AT :: Volume #3

#268: A move

Buddhist cultivation technique becomes one school, the might is powerful, but low-key is also quite mystical. 佛家功法自成一派,威力非常强大,但极为低调也非常神秘。 Even in Azure Clouds Sect's Heavenly Books Pavilion, has not basically included cultivation technique about Buddhist. 即使是青云宗的天书阁中,也基本没有收录过关于佛家的功法 No one is clear, Pei Tianyao from where cultivation these Buddhist cultivation technique. 谁也不清楚,裴天耀到底是从何处修炼的这些佛家功法 Pei Tianyao said that is three moves, actually resisted the Xie Yun two moves by Golden Bell Cover that oneself true essence congealed hardly, he in fact planned was used to attack only had move of that's all merely. 裴天耀说是三招,其实只是凭借自己真元所凝的金钟罩硬抗了谢云的两招,他实际上打算用来进攻的仅仅只有一招罢了 The samsara of Buddha...... 佛之轮回…… In Buddhism the person was known as a samsara saying, after the person died, did not vanish into thin air, but the samsara in six, these six respectively was Heavenly Way, humanity, flatter Asura said, and three evil paths hell said that the hungry ghost said as well as domestic animal said. 佛教中人素有轮回一说,人死之后并非烟消云散,而是在六道之中轮回,这六道分别是天道,人道,阿修罗道,以及三恶道的地狱道,饿鬼道以及畜生道。 At this moment, the Pei Tianyao side raises suddenly six golden small balls, the outer coverings of these small balls are the shining colors, however is actually carving the different traces in the superficial mark of small ball, these six small balls are representing world in six. 在此刻,裴天耀的身边忽然升起六颗金色的小球,这些小球的外壳是金灿灿的颜色,但是在小球的表面却纹刻着不同的纹路,这六颗小球就是代表着六道之中的世界。 This was Pei Tianyao cultivation base was still also shallow, therefore these small balls will also exhibit this condition, if his cultivation base continued to get down profoundly, arrived at samsara of cultivation Buddha, in the small ball will produce six different microcosms, in the space like sumeru ring was then ordinary. 这也是裴天耀修为尚浅,所以这些小球还会呈现这种状态,若是他修为继续精深下去,将佛之轮回修炼到达成,小球之中会产生六个不同的小世界,便如同须弥戒指中的空间一般。 However in sumeru ring does not save the living creature, but in these six small balls is actually true six world that's all. 不过须弥戒指之中不存活物,但是这六个小球里面却是真正的六道世界罢了 Naturally, if in these six small balls really can produce six microcosms, that time Pei Tianyao strength feared that is strong being able imagine, even Azure Clouds Sect Sect Master Shi Jingtian such character, perhaps can still by his instant kill. 当然,倘若这六个小球之中真的能够产生六个小世界,那时候的裴天耀的实力怕是强的不可想象,即便是青云宗宗主石破天这样的人物,恐怕也会被他秒杀 After these small balls appear, starts revolving fast, with revolving of these small balls, forms vortex in the Pei Tianyao front. 这些小球一出现后,就开始飞快的旋转,随着那些小球的旋转,就在裴天耀的前方形成一道漩涡 Pei Tianyao the set of cultivation technique, is seemingly ordinary, as if has no special place, even if the samsara of Buddha displays, still produces together vortex that's all merely, moreover that vortex looks very temperate, and common. 裴天耀的这套功法,看起来平淡无奇,似乎并没有什么特别之处,即使是佛之轮回施展出来,也仅仅产生一道漩涡而已,而且那漩涡看起来十分温和,并不起眼。 However Buddhist cultivation technique is so, seemingly temperate light, but no one does to deny its great strength. 