AT :: Volume #1

#3: Marvelous body

Yesterday that Steward Fang disciplinary punishment, has not seen the Steward Fang person today actually, after several servants Luo Zheng dressed the leather armor shackles, he is taken to Martial Arts Hall, 昨天将那方管事惩戒了一番,今天倒是没有见到方管事的人,几个下人给罗征穿戴好皮甲镣铐后,他就被带往演武堂, If in the past were the same, in Martial Arts Hall one group of Luo Family juniors are welcoming pride of the morning assiduous cultivation. 如往常一样,演武堂中一群罗家子弟迎着晨雾刻苦的修炼 They are naked the arm, furiously is thrashing corner rows of stone images, each fist pounds above the stone image exudes the slight fulmination sound, the air is following to vibrate. 他们赤裸着胳膊,奋力的捶打着墙角一排排的石人,每一拳头砸在石人之上都发出轻微的爆鸣声,连带着空气都跟着震动起来。 Stands in another side meat targets, looks grief-stricken, the peak is having a long face, the mouthful is the bitter taste. 站在另外一边的肉靶子们,一个个都如丧考妣般,耸拉着脸,满嘴都是苦味。 Sometimes this type was lived day and night brutally indeed unendurablily, has a wound, lies tosses about sore being able to fall asleep on the bed. What a pity they absolutely do not have the freedom, except for coming under attack to have no alternative. 这种没日没夜被人拳打脚踢的生活的确难熬,有时候带着一身伤,躺在床上翻来覆去疼的睡不着。可惜他们根本就没有自由,除了挨打别无选择。 „The meat targets stood!” Instructor Luo Family shouted one resoundingly. “肉靶子们都站好了!”罗家教头高亢的喊了一声。 All meat target well-mannered stations a row, back very straight, the temperament of meat targets very clear chief instructor, so long as even the slightest misstep the overhead is a whip, the whip of Instructor Luo Family is not the ordinary whip, will bump to be bruised and lacerated slightly. 所有的肉靶子规规矩矩的站成一排,腰杆子挺的直直的,肉靶子们都很清楚教头的脾气,只要稍有不慎当头就是一鞭子,罗家教头的鞭子不是普通的鞭子,稍微碰一下都会皮开肉绽。 The Luo Family juniors choose oneself meat target respectively, selecting Luo Zheng's is a stature grandiose such as branch disciple of bear, this branch disciple name named Luo Dalong. 罗家子弟各自挑选自己的肉靶子,选中罗征的是一位身材壮硕如熊的旁系子弟,这位旁系子弟名叫做罗大龙 Other meat targets saw that after Luo Zheng Luo Dalong selects, reveals the expression that pities. 其他的肉靶子看到罗征罗大龙选中后,都流露出怜悯的表情。 This Luo Dalong talent is ordinary, oneself strength is Skin Refinement Realm, is his inborn divine strength, the strength is actually equivalent to Flesh Refinement Realm, moreover his natural disposition is fierce, even some cruel, many meat targets are either dead or wounded in his hand, was elected by him for the meat target without doubt is very miserable. 罗大龙的天赋一般,自身实力才是炼皮境,可是他天生神力,力量却与炼肉境相当,而且他生性凶猛,甚至有一些残暴,不少肉靶子在他手上非死即伤,被他选为肉靶子无疑是非常惨的。 Luo Dalong raised the fist, moved a skill, looks to a Luo Zheng's eye of band of light an excitement, recent death row prisoner are quite few, including many death row prisoner were bought by other families, the Luo Family's meat target has been hard to supplement, therefore the meat target in Luo Family can be the scarce resources, 罗大龙扬了扬拳头,活动了一下身手,望向罗征的目光带着一丝兴奋,最近的死囚比较少,其中有不少死囚都被其他家族买走了,罗家的肉靶子一直难以补充,所以肉靶子在罗家可以算是紧缺资源, Beats the meat target to exercise, but can also vent the unhappiness in heart, this is also the Luo Dalong exciting reason, what is more commendable was this meat target was once Luo Family's Young Patriarch. 殴打肉靶子既能锻炼身体,还能够发泄心中的不快,这也是罗大龙兴奋的原因,更难能可贵的是这肉靶子是曾经罗家的少家主 Young Patriarch that once kept aloof, begged for mercy under own fist, thinks that can make him crisp. 曾经高高在上的少家主,在自己的拳头下求饶,想想都能让他爽歪歪。 Facing Luo Dalong, the Luo Zheng's brow wrinkled the wrinkle, this Luo Dalong strength is very big, previous time he has suffered a loss under this person of fist, made into the internal injury by him, recuperated was restored to health for half a month. 