AT :: Volume #40

#3905: Zero point

After this force of traction appears, Evil God has not launched the attack to Luo Zheng again. 这股牵引力出现后,邪神没有再向罗征发起攻击。 He just killed lowering standards one time, guessed this force of traction with lowering standards faintly related. 他刚刚又杀了降格者一次,也隐隐猜测出这牵引力跟降格有关。 Two people are sticking to the edge in wall world, passive to wall world central movement. 两人都紧贴着壁世界的边缘,被动的向壁世界中央移动。 Not read the world interior is what shape, from and wicked did not have the accurate cognition. 无念世界内部是什么形态,“从”与“恶”都没有准确的认知。 Lowers standards from the perfect place, each Georgian world two can the perfect forecast, so long as because takes away part of details then, but some details in a disorderly way may follow, Evil God conducts the energy return to original state according to this rule. 从完美之地降格下来,每一格世界两位都能准确预测,因为只要抽掉其中一部分细节即可,而这部分细节有规律可循,邪神就是按照这个规律进行能量还原。 The reassigned detail are more, the detail that keeps are less. 抽调的细节越多,留下来的细节就越少。 Under three standards in detail are extremely few, but the good and evil can undertake the life. 三格下极界内的细节已非常少,但好歹能承担生命。 After arrived wall world, detail few lives even are unable to undertake. 到了壁世界后细节少的连生命都无法承担。 According to this rule, a detail of Georgian world was found time completely, should be absolutely void, even the soul is unable to place, therefore saying not read. 按照这个规律,一格世界的细节被完全抽空,应该是绝对空虚,连灵魂都无从安置,所以才谓之无念。 From in the mind after a Luo Zheng explanation, Luo Zheng then asked: In not read in the world you can go on living?” “从”在脑海中向罗征一番解释后,罗征便问道:“在无念世界中你们能活下去吗?” According to the speculation cannot, but a Georgian world not necessarily is such that I think,” from replying. “按照推测是不能,不过一格世界未必是我想的那样,”从回答道。 We can look at arrived immediately,” Luo Zheng now is instead calm. “我们马上就能看到了,”罗征现在反而淡定下来。 Has experienced to lower the rank in any case one time, is staying also uncomfortably here the world, must fall falls one time simply. 反正已经经历过一次降格,在这壁世界呆着也让人难受,要降索性就一次降到底。 Compares vast momentum three, four, five Georgian world lower the rank, the lowering standards process of wall world appears silent very tranquil, after all this world does not exist the sound. 相比声势浩大的三,四,五格世界降格,壁世界的降格过程则显得寂静十分平静,毕竟这世界连声音都不存在。 even shop/spread material in the wall world starts little drawing , the extrusion...... 平铺在壁世界上的物质开始一点点的收拢,挤压…… This extrusion is assumes and other proportions. 这种挤压是呈等比例进行。 Luo Zheng and Evil God distance is 30 li (0.5 km) away, when two people pull closer half of distances the entire wall world has reduced half, speed that the wall world lowers the rank far over three, four, five Georgian world. 罗征邪神的距离有三十里远,当两人拉近一半距离时整个壁世界已缩小一半,壁世界降格的速度远超三,四,五格世界。 the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, Luo Zheng and Evil God distance pulls closer half only to remain Qiliban from, the wall world also only has 1/4. 一炷香的时间,罗征邪神的距离又拉近一半只剩七里半距离,壁世界亦只剩下四分之一。 The wall world material extrudes mutually in together, Luo Zheng and Evil God were also extruded to be one of them. 壁世界内部的物质相互挤压在一起,罗征邪神也被挤压在其中。 Although these materials were compressed lose the volume, may have the intensity as before, the common thing qualitative intensity in front of Luo Zheng and Evil God, as if the disparity of egg and fine iron, naturally makes inadequate anything to affect to two people. 这些物质虽然被压扁失去体积,可依旧存在强度,寻常物质的强度在罗征邪神面前,仿佛鸡蛋与精铁的差距,对两人自然造不成什么影响。 