但是佛家功法便是如此,看起来温和平淡,可是谁都不干否认它的强大。 Puts on airs! Gives me to break!” “装腔作势!给我破!” Xie Yun treasure blade strikes to cut to kill. 谢云宝刀一击斩杀而出。 This move of Asura cuts is Xie Yun most killing move, during the previous fight he has not used, because these people absolutely do not have the qualifications to make him put forth this move. 这一招修罗斩便是谢云的最杀招,在此前的战斗之中他从来没有使用过,因为那些人根本就没有资格让他使出这一招。 Xie Yun is not a fool, although he proud is unable to neglect the great strength of Pei Tianyao, the Azure Clouds Sect second title is not white to come, as for Azure Clouds Sect first Li Yifeng, that is a anomaly, does not raise. 谢云不是傻瓜,他虽然自傲也无法忽视裴天耀的强大,青云宗第二的称号并不是白来的,至于青云宗第一名李逸风,那是一个变态,不提也罢。 Therefore Xie Yun in has executed at this moment full power! Goes all out also uses the full power, let alone Pei Tianyao regarding Xie Yun, is very likely compared with a lion more powerful beast of prey! 所以谢云在此刻已是全力而施!狮子搏兔亦用全力,何况裴天耀对于谢云来说,很有可能是比狮子更强大的猛兽! Xie Yun small accomplishment sabre intent in has become together the gray blade glow at this moment concise, this is with the blade glow that sabre intent congeals, by far compared with blade glow powerful many that true essence congeals, initially Xie Yun this move of cultivation completed, to a 20 zhang (3.33 m) high hill has been dividing a blade. 谢云小成刀意在此刻已经凝练成一道灰色的刀芒,这是用刀意凝结出来的刀芒,远远比真元凝结的刀芒强悍的多,当初谢云将这招修炼完成的时候,对着一座二十丈高的小山劈过一刀。 Asura cuts, then entire breaks out that 20 zhang (3.33 m) high hill! 一记修罗斩,便是将那座二十丈高的小山整个劈开! The blade is tyrant in weapon, cultivation to the pinnacle then can the quarrying a mountain crack place, bursts out the unapproachable aggression. 刀乃是兵器之中的霸者,修炼到极致便能开山裂地,迸发出无可匹敌的霸气。 Instance that this aggressive blade qi produces, the surrounding air on the fierce vibration, seems unable to withstand this overbearing blade qi, exudes intermittent sharp whistling. 这道凶悍的刀气产生的瞬间,周围的空气就剧烈的震动起来,仿佛无法承受这股霸道的刀气,发出一阵阵尖锐的啸叫声。 „-” “咻-” That blade qi in broke in Pei Tianyao six vortex in the wink of an eye. 刀气在瞬息之间就冲入了裴天耀的六道漩涡之中。 Just contacted to six vortex time, vortex of most outer layer twisted to break to pieces quickly, as if half, which lukewarm vortex first layer level twisting of Pei Tianyao were with irresistible force broken. 刚刚接触到六道漩涡的时候,最外层的漩涡很快就绞碎了,仿佛势如破竹一半,将裴天耀哪个温吞吞的漩涡一层层的绞碎。 Sees this, on the Xie Yun face reveals to sneer, I thought how you keep off!” 看到这一幕,谢云脸上露出冷笑,“我看你怎么挡!” Xie Yun felt oneself won. 谢云觉得自己赢定了。 Since Pei Tianyao boasts extravagantly, by the Pei Tianyao position, will naturally also observe, because if three moves, Pei Tianyao concedes, even if Xie Yun took a big advantage, if has fought with Pei Tianyao, Xie Yun does not have the too big assurance. 既然裴天耀夸下海口,以裴天耀的地位,自然也会遵守,倘若因为三招之约,裴天耀服输的话,谢云就算是占了不小的便宜,因为如果与裴天耀一直斗下去,谢云也没有太大的把握。 However quick, the Xie Yun smile solidified on the face. 但是很快,谢云的笑容就凝固在了脸上。 