AT :: Volume #1

#4: Beats savagely big steward

That night Luo Zheng excited for a long time, could not sleep unexpectedly, throughout entire evening only rested a double-hour, is spirit actually as before full. 这一夜罗征激动了好久,竟然睡不着觉,整个晚上只睡了一个时辰,可是精神却依旧饱满。 Next day one very early in the morning, the Luo Family's servant opened the big lock of cave, is Luo Zheng wears shackles leather armor, led him. 第二天一大清早,罗家的下人打开了地窖的大锁,为罗征佩戴好镣铐皮甲,就将他带了出去。 After entering Bone Refinement Realm, his body also had the qualitative change, this type changes indescribable, walked this minor matter to have the change, each one step stepped more relaxed, was more coordinated, reduced effort. 进入炼骨境后,他的身体也产生了质的改变,这种改变难以言喻,就连走路这种小事都有了变化,每一步迈出去都更加轻松,更加协调,也更加省力。 If not for if has these damn handcuffs fetters to fetter itself, he wants to proceed to dash to go. 倘若不是有这些该死的手镣脚镣束缚自己,他都想往前飞奔而去。 Under the this humble one person's leadership, Luo Zheng discovered that this road some are not right. 在下人的带领下,罗征发现这条路有些不对劲。 Entire Luo Family occupies a land area enormously, however the plan of family is also systematic, except for Martial Arts Hall, Business Pavilion, Hundred Herbs Garden, Refining Workplace belongs to the place that the family shares, basically plans in the vestibule part of family residence. 整个罗家占地极大,但是家族的规划也是井然有序,除了演武堂,议事亭,百草园,炼器坊属于家族共用的地方,基本都规划在家宅的前庭部分。 But now this road, actually circles toward, seems like walks toward the Luo Family backyard! 而现在这条路,却是往内绕了一圈,似乎是往罗家后院走去! The Luo Zheng's brow wrinkled slightly, he has not spoken, all watch changes quietly. 罗征的眉头微微皱了起来,他没有吭声,一切静观其变。 For a long time has not come the Luo Family backyard, here appearance change is very big, especially Luo Family second branch and Luo Family third branch Di Residence, added many pavilions, but also opened several ponds, constructed the small bridge over the flowing stream, the pond hall waterside pavilion. 许久没有来过罗家后院,这里的面貌变化很大,特别是罗家二房罗家三房的邸宅,添了不少亭台楼阁,还开辟了几块池塘,建了小桥流水,池馆水榭。 These constructions work exquisitely, making one praise to the heavens, that magnificently decorated building, dragon Wenfeng dances to trace the system with the gold, the roof placed the shining gem...... 这些建筑做工精巧,让人叹为观止,那雕梁画栋,龙纹凤舞都是用黄金描制而成,屋顶都安插了明晃晃的宝石…… Sees the second branch third branch actions, Luo Zheng cannot bear sigh at heart, although Luo Family background is many, this money cannot be regarded anything, but current way of the world only expert can save the world, regarding martial artist, this glory, splendor, riches and honor is only the details, if a family peaceful in leading a life of comfort...... 看到二房三房的所作所为,罗征心里忍不住叹气,虽说罗家底蕴颇丰,这点钱算不得什么,可当今的世道唯强者能存世,对于一名武者而言,这荣华富贵只是末节,一个家族若是安于享乐…… This Luo Family feared that must defeat on Second Uncle and Third Uncle. 罗家怕是要败在二叔三叔手上。 In Luo Zheng after a pond, changed course in other institute. 就在罗征经过一处池塘后,就转进了一间别院中。 In this other institute two sit facing each other tea, is very merry. 这别院里面正有两人对坐饮茶,好不快活。 Luo Zheng fixes the eyes on looked, one of them actually disappeared two days of Steward Fang. But another person is to wear the silk fabrics Chinese dress, over fifty-year- old person, this old person Luo Zheng also knew, named Huang Ge, is the Luo Residence servant. 罗征定睛一看,其中一人却是消失了两天的方管事。而另一人则是穿着绸缎华服,年过半百的老人,这老人罗征也认识,名叫黄格,原本是罗府的下人。 Because the Huang Ge wife is the Third Uncle eldest son Luo Chengyun wet nurse, in addition Huang Ge this person is also very good with flattering, the study relates, relations with Luo Family third branch lineage/vein is excellent, the position also increases successively. 