AT :: Volume #1

#41: Mouse and cat

That face of Xu Lie piled up with the vicious tendencies immediately, he goes forward to interrogate: Luo Zheng, you promise me to compete today, why is late? If you do not dare on the arena, kneels knocks on three heads on the ground to me, called three grandfathers, then oneself withdrew from Azure Clouds Sect is also a road, what skill did the nest make that turtle at home is?” 徐烈的那张脸当即堆满了戾气,他上前质问道:“罗征,你答应我今日打擂,为何迟到?倘若你不敢上擂台,跪在地上给我叩三个头,叫三声爷爷,然后自己退出青云宗也是一条路,窝在家里做那缩头乌龟算什么本事?” Luo Zheng blinked an eye, leisure saying: I indeed promise you to compete today, but, I promise you am today, 11 p.m. to 1 a.m is also today, noontime is also today, how? Which double-hour do I have to promise you am today?” 罗征眨巴了一下眼睛,慢悠悠的说道:“我的确答应你今日打擂,不过,我答应你是今日,子时也是今日,午时也是今日,怎么?我有答应你是今日哪个时辰么?” Luo Zheng asked back, makes Xu Lie stare actually, simultaneously the scowl on face really: Sly boy, on the arena I looked that your opens mouth is useful!” 罗征这么反问,倒是让徐烈一愣,同时脸上的怒容更甚:“狡猾的小子,上了擂台我就看你这张嘴还有什么用!” „Before on arena, my also request,” Luo Zheng said suddenly. “上擂台之前,我还有一个要求,”罗征忽然说道。 What requests? Difficult to be inadequate you also to count on that I do show mercy? The custom above Azure Clouds Sect's arena, hitting the dead beating is remnant, is generally irresponsible!” Xu Lie today's goal is to take the Luo Zheng's life, if Luo Zheng proposed that this kind of request, his Xu Lie will not comply decisively. “什么要求?难不成你还指望我手下留情?青云宗的擂台之上的规矩,打死打残,概不负责!”徐烈今日的目的就是取走罗征的性命,倘若罗征提出这类要求,他徐烈断然不会答应。 Luo Zheng shakes the head: Above arena, fist and feet don't have eyes, I know certainly the custom, I thought such pure competing, is really dull, or we bet anything, having a good luck is also good!” 罗征摇摇头:“擂台之上,拳脚无眼,我当然知道规矩,我是觉得这么单纯的打擂,实属没趣的很,要不我们赌点什么,有个彩头也好!” Xu Lie stares slightly, he has not thought that Luo Zheng will propose such a request, in the heart of Xu Lie, the goal has basically reached arrived, so long as tempted on arena Luo Zheng basically to be the deceased person Luo Zheng, so long as Luo Zheng is willing on arena to say. 徐烈微微一愣,他没有想到罗征会提出这样一个要求,在徐烈的心中,的目的基本已经达到了,只要将罗征引诱上擂台罗征基本就属于死人了,所以只要罗征肯上擂台一切都好说。 He has not thought that Luo Zheng really has the energy, wants to bet a good luck unexpectedly. 他没想到罗征竟然如此有底气,竟然还想赌点彩头。 Xu Lie does not make clear, energy where Luo Zheng comes, is difficult to be inadequate he also to think can oneself win? Does a Viscera Refinement Realm little fellow, want to win half-step Innate? Joke! 徐烈也搞不清楚,罗征哪里来的底气,难不成他还以为自己能赢?一个炼脏境的小家伙,想赢半步先天的自己?笑话! Haha, good luck? Very good, you want to bet anything, the fathers accompany!” Xu Lie said. 哈哈,彩头?很好,你想赌什么,老子都奉陪到底!”徐烈说道。 Like this, I have 100 fair crystal stone, your side has high grade profound item, if you won, 100 fair crystal stone turn over to you, if you lost, that high grade profound item turned over to me to be good!” Luo Zheng saying with a smile. “这样子,我出一百根方晶石,你那边出一把上品玄器,若是你赢了,一百根方晶石就归你,若是你输了,那一把上品玄器就归我好了!”罗征笑吟吟的说道。 100 fair crystal stone?” Xu Lie stares, as Xu Lie of grassroots birth, was not very wealthy, although he by oneself strength, earned many points for these years, but these points were used to exchange cultivation technique and medicinal pill spent, trained martial artist, was in itself a matter of fever money, let alone Xu Lie behind did not have the respected family to support. “一百根方晶石?”