to ask me to trouble, but spoke the honest remark, I am worrying for your intelligence quotient, can only find out the method of this low to provoke me! Since you want to court death, I give you an opportunity, making you challenge me, how?” 一念至此,罗征的脸上忽然浮起了淡淡的笑意,松开了手,随后慢悠悠的盯着那青年说道:“我不知道是谁主使你们过来找我麻烦,但是说实在话,我为你的智商堪忧,只能想出这种下三滥的手段挑衅我!既然你这么想找死,我就给你一次机会,让你挑战我,如何?” These words that Luo Zheng spoke, center that youth below bosom, said with a smile crazily: Haha, I feared that you do not dare to accept a challenge like the turtle, such being the case, in our arena sees, who does not go who is the bastard child!” 罗征说的这番话,正中那青年的下怀,狂笑道:“哈哈,我就怕你像个缩头乌龟一样不敢应战,既然如此,我们擂台上见,谁不去谁就是龟孙子!” Azure Clouds Sect stipulated that among the disciples refuses to fight secretly, once were discovered, punishes mercilessly. 青云宗规定,弟子之间严禁私自斗殴,一经发现,严惩不贷。 However Azure Clouds Sect is martial arts Holy Land, the person of cultivation martial arts, full of vigor, among dozens over a million disciples impossible not to have rubbed the contradiction. 但是青云宗原来就是武道圣地,修炼武道之人,血气方刚,几十上百万的弟子之间不可能没有摩擦矛盾。 Solution, is on the arena. 解决的办法,就是上擂台。 This arena, on each mountain peak has, Little Rain Peak is also naturally no exception. 这种擂台,每座山峰上都有,小雨峰自然也不会例外。 Wait, wait/etc, everyone has the words to be open to discuss, does not need anything to solve in the arena!” What speech is Zhou Xian, he just entered the cafeteria, then sees this acrimonious one, caught up to make peace hastily. “等等,等等,大家有话好商量,不用什么事请都在擂台上解决!”说话的是周显,他刚刚进了食堂,便看到这剑拔弩张的一幕,连忙赶了过来劝和。 Zhou Xian, what thing are you? What matter wants you to butt in?” The youth sneers saying: This boy has promised on me the arena, regretted also without enough time, I can him three days of time, three days later waited to help him gather up dead bodies.” After the youth said that leads the person to turn the head to depart. 周显,你算什么东西?啥事情要你插一脚?”那青年冷笑道:“这小子已经答应我上擂台了,后悔也来不及了,我可以给他三天时间,三天之后等着帮他收尸吧。”那青年说完之后,就带着人转头离去。 I said Luo Zheng, whom you annoy is not good, how to annoy him?” Zhou Xian whole face anxious asking. “我说罗征,你惹谁不好,怎么就惹上了他呢?”周显满脸焦虑的问道。 Nearby Mo Can collects to explain: Brother Zhou Xian, this matter not strange Brother Luo Zheng, is they are initiative to cause trouble.” 一旁的莫灿凑上来解释:“周显兄,这事情不怪罗征兄,是他们主动过来闹事。” Even so, you will still hide, the fellow is not affable, he called Xu Lie, in our Little Rain Peak over ten thousand outer sect disciples, he was ranked 30 th! Although has not stepped into Innate Secret Realm, may also be half-step Innate expert!” Also no wonder the Zhou Xian anxious seat, Luo Zheng is the Viscera Refinement Realm Peak strength, will agree on arena unexpectedly with half-step Innate expert, in the eye of Zhou Xian without doubt is a behavior of suicide. “就算如此,你们也应该躲着,那家伙可不好惹,他叫徐烈,咱们小雨峰上万的外门弟子中,他排行第三十位!虽然还没有踏入先天秘境,可也是半步先天高手!”也难怪周显会焦急不安,罗征不过是炼脏境巅峰的实力,竟然会同意跟一位半步先天高手上擂台,在周显的眼中无疑是一种自杀的行为。 half-step Innate! Is situated 30 th! What to do can this?” Mo Can has experienced the Luo Zheng strength, but hears the half-step Innate four characters, he has a scare. Although Mo Can understands that the Luo Zheng strength is remarkable, is not ordinary Viscera Refinement Realm can compare, but between he and half-step Innate is also away from Marrow Refinement Realm, this disparity was also too big. 半步先天!排行第三十位!这可怎么办?”莫灿是见识过罗征实力的,可是听到半步先天四个字,他还是吓了一跳。虽然莫灿明白罗征实力卓越,绝非普通的炼脏境可以比拟,但是他与半步先天之间还隔着一个炼髓境,这差距也太大了。 