面对罗大龙,罗征的眉头皱了皱,这罗大龙的力量特别大,上次他就在这人拳下吃过亏,被他打成内伤,足足休养了半个月才康复。 However the profession of two years of meat target has made him learn mind like still water, he is quickly quiet, even careful leather armor of chest, squared the bearing, facing Luo Dalong. 不过两年肉靶子的生涯已经让他学会心如止水,他很快平静下来,甚至仔细的将胸口的皮甲一番,才摆正了站姿,面对罗大龙 Afterward Luo Dalong pounces upon suddenly toward him, what Luo Dalong cultivation is extremely fierce overbearing fist technique, is called «Barbaric Bull Rushing Fist», this fist technique fierce is overbearing, is powerful. 随后罗大龙就朝着他猛扑过来,罗大龙修炼的是一种极为刚猛霸道的拳法,叫做《蛮牛冲拳》,这种拳法刚猛霸道,威力十足。 bull of Luo Dalong in like violent anger, brings disorderly sound of wind / rumor, strikes Barbaric Bull Rushing Fist to directly soar the Luo Zheng chest. 罗大龙如同一头暴怒中的蛮牛,带起一阵凌乱的风声,一击蛮牛冲拳直奔罗征胸口而来。 Facing this astonishing fist potential, Luo Zheng deeply inspires, toughs it out the entire chest, like this depends upon leather armor to be able the strength of maximum counter-balance this fist. 面对这股惊人的拳势,罗征深吸一口气,将整个胸部都硬挺起来,这样依靠皮甲能够最大限度的抵消这一拳的力量。 !” “噗!” Although chest that thick leather armor was set off against much the strength of this fist, but the strong fist strength followed leather armor to infiltrate, pounded like a stuffy hammer in his chest. In this instance, his rapid spits the air/Qi of chest, making the chest in instantaneous be shrivelled. 虽然胸口那件厚实的皮甲将这一拳的力量抵减了不少,可是强大的拳力还是顺着皮甲渗了进来,如同一记闷锤砸在他胸口。在这个瞬间,他迅速的将胸口的气吐出去,让胸口在瞬间瘪下来。 Unloads the vigor!” “卸劲!” Puts out the air to make the chest rapid contraction form a buffer, can counter-balance the strength of opponent again, this small skill is also Luo Zheng, when the meat target can survive two years of secret! 吐出空气让胸口迅速收缩形成一段缓冲区,能够再次抵消对手的力量,这个小技巧也是罗征当肉靶子能够存活两年的秘密! The Luo Dalong fist strength is too fierce, after two being set off against strengths as before overbearing incomparable, on the Luo Zheng face reveals a forced smile, whole person like the kite of line, numerous falls toward behind. 只是罗大龙的拳力太凶猛,经过二次抵减的力量依旧霸道无匹,罗征脸上露出一丝苦笑,整个人就像断了线的风筝,重重的朝后面摔去。 Lies down in ground Luo Zheng, but also is somewhat dizzy, thought that this time ended, perhaps this fist must let him by seriously the internal injury, but he was actually discovering at this time strangely, oneself has not felt the slight pain. 躺在地上的罗征,还有些晕晕乎乎,心想这次完了,这一拳恐怕要让他受到严重的内伤,可就在这时候他却诡异的发现,自己没有感到丝毫的疼痛。 Not is only not sore, emerges in his chest actually unusual warm currents, these warm currents just appear, the Luo Zheng's body has the response immediately, he felt that oneself body like a hungry wolf, swallows rapidly these warm currents. 不仅不疼,在他的胸口却有一道奇特的暖流涌现出来,那些暖流甫一出现,罗征的身体立刻发生了反应,他感觉自己的身体如同一头饥饿的狼,迅速将这些暖流吞噬一空。 Afterward these warm currents spread the five internal organs six lungs, four bodies send the skin, making his entire body nice and warm, not only does not have the pain, instead extremely comfortable feelings. 随后这些暖流扩散进五脏六肺,四体发肤,让他整个身体都暖烘烘的,不仅没有痛苦,反而有一种极为舒服的感觉。 What's all this about?” The Luo Zheng whole face is stunned, these warm currents, are washing my fleshly body unexpectedly!” “这是怎么回事?”罗征满脸错愕,“这些暖流,竟然在洗涤我的肉身!” Although Luo Zheng degenerates into the house slave, but he after all once was Luo Family's Young Patriarch, this grade of experience had. 罗征虽然沦为家奴,可他毕竟曾是罗家的少家主,这等见识还是有的。 Can wash the fleshly body medicine to be rare, like Luo Family's Heaven and Earth Fortune Pill, has to wash the fleshly body effect. Is sacred medicine of Heaven and Earth Fortune Pill this rank, but how rare and precious? Big one Luo Family several hundred years accumulated two Heaven and Earth Fortune Pill, can see its precious from this point. 