AT :: Volume #1

#5: Crisis

Although does not have the servant to dare to send under escort Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng is very aware comes arrived Martial Arts Hall. 虽说没有下人敢押解罗征,可是罗征还是很自觉的来到了演武堂 Although in the Luo Zheng heart is very discontented with the Luo Family present custom, Second Uncle and Third Uncle cannot achieve great law understanding, but their how many sons also pass the wander about exam, for example Luo Peiran and did Luo Chengyun, when place in the clan regulations the eye? Why this is also several not being able to amount to something servants also dares the so restless reason. 尽管罗征心中对罗家现在的规矩很不满,二叔三叔自身就做不到大明法度,而他们的几个儿子也是逾闲荡检,例如罗沛然罗承运,什么时候把族规放在眼中了?这也是为何几个上不了台面的下人也敢如此闹腾的原因。 But others trample the clan regulations, others despise the clan regulations, actually must observe on behalf of Luo Zheng. His is not stodgy, but is insistence. 可是别人践踏族规,别人藐视族规,却不能代表罗征不去遵守。他这并不是迂腐,而是一种坚持。 The Martial Arts Hall atmosphere and past were somewhat different. 演武堂的气氛与往日有些不一样。 Luo Zheng big steward Huang Ge and steward Fang Cong hit the matter, has spread over entire Luo Family. 罗征将大管事黄格管事方聪打了的事情,已经传遍了整个罗家 Two years ago, Luo Zheng became wore the body of crime to reduce to the house slave, became a Martial Arts Hall meat target, has been resigned to bad conditions, how regardless of the Luo Family juniors beat him, he endured, to let, not utter a word, as if a docile sheep. 两年前,罗征成了戴罪之身贬为家奴,成为演武堂的一名肉靶子,一直都逆来顺受,无论罗家子弟如何殴打他,他都忍着、让着、一声不吭,仿佛一只温顺的绵羊。 Everyone had forgotten, he once was Luo Family's Young Patriarch, they also forgot Luo Zheng also had the Flesh Refinement Realm strength. 大家已经忘记,他曾是罗家的少家主,他们也忘记了罗征本身也拥有炼肉境的实力。 Now these Luo Family juniors were understood, Luo Zheng was not exercising forbearance, the Luo Family's juniors can beat to him recklessly, that was because he was surnamed Luo. 现在这些罗家子弟算是明白了,罗征并非是一位的忍让,罗家的子弟可以对他肆意殴打,那是因为他姓罗。 Others do not have the qualifications! 旁人却没有资格! Because of this, today these Luo Family juniors in Martial Arts Hall look to Luo Zheng, faintly some awes. When Instructor Luo Family's told the Luo Family juniors choose the meat target time, unexpectedly no one chooses Luo Zheng. 正因为如此,今日演武堂中的那些罗家子弟望向罗征,隐隐都有一些敬畏。等到罗家的教头吩咐罗家子弟挑选肉靶子的时候,居然没有一个人挑选罗征 Luo Zheng reveals the forced smile that has no alternative, this is not the result that he wants...... 罗征露出一副无可奈何的苦笑,这可不是他想要的结果…… Now he most needs tempers own fleshly body, but these Luo Family juniors directly oneself disregarding, how does this become? 他现在最需要的就是锤炼自己的肉身,可这些罗家子弟直接把自己给无视了,这怎么成? Cannot come up to state clearly, I under hit very much, do you hit me? 总不能上去明说,我很欠打,你们来打我吧? Saw that meat target by taking away, a Martial Arts Hall corner/horn only had his alone person, Luo Zheng was very uncomfortable, the Luo Family's juniors should not instigate! 眼看身边的肉靶子被一个个的领走,演武堂的一角只剩下他孤零零的一个人,罗征就很不爽了,罗家的子弟不应该这么怂! His straight from moved toward is aiming at Luo Dalong that the stone image pounded fiercely saying: Dalong / great dragon, a stone has anything to be easy to hit, I accompany you to practice.” 径自走向正在对准石人猛砸的罗大龙说:“大龙,一尊石头有什么好打的,我来陪你练。” This......” rash like Luo Dalong, on the face also presented the hesitant color. “这……”莽撞如罗大龙,脸上也出现了犹豫之色。 