AT :: Volume #40

#3903: Fight in plane

ball of light gradually flutters toward Luo Zheng, fuses together with Luo Zheng again. 光球朝着罗征缓缓飘过来,再度与罗征融为一体。 From the sound resounds from the Luo Zheng's innermost soul again, I give your reality to be insufficient, you must create your reality.” 从的声音再度从罗征的灵魂深处响起,“我赋予你的真实是不够的,你要创造自己的真实。” Has the difference?” “有区别吗?” Luo Zheng asked. 罗征问道。 Naturally has, this perhaps is the significance that I can track down, is the significance that you present,” from saying. “当然有,这或许是我可以追寻的意义,也是你出现的意义,”从说道。 Regarding human race, after the birth , when drinks the first breast milk satisfies the desire of food and drink, naturally obtained the meaning of life, the one step step growth, tracks down the strength, the wealth, the love, the right, asking the immortal to last forever......, but from was born in the perfect place, it needed certainly will have, to lowering the Georgian world had nothing to be worth it pursuing from tall Ge, this instead urged it to track down candidly. 对于人类而言,出生后喝得第一口奶水满足口腹之欲时,就自然而然获得了生命的意义,一步步成长,追寻力量,财富,爱情,权利,求长生永存……可是“从”诞生于完美之地,它所需的一定会有,从高格到低格世界没有什么值得它去追求,这反而促使它追寻本真。 Why can the world exist? 世界为什么要存在? What is the back of the world? 世界的背后又是什么? The seemingly simple issue it is unable to inquire about, others to answer. 看似简单的问题它自己无从探寻,旁人更是给不出答案。 Wicked, although can be evenly matched with it, but this fellow besides going all out to lower the rank, completely not with from interest of discussion. “恶”虽然能与之势均力敌,可这家伙除了拼命降格外,完全没有和“从”讨论的兴趣。 Every so often from also very envies wickedly, so long as this fellow has lowered standards finished up, why bother to think so many? 很多时候“从”还挺羡慕“恶”,这家伙只要一直降格就完事了,何苦想那么多? This first layer level world lowers the rank, presents Luo Zheng and Evil God this pair of exceptional existence, from can easily let off? 一层层世界降格下来,出现罗征邪神这一对例外的存在,“从”焉能轻易放过? Luo Zheng hears from the words also feel helpless, his significance to a family members calm and steady environment, can keep just that Immortal Mansion on the line, but from must carry oneself! „Can I have such reality?” 罗征听到“从”的话也是倍感无奈,他的意义就是给家人们一个安稳的环境,能够留在刚刚那座仙府就行,可“从”非要将自己拎出来!“我还能拥有那样的真实?” Luo Zheng asked. 罗征问。 Certain energy, I will help you!” “一定能,我会帮你!” From replying. 从回答道。 Good......” Luo Zheng buoys up slightly. “好吧……”罗征稍微振作一些。 Real to Luo Zheng indeed that from said is the biggest power, he hopes that has with oneself family members gather together again, even this hopes small will feel sorry for him not to give up. “从”所说的真实对罗征的确是最大的动力,他希望拥有与自己的家人们再聚首的时候,即便这希望小的可怜他也不会放弃。 In the wall world presents two dots suddenly, the Luo Zheng's two eyeballs is created, is the head, the body......, because is the flat shape, definitely does not need to follow person the rule creates, the build of person does not have the advantage in the wall world, instead is the burden, from suggested that Luo Zheng will create the beetle or the worm shape. 壁世界内忽然出现两个圆点,罗征的两颗眼球被创造出来,接下来是头,身体……因为是扁平的形态,完全没必要遵循“人”的规律进行创造,人的体型在壁世界内毫无优势,反而是累赘,“从”建议罗征将自己创造成甲虫或者蠕虫形态。 The foot, the multi- wings, the multi- eyes, such shape can obtain many advantages in the wall world, can observe multi-directions, the speed will also be faster. 多足,多翅,多眼睛,这样的形态在壁世界内能获得很多优势,能观察到更多方向,速度也会更快。 