因为黄格老婆是三叔长子罗承运的奶妈,加上黄格此人又十分善与阿谀奉承,钻研关系,与罗家三房一脉的关系极好,地位也节节攀升。 But because now Second Uncle and Third Uncle controlled the Luo Family power, the Huang Ge position is when production costs rise, prices rise too, becomes Luo Family big steward, Luo Family's branch disciple does not place in the eye. 而如今因为二叔三叔掌控了罗家大权,黄格的地位更是水涨船高,成为罗家管事,就连罗家的旁系子弟也不放在眼中。 About his all sorts of rampant, Luo Zheng has hearing early. 关于他的种种嚣张,罗征早有耳闻。 Luo Zheng has not walked, listens to that Steward Fang to say with that Huang Ge: Grandpa Huang, Young Master Chengyun kindly gives your other institute is really the work of high-quality goods, small, if has not misread, Yulong / jade dragon that on that doorway tablet carves, with good corundum seed material?” 罗征还没走进去,就听那方管事与那黄格说道:“黄爷,承运少爷赏给你的这件别院真乃是精品之作,小的如果没看错的话,那门匾上雕琢的玉龙,都是用上好的刚玉籽料吧?” Huang Ge hehe smiled two saying: You can judge the quality of goods, is not only this Yulong / jade dragon, you look at the glazed tile of that roof shop, that copper lion, is asks the Lofty Sun County best artisan to manufacture......” 黄格嘿嘿笑了两声说:“还是你识货,不光是这玉龙,你看那房顶铺的琉璃瓦,还有那尊铜狮子,都是请崇阳郡最好的工匠制作……” After Steward Fang one by one appreciates, the tch tch mouth said: Old Huang, your short separation institute anything is good, but lacked anything!” 方管事一一鉴赏后,啧啧嘴说道:“黄老,您这小别院什么都好,可就是缺了点什么!” My this other institute, what wants to have what, what can also lack?” Huang Ge self-satisfied saying. “我这别院,要什么有什么,还能缺啥?”黄格得意的说道。 Steward Fang actually laughs: Naturally is lacks to be nimble and agile, the servant who serves your personal habits, I brought to you look, this person is the servant to you, takes care of you to have the face!” 方管事却嘻嘻一笑:“当然是缺个手脚麻利,伺候您饮食起居的下人,这不,我这人都给你带来了,这人给你做下人,保管你倍儿有面子!” Who is that person?” Huang Ge curious asking. “那人是谁?”黄格好奇的问。 Steward Fang toward other institute entrance one finger/refers, said: Old Huang you look!” 方管事朝别院门口一指,说道:“黄老你看!” Huang Ge counts on following the hand of Steward Fang, sees arrived Luo Zheng, this past famous Young Patriarch, Luo Family's Eldest Young Master, didn't he possibly know? 黄格顺着方管事的手指望去,一眼就见到了罗征,这昔日鼎鼎大名的少家主,罗家的大少爷,他怎么可能不认识? Luo Zheng stands in other institute entrance, exactly right that Steward Fang and Huang Ge words he listens , an anger raises from the heart, these two son-of-a-bitch big tones, were too dissolute. 罗征站在别院门口,方管事黄格的话他听的分毫不差,一股怒火从心中升起,这两个狗奴才好大的口气,太放肆了。 Although his Luo Zheng was reduced to the house slave, but this is his Luo Family's matter. 罗征虽然被贬为家奴,可这是他罗家的事。 Even general branch disciple, does not dare to be extremely unreasonable before him, after all the Luo Zheng past position suspended here, he was the main branch eldest son. 就算是一般的旁系子弟,也不敢在他面前太过无理,毕竟罗征过去的地位摆在这里,他还是长房长子。 That Steward Fang dares to urge Huang Ge, treats as the servant who serves tea to pour water to direct him! 方管事竟敢撺掇黄格,把他当做端茶倒水的下人使唤! Huang Ge sized up Luo Zheng two, on the face that covers entirely the wrinkle floats off the smile of Yin measuring, asked this boy to consider my personal habits, poured appropriately, does not know that side Young Master Chengyun can have the idea?” 黄格打量了罗征两眼,那张布满皱纹的老脸上浮起阴测测的笑容,“叫这小子照顾我的饮食起居,倒也合适,就是不知道承运少爷那边会不会有想法?” Old Huang felt relieved that you are our Luo Family's big steward, casual a few words dispatch from Martial Arts Hall Luo Zheng, this Luo Zheng now is the house slave who has not divided, daily must deliver to Martial Arts Hall hit shrieking and howling wildly, is a servant to be comfortable your here? Most the body waste basin......” Steward Fang continues to say but actually. 