徐烈又是一愣,作为草根出生的徐烈,并不是很富裕,虽说这几年他凭借自己的实力,赚取了不少积分,可是那些积分都用来兑换功法丹药花掉了,培养一个武者,本身就是一件烧钱的事,何况徐烈的身后并没有大家族支持。 This gambling stake regarding the upper class juniors is not anything, was regarding the outer sect disciple of grassroots birth, was a great sum of money. 这赌注对于士族子弟来说不算什么,可是对于草根出生的外门弟子来说,就是一把巨款了。 Xu Lie is glad with the Luo Zheng gambling actually very much, but Xu Lie he cannot put out high grade profound item...... 徐烈倒是很乐意跟罗征赌,可是徐烈他拿不出一把上品玄器…… Brat, you clearly know that I do not have high grade profound item, now actually wants to bet this with me, I thought that you look for reason that's all intentionally,” the Xu Lie anger said. “臭小子,你明知道我没有上品玄器,现在却想跟我赌这个,我看你是故意找理由罢了,”徐烈怒道。 Luo Zheng sighs, shows a sympathetical expression, such being the case, this arena does not hit, hits to waste energy, why do I want to fight you?” 罗征叹了一口气,露出一副惋惜的表情,“既然如此,这擂台不打也罢,打来打去都是白费力气,我凭什么要跟你打?” You!” Xu Lie was the real illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, your boy clearly was finds an excuse not to think on the arena, I thought that perhaps your 100 fair crystal stone also bragged, could not take!” “你!”徐烈是真的气结了,“你小子分明就是找个理由不想上擂台,我看你那一百根方晶石恐怕也是瞎吹,根本拿不出来!” Finishing speaking of Xu Lie, ding dāng dāng, falls one pile of fair crystal stone from Luo Zheng's hand, that fair crystal stone one after another, glittering and translucent carving, shows the magnificent color under the illumination of sunlight. 徐烈的话音刚落,叮叮当当,从罗征的手里就滑落出一堆方晶石,那方晶石一根一根,晶莹剔透,在日光的照射下透出瑰丽的色彩。 But this fair crystal stone the hard currency, the Little Rain Peak outer sect disciple majority were the grassroots births, this pile of over a hundred fair crystal stone, absolutely were a great sum of money. 方晶石可是硬通货,小雨峰外门弟子大多数都是草根出生,这一堆上百根方晶石,绝对是一笔巨款了。 I put out so many fair crystal stone now, so long as you pull out high grade profound item, on my arena, you, if cannot pull out, I looked that do not hit, I really do not want to waste energy!” Stands in that pile of fair crystal stone, Luo Zheng smiles is especially bright. “我现在拿出这么多方晶石了,你只要掏出一把上品玄器,我就上擂台,你若是掏不出来,我看还是别打了,我真的不想白费力气!”站在那一堆方晶石中,罗征笑的格外灿烂。 Xu Lie was really does not have the temperament now thoroughly, he thinks that very simple matter, was rubbed gently to delay by Luo Zheng like this for a long time. 徐烈现在真是彻底没脾气了,他本以为很简单的事情,就被罗征这样磨磨蹭蹭耽搁了许久。 At this time, that Steward Zhu suddenly Yin sad saying: Xu Lie, he must bet high grade profound item, bets with him, is difficult to be inadequate you also to fear do oneself lose?” 这时,那朱管事忽然阴恻恻的说道:“徐烈,他要赌一把上品玄器,就跟他赌呗,难不成你还怕自己输?” But I do not have high grade profound item,” Xu Lie depressed saying. “可是我没有上品玄器,”徐烈郁闷的说道。 Without high grade profound item, you won't borrow? I do not believe that big Little Rain Peak, always some people can put out high grade profound item,” the Steward Zhu reminder said. “没有上品玄器,你就不会借一借?我就不相信偌大一个小雨峰,总有人能拿出上品玄器,”朱管事提醒道。 Right!” Xu Lie swept, the vision fell on one person of corner, He Bing, I remember that you didn't have high grade profound item?” “对啊!”徐烈扫了一圈,目光落在角落的一人身上,“何冰,我记得你不是有一把上品玄器?” That He Bing indeed has high grade profound item, the strength is also not weak, sees Xu Lie to look for itself, said with a smile: „The Xu Lie brother, I have high grade profound item, what's the big deal?” 何冰的确拥有一把上品玄器,实力也是不弱,见徐烈找上自己,笑着说道:“徐烈兄,我是有一把上品玄器,那又如何?” Uses taking advantage of me, a while gives back to you!” Xu Lie said, looks like in Xu Lie, this is a very simple matter. “借我一用,一会儿就还给你!”