能够洗涤肉身的药非常稀有,就像罗家的天地造化丹,就有洗涤肉身的功效。可是天地造化丹这种级别的圣药,何其珍稀?偌大一个罗家几百年才积累了两枚天地造化丹,从这一点就能看出它的宝贵了。 The warm current that this washes fleshly body, the appeared no truth, Luo Zheng lay down on the ground thinks deeply about a while, the phenomenon that quick will present yesterday related. 这股洗涤肉身的暖流,出现的毫无道理,罗征躺在地上思索了一会儿,很快就将昨天出现的异象联系起来。 to use the fleshly body as a tool, to use my own body as a spirit, thoroughly tempered, cleansing my body......” 以肉身为器,以自体为灵,千锤百炼,洗涤我身……” This so-called is thoroughly tempered, to come under attack? 难道这所谓的千锤百炼,就是要挨打? Just like in that piece of golden leaf records, his own body is similar to profound item magical treasure, refining item is not wanting thoroughly tempered, can hammer high grade magical treasure? 正如那片金箔之中所记录的一样,他自己的身体便如同一件玄器法宝,炼器不正是要千锤百炼,才能够锻打出上品法宝吗? So long as comes under attack can produce washes the fleshly body warm current! So long as comes under attack were equal to that is swallowing Heaven and Earth Fortune Pill unceasingly! 只要挨打就能够产生洗涤肉身的暖流!只要挨打就等于在不断地吞食天地造化丹 Thinks that this possibility, the Luo Zheng's thoughts are also fiery, heart even excited trembling trembles. 想到这个可能性,罗征的心思也火热起来,一颗心甚至激动的颤颤发抖。 In order to confirm own guess, Luo Zheng crawled. 为了验证自己的猜测,罗征爬了起来。 Although he has not been injured . Moreover the fist of Luo Dalong makes him be of great help, but he thinks of a painful the appearance, very stood strenuously, to install an resembles point he even shivers unceasingly. 虽然他并没有受伤,而且罗大龙的这一拳让他大有裨益,但他还是装着一副痛苦的样子,十分吃力的站了起来,为了装的像一点他甚至不断地颤抖。 When Luo Dalong sees Luo Zheng to crawl, on the face shakes to reveal the surprise look. This thinks that by this to the fist, Luo Zheng did not die is also disabled, but Luo Zheng actually can also crawl, this makes on the Luo Dalong face somewhat unable to hang. 罗大龙看到罗征爬起来,脸上抖露出诧异的神色。本以为挨了这一记冲拳,罗征不死也要残废,可罗征竟然还能够爬起来,这让罗大龙脸上有些挂不住。 Hey, worthily is Flesh Refinement Realm Peak, such ability hits! Lies down to me!” Luo Dalong said that is one to the fist, directly soars Luo Zheng to go. “嘿,不愧是炼肉境巅峰,这么能耐打!给我躺下!”罗大龙说完又是一记冲拳,直奔罗征而去。 Bang!” “轰!” Luo Zheng was struck to fly once again, he like a human form sandbag, tumbled several on the ground, while landing his in the heart shouted secretly crisply, that warm current in coming under attack appeared instantaneously, changes to small snakes to drill into his five main internal organs (entrails), in Eight Extraordinary Meridians, unceasingly is concise his fleshly body, washed his internal organs. 罗征又一次被击飞,他就像一个人形沙袋,在地上滚落了几圈,在落地的同时他心中暗暗叫爽,那一股暖流在挨打的瞬间又出现,化作一条条小蛇钻入他的五脏六腑,奇经八脉中,不断地凝练着他的肉身,洗涤他的脏器。 Too comfortable, Luo Zheng as if bathes in the spring breeze, comfortably extremely, his both eyes are from top to bottom beaming and buoyant, is brighter by the eye, more has spirit. 太舒服了,罗征仿佛沐浴在春风之中,浑身上下都舒坦万分,他的双目神采奕奕,越挨眼睛越亮,越有精神 Dies!” “去死!” Bang!” “嘭!” Cannot kill you!” “打不死你!” Bang!” “轰隆!” Each warm current appears, lets the Luo Zheng's body pure point, Luo Dalong regarding Luo Zheng, is a blacksmith of hard work, passes own fist to temper Luo Zheng this unceasingly profound item. 每一股暖流出现,就让罗征的身体精纯一分,罗大龙对于罗征来说,就是一位辛勤工作的铁匠,通过自身的拳头不断地锤炼罗征这柄“玄器”。 