黄老放心吧,您可是咱罗家的管事,随便一句话就把罗征演武堂调遣过来,这罗征现在不过是个没名没分的家奴,天天要送到演武堂被打的鬼哭狼嚎,在您这里做个下人多舒服?最多就是倒倒屎尿盆子……”方管事继续说道。 Steward Fang this crosstalk, persuaded Huang Ge, like Huang Ge this person who crawls from the floor, most favors is a face, Luo Family's predecessor Eldest Young Master must personally to oneself but actually the chamber pot, this indeed is an interesting matter, Huang Ge nods to ask Steward Fang: Or, manages?” 方管事这一串话,把黄格说动了,像黄格这种从底层爬上来的人,最看好的就是一个面子,罗家的前任大少爷还要亲自给自己倒夜壶,这的确是一件有意思的事,黄格点点头问方管事:“要不,就这么办?” Manages!” After Steward Fang nod, sets out to call that several servants, takes to bring in Luo Zheng. “就这么办!”方管事点头后,一起身招呼那几位下人,将罗征带进来。 However Luo Zheng actually stands in same place, stands one's ground steadfastly, whatever that several servants drag to entrain, he has not moved the half a point. 然而罗征却站在原地,岿然不动,任凭那几位下人拖拽,他都没有挪动半分。 Although these servants two strengths, but where can move Bone Refinement Realm Luo Zheng? 这些下人虽然有两把力气,但哪挪得动炼骨境罗征 The Luo Zheng's both feet looks like by the heavy hammer has pounded the wedge, the deep nail on the ground, these servants caused fully the strength, the full flow with the back streaming with sweat, panted. 罗征的双脚就像是被重锤砸过的楔子,深深的钉在地上,那些下人使足了力气,满流浃背,气喘吁吁。 Luo Zheng, my gives you opportunity, lets serve Grandpa Huang, you do not want refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!” Steward Fang sees that flings the sleeve say/way. 罗征,我这是给你机会,让是伺候着黄爷,你不要敬酒不吃吃罚酒!”方管事见状一甩袖道。 At this time, in the Luo Zheng eye ominous light/only flashed, angrily roared, after entering Bone Refinement Realm , the rib shrinkage force of chest is stronger, so howled to remember a thunderclap like the flat land, shook the servant and Huang Ge their ears tingles with numbness, was very uncomfortable. 就在这时候,罗征眼中凶光一闪,一声怒吼,进入炼骨境后胸口的肋骨收缩力更强,这般吼叫出来就像平地想起一声炸雷,震得下人和黄格他们耳朵发麻,十分难受。 Huang Ge, Fang Cong! My Second Uncle Luo Bingquan here, does not dare to make me serve even, you two lowly servants not of the same surname are so unexpectedly rampant, does not know that who to your courage, dares spouting rhetoric that acts in a completely informal or uninhibited manner, making the father serve you?” 黄格,方聪!我就算是二叔罗炳权在这里,也不敢让我伺候着,你们两个卑贱的外姓下人竟然如此嚣张,不知道谁给你们的胆子,竟敢旁若无人的大放厥词,让老子来伺候你?” Luo Zheng that aura, the upholstery covers to well up to Steward Fang, immediately frightens Steward Fang continually draws back several steps, hides behind toward Huang Ge. 罗征那股气息,铺垫盖地向方管事涌去,顿时把方管事吓得连退几步,往黄格身后躲去。 Steward Fang has a mind to bring Luo Zheng today, wants to make Huang Ge cope with Luo Zheng, now sees the Luo Zheng exciting appearance he apparent, this matter has become most probably, this big steward Huang Ge crawls from house slave one step one step, most abstained that others scolded him to be lowly, perhaps this Luo Zheng could not eat to capture. 方管事今日有心把罗征带来,就是想让黄格来对付罗征,现在看到罗征激动的样子他便知,这事儿已经成了大半,这大管事黄格是从家奴一步一步爬上来的,最忌讳别人骂他卑贱,这次罗征恐怕吃不了兜着走了。 Hears the Luo Zheng's words, Huang Ge stands one's ground steadfastly actually, his eyes narrowed the eyes, Yin sad saying: Luo Zheng, do not forget that your present status, you are the humblest house slave, was not once Young Patriarch, present Young Patriarch calls Luo Peiran, did not call you Luo Zheng, asking you a meat target to serve me, was your being honored,” 听到罗征的话,黄格倒是岿然不动,他一双眼睛眯了起来,阴恻恻的说道:“罗征,你别忘记了你现在的身份,你是最最低贱的家奴,不是曾经的少家主,现在的少家主罗沛然,不叫你罗征,叫你一个肉靶子来伺候我,都算是你的荣幸,” Go away!” “滚!” Luo Zheng makes an effort to shake, these servants were shot by him immediately, falls unstaily. 