AT :: Volume #40

#3902: Strip world

Lowering standards crawls a distance toward all around, pleasant is the white line that the length varies. 降格者朝着四周爬行一段距离,入眼的便是长短不一的白色线条。 Even he as lowering standards, is still all of a sudden difficult to adapt to the shapes of two Georgian world, saw that these white lowering standards are somewhat in a daze. 即使他身为降格者,一下子也难适应二格世界的形态,看到这些白色降格者有些发愣。 But responded quickly, these white lines were these ice crystals that Evil God previously released. 但很快反应过来,这些白色的线条是邪神先前释放的那些冰晶。 These ice crystals have the cold attribute as before, but after lowering standards, more details were launched, can launch a 5-6 different energy from an ice attribute. 这些冰晶依旧拥有寒冷的属性,但被降格后更多的细节被展开,从一个冰属性中能展开五六种不同的能量。 „After all world reduce to two standards, the total area of the whole world expanded 30 billion times......” „the type of energy to increase to 11,000 types from 3000 types.” “所有世界降为二格后,整个世界的总面积扩张了三百亿倍……”“能量的种类从三千种增加到一万一千种。” But this world is too bleak.” “可这个世界太荒凉。” Should birth living being...... three Georgian world not call it again under extremely, this character represents the life extremely the limit. “应该不会再诞生生灵……”三格世界被称之为“下极界”,这个“极”字代表生命的极限。 All living being lower the rank from the high Georgian world downward, can live, but the wall world is not good. 所有的生灵从高格世界往下降格,是可以活下来的,但壁世界不行。 Although two Georgian world the area expands to the fearful situation, the type of energy is also richer, but this world does not support the condition of life survival, therefore living being of four Georgian world will enter three Georgian world not dead, but living being of when three Georgian world will enter the wall world by steamroll to losing life. 二格世界虽然面积扩张到可怕的地步,能量的种类也更加丰富,可这个世界已不支持生命存活的条件,所以四格世界的生灵进入三格世界不会死,而三格世界的生灵进入壁世界时就会被碾压到失去生命。 Lowering standards accelerates to crawl. 降格者加速爬行起来。 His arm changes into the oar style, toward makes an effort behind one group, the body spans the long distance forward. 他的手臂化为船桨般的样式,朝着身后用力一拨,身体就向前跨越漫长的距离。 In this process lowering standards also sees red some, faint yellow, the jade white line...... the red line is the blood, the faint yellow line is the meat, the jade white line is the skeleton, three different line each other embed in the same place, these were still the traces that Evil God and Luo Zheng fought, then in hand-to-hand fighting two people unceasingly by the limbs that the wall world swallowed. 这个过程中降格者还看到一些红的,淡黄色,玉白色的线条……红色的线条是血,淡黄色的线条是肉,玉白色的线条则是骨骼,三种不同的线条彼此镶嵌在一起,这些仍旧是邪神罗征战斗的痕迹,便是在肉搏战时两人不断被壁世界吞噬的肢体。 After trace that these fight, the front is a nihility, after the entire primordial chaos world launches , the area expands 30 billion times, wanted the distance of edge from the primordial chaos center far also enough 30 billion times. 经过这些打斗的痕迹后,前方又是一片虚无,整个混沌世界展开后面积扩张三百亿倍,从混沌中心要边缘的距离也足足远了三百亿倍。 But the speed to lowering standards is not a problem. 但对降格者而言速度不成问题。 Buzz......” the laminated space the lowering standards circle will enter together, as this laminated space flashes, he has been separated from this void, entered once the main world category, here range was vaster. “嗡……”一块片状空间将降格者圈入其中,随着这片状空间一闪,他已脱离这片虚空,进入曾经主界的范畴,这里的范围更加广博。 After each Georgian world lowers the rank completely, the space can wait for the proportion to expand 30 billion times, therefore in a mountain in main world can hold a primordial chaos world. 