But Luo Zheng is unable to accept, finally creates an approximate human form. 罗征无法接受,最终还是创造出一个大致的人形。 After the body was created, the Luo Zheng's eye starts the photosensitivity, what heaving in sight is many color mixes thread that. 当身躯被创造出来后,罗征的眼睛开始感光,映入眼帘的是一条多种颜色糅合的细线 Only can see these thread?” “只能看到这些细线?” Luo Zheng asked. 罗征问。 In vision indeed so, can only identify the thread length and light and shade, but you can release Divine Consciousness, plunges in these thread with Divine Consciousness, can infer their appearances,” from replying. “视觉上的确如此,只能辨认细线的长短与明暗,但你可以释放神识,用神识浸入这些细线内,能推断它们本身的样子,”从回答道。 Luo Zheng according to from said does. 罗征按照“从”所说的去做。 Divine Consciousness also can only disseminate along wall world plane, but after plunging the thread interior, can spy on the thread later thing. 神识也只能沿着壁世界这个平面传播,但浸入细线内部后,就能窥探到细线之后的东西。 But all of deep space lowered the rank the chaotic fragment, even by the Divine Consciousness percolation, Luo Zheng is still hard to distinguish these fragments the shapes...... to move a distance in the plane, maps in his eye is grey thread. 可深空的一切都被降格成杂乱无章的碎片,即使以神识浸透,罗征也难以分辨这些碎片的形状……在平面上移动一段距离,映入他眼中的则是一条灰色细线 Luo Zheng releases Divine Consciousness as usual, but Divine Consciousness plunges grey thread on without a trace of disappearance, Divine Consciousness was absorbed instantaneously! This grey thread!” 罗征照例释放出神识,但神识浸入灰色细线的瞬间就消失的无影无踪,神识被吸收了!“这灰色细线!” He one responded slightly immediately, this was the gray soil layer that these are unable to be destroyed, did the gray soil layer also lower the rank?” 他稍稍一愣当即反应过来,“这是那些无法被摧毁的灰色土层,灰色土层也被降格了吗?” gray soil layer cannot lower the rank, what you see is only its section plane tangent,” from saying. “灰色土层不会被降格,你看到的只是它的一个剖面切线,”从说道。 Lowers living being of Georgian world unable to see the high Georgian world living being complete picture forever, if Luo Zheng is born in two standard wall world from the beginning, he can only notice that forever grey thread blocks the way, is impossible to imagine has the gray soil layer is anything. 低格世界的生灵永远看不到高格世界生灵的全貌,如果罗征一开始就诞生在二格壁世界内,他永远只能看到一条灰色细线挡住去路,不可能想象出灰色土层是什么东西。 „Is gray soil layer the product of several Georgian world?” “灰色土层属于第几格世界的产物?” Luo Zheng raises this issue suddenly. 罗征忽然抛出这个问题。 This issue I not clear......” from saying. “这个问题我不清楚……”从说道。 This gray soil layer has formed in the edge of perfect place, how regardless to lower the rank is affected. 这灰色土层在完美之地的边缘就已形成,无论怎么降格都不会受影响。 When two are discussing the issues of two Georgian world, presents one on the left and other on the right two heavy lines from the far-end suddenly, the speed that two heavy lines move is fast, directly soars Luo Zheng comes at the same time unexpectedly must close up in the same place! Very powerful energy aura!” 两位正在讨论二格世界的问题时,从远端忽然出现一左一右两条黑线,两条黑线移动的速度非常快,直奔罗征而来的同时竟是要合拢在一起!“好强的能量气息!” In the Luo Zheng heart is startled. 罗征心中一惊。 Although he has not prepared for when that in the wall world fights, may feel the danger the start retreat of instinct, prompts forward Divine Consciousness simultaneously. 尽管他还没有做好在壁世界中战斗的准备,可感受到危险时本能的开始后退,同时将神识向前推进。 Distinguishes the heavy line through the Divine Consciousness Luo Zheng mind in quickly the physique, that is giant black scissors, the movement that two heavy lines close up is to Luo Zheng scissors to be one of them. 