徐烈说道,在徐烈看来,这本是一件很简单的事情。 Those who let Xu Lie not think, He Bing shakes the head to say unexpectedly: Does not borrow.” 徐烈没想到的是,何冰竟然摇摇头说道:“不借。” What's wrong? You also feared that I will lose to this boy?” The Xu Lie anger said. “怎么?你还怕我会输给这小子?”徐烈怒道。 He Bing continues to shake the head, I did not certainly fear that you lose to this boy, is only I for no reason, why must borrow you?” 何冰继续摇头,“我当然不怕你输给这小子,只是我平白无故,为什么要借你?” You......” the eyeball of Xu Lie transferred the revolutions, immediately understands meaning of He Bing, he then said: Like this was good, a while I won that boy, that fair crystal stone I divide and your half, how?” “你……”徐烈的眼珠子转了转,立即就明白了何冰的意思,他便说道:“这样好了,一会儿我打赢了那小子,那方晶石我分与你一半,如何?” Hears the Xu Lie words, on the face of He Bing then shows the satisfactory smile, said early, the Xu Lie brother, met!” 听到徐烈的话,何冰的脸上这才露出满意的笑容,“早说嘛,徐烈兄,接好了!” He Bing said, loosened sword from his waist, threw to Xu Lie. 何冰说完,从他的的腰间解下了一把佩剑,扔给了徐烈 Xu Lie puts out a hand to meet, unstated criticism He Bing is one not cannot benefit the early fellow at heart, later „”, has the sheath that treasured sword, that three chi (0.33 m) azure front is glittering the light purple ray, he said to this Luo Zheng: He Bing this takes the sword, is called Purple Azure Treasure Sword, is profound rank high grade, can as the good luck?” 徐烈伸手一接,心里腹诽这何冰就是一个无利不起早的家伙,随后“噌”的一声,将那宝剑出鞘,那三尺青锋闪烁着淡紫色的光芒,他对这罗征说道:“何冰的这把剑,叫做紫青宝剑,乃是玄阶上品,可以作为彩头了吧?” Luo Zheng looked at that Purple Azure Treasure Sword, at once nods, turns the head to say to behind Mo Can: Helps me deliver this fair crystal stone, after” said that Luo Zheng leapt jumped up the arena. 罗征看了一眼那紫青宝剑,旋即点了点头,转头对身后的莫灿说道:“把这方晶石帮我送过去吧,”说完之后,罗征一跃就跳上了擂台。 Saw on Luo Zheng the arena, in the Xu Lie heart secretly rejoiced, his anything did not fear, feared Luo Zheng really flinched, therefore he also gave Mo Can that Purple Azure Treasure Sword, similarly jumped up above the arena. 看到罗征上了擂台,徐烈心中暗喜,他什么都不怕,就怕罗征真的退缩,于是他把那紫青宝剑也交给了莫灿,同样跳上了擂台之上。 Above the arena, Luo Zheng crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the strength in body actually starts to past slowly, facing half-step Innate Xu Lie, in the Luo Zheng surface seems to be careless, but the innermost feelings actually full are vigilant, won't cultivation to Xu Lie this situation, who have trump card? 擂台之上,罗征负手而立,身体之中的力量却开始缓缓流转,面对半步先天徐烈,罗征表面上似乎漫不经心,但是内心却满是警惕,修炼徐烈这个地步,谁会没有杀手锏 Endured patiently for a long time Xu Lie, has wanted to end this competing in a big hurry, after mounting the stage, he sneers, under foot thunder light flashes, whole body as if binds in the first layer lightning, wallops toward Luo Zheng at the extremely quick speed. 忍耐了许久的徐烈,早就想快快结束这场打擂,上台之后他冷笑一声,脚下雷光一闪,全身上下仿佛裹在一层闪电之中,以极快的速度朝着罗征猛冲过来。 What this Xu Lie cultivation is named «Rushing Thunder Fist» cultivation technique, produced life source true qi is full of the thunderclap imposing manner, the speed or the explosive force are astonishing. 徐烈修炼的是一种叫做《奔雷拳》的功法,产生的本命真气饱含霹雳气势,无论是速度还是爆发力都非常惊人。 Xu Lie approaches in the Luo Zheng's pupil unceasingly, unceasing enlargement, when Xu Lie with own distance when two meters, the gigantic fist transforms rushing thunder, the overhead chops together toward Luo Zheng. 徐烈罗征的瞳孔之中不断地靠近,不断的放大,当徐烈与自己的距离只有两米之时,硕大的拳头幻化成一道奔雷,当头就朝着罗征劈过来。 