罗征用力一抖,那些下人顿时被他弹了出去,摔得东倒西歪。 Huang Ge sees this , to continue saying: Luo Zheng, you wore the body of crime, wants to revolt? According to clan regulations, but must put to death by dismemberment the execution you!” 黄格看到这一幕,继续道:“罗征,你本是戴罪之身,难道想造反么?按照族规,可要把你凌迟处死!” Luo Zheng sneers, a stride enters in this other institute, walks while laughs saying: Clan regulations? A person not of the same surname, dares to discuss the clan regulations before me? I make you understand today, what is clan regulations!” 罗征冷笑一声,一大步就跨进这别院中,一边走一边大笑道:“族规?一个外姓人,也敢在我面前谈族规?我今天让你们明白,什么叫族规!” Said that Luo Zheng raises hand to toward Huang Ge hit, in his skeletons sends out parched beans immediately the sound, that is revolves the pinnacle the strength, the skeleton interlocks the bone that can send out to snap. 说罢罗征一扬手就要朝黄格打去,他的骨骼之间顿时发出一阵爆豆子的声音,那是将力量运转到极致,骨骼交错才会发出的骨爆声。 Luo Zheng, you dare! If you hit me, Young Master Chengyun will not let off you, your meat target, has no right in Luo Family without the potential, did not fear that was killed......” Huang Ge to make calm saying while still alive. 罗征,你敢!你若打了我,承运少爷决计不会放过你,你一个肉靶子,在罗家无权无势,不怕被活活打死……”黄格强作镇定的说道。 bang! 啪! Finishing speaking of Huang Ge, a Luo Zheng's palm of the hand has swept on his face, after entering Bone Refinement Realm , the Luo Zheng's strength almost turns time, although this palm of the hand does not display full power, but the strength is also heavy. 黄格的话音刚落,罗征的一巴掌就已经扫在了他的脸上,进入炼骨境罗征的力量几乎翻倍,这一巴掌虽然不是全力施展,但力道也是不轻。 That face of Huang Ge, first is pale one piece, later five hand fingerprints floated, general that clear such as prints, the profile swells like pig head. 黄格的那张老脸,先是惨白一片,随后五个手指印就浮了起来,清晰如印上去的一般,半边脸肿的如同猪头。 „The Luo Family clan regulations, spouted rhetoric, censure others, slapped!” 罗家族规,大放厥词,非议他人,掌嘴!” bang! 啪! „The Luo Family clan regulations, help an evildoer do evil, think oneself infallible, slap!” 罗家族规,为虎作伥,自以为是,掌嘴!” bang! 啪! „The Luo Family clan regulations, tell tales, distort the facts, slap!” 罗家族规,搬弄是非,颠倒黑白,掌嘴!” bang! 啪! Luo Family clan regulations......” 罗家族规……” „!” “啪!” Each palm of the hand gets down, one group of blood fog explode, Steward Fang sees this, the whole body shivers. 每一巴掌下去,就有一团血雾爆出来,方管事看到这一幕,浑身都颤抖起来。 This...... this...... 这……这…… this is a little different from the scenario he thought of, this Luo Zheng was usually treated as the meat target, as if he doesn't have a bit of character, does a meek appearance, how dare to hit Old Huang now? 跟他想的剧本有点不一样啊,这罗征平日里被当做肉靶子,似乎也没什么脾气,一副逆来顺受的样子,怎么现在连黄老都敢打? Steward Fang is not clear, Luo Zheng is resigned to bad conditions, is he does not want to haggle over with their these servants generally. 方管事却不明白,罗征逆来顺受,是他根本不想跟他们这些下人一般计较。 At this time the entrance has encircled many Luo Family juniors, these Luo Family juniors see this, is the whole face is also surprised, also feels at heart venting. 此时门口已经围了不少罗家子弟,那些罗家子弟看到这一幕,一个个也是满脸惊讶,同时心里也感到解气。 This big steward Huang Ge, is relying on the relations with Luo Chengyun, rides roughshod in Luo Family, as if really treated as itself the Luo Family's master, usually in some branch disciple air/Qi that received Huang Ge a lot, everyone looks that the second branch face also endured, but this Huang Ge did not know restraining, because they endured, helped rise the Huang Ge rampant arrogance. 这个大管事黄格,凭藉着与罗承运的关系,在罗家之中横行无忌,似乎真把自己当做罗家的主人了,平日里一些旁系子弟没少受黄格的气,大家看着二房的面子也就忍了,可这黄格不知收敛,就因为他们忍了,更加助涨了黄格的嚣张气焰。 