I am the meat target, naturally must accompany you to practice! Relax, my leather armor is thick, hits does not go bad,” Luo Zheng patted the chest to say. “我是肉靶子,自然要陪你练!放心,我这皮甲厚实,打不坏,”罗征拍了拍胸口说。 Luo Zheng said that Luo Dalong also pushes embarrassed again, otherwise seems too spiritless, although in his heart the real idea do not annoy Luo Zheng. 罗征都这么说了,罗大龙也不好意思再推,否则就显得太懦弱,尽管他心中真实的想法是不要去惹罗征 Luo Dalong has scruples at heart, this fist hit is not that a matter, usually in can display strength, now are most only made the 5-6 difference. 罗大龙的心里有所顾忌,这拳头打出去就不是那么回事了,平日里能发挥到十分的力量,现在最多只打出了五六分。 Fist that this lies softly, the effect of temperance is unsatisfactory, hits are too few in the warm current that on Luo Zheng has, this makes Luo Zheng very unsatisfied. 这软趴趴的拳头,锤炼的效果不佳,打在罗征身上产生的暖流太少,这让罗征很不满意。 Strength greatly! towards here hits ruthlessly!” “力量大点!朝这里狠狠打!” Fist fast is too slow, what are you having scruples?” “拳速太慢,你在顾忌什么?” This fist likely that matter, but was farther than the difference from yesterday.” “这一拳像那么回事,但是跟昨天比差远了。” Saw the guidance opposite party who a meat target tempts pure good beats himself, one crowd of Luo Family juniors surprised face chins of Martial Arts Hall fell, they really could not guess correctly Luo Zheng to think anything. 看到一位肉靶子淳淳善诱的教导对方殴打自己,演武堂中的一群罗家子弟惊讶的脸下巴都掉出来了,他们真猜不出罗征在想啥。 Luo Dalong had not actually thought that under the induction of Luo Zheng one step one step, his condition also adjusts slowly, the hands and feet also gradually lets loose, the strength also restores the arrived normal level. 罗大龙却没有多想了,在罗征一步一步的诱导之下,他的状态也慢慢调整过来,手脚也逐渐放开,力量也恢复到了正常的水平。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Sincerely to the strength of meat crazy thrashes the Luo Zheng's body, one, warm currents flow toward the Luo Zheng's body continuously, unravels the impurity in his bone refining up. 拳拳到肉的力量疯狂的捶打罗征的身体,一缕缕、一道道暖流往罗征的身体流淌,将他骨头里的杂质剥茧抽丝的炼出来。 Each fist lets his skeleton pure point, the intensity and toughness of skeleton also promote first layer. 每一拳就让他的骨骼精纯一分,骨骼的强度、韧性也增进一层 So long as comes under attack is similar to swallows Heaven and Earth Fortune Pill, the joy that this qualitative change brings is indescribable, in his surface reveals the color of pain, in the heart actually wants to call loudly: Let the fist come is more violent! 只要挨打就如同吞食天地造化丹,这种质的变化带来的喜悦是难以言喻的,他表面上露出痛苦之色,心中却想大声的叫出来:让拳头来的更猛烈一些! The copper clepsydra that on Martial Arts Hall is used to time left out three pot water, three double-hour have then passed by. 演武堂上用来计时的铜壶滴漏足足漏掉了三壶水,三个时辰便已经过去了。 At this time the Luo Family's servant sent food, the Luo Family juniors or the meat targets need to supplement stamina, but the Luo Family juniors ate was the delicacy delicacy, but the treatment of meat target was the clear water and hard steamed bun...... 这时候罗家的下人送来食物,无论是罗家子弟还是肉靶子都需要补充体力,不过罗家子弟吃的都是珍馐美味,而肉靶子的待遇则是清水和硬馒头…… After the temperance of three double-hour, Luo Zheng also thought that was hungry, tempered fleshly body to consume his massive stamina, he did not shut out food to be unpalatable, grasps the steamed bun to prepare toward the mouth stopper. 