通过神识罗征脑海中很快分辨出黑线的形体,那是一把巨大的黑色剪刀,两条黑线合拢的动作是要将罗征“剪”在其中。 Luo Zheng of high-speed retreat avoids a tribulation, but left he soon discovers, the right side, the rear end also presents the heavy line, these has surrounded him the black scissors. 高速后退的罗征躲过一劫,可他很快发现左侧,右侧,后侧同样出现黑线,这一把把黑色剪刀已将他包围住。 Evil God? 邪神 Is you? ” 是你?” Luo Zheng toward communicates by Divine Consciousness in all directions. 罗征神识朝四面八方沟通。 Since oneself have not died, Evil God will not die similarly, the attack of this uniform strength is Evil God initiates inevitably. 既然自己没有死,邪神同样也不会死,这等强度的攻击必然是邪神发起。 But previously two people fights could not decide the victory and defeat to cease all activities, does not know that now Evil God out of what goal, launches the attack to oneself again. 但此前两人的战斗分不出胜负已偃旗息鼓,不知现在邪神出于什么目的,再次向自己发起攻击。 Luo Zheng has not been responded, saw that the black line the aura is getting stronger and stronger, scissors to be approaching high-speed. 罗征没有得到回应,眼看黑色线条的气息越来越强,“剪刀”正以高速靠近。 In the Luo Zheng heart the thought moves slightly, starts to reappear a golden silk thread from his body surface, that is one regarding in the golden ring of whole body. 罗征心中念头微微一动,自他的体表开始浮现出一条金色丝线,那是一个围绕在周身的金色圆环。 After this ring appears, to starts to expand quietly in all directions. 这圆环出现后,就悄无声息向四面八方开始扩张。 If Evil God is spying on secret, then can see that the golden line hits rapidly to the scissors. 如果邪神在暗中窥探,便能看到金色的线迅速撞向剪刀。 The black scissors are no doubt sharp, after may touch golden ring , is defeated and dispersed rapidly, changes into the every large or small black fragment like this. 黑色剪刀固然犀利,可触碰到金环后便迅速溃散,就这样化为大大小小的黑色碎片。 The scissors were just solved by Luo Zheng, red lines appear again. 剪刀刚被罗征所解决,一根根红线再度出现。 The red red string is the red screws, again toward Luo Zheng. 红色红线又是一个个红色螺旋,再度朝罗征袭来。 Luo Zheng spreads together the golden ray as before, the gold thread place visited, embezzles the red string directly all. 罗征依旧扩散出一道金色光线,金线所过之处,直接将红线尽数侵吞。 Evil God, such attack is useless.” 邪神,这样的攻击没有用。” „The energies in two standard wall world are more trivial, was decoded...... „”...... Luo Zheng toward to release Divine Consciousness to communicate easilyin all directions, this he catches the Evil God form time. “二格壁世界内的能量更加琐碎,更容易被破解……”“……”罗征朝四面八方释放出神识进行沟通,这一次他捕捉到邪神的身影。 Evil God presents four pairs of eyes in the wall world, happen to can observe the surrounding four directions, the body assumes the circular, in the above sharp thorns, this is a shape strange insect. 邪神在壁世界上呈现出四对眼睛,正好能观察到周围四个方向,身体呈正圆形,在上面还有一根根尖刺,这就是一只形状怪异的虫子。 What's the big deal? “那又如何? Since has had nothing to lose, that fights a happiness! ” 既然已经没有什么可失去,那就战个痛快!” Evil God said by the Divine Consciousness response. 邪神神识回应道。 We indeed have nothing to lose, but we can obtain,” the Luo Zheng response said. “我们的确没什么能失去,可是我们能获得,”罗征回应道。 Obtains? “获得? What obtains? 获得什么? Obtains to live the right in this pulpy world? ” 获得活在这个稀烂的世界中的权利?” Evil God asked back. 邪神反问。 Evil God is extremely also discontented with two standard wall world, can only see the single line the world is what kind of dullness? 邪神对二格壁世界也非常不满,一个只能看到单线条的世界是何等的枯燥无味?
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