half-step Innate? The Luo Zheng hear also the knitting the brows head, Luo Zheng indeed in bloodstained smelting trial by own strength, got rid of five levels of illusory beast, the strength of that demon race person endures to compare Innate Secret Realm human race. But gets rid of that demon race person to have certain coincidence and luck. 半步先天罗征听罢也皱了皱眉头,在血色试炼之中罗征的确凭借自己的实力,干掉了一只五级幻兽,那魔族人的实力堪比先天秘境人类。可是干掉那魔族人存在一定的巧合与运气。 That demon race person is only the strength and defensive power reaches the Innate Secret Realm level merely, but does not have Spiritual Wisdom after all, is unable to control true essence. 魔族人仅仅只是力量和防御力达到先天秘境的水平,但毕竟没有灵智,也无法操控真元 Furthermore was Luo Zheng thinks quickly in emergencies to throw that broken throwing knife, if not for if that displayed the might the broken throwing knife at crucial moments, perhaps oneself had been eliminated. 再则是罗征急中生智扔出了那把残破飞刀,倘若不是那把残破的飞刀在关键时刻发挥威力,恐怕自己早就被淘汰掉了。 I look at this matter, we are Teacher Su report, do not participate in the arena?” At crucial moment, Zhou Xian then remembered the teacher on Little Rain Peak. “我看这事情,我们还是苏导师汇报一下,不要去参加擂台了吧?”关键时候,周显便想起了小雨峰上的导师。 On these teachers like Little Rain Peak, in the strict sense cannot be the masters of many disciples, like Teacher Su, in the ordinary circumstances will not interfere with cultivation of disciples. They will issue the duty every day, organizes various events in sect, maintains each mountain peak the order, as well as provides various rewards. 小雨峰上面的这些导师,严格意义上并不能算是众多弟子们的师父,就像苏导师,一般情况下不会干涉弟子们的修炼。他们每天都会发布任务,组织宗门内的各种活动,维护每座山峰的秩序,以及发放各种奖励。 However will not teach disciple cultivation directly. 但是不会直接教导弟子修炼 In comparison, they are more like the Little Rain Peak manager. 相比之下,他们更像是小雨峰的管理者。 Zhou Xian also said but actually right, this matter with letting Su Lingyun steps in quite well. 周显倒也说得对,这种事情还是跟让苏灵韵出面干涉比较好。 Silent for a long time Luo Zheng, finally shakes the head: This person comes toward me, wants to hide cannot avoid, let alone my Luo Zheng has complied with on the arena, eye for an eye cannot take back, because if this small troublesome flinches, perhaps my Heart of Martial Dao also wanted the buckle most!” 沉默了许久的罗征,终于摇了摇头:“此人就是朝着我来的,想躲也躲不开,何况我罗征已经答应上擂台,一言既出驷马难追,如果因为这点小麻烦就退缩,我的武道之心恐怕也要折损大半了!” Walks the say/way of martial artist, depended is obsession. 行走武者之道,靠的就是一份执念 Can have great accomplishment, incomparably does not have to arrive make the blood boil, obsession that does not give up until death. 能够有大成就者,无比不是拥有一份强到令人发指,至死也不放弃的执念 If Luo Zheng flinches with the matter today, that tomorrow comes across the matter also to find the excuse to flinch, obsession in his mind will vacillate slowly, without this obsession, the say/way of his martial artist also stopped. 若是罗征今日遇事情就退缩,那明日遇到事情也能找理由退缩,那他心目中的执念就会慢慢动摇,倘若没有了这份执念,那他的武者之道也就到此为止了。 Let alone this Xu Lie asks itself to trouble bewilderedly, was definitely pulled strings, but Luo Zheng is unable to judge that is who incites that's all. 何况这徐烈莫名其妙找自己麻烦,肯定是受人指使,只不过罗征无法判断是何人指使而已 Is Wang Hengzhi they? Fang Family? Is that boy surnamed Zhuge? Luo Zheng does not want to guess, no matter who must play with him, he accompanies. 王衡之他们?还是方家?或者是那个姓诸葛的小子?罗征已经不想猜了,不管是谁要跟他玩,他都奉陪到底。 Luo Zheng, you......!” The Zhou Xian warm-hearted quick intestines, stand in the Luo Zheng's viewpoint completely, is at heart more anxious than Luo Zheng. 罗征,你……唉!”周显热心快肠,完全是站在罗征的角度考虑,心里却比罗征还焦急。 In the cafeteria, many outer sect disciples look to the Luo Zheng's look, filled pitying. 食堂之中,许多外门弟子看向罗征的眼神,也充满了怜悯。 