But the wall world lowers the rank follows as before accelerates the principle, the speed of its contraction speeds up gradually, more and more quickly! 可壁世界降格依旧遵循加速原则,其收缩的速度逐步加快,越来越快! Another burning a joss stick time, distance between Luo Zheng and Evil God only remains 15 zhang (3.33 m) distance. 又一炷香时间,罗征邪神之间的距离仅剩十五丈距离。 The wall world reduces to 4%, between the material and material extrude unusual compact, Luo Zheng and Evil God can withstand as before with ease. 壁世界缩小到三百分之一,物质与物质之间挤压的非常紧致,罗征邪神依旧能轻松承受。 Again burning a joss stick time. 再一炷香时间。 1/30000. 三万分之一。 Luo Zheng and Evil God are close. 罗征邪神已近在咫尺。 Evil God that appearance evil insect contour moved, opens out the material of surrounding tight extrusion, has aimed at the Luo Zheng's sharp thorn to move a direction. 邪神那卖相邪恶的虫子外形动弹了一下,把周围紧紧挤压的物质拨开,一直对准罗征的尖刺挪了个方向。 The plan that two people have not continued to begin, only wants to walk the last regulation tacitly. 两人都没有继续动手的打算,只希望默契走完最后一程。 1 in 300,000. 三十万分之一 The material in wall world has extruded highly, the high pressure makes the thing qualitative nature change, the temperature rises crazily. 壁世界内的物质已经是高度挤压,高压让物质的性质发生改变,温度更是疯狂蹿升。 So the shape can you also withstand?” Evil God asked Luo Zheng suddenly. “这般形态你还能承受?”邪神忽然问罗征 The Luo Zheng light response said, you care about your oneself.” 罗征淡淡回应道,“你还是关心你自己。” In the process of pressure growth, Luo Zheng also reassigns the surrounding energy to strengthen itself gradually. 在压力逐步增长的过程中,罗征亦抽调周围的能量强化自身。 The quick wall world reduces to three 0.00001%, the pressure rises dramatically again 100 times! 很快壁世界缩小到三千万分之一,压力再度暴增一百倍! The Luo Zheng's body surface starts to present a faint trace crack, the tiny fragment breaks up, but is separated from the fragment of body to be melted instantaneously, the temperature of wall world rises dramatically! 罗征的身体表面开始出现一丝丝裂纹,细小的碎片从中崩解而出,而脱离身体的碎片瞬间又被融化掉,壁世界的温度更是暴增! The Evil God situation is like Luo Zheng, the body had drafting of collapse faintly. 邪神的情况与罗征一样,身体隐隐有了崩溃之征。 However holds in in addition of infinite energy, two people extremely had not worried regarding the fleshly body condition. 不过在无限能量的加持下,两人对于肉身的状态没有太过担忧。 Let alone the body presents the crack, will be vanished in a puff of smoke can also restore shortly. 别说身体出现裂纹,就是灰飞烟灭也能顷刻之间修复。 1/300000000...... 三亿分之一…… The pressure increases ten times again. 压力再增十倍。 The material in wall world has the strange change. 壁世界上的物质发生诡异的变化。 Originally these material characteristics changes, but is also maintaining color, now the material in entire wall world is the dust color, is exactly the same as the color of that gray soil layer. 原本这些物质特性改变,但还保持着本身的颜色,现在整个壁世界内的物质都呈灰褐色,与那灰色土层的颜色一模一样。 After the wall world reduces to this range, Luo Zheng and Evil God enter the range that lowering standards Divine Consciousness covers finally. 当壁世界缩小到这个范围后,罗征邪神终于进入降格者神识笼罩的范围。 Lowering standards has been waiting in the wall world center, after discovering two, immediately uses Divine Consciousness exciting saying, finally waited till you, how was ground the meat broken feeling?” 降格者可是一直在壁世界中央等候着,发现两位后当即用神识兴奋的说道,“终于等到你们了,被碾成肉碎的感觉如何?” This pressure is still far from,” the Luo Zheng response said. Haha......” lowering standards smiles is very happy, the process that „ lowers the rank is the pressure turns into the infinity process, does not know whether your infinite energies can resist the infinity pressure, I am gazing at you like this, looked that you were ground little “这点压力还谈不上,”罗征回应道。