half-step Innate, has been able to operate life source true qi adeptly, transforms true qi as the thunderclap, the power and influence of this fist is so unexpectedly astonishing. 半步先天,已可以娴熟的操纵本命真气,将真气转化为霹雳,这一拳的威势竟然如此惊人。 Facing this fist, Luo Zheng has not retroceded. 面对这一拳,罗征并没有后退。 He the five fingers fist, purple light screen windings on him, take action is «Red Sandalwood Fist» Red Sandalwood Thumb Strength! 他将五指化拳,一道道紫色的光幕缠绕在他身上,一出手便是《紫檀拳》中的紫檀寸劲 He wants to meet the tough head-on with toughness with Xu Lie unexpectedly! 他竟然想跟徐烈硬碰硬! The people under arena see this, the mouth open the eldest child. 擂台之下的众人看到这一幕,嘴巴都张很老大。 They believe that Luo Zheng definitely under puts in an appearance flees like a scared rat. 原本他们都认为,罗征肯定会在一个照面之下抱头鼠窜。 After all the realm disparity was too big, since the upfront meets the enemy, Luo Zheng absolutely does not have the half a point chance. 毕竟境界的差距太大了,从正面迎敌,罗征根本就没有半分赢面。 Burnt that if this fist to, the Luo Zheng's half body will perhaps be hit by Xu Lie Rushing Thunder Fist. 这一拳头若是对上了,罗征的半边身体恐怕都会被徐烈奔雷拳打的焦糊。 Bang!” “嘭!” Two fists bumped hardly in one. 两拳硬碰在了一起。 Under the huge fist strength interaction, Luo Zheng drew back four steps, came to a stop the body. 巨大的拳力相互作用之下,罗征退了四步,才站稳了身体。 But Xu Lie drew back the 7-8 step toward behind suddenly, stops, in the eye glitters to wipe the unusual look. 徐烈则朝后面猛然退了七八步,才堪堪停下,眼中闪烁出一抹异色。 This fist, not only surpassed unexpected of Xu Lie, went beyond all observing the expectations of outer sect disciple. 这一拳,不仅超出了徐烈的意料之外,同时也超出了所有观战的外门弟子的预料。 Person of where Body Refinement doesn't understand the realm importance? 炼体之人哪里不懂得境界的重要性? Fleshly Body Five Layers, breaks through First Layer every time, the strength will increase several times. 肉身五重,每突破一重,力量都会增加数倍。 When can the Viscera Refinement Realm strength place on a par with the half-step Innate strength? 什么时候炼脏境的力量可以跟半步先天的力量相提并论了? No matter they do believe that present occurrence truly. 不管他们相不相信,眼前的这一幕确确实实的发生了。 On the Luo Zheng's face also flashes before the color of grim similarly, the flash of just fighting, the purple light on Luo Zheng arm, was scattered by Xu Lie Rushing Thunder Fist, his Red Sandalwood Thumb Strength obviously somewhat is at this moment weak, is unable to achieve some effects. 罗征的脸上同样也闪现出凝重之色,刚刚交手的一瞬间,罗征手臂上的紫光,就被徐烈奔雷拳打散了,他的紫檀寸劲此刻显然有些无力,无法发挥出本有的效果。 Really, «Red Sandalwood Fist» bumps into true expert, some insufficiently look. 果然,《紫檀拳》碰到真正的高手,还是有些不够看。 But Xu Lie the strength of thunder and lightning spreads to own arm on unexpectedly, like two bright silver small snakes, twines on the Luo Zheng's hand arm, desperate biting bites. 徐烈的雷电之力竟然蔓延到自己的手臂上,如同两道亮银色的小蛇,缠绕在罗征的手臂上,拼命的噬咬。 Before long, a burnt flavor transmits from the Luo Zheng's hand arm. 不一会儿,一股焦糊的味道就从罗征的手臂上传来。 Luo Zheng's strength big stems from unexpected of Xu Lie, but sees the Luo Zheng burned black arm, on the Xu Lie face reveals to grin fiendishly: „ Good strength! However your hand was also waste! 罗征的力量大大的出乎徐烈的意料之外,但是看到罗征焦黑的手臂,徐烈脸上还是露出狞笑:“好力气!不过你的这只手也废了! Right?” On the Luo Zheng face emerges the light smile, the strength on arm revolves, purple light well up from his arm, the small snake that two thunder and lightning form was therefore strangled to death by red sandalwood true qi instantaneously. “是吗?”罗征脸上浮出淡淡的笑容,手臂上的力量运转,一道道紫光从他手臂中涌出来,那两条雷电形成的小蛇瞬间就被紫檀真气所以绞杀。 