This stroking continued some little time, Luo Dalong stopped, panting looks at the ground Luo Zheng, in the heart surprised incomparable, previously he also heard Luo Zheng can come under attack specially, has not thought that this boy was so unexpectedly tenacious, suffers oneself so many fists also to crawl unexpectedly, although he every crawled one time tremblingly, seemed like reluctantly incomparable...... 这种击打持续了好一会儿,罗大龙才停了下来,气喘吁吁的看着地上的罗征,心中惊讶无比,此前他也听说罗征特别能挨打,没想到这小子竟然如此顽强,挨了自己这么多拳头竟然还能爬起来,虽说他每一次爬起来都颤巍巍的,看上去勉强无比…… Where Luo Dalong knows, Luo Zheng that delicateness, pushes the appearance that must drop down is to install completely, in fact others are now sporty, is enjoying that warm current to wash the fleshly body crisp feeling. 罗大龙哪里知道,罗征那一副弱不禁风,一推就要倒下的样子完全是装出来的,实际上人家现在活力十足,正享受着那暖流洗涤肉身的爽感。 These meat targets see this, in the heart actually criticizes the Luo Zheng idiot, since cannot crawl to leave reluctantly, the good and evil can send back to rest for day, now crawls also to come under attack, isn't this inexpensive nervous? Difficult to be inadequate this fellow, when meat target when became addicted, likes others hitting him? 那些肉靶子们看到这一幕,心中却是暗骂罗征白痴,既然爬不起来就别勉强,好歹能够送回去休息一天,现在爬起来还要挨打,这不是贱的慌?难不成这家伙当肉靶子当上瘾了,就喜欢别人打他? Luo Zheng has not crawled for the last time, actually he somewhat has not given full expression, that warm current washed the feeling of fleshly body to make him become addicted! 罗征最后一次并没有爬起来,其实他有些意犹未尽,那种暖流洗涤肉身的感觉让他上瘾了! His such time and time again was hit to fall face down, time and time again crawls, was really powerful. 只是他这样一次次被打趴下,又一次次的爬起来,实在是太强悍了。 If he crawls again, perhaps this play could not develop, unavoidably some people will look at the flaw to suspect him, therefore he decided...... tomorrow will come under attack again. 若是他再爬起来,这出戏恐怕就演不下去了,难免有人会瞧出破绽怀疑他,所以他还是决定……明天再挨打吧。 Saw that Luo Zheng cannot crawl again, Luo Dalong also relaxes at heart, if others stand there cannot overthrow, his face lost sends greatly. 看到罗征再也爬不起来,罗大龙心里也是松了口气,倘若人家站在那里自己都打不倒,他的脸就丢大发了。 At night, in the Luo Zheng return cave lamely, waits for the Luo Family's servant to lock the cave gate, he was vivid immediately 夜晚,罗征一瘸一拐的回到地窖中,等罗家的下人将地窖门一锁上,他立即生龙活虎了 Today Steward Fang has not appeared, the servant delivered the medicine to come actually, three, these has not accepted bribes his medicine time, the full amount. 今天方管事还是没出现,倒是下人送了伤药过来,三枚,这一次倒没有贪墨他的伤药,足数了。 Yesterday the small disciplinary punishment Steward Fang, was he honest? Luo Zheng shakes the head, does not believe. 昨日小小的惩戒了一下方管事,他就老实了?罗征摇摇头,根本不信。 The idea of his very clear Steward Fang this villain, will not give up absolutely, it is estimated that is fermenting what treacherous plan to harm itself. 他很清楚方管事这种小人的想法,绝对不会善罢甘休,估计正在酝酿什么毒计害自己。 Let him do what he pleases! Must guard to this villain much, but cannot too be serious him, is ready to cope with anything, resists by whatever means available. 管他呢!对这种小人要多多提防,但也不能太把他当回事,兵来将挡,水来土掩。 He threw three pills in directly one side, by his condition of present body, cannot use this type of inexpensive thing. 他将三枚药丸直接扔在了一边,以他现在身体的状态,根本用不上这种廉价的东西。 Today suffers for day to hit, is very from top to bottom dirty, later he takes off the clothing, scoops up big scoop of cold water from the water jar, irrigates to the tail from the beginning. 今天挨了一天打,浑身上下都十分脏,随后他将衣物脱去,从水缸里面舀出一大瓢凉水,从头浇到尾。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦啦…… The clear transparent cold water gets down from the head pouring, turned into the dark muddy water the class/flow to the ground, in that dark muddy water is also doping some light white impurities. 清亮透明的凉水从头上浇下去,流到地上就变成了黑乎乎的泥水,那黑乎乎的泥水之中还掺杂着一些浅白色的杂质。 