经过三个时辰的锤炼,罗征也觉得饿极了,锤炼肉身耗费了他大量的体力,他倒不嫌弃食物难吃,抓起馒头就准备往嘴里塞去。 At this moment, a porcelain bowl handed over suddenly nearby Luo Zheng, inside was filled with the fine fragrant meat, is sending out the attractive meat fragrance. 就在这时,一个瓷盆突然递在了罗征跟前,里面盛满了精致的香肉,散发着诱人的肉香味。 Luo Zheng looks up, was actually Luo Dalong handed over his rice container, Luo Dalong smiles, said: Eats together.” 罗征抬头一看,却是罗大龙把他的饭盆递了过来,罗大龙笑了笑,道:“一起吃。” Luo Zheng is impolite, a big steamed bun big meat ate. 罗征也不客气,一大口馒头一大口肉的吃了起来。 You hit Huang Ge, Second Young Master will cope with you,” Luo Dalong said in a low voice. “你打了黄格,二少爷会对付你,”罗大龙低声说道。 Luo Zheng is wolfing down the meal, since worked as the meat target he not to eat such delicious meal for a long time, he nods, he knew the gentle reminder of Luo Dalong. 罗征狼吞虎咽着饭菜,自从当了肉靶子他已经许久没吃到这么可口的饭菜,他点了点头,他知道罗大龙的善意提醒。 After all he once was Young Patriarch, to family's these things, saw clearly compared with Luo Dalong these branch disciple. 毕竟他曾是少家主,对家族的这些事情,比罗大龙这些旁系子弟看得更加清楚。 Second Uncle and Third Uncle ignores are so exactly long, the biggest reason is not benevolent, but was his strength was too mean, like a dispensable ant, could not pose any threat to them. 二叔三叔放任自己活这么久,最大的原因并不是仁慈,而是他实力太低微了,就像一只可有可无的蚂蚁,对他们构不成任何威胁。 However if Luo Zheng this ant bit their one, making them feel a pain, they also pressing without hesitation will die he. 但是罗征这只蚂蚁若是咬了了他们一口,让他们感到一丝痛楚,他们也会毫不犹豫的摁死他。 „Very venting, that old fogy surnamed Huang, we had looked that he is not pleasing to the eyes,” Luo Dalong was saying smiled. “不过挺解气的,姓黄的那个老家伙,我们早就看他不顺眼了,”罗大龙说着笑了起来。 Venting , is not only Luo Dalong, except for second branch and third branch person, all Luo Family juniors feels very venting. 解气的不仅是罗大龙,除了二房三房的人,所有的罗家子弟都觉得挺解气。 The Luo Family juniors who play the martial stage although have not stated clearly like Luo Dalong, but their looks have shown all. 演武场的罗家子弟们虽然没有像罗大龙这样明说,但他们的眼神已经说明一切。 In the two years second branch and third branch in artificial are, can describe with the perverse actions simply, large scale embezzlement branch disciple various moon/month cases, exercise martial arts with medicinal pill also truncates truncates again, how many servants can also crawl in head surnamed Luo, why? 这两年二房三房在所做作为,简直能用倒行逆施来形容,大幅度的克扣旁系子弟的各种月例,就连练功用的丹药也一削再削,就连几个下人也能爬在姓罗的头上,凭什么? Almost all resources, lean toward Luo Peiran and Luo Peiran liangs person, these branch disciple psychologically can balance is strange. 几乎所有的资源,都向罗沛然人身上倾斜,那些旁系子弟心理上能平衡才怪。 Now everyone fondly remembers the Luo Zheng father, when Patriarch time, at that time the clan regulations were stern, but Luo Family so many have not manipulated strategically, had no servant to dare to bully, without so many were unfairer! 现在人人都怀念罗征父亲当家主的时光,那时候族规森严,但罗家没有这么多勾心斗角,也没有哪个下人敢仗势欺人,更没有这么多不公平! Pitifully only such auspicious day, goes not to return. 只可惜那样的好日子,一去就不复返了。 This longing, the Luo Family juniors only dare to hide in the heart, does not dare to take the censure, for fear that falls a handle to go out, was punished by clan regulations. 就连这种怀念,罗家子弟都只敢藏在心中,不敢拿出来非议,生怕落一个把柄出去,被“族规”惩治。 