每一格世界完全降格后,空间会等比例扩张三百亿倍,所以主界内的一座山中就能容纳一个混沌世界。 But main world falls two square after four Georgian spaces, all spaces change into the area of wall world, that is 30 billion rides 30 billion. 主界从四格空间降成二格后,所有的空间都化为壁世界的面积,那便是三百亿乘三百亿。 Expanded 9.0001 trillion times. 扩大了九万亿亿倍。 After entering the main world range, the color of line becomes complex. 进入主界范围后,线条的颜色变得复杂起来。 Various types are long, short, green, the brown, the gray line becomes strings of continually, was hard to distinguish the line once material shape, can only sensation their energy constitutions...... lowering standards shuttle while is searching, having a look at living being to exist. 各种长的,短的,绿的,褐色的,灰色的线条连成一串串,难以分辨线条曾经的物质形态,只能感知它们的能量构成……降格者一边穿梭一边寻觅着,看看有没有生灵存在。 His mission lowers the rank, after the world launches living being that presents is only in the lowering standards process accessory, but kills these accessories to him is the greatest pleasure. 他的使命是降格,在世界展开后出现的生灵只是降格过程中的“附属物”,但弄死这些附属物对他而言是莫大的乐趣。 This pleasure increases day by day, particularly this pleasure in three Georgian world achieves the apex, he even meets to defeat oneself human race, but these human race lose to lower the rank as before. 这种乐趣与日俱增,尤其是在三格世界中这种乐趣达到顶点,他甚至遇到能打败自己的人类,可这些人类依旧败给降格。 After arriving at two Georgian world, faces these bleak lines, his some do not adapt. 来到二格世界后面对这些荒凉的线条,他有些不适应。 In he searches with hardship, the front saw suddenly a careful green line is moving. 就在他苦苦寻觅时,前方忽然看到一根细细的绿色线条在动弹。 Had living being!” “有生灵了!” In lowering standards heart one happy. 降格者心中一喜。 His impatient pulling closer distance, the discovery is a several thousand-ten feet green line. 他迫不及待的拉近距离,才发现是一根长达数千丈的绿线。 Several thousand zhang (3.33 m) sound are very long, in fact this is the result of completely launching, has a mind to convert this green line to be equivalent to three Georgian world less than one inch vermicules. 数千丈听起来很长,实际上这是完全展开的结果,有心换算一下这条绿线相当于三格世界不到一寸的小蠕虫。 Even so, lowering standards approaches as before cautiously, for fear that killed this green line incautiously. 即便如此,降格者依旧小心翼翼的靠近,生怕一不小心将这根绿线弄死了。 In is unable to use in the Divine Consciousness situation, the communication in wall world is difficult. 在无法动用神识的情况下,壁世界内的沟通非常困难。 The only communication method can only control the line length and tourmaline, theoretically this communication is feasible, but counted on that worm general living being obtains such communication method is not realistic. 唯一的沟通方式只能控制线条长短以及颜色变化,理论上这种沟通是可行的,但指望蠕虫一般的生灵获得这样的沟通方式并不现实。 Observation after some time, this green line is wriggling in a direction as before slowly. 观察一段时间后,这条绿线依旧朝着一个方向慢慢蠕动着。 Looked that an insect crawls, really suffices bored......” lowering standards is somewhat depressed, but when depressed he remembered suddenly from. “看一只虫子爬行,真够无聊的……”降格者有些沮丧,但在沮丧之余他忽又想起了“从”。 Right...... that fellow certainly also, it same is impossible dead with me. 对了……那个家伙一定还在,它跟我一样不可能死。 Thinks that here lowering standards then accelerates to speed along to go in a direction, blocks the green line in front of him is hit by him directly, if places in three Georgian world, is equivalent to a foot to grind this worm. 想到这里降格者便加速朝着一个方向飞驰而去,拦在他前面的这根绿线直接被他撞断,如果放在三格世界中,相当于一脚将这条蠕虫碾碎。 ...... In the darkness of nihility transmits a faint trace change. ……虚无的黑暗中传来一丝丝异动。 