Coming under attack time he discovered, because of reasons of these warm current washes, unceasingly the impurity in his body compelling. 挨打的时候他就发现了,因为那些暖流洗涤的缘故,不断地将他身体里的杂质给逼了出来。 What is Flesh Refinement Realm? 何为炼肉境 To refine the impurity in fleshly body. 就是要将肉身里的杂质炼出去。 What is Bone Refinement Realm? 何为炼骨境 To refine the impurity in skeleton. 就是要把骨骼里的杂质炼出去。 What is Viscera Refinement Realm? 何为炼脏境 Yes...... 就是…… The Fleshly Body Five Layers boundary, is a process of fining body, first refining up the skin, then refining up the meat, later is to refine the bone, refining up dirty, by outside, but, proceeds in an orderly way, when is clean after the impurity in spinal cord, can break through Fleshly Body Realm, sublimates the life , to promote to arrive at higher life level. 肉身五重境,就是一个精炼身体的过程,先炼皮,再炼肉,之后就是炼骨,炼脏,由外而内,循序渐进,等到将脊髓里的杂质都清洁一空后,就能突破肉身境界,将生命升华,提升到更高的生命层次。 Luo Zheng now with others biggest what different is, others need to depend upon own exercise, can the impurity elimination of body, this process be very slow, must accumulate over a long period of time, the short several years, the long dozens years are as for a lifetime. 罗征现在与别人最大的不同的是,人家需要依靠自身的锻炼,才能够将身体的杂质清除,这个过程十分缓慢,要日积月累,短则几年,长则几十年乃至于一辈子。 But Luo Zheng is to need passive coming under attack now, with that warm current that endures compared with Heaven and Earth Fortune Pill washes itself, can go out the impurity platoon in body! 罗征现在则是需要被动的挨打,用那股堪比天地造化丹的暖流洗涤自己,就能将身体里的杂质排出去! Compares bitter bitter cultivation of others to refine, one year can discharge a wee bit impurities, his speed quick hundred times of thousand times continued! 相比其他人的苦苦修炼,一年才能够排出一丁点杂质,他这个速度快了百倍千倍不止! Luo Zheng is Flesh Refinement Realm Peak, he has only worked as the meat target because of these two years time, simply does not have time cultivation, realm to stay in Flesh Refinement Realm Peak. 罗征本已经是炼肉境巅峰,只因这两年时间他一直当肉靶子,根本没有时间修炼,境界才一直停留在炼肉境巅峰 But these hits after today, washes the impurity in his body, he felt that oneself body as if had the qualitative change, his fleshly body pure incomparable, but just now takes a bath he had discovered, in that black impurity, part of light white impurities. 可是经过今天这一顿打,将他身体里的杂质洗涤出来,他感觉自己的身体似乎发生了质的变化,他的肉身已经纯净无比,而方才洗澡的时候他已经发现,在那黑色的杂质中,还有一部分浅白色的杂质。 The impurity that removes from fleshly body is the pure black dirt, but these light white impurities, are he from impurity that in the bone compels, this is he enters the proof of Bone Refinement Realm! 肉身之中排除来的杂质是纯黑色的污垢,而那些浅白色的杂质,就是他从的骨头之中逼出来的杂质,这就是他进入炼骨境的证明! He moves out of the way oneself iron bed, moved out the place in the cave, revolves Red Sandalwood Fist, his whole body bathes in the first layer purple light, this first layer purple ray and that day Luo Peiran purple light are unexpectedly equally matched. 他将自己的铁床挪开,在地窖之中腾开了地方,将紫檀拳运转起来,他全身上下都沐浴在一层紫光之中,这一层紫色光芒与那日罗沛然身上的紫光竟然不相上下。 Flies high to make a fist, in the air produces sound of the fulmination immediately. 凌空打出一拳,空气之中顿时产生一股爆鸣之音。 bo!” “啵!” The powerful sound wave produces the scattered in disorder air current, the candle in cave, one group that the paper and other small things stir chaotic bad. 强大的声波产生散乱的气流,将地窖里的蜡烛,纸张等小物件搅的一团乱糟。 Pitifully the cave is only narrow, without the stone-lock dumbbell, the stone image can let his trial own strength, but he also feared that makes the too big move to know. 只可惜地窖狭窄,没有石锁,石人可以让他试炼自己的力量,而他也怕弄出太大的动静让人知晓。 However he is Bone Refinement Realm expert, is the fact of being settled. 不过他已是炼骨境强者,是板上钉钉的事实。
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