AT :: Volume #40

#3904: Final lowering standards

In three Georgian world, the Evil God state of mind had once had the transformation of certain extent. 曾经在三格世界内,邪神的心境曾有过一定程度的转变。 He transforms Controller from a destroyer slowly, from having a black ship, to having a state has entire Mother world again, he starts to approve the order, even maintains the order. 他从一个破坏者慢慢转变成一个掌控者,从拥有一艘黑船,到拥有一个州再拥有整个母世界,他开始认同秩序,甚至于维护秩序。 But approached to destroy his Mother world finally, lowered the rank to approach to ruin all, the black ship and his women have not stayed behind, oneself lived. 可终焉来临毁坏了他的母世界,降格来临毁掉一切,就连黑船和他的女人都没留下,偏偏自己活了下来。 Present he to this world, only then hates, only wants to destroy! Luo Zheng is he at present the only living creature, his anger vented to Luo Zheng logically. 现在的他对这个世界只有憎恨,只想毁灭!罗征是他眼前唯一的活物,他的怒火顺理成章向罗征发泄。 ......” shining colored long-line created. “呼……”一根流光溢彩的彩色长线创造出来。 That is one big length and breadth 10 billion li (0.5 km) energy piece, this giant energy piece as if sea cover Luo Zheng directly, Luo Zheng is a isolated island in sea, suffers the attack of colored energy in all directions. 那是一大片长宽百亿里的“能量片”,这巨大的能量片仿佛一片海洋直接笼罩住罗征,罗征便是海洋上的一片孤岛,四面八方都遭受彩色能量的侵袭。 Buzz......” the sky-blue energy shield of octagon appears together around Luo Zheng, blocks the colored energy easily, he continues to communicate with Evil God said that „, if we can obtain once all?” “嗡……”一块八角形的蔚蓝色能量盾浮现在罗征四周,轻而易举挡住彩色能量,他继续与邪神沟通道,“如果我们能获得曾经的一切呢?” Has a dream!” “做梦!” That colored energy starts to transform the nature, several colors start to vanish, is only left over the blue color and red energy, these two color energies melt mutually, turns into purple energy sea instantaneously. 那彩色能量开始变换性质,其中几种色彩开始消失,只剩下蓝色与红色的能量,这两种颜色能量相互融化,瞬间又变成一片紫色能量海洋。 This purple energy has a stronger corrosiveness, is attacking the Luo Zheng's energy shield crazily. 这紫色能量具备更强的侵蚀性,疯狂冲击着罗征的能量盾。 Luo Zheng makes the change the attribute of energy shield slightly, then prevents this purple sea again outside. 罗征将能量盾的属性稍作变化,便再次将这紫色海洋阻挡在外。 This does not have a dream!” “这并非做梦!” From has all memories as Controller.” “‘从’作为掌控者拥有一切记忆。” If the whole world restarts, then all real will be realized, the energy homing, the material returns to original state, once all will reappear!” “如果整个世界重启,那么所有真实都将被实现,能量归位,物质还原,曾经的一切都将重现!” Luo Zheng continues to persuade Evil God. 罗征继续劝说邪神 Perhaps was these words moved Evil God, his offensive stagnated slightly, the purple sea that came in swarms stopped, assembled around Luo Zheng. 也许是这番话打动了邪神,他的攻势稍微停滞了一下,原本蜂拥而至的紫色海洋停顿下来,围聚在罗征四周。 „, Who reappears?” “那么,谁来重现呢?” Evil God asked. 邪神问道。 I,” Luo Zheng reply without hesitation. “我,”罗征毫不犹豫的回答。 Premise swallows me?” “前提是吞噬我?” Right.” “对。” Daydreams!” “白日做梦!” Evil God never trusts Luo Zheng, is unable to trust Evil God like Luo Zheng. 邪神从不信任罗征,就像罗征无法信任邪神一样。 This contradiction is unable to compromise in three Georgian world, arrives at two Georgian world as before so. 这个矛盾在三格世界内就无法调和,来到二格世界依旧如此。 The purple sea is active, launches the new round of offensive to Luo Zheng continuously. 紫色海洋再一次活跃,源源不断向罗征发动新一轮攻势。 ...... The speed of lowering standards advance is quick. ……降格者前进的速度很快。 