This Luo Family, has rotted! In the Luo Zheng heart sighed, if there is an opportunity, when my strength grows, must gouge surely the Luo Family's suppurating ulcer! 这个罗家,已经烂掉了!罗征心中感叹,若是有机会,等我实力成长起来,定要将罗家的烂疮剜掉! ...... …… ...... …… Before Luo Family third branch that splendid hotel . 罗家三房那富丽堂皇的宅邸前。 The Huang Ge head gauze, bound first layer first layer, only reveals the nose eye and mouth, cannot see a human appearance completely. 黄格的头上纱布,裹了一层一层,只露出鼻子眼睛和嘴,完全看不出个人样。 His plump, kneels on the ground, is sharp the throat to cry saying: Young Master Chengyun, you may probably for small taking responsibility!” 他扑通一声,跪在地上,尖着嗓子哭道:“承运少爷,你可要为小的做主哇!” In the Huang Ge dead ahead, a azure clothes youngster by the chair, this youngster appearance is slantingly pretty, is among the features actually haughty ruthless offense aura, he is Luo Family's Second Young Master Luo Chengyun. 黄格的正前方,一位青衣少年斜靠在椅子上,这少年长相俊秀,可是眉目之间却有一股狂傲狠戾的气息,他就是罗家的二少爷罗承运 Heard that you want to receive Luo Zheng for the servant, considers your personal habits?” Luo Chengyun is tilting the head says with a smile. “听说你想把罗征收为奴仆,照顾你的饮食起居?”罗承运歪着头笑道。 Young Master Chengyun, is not that matter......” Huang Ge brings to wipe the weeping voice to deny. 承运少爷,不是那回事……”黄格带着一抹哭腔否认道。 That Luo Chengyun does not listen to the explanation of Huang Ge, said with a smile: Luo Zheng, although was censured the house slave, but the good and evil he is also surnamed Luo, was once Luo Family Young Patriarch, even if I receive him to be the servant is not inappropriate, you will really be the head burn out will do this bored matter, coming under attack get what one deserves.” 罗承运根本不听黄格的解释,笑道:“罗征虽然被贬成了家奴,不过好歹他也姓罗,也是曾经罗家少家主,就算是我收他作奴仆也不合适,你真是脑袋烧坏了才会干这种无聊事,挨打是活该。” Huang Ge kowtows , to continue to cry saying: Young Master Chengyun, this time is small is not right, but you must take responsibility...... he to employ professional mourners with me at the same time, quietly gave a hand signal toward side. 黄格磕了个头,继续哭道:“承运少爷,这次是小的不对,可您还得跟我做主……”他一边哭丧着,又悄悄的朝旁边做了一个手势。 Nearby about 40-year-old middle-aged woman, side uttering a word arriving Huang Ge, with kneeling. 旁边一位约40岁的中年妇女,一声不吭的走到黄格身边,跟着跪了下去。 This middle-aged woman is the Huang Ge wife, is the Luo Chengyun wet nurse, from a young age on looking after Luo Chengyun grows up, the Luo Chengyun childhood loses one's mother, relates with this wet nurse actually excellently, sentiment with mother and child. 这位中年妇女便是黄格的老婆,同时也是罗承运的奶妈,自小就照顾罗承运长大,罗承运幼年丧母,倒是与这奶妈关系极好,情同母子。 Second Mother did not need to kneel, Huang Ge you also stood!” Luo Chengyun beckons with the hand, 二娘就不用跪了,黄格你也站起来吧!”罗承运摆摆手, That Huang Ge sound trembles: Young Master Chengyun, did you comply?” 黄格声音一颤:“承运少爷,您是答应了?” Luo Chengyun stood two steps from the chair, said: „The Peiran cousin previously said that keeps a Luo Zheng life, is to make him live, making him look. However his Luo Zheng is not the important character, now the Peiran cousin must start immediately Azure Clouds Sect, I help the Peiran cousin process him!” 罗承运从椅子上站起来走了两步,说道:“沛然堂哥此前说留罗征一条性命,就是让他活着,让他看着。不过他罗征也不是什么要紧人物,如今沛然堂哥马上就要启程去青云宗,我就帮沛然堂哥处理掉他吧!” Huang Ge one hear, the mouth of that inadequate shape twists the mouth sidewise saying: Many thanks Young Master Chengyun!” 