Just entered the Little Rain Peak outer sect disciple, accepts the challenge of Xu Lie unexpectedly, but also dares to step onto the arena, isn't this courts death? Above arena, fist and feet don't have eyes, even if were killed did not need to bear any responsibility! 一位刚刚进入小雨峰外门弟子,竟然接受徐烈的挑战,还敢走上擂台,这不是找死吗?擂台之上,拳脚无眼,就算是被打死了也不用负担任何责任! Generally, without the big enmity, is not worthwhile decisively steps onto the arena, this boy perhaps exactly tomorrow. 一般情况下,若是没有大仇,断然犯不着走上擂台,这小子恐怕活不过明日了。 Luo Zheng actually thinks otherwise radically, he also comforts Zhou Xian in turn: All right, remembers tomorrow comes to the arena to refuel for me!” 罗征却根本不以为然,他还反过来安慰周显:“没事的,明天记得来擂台为我加油!” half-step Innate...... 半步先天…… Quite is indeed thorny to Luo Zheng, initially with Xie Lang fought, Luo Zheng just stepped into Viscera Refinement Realm, won was very difficult, moreover that time Xie Lang is the spent force. 罗征来说的确比较棘手,当初与邪琅交手的时候,罗征才刚刚踏入炼脏境,赢的很艰难,而且那时候的邪琅已经是强弩之末。 Now Luo Zheng has not only entered into Viscera Refinement Realm Peak, above that giant furnace in mind also had awakened two dragon scales, he does not lose at the strength in Marrow Refinement Realm expert purely absolutely, even also wants powerful compared with Marrow Refinement Realm many. 现在罗征不仅已经迈入了炼脏境巅峰,脑海之中的那巨型熔炉之上还觉醒了两枚龙鳞,单纯以力量而言他绝对不输于炼髓境强者,甚至比炼髓境还要强大不少。 Accepts a cultivator challenge of half-step Innate, somewhat is indeed risky, but Luo Zheng not necessarily does not have strength of the war! 接受一位半步先天修炼者挑战,的确有些冒险,但是罗征未必没有一战之力! Zhou Xian to tomorrow's competing, is deep worry. 周显对明日的打擂,还是深深的担忧。 Luo Zheng is Viscera Refinement Realm that's all, joins Little Rain Peak about half a month, is the rookie in rookie, dares to accept competing of Xu Lie unexpectedly, saying Luo Zheng was the idiot? Fool? 罗征不过是炼脏境而已,加入小雨峰不过才半个月左右,属于新人中的新人,竟然就敢接受徐烈的打擂,说罗征是白痴?还是笨蛋呢? After Luo Zheng and Mo Can leave the cafeteria, he considers long time, the decision gives Teacher Su this news report. 罗征莫灿离开食堂之后,他考虑良久,还是决定把这个消息汇报给苏导师 Teacher Su had urged with him couple days ago in private, if Luo Zheng has what sound and performance, must return to her actively. 苏导师前几天跟他私下叮嘱过,若是罗征有什么动静和表现,都要向她积极回报。 However what Zhou Xian has not thought that after Teacher Su learns of this news, on face also no expression, even a point worries does not have, but expressed that tomorrow will compete she to find time to observe. 不过周显没想到的是,苏导师得知这个消息之后,脸上也没有什么表情,甚至连一点担忧都没有,只是表示明日打擂她会抽空去观战。 If not for has scruples the status, Zhou Xian really wants to ask, her why not take action prevents. 若不是顾忌身份,周显真想问问,她为何不出手阻止。 Su Lingyun will certainly not prevent, her grand objective, trains a super disciple in Little Rain Peak, the forcing 32 peaks! 苏灵韵当然不会阻止了,她的宏伟目标,就是在小雨峰中培养出一个超级弟子,力压三十二峰! In fact Luo Zheng is one of the Su Lingyun candidates, has much already the inner sect disciple who quite makes a name in Little Rain Peak, naturally surpasses present Luo Zheng by strength these inner sect disciples, but Su Lingyun has a premonition faintly, this youngster will grow to the situation of letting her looking up to sooner or later. 实质上罗征不过是苏灵韵的候选人之一,在小雨峰还有不少已经颇成气候的内门弟子,论实力那些内门弟子自然远超出现在的罗征,可是苏灵韵隐隐有一种预感,这个少年迟早会成长到让她仰望的地步。 Regarding this disciple, Su Lingyun will not intervene, only then gives his full experience, returns in the Life and Death edge unceasing land wheel, can his real potential stimulation. 对于这种弟子,苏灵韵是不会多加干预,只有给他充分的历练,在生死的边缘不断地轮回,才能将他真正的潜力激发。 Therefore even Xu Lie not take action, Su Lingyun will choose several disciples, looks Luo Zheng's troublesome. 所以就算徐烈出手,苏灵韵自己都会挑选几个弟子,去找罗征的“麻烦”。
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