The range concepts in two Georgian world are completely different, release Divine Consciousness compared with three Georgian world far 30 billion times, the range that every moves one time also be equivalent to 30 billion times of three Georgian world. 二格世界内的范围概念完全不同,释放出的神识要比三格世界远三百亿倍,每一次移动的范围也相当于三格世界的三百亿倍。 He wants to find from, then spreads strongly own Divine Consciousness. 他想找到“从”,便竭力将自己的神识扩散出去。 Space Teleportation...... Divine Consciousness covers...... Space Teleportation...... to release Divine Consciousness to cover again! In a short time lowering standards transfers the extremely remote distance, but his Divine Consciousness has swept the region. 空间挪移……神识覆盖……再空间挪移……再释放出神识进行覆盖!短时间内降格者就挪移出极遥远的距离,而他的神识更是扫过大片大片的区域。 „Is line......” as before the damn line......” „? “线条……”“依旧是该死的线条……”“咦? Flower that this blooms in four Georgian world unexpectedly reserved is very complete, what a pity after only then I can appreciate...... ” spans so the long distance, had not found as before from, the mood of lowering standards loses more and more. 这朵绽放在四格世界的花竟保留的很完整,可惜只有我能欣赏……”跨越如此长距离后依旧没有找到“从”,降格者的心情越来越失落。 Buzz......” after lowering standards conducts Space Teleportation again, suddenly feels a fluctuation of energy gently. “嗡……”就在降格者再一次进行空间挪移后,忽然感受到一丝轻轻的能量波动。 Although this fluctuation of energy very small and weak, but is exceptionally active, possibly is not these low level worms can release. 这一丝能量波动虽然很弱小但异常活跃,绝不可能是那些低级蠕虫能释放的。 That direction!” “那个方向!” After finding the clue, lowering standards displayed Space Teleportation unceasingly, after each Space Teleportation, he can feel that the fluctuation of energy is stiffening. 找到线索后降格者就不断施展空间挪移,每一次空间挪移后,他都能感觉到能量波动在变强。 „ Is this fluctuation of energy from release? “这能量波动是‘从’释放的? Is it doing? 它在干什么? In two Georgian world does not have anything to threaten to need so to wage a war...... ” lowering standards to bring the puzzled vanguard. 二格世界内不存在什么威胁需要如此大动干戈……”降格者带着困惑前行。 After he displays several hundred Space Teleportation, finally enters in the range that Luo Zheng and Evil God battle. 当他施展数百次空间挪移后,终于进入罗征邪神交战的范围内。 Luo Zheng and Evil God two people detect existence of lowering standards simultaneously. 罗征邪神两人同时察觉到降格者的存在。 Although lowering standards present morphogenesis huge change, but only depends on the aura two people to distinguish. 虽然降格者现在的形态发生巨大的变化,但仅凭气息两人就能分辨出来。 Buzz......” lowering standards presents purple thread at present, immediately spies on the purple thread complete picture with Divine Consciousness. “嗡……”降格者眼前出现一条紫色的细线,随即用神识窥探出紫色细线的全貌。 That is giant energy sea, but the energy sea center is sieging human form living being, this command lowering standards is more puzzled. 那是一片巨大的能量海洋,而能量海洋中央则围困着一名人形生灵,这令降格者更加困惑。 Why from can change into the human form? “从”为什么要化为人形? In the memory of lowering standards, from does not like the kind of person shape. 在降格者的记忆力,“从”并不喜欢类人形态。 This energy sea is from creation, what is its goal? 这片能量海洋是“从”创造的,它的目的又是什么? In the lowering standards feeling is very strange, his behind space starts to fluctuate, immediately presents one to grow the insect of sharp thorn powerful and brave. 就在降格者感觉无比奇怪时,他身后的空间开始波动,随即出现一只孔武有力长着尖刺的虫子。 „The place when should treat in you,” that insect said with Divine Consciousness sound transmission. “待在你该待的地方,”那只虫子用神识传音道。 