黄格一听,那张不成形状的嘴巴咧开说道:“多谢承运少爷!” This matter, but must wait,” Luo Chengyun touches the head, said: I just swallowed family's last Heaven and Earth Fortune Pill, this month I must close up, refining up wash fleshly body medicine efficacy, or waits till one month later Clan Refinement Day, arrived I chose him to die to fight the object on that day, kills him personally.” “不过这事情,还要等等,”罗承运摸了摸脑袋,说道:“我刚刚吞服了家族的最后一颗天地造化丹,这个月我也要闭关,将药效炼化洗涤肉身,要不就等到一个月后的族炼日吧,到了那天我选择他为死斗对象,亲手把他打死。” Then, on the face of Luo Chengyun sends out layer upon layer baleful aura. 说完,罗承运的脸上散发出层层煞气 Clan Refinement Day, is the Luo Family juniors inspects the strength the day, on that day will have the Luo Family elder to act, scrutinizes the Luo Family juniors cultivation achievement. 族炼日,也就是罗家子弟检阅实力的日子,那一日会有罗家长辈出面,审阅罗家子弟修炼的成果。 Simultaneously Clan Refinement Day is also the opportunity of meat target. 同时族炼日也是肉靶子的一个机会。 So long as in Clan Refinement Day on the same day, can die to fight this environment to live, can the retrieval freedom. 只要在族炼日当天,能够在死斗这个环境活下来,就能重获自由。 Even the basest and lowest meat target, still has the hope free right, if makes them unable to see the free dawn, quick cannot shoulder the pressure that comes under attack daily, thus died rapidly. 即便是最卑微的肉靶子,也有渴望自由的权利,倘若让他们看不到自由的曙光,很快就扛不住天天挨打的压力,从而迅速死去。 Sets this rule, is to make all meat targets have a ray of hope, hopes oneself endure dead to fight on Clan Refinement Day, can walk from Luo Family, does not need to work as this humble meat target. 设定这个规则,就是让所有的肉靶子都心存一丝希望,希望自己在族炼日上挨过死斗,就能从罗家中走出去,再也不用当这低贱的肉靶子。 But dies to fight this environment is unfair, the meat target usually was beaten frequently, is troubled by various wounded and sick, how can with Luo Family these well-trained elite juniors duels? 可是“死斗”这个环境本身就是不公平的,肉靶子平日里就经常被殴打,受到各种伤病的困扰,如何能跟罗家那些训练有素的精英子弟决斗? Does not know that many meat targets, by killing while still alive in Clan Refinement Day, that day were the Luo Family elder inspect the Luo Family juniors strength the day, according to the strength will grant certain reward, each Luo Family juniors whole-heartedly, starting are also the heaviest most ruthless time. 不知道多少肉靶子,被活活的打死在族炼日,那一日是罗家长辈检阅罗家子弟实力的日子,按照实力会赐予一定的奖赏,每一位罗家子弟都会全力以赴,下手也是最重最狠的时候。 Good, Young Master Chengyun, that makes Luo Zheng that boy live for a month!” Huang Ge knocked several heads, rolling crawls from the ground, ominous light that under gauze that eye, reveals the hatred. “好,承运少爷,那就让罗征那小子多活一个月!”黄格又磕了几个头,才一骨碌的从地上爬起来,纱布下面的那双眼睛,流露出仇恨的凶光。 After Luo Chengyun leaves, that middle-aged woman actually consoles Huang Ge: That Luo Zheng youngster is also pitifully strange, why do you want to persecute to death him? He hit you should not, but gave him a lesson to be OK.” 等到罗承运离开后,那位中年妇女却劝解黄格:“那罗征少年也怪可怜的,你又何必一定要逼死他?他打了你也是不该,可是给他一点教训就可以了。” Huang Ge said: Your women, except for womanly compassion, but also doesn't understand?” 黄格却说道:“你一个妇道人家,除了妇人之仁,还懂个屁?” Was scolded by own husband, the middle-aged woman spoke haltingly two, finally sighed, did not speak again. 被自己的丈夫骂了,中年妇女嗫嚅了两句,最后才叹了口气,再没说话。
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