Saw this, the eyelid of Xu Lie jumped jumping, although this boy was only Viscera Refinement Realm, was the strength actually big astonishment, moreover his body especially was also special, «Rushing Thunder Fist» the strength of thunder and lightning had is hard to deal with much, Xu Lie were clearest. 看到这幕,徐烈的眼皮跳了跳,这小子虽然只是炼脏境,可是力量却大的惊人,而且他的身体也尤为特殊,《奔雷拳》中的雷电之力有多难以应付,徐烈自己是最清楚的。 But is not good to the effect on this boy. 可是对上这小子的效果却并不好。 How however even if the talent different did report? If this boy with oneself with is half-step Innate realm, perhaps Xu Lie starts running away at once now, may after all be the Viscera Refinement Realm boy, where can go again fiercely fiercely? Thinks of here, the body thunder glittering of Xu Lie, the form disappears above the arena together instantaneously. 不过就算天赋异禀又如何?倘若这小子跟自己同为半步先天境界,徐烈现在恐怕拔腿就跑,可毕竟是个炼脏境的小子,再厉害又能厉害到哪里去?想到这里,徐烈的身上一道雷光闪烁,身影瞬间消失在擂台之上。 Only in the flash, he tumbles to go toward side suddenly, but in his same place, Xu Lie drops from the clouds, a Rushing Thunder Fist bombardment above the ground, like a cloudless day thunderclap, explodes everyone eardrum chaotic sound. 只在一瞬间,他陡然往旁边翻滚而去,而在他的原地,徐烈从天而降,一记奔雷拳轰击在地面之上,如同晴天一个霹雳,炸得所有人耳膜乱响。 This speed was too fast......” Luo Zheng knitting the brows head, this moment Luo Zheng is also the wholeheartedly will look on the body of Xu Lie, he biggest disadvantage, will be the speed is too slow. “这速度太快了……”罗征皱了皱眉头,此刻罗征也是全身心的将目光锁定在徐烈的身上,他最大的劣势,就是速度太慢。 The Fleshly Body Five Layers boundary, finally First Layer realm is Marrow Refinement Realm. 肉身五重境,最后一重境界炼髓境 In Marrow Refinement Realm, must refine the impurity in whole body marrow, this realm can simplify is two characters cleansing the marrow. 炼髓境中,要将全身骨髓中的杂质炼出来,这个境界可以简化为两个字“洗髓”。 Only then after cleansing the marrow success, the whole body will have qualitative to change, the body can grow stronger, the traveling speed will also rise dramatically, can let person keen ears and sharp eyes. 只有洗髓成功之后,全身就会发生质的变化,身体会变强,移动速度也会暴增,也能让人耳聪目明。 Initially he coped with Xie Lang time, suffered a loss suffers a loss in the form that is unable to capture the opposite party, now Xu Lie also uses this move. 当初他对付邪琅的时候,吃亏就吃亏在无法追捕对方的身影,现在徐烈也用上了这招。 crackling!” 噼啪!” Also was Rushing Thunder Fist pounds to Luo Zheng. 又是一记奔雷拳砸向了罗征 This Luo Zheng cannot avoid completely, strength of the part of thunder and lightning bit his thigh. 这一次罗征没能够完全避开,一部分雷电之力咬住了他的腿部。 Is good has one because of Luo Zheng intrepidly to the body in the extreme, strength of majority this thunder and lightning was absorbed by the Luo Zheng's body, the strength of remaining thunder and lightning have not caused the too big damage to Luo Zheng. 好在罗征拥有一副强悍到无以复加的身体,这雷电之力大部分都被罗征的身体吸收了,剩下的雷电之力对罗征没有造成太大的伤害。 Can't keep up with my speed? I thought when you can hard anti- arrive!” Xu Lie more hits is more excited, the free motion sandbag makes him hit, he was certainly happy. “跟不上我的速度吧?我看你能够硬抗到什么时候!”徐烈越打越兴奋,有一个免费的移动沙袋让他打,他当然高兴。 bang! 啪! Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “轰隆!” Xu Lie each take action, wild is roaring. 徐烈每一次出手,都猖狂的吼叫着。 „Can you hide?” “你很能躲?” I thought when you can hide!” “我看你能躲到什么时候!” Again come!” “再来!” Above the arena, is putting up a game of cat catch mouse. But meets again the mouse that runs, will be caught eventually by the cat. 擂台之上,正上演着一幕猫捉老鼠的游戏。可是再会跑的老鼠,终究还是会被猫逮到。
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