Today has a person to jump, teaches this fellow, indeed dispels anger. 今日有个人跳出来,教训一下这家伙,的确解恨。 But...... 可是…… These Luo Family juniors are very clear, a clansman not of the same surname has the qualifications to be rampant , because he has strong taking advantage, Huang Ge rampant radically because of the relations of Luo Chengyun. 这些罗家子弟们很清楚,一个外姓族人之所以有资格嚣张,是因为他有很强的依仗,黄格嚣张的根本还是因为罗承运的关系。 In addition Huang Ge turns over to rampantly rampantly, but in front of second branch and third branch, that is displays the arrived pinnacle true colors of lackey, very liking of second branch and third branch. 加上黄格嚣张归嚣张,但在二房三房面前,那可是把一个奴才的本色发挥到了极致,很得二房三房的喜欢。 This Luo Zheng present status is a house slave, hit Huang Ge, this troublesome was big. 罗征现在的身份本身就是个家奴,把黄格打了,这麻烦就大了。 This Luo Zheng must certainly but actually big mildew...... 罗征铁定要倒大霉了…… Luo Zheng slapped dozens faces to stop, a face of Huang Ge covered with blood, the dripping with blood, has not carefully looked unable to distinguish clearly the nose mouth, a gray hair was also scattered in disorder, shape like ghosts and demons. 罗征足足抽了几十巴掌才停下来,黄格的一张脸已经血肉模糊,鲜血淋漓,不仔细看分不清鼻子嘴巴,一头花白的头发也散乱开,形如鬼魅。 After Luo Zheng calls a halt, Huang Ge that pulled out the rotten mouth to move, fuzzy saying: You and you are waiting......” 罗征停手后,黄格那张被抽烂的嘴动了动,模模糊糊的说道:“你、你等着……” Has not waited for Huang Ge saying that Luo Zheng made up a palm of the hand, Huang Ge the supercilious look turned, raises head to fall down. 没等黄格说完,罗征又补了一巴掌,黄格才白眼一翻,仰头倒在了地上。 Taught Huang Ge, the Luo Zheng's vision looked again toward that Steward Fang. 教训完了黄格,罗征的目光再朝那方管事望去。 Steward Fang sees the Luo Zheng's vision, not being able to bear is one trembles, withdraws two to call to shout: Luo Zheng, you are a house slave!” 方管事看到罗征的目光,忍不住就是一阵哆嗦,退后两步叫嚷道:“罗征,你是个家奴!” House slave how?” Luo Zheng approaches step by step. “家奴怎么了?”罗征步步逼近。 How dare the following defies superiors!” Steward Fang said. “怎敢以下犯上!”方管事说。 who is superior? who is inferior? my surname is Luo, even if I am a servant, I am still surnamed Luo, moreover, you have forgotten, my fists are bigger than yours, I am the superior one! My strength compared with you, I am the superior one! My time is fiercer than you, I am the superior one!” 什么是上什么是下我姓罗,就算是家奴还是姓罗,而且你忘记了,我拳头比你大,我就是上!我实力比你强,我就是上!我功夫比你厉害,我就是上!” Was saying Luo Zheng one seized Steward Fang, by his Bone Refinement Realm strength, these servants in his hand like the obedient chicken, carrying shoots first with one hand and then the other in the hand is more than ten palms of the hand. 说着罗征一把就揪住了方管事,以他炼骨境的实力,这些下人在他手上就像听话的小鸡,拎在手上左右开弓又是十几个巴掌。 The sound that pā pā makes noise, making others hear, the feeling was tooth acid, that painful! 啪啪作响的声音,让其他人听见了,感觉都是一阵牙酸,那得多痛啊! Finally hit enough Luo Zheng pounded toward the body of Huang Ge Steward Fang conveniently, both people transmitted a pitiful yell, Luo Zheng said: Today teaches to you, you must remember this pain, in the future will be good to distinguish the right and wrong, understands that anything can do, anything is undoable!” 最后打够了的罗征方管事黄格的身上随手一砸,两个人都传来一声惨叫,罗征说:“今天给你们教训,你们要记住这份痛楚,日后好能分辨是非,明白什么事能做,什么事不能做!” Then, Luo Zheng turned around to go out of this short separation institute, just got to the entrance, the Luo Family juniors as well as that group of servants who that entrance surrounded dispersed instantly immediately. 说罢,罗征转身就走出了这件小别院,刚刚走到门口,那门口围观的罗家子弟以及那群下人顿时一哄而散。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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