When lowering standards hears the voice of insect, in heart fierce one suddenly. 降格者听到虫子的声音时,心中猛的一突。 Is Evil God! How possibly! Lowers standards to the wall world, only then he and from can live! Why...... why can you live?” 邪神!怎么可能!降格到壁世界,只有他和“从”才能活下来!“为什么……为什么你能活下来?” Lowering standards asked. 降格者问道。 Evil God has no interest in helping lowering standards dispel doubt, he grips directly ruthlessly toward lowering standards the sharp thorn, the turbulent flame injects into lowering standards within the body following the sharp thorn, the fierce ignition feeling spreads in lowering standards within the body, the flame flees in all directions in his within the body crazily. 邪神没兴趣帮降格者解惑,他直接将尖刺朝降格者狠狠扎过去,汹涌的火焰顺着尖刺注入降格者体内,剧烈的灼烧感在降格者体内扩散,火焰在他体内疯狂流窜。 The body of that flattening is broad and huge, may in be burnt suddenly cleanly. 那扁平化的身躯宽广而巨大,可在瞬息间就被烧得干干净净。 In three Georgian world Evil God has not been serious lowering standards, two Georgian world so, after processing lowering standards, similarly he has turned around to continue Luo Zheng to lash out. 三格世界里邪神就没把降格者当一回事,二格世界同样是如此,处理掉降格者后他才掉过头来继续对罗征发难。 ...... In black light of wall world, after lowering standards rebirth, drilled dirtily. ……壁世界的黑光中,降格者重生后灰头土脸的钻了出来。 I......” he now like eating the excrement is generally uncomfortable. “我……”他现在就像吃屎一般难受。 The fellow of being haunted by the ghost, lowers the rank unexpectedly continually can evade! Humiliation! Greatest humiliation! The wall world cannot kill you, did that not read the world? 阴魂不散的家伙,居然连降格都能躲过!屈辱!莫大的屈辱!壁世界杀不死你们,那无念世界呢? A standard not read the world to be special. 一格无念世界非常特殊。 It contains to be also completely empty, even lowering standards it is unable to understand its definition, but he believes that Evil God is unable to survive! Under the anger spread lowering standards to lose the reason. 其包含一切又空空如也,即使降格者本身也无法理解其定义,但他相信邪神在其中无法存活!怒火延烧下降格者失去了理智。 Lowers standards, opening!” “降格,开启!” Not reads in the world all not to exist, you are decidedly impossible to go on living!” “无念世界内一切都将不复存在,你断然不可能活下去!” Lowering standards bitterly is thinking. 降格者恨恨的想着。 The entire wall world has a slightly indetectable vibration, immediately by edge toward central contraction, center situated in wall world changes into vortex black light, all in wall world toward central hauling. 整个壁世界发生一阵细微不可察觉的震动,随即由边缘朝着中央收缩,位于壁世界的中央的黑光化为一个漩涡,将壁世界上的一切朝中央牵引。 Luo Zheng and Evil God were still engaging in fierce battle, but feels a greatest force of traction suddenly. 罗征邪神本来还在鏖战着,但忽然感受到一股莫大的牵引力。 Energy sea, the Luo Zheng's body has the distortion and deformation of certain extent. 无论是能量海洋,还是罗征的身躯都发生一定程度的扭曲和形变。 This function in the force of traction of entire wall world, he and Evil God is unable to resist unexpectedly. 这股作用于整个壁世界的牵引力,他与邪神竟无法抗拒。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Luo Zheng strange say/way. 罗征奇怪道。 Wicked starts round to lower the rank newly,” from replying. “‘恶’又开始新一轮降格,”从回答道。 Lowers standards?” “又降格?” Luo Zheng stares. 罗征一愣。 Right, he should be anxious, this time lowers the rank will enter not reads the world,” from saying, that is the lowering standards final destination.” “对,他应该急了,这次降格将会进入无念世界,”从说道,“那是降格者最终的目的地。”
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