As if the soul was provoked, just like catches fireworks that in the ignorant nighttime sky delimits the bright sky. 仿佛灵魂受到拨弄,宛若在蒙昧的夜空中染上一支划亮天空的烟花。 Awakes.” “醒醒。” Luo Zheng, awakes......” „......” this sound to resound in the Luo Zheng's innermost soul, but Luo Zheng had not responded. 罗征,醒醒……”“……”这声音在罗征的灵魂深处响起,可罗征没有丝毫反应。 He falls into an ignorant condition, no longer some any read thinks, no longer cared to foreign object, cut off all the ways of communication. 他陷入一个蒙昧的状态,不再有任何念想,对外物不再关心,断绝一切沟通的途径。 What is unimportant...... this thought to occupy the Luo Zheng's consciousness. 什么都不重要了……这个念头占据罗征的意识。 But he feels a warmth suddenly. 可忽然之间他感觉到一丝温暖。 Has Sun to raise, follows the dazzling light straight thrust soul. 有太阳升起,伴随炫目的光直刺灵魂。 Ignorant world such as by splashing ink picture, twisting, transforming. 蒙昧的世界如一副被泼墨的画,扭曲着,变换着。 Paradise Immortal Mansion appears again, in the tall wall resounds the cheerful laughter, the Luo Yunxin difficult overstride threshold of childhood, shows the natural brilliant smile toward him. 世外桃源般的仙府再次出现,高墙内响起欢快的笑声,幼年的罗云欣艰难的跨过门槛,朝着他露出天然烂漫的笑容。 Father, awakes quickly!” “爹,快醒醒!” Do not rest......” me not to visit you to lose.” “别睡了……”“我不想看着你迷失。” The Luo Yunxin expression is very lovable, reveals two dimples saying that but these words should not say from her mouth. 罗云欣的表情很可爱,露出两个酒窝笑着说,可这些话绝不应该从她口中说出来。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Luo Zheng asked. 罗征问。 Successfully after bringing to the Luo Zheng attention, the smile on Luo Yunxin face disappears, but is seriously said, I am since, I have been summoning you, why didn't you respond to me?” 成功引起罗征注意后,罗云欣脸上的笑容不见了,而是严肃的说道,“我是从,我一直在呼唤你,你为何不回应我?” I had died,” saying of some Luo Zheng dislike. “我已经死了,”罗征有些厌恶的说道。 No, you do not have!” “不,你没有!” From saying. 从说道。 Shaking the head of Luo Zheng as before resistance, „is this illusory realm that you create?” 罗征依旧抗拒的摇摇头,“这是你创造的幻境?” Yes, is not, strict this is my memory, I have from the perfect place extend to all memories of present, what you see is I the reality that uses the memory to build!” “是,也不是,严格来说这是我的记忆,我有从完美之地延伸到现在的所有记忆,你看到的是我用记忆营造出来的真实!” From replying. 从回答道。 With the reality that the memory does build? “用记忆营造的真实? Isn't this really illusory realm? ” 这真不是幻境?” From the significance of your cognition this is the real world,” from replying. “自你认知的意义而言这就是真实世界,”从回答道。 From as Controller of perfect place, its memory is very special. “从”作为完美之地的掌控者,它的记忆是很特殊的。 All of this world retain in its memory, these memories look like 1.0003 trillion building blocks. 这世界的一切都保留在它的记忆里,这些记忆就像是兆亿亿亿块积木。 It only needs to build the building block according to the original memory position, then real was made, if he overthrows the building block, disrupts the memory position, then real annihilates. 它只需要根据原本的记忆位置将积木搭建,那么真实就被制造出来,如果他将积木推倒,将记忆的位置打乱,那么真实就湮灭。 „Can that...... make me dull here?” “那……可以让我一直呆在这里吗?” Luo Zheng requested. 罗征请求道。 Naturally...... not!” “当然……不可以!” From rejects the Luo Zheng's request decisively. 从果断拒绝罗征的要求。 The next quarter is cloudy, sound of wind / rumor is big. 下一刻乌云密布,风声大起。 Indestructible Immortal Mansion was blown the innumerable fragments like the background generally, Luo Yunxin also changes small ball of light, this is from always the shape that is used in showing. 坚不可摧的仙府如同布景一般被吹成无数碎片,罗云欣亦变化成一颗小小的光球,这是从一直以来用于示人的形态。
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