“哈哈……”降格者笑的很开心,“降格的过程就是压力变成无穷大的过程,不知道你们的无限能量能否对抗无穷大的压力,我就这样注视着你们,看你们一点点被碾碎 ...... ” ……” When lowering standards is speaking, a sharp thorn explodes to shoot. 降格者正说话时,一根尖刺爆射而来。 Even in the material of high pressure and high temperature, this sharp thorn goes through at the inconceivable speed as before, in an instant hits black light lowering standards. 即便在高压高温的物质中,这根尖刺依旧以不可思议的速度穿行,刹那之间打中黑光中的降格者。 Bang!” “嘭!” Hides the flame in at the tip thorn to explode lowering standards to embezzle rapidly. 藏匿于尖刺内的火焰爆开迅速将降格者吞没。 Aaaaaah......” 啊啊啊啊……” With a painful scream, lowering standards was struck to kill one time by Evil God. 伴随着一阵痛苦的尖叫,降格者又被邪神击杀一次。 So likes the boisterous waste, but also is really rarely seen,” Evil God is saying while is rotating the insect body, aims at black light the next sharp thorn, the plan serves the rebirth momentarily lowering standards. “如此喜欢聒噪的废物,还真是不多见,”邪神一边说着一边转动着虫躯,将下一根尖刺对准黑光,随时打算伺候重生的降格者。 Perhaps was killed to fear by Evil God, perhaps before is the fear at the point of death pain. 也许是被邪神杀怕了,也许是害怕临死前的痛楚。 Lowering standards after rebirth unprecedented was silent, looks not without making a sound lowers the rank to continue. 重生后的降格者破天荒的沉默了,一声不吭地看着降格继续进行。 1/3000000000. 三十亿分之一。 Under a huge pressure, the Luo Zheng's body collapses directly from outside to inside. 在更加庞大的压力下,罗征的身体直接从外向内崩溃。 The body cannot maintain the shape rapidly by the material assimilation. 身体维系不住形态迅速被外界的物质同化。 Luo Zheng abandons the body of most outer layer decisively, creates a slightly small body in. 罗征非常果断抛弃最外层的身体,在内部又缔造出一尊稍小的身体。 But the slightly small body also cannot endure, Luo Zheng creates the third body rapidly. 可稍小的身体亦抵受不住,罗征迅速缔造出第三尊身体。 The method and Luo Zheng that Evil God uses are almost the same, this first layer level body makes, seems like the first layer level onion. 邪神所用的手段与罗征相差无几,这一层层身体制造出来,看起来就像是一层层洋葱。 The pressure that their build getting smaller, can bear is bigger. 他们的体型越来越小,所能承受的压力越大。 But this is only expedient measure. 可这只是权宜之计。 1/30000000000 st, the pressure increases ten times again. 三百亿分之一,压力再增加十倍。 The body of Luo Zheng and Evil God has reduced to a broad bean size, under this grade of pressure Divine Consciousness is not even able manifestation, two people to limit in the space of broad bean size respectively supports by strenuous efforts. 罗征邪神的身体已缩小至一枚蚕豆般大小,这等压力下连神识都无法外放,两人各自局限在蚕豆大小的一块空间中苦苦支撑。 1/300000000000. 三千亿分之一。 Under this grade of pressure does not have the material to maintain the stable shape, all materials change into the pure energy. 这等压力下已经没有物质能维系稳定形态,所有的物质都化为纯粹的能量。 Luo Zheng and Evil God are also no exception, two people bodies change into the energy successor dynasty the wall world central gathering to go, there has the space zero point that cannot know, this space zero point not read the root of the world. 罗征邪神也不能例外,两人的身体化为能量后朝着壁世界中央汇聚而去,那里存在着一个未可知的空间原点,这空间原点就是无念世界的根源。 Zero point newcomer does not resist, broad all. 原点来者不拒,广纳一切。 1/3000000000000...... 三万亿分之一…… Three hundred thousand 1/100000000...... 十万亿分之一…… 1/300000000000000...... all in final wall world were embezzled by the space zero point completely, naturally also includes black light and black light lowering standards. 三百万亿分之一……最终壁世界内的一切都被空间原点完全吞没,当然也包括黑光与黑光中的降格者。
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