As his Asura cuts fewer and fewer thorough, speed of advance gradually slow, from the beginning turns with irresistible force walks with difficulty, arrived was hard to deposit one step afterward, stagnated directly in that vortex. 随着他的修罗斩越来越少深入,前进的速度渐渐慢了下来,从一开始的势如破竹变成步履艰难,到了后来更是难以存进一步,直接停滞在那漩涡之中。 My blade qi, was imprisoned unexpectedly! What method is this?” On the face of Xie Yun reveals the panic-stricken color, true essence and sabre intent, are controlled in Xie Yun, but at this moment, he actually discovered oneself cut blade qi that killed to be eliminated by Pei Tianyao with ease. “我的刀气,竟然被禁锢了!这是什么手段?”谢云的脸上流露出惊骇之色,无论是真元刀意,都是受控于谢云本身的,但是此刻,他却发现自己斩杀出去的刀气裴天耀轻松的剥夺了。 On Pei Tianyao face no expression, but extends take action to aim at vortex before body to circle gently, vortex before his body rotates immediately by the reversed direction . Moreover the speed of rotating is extremely fast. 裴天耀脸上没有什么表情,只是伸出手对准身前的漩涡轻轻一绕,他身前的漩涡顿时以反方向转动起来,而且转动的速度极快。 But was imprisoned that extremely concise Asura in vortex to cut together, at this moment also follower vortex rotates unceasingly. 而被禁锢在漩涡之中的那一道极度凝练的修罗斩,此刻也跟随者漩涡不断地转动。 bo!” “啵!” Only hears in the air to transmit suddenly/violently shakes, that Asura cuts to fly upside down together toward Xie Yun. 只听见空气之中传来一声暴震,那一道修罗斩就朝着谢云倒飞过来。 This is my Asura cuts! Cuts unexpectedly to me?...... Does not cut the might to be bigger than my Asura, this Pei Tianyao......” “这是我的修罗斩!竟然斩向我自己?不……比我的修罗斩威力更大,这裴天耀……” No one compared with the might that Xie Yun clearer Asura cut, but this moment Xie Yun actually discovered that Asura from that vortex cut, is bigger than that might that he cut initially, was more terrifying. 没有人比谢云更清楚修罗斩的威力了,但此刻谢云却发现从那漩涡之中的修罗斩,比他当初斩出去的那一记威力更大,更加恐怖。 Draws back!” “退!” Knew perfectly well in the situation of not beating, Xie Yun chose the retreat, the speed that but he retrocedes cannot compare the speed that Asura cuts obviously, is almost blinks, that Asura cuts has cut to kill arrived he nearby. 明知不敌的情况下,谢云选择了后退,但是他后退的速度显然比不上修罗斩的速度,几乎是眨眼之间,那一记修罗斩已经斩杀到了他的跟前。 Under evades not to be possible to evade, Xie Yun held up own treasure blade to keep off before the body! 避无可避之下,谢云举起了自己的宝刀挡在了身前! Bang!” “嘭!” Although Xie Yun treasure blade blocked overwhelming majority blade qi, but this strikes the intense strength that Asura cuts contains to hit to fly him directly, but sabre intent that in blade qi that scatters in all directions contains, the smashing that the Xie Yun clothes robe rips. 尽管谢云宝刀挡住了绝大部分刀气,但是这一击修罗斩中蕴含的强烈的力量还是将他直接撞飞,而四散开来的刀气中蕴藏的刀意,更是将谢云的衣袍撕的粉碎。 Finally Xie Yun hits above the barrier light screen, slowly falls, but the Xie Yun clothing was cut at this moment by his own sabre intent broken, the eastern wisp of western wisp hangs on his body, but his body was also cut to kill scars, some wounds are the deep obvious bones! 最终谢云一路撞在结界光幕之上,才慢慢的滑落下来,而此时此刻谢云的衣衫则被他自己的刀意斩斩碎,东一缕西一缕挂在他的身上,而他的身上也被斩杀出一道道伤痕,有些伤口更是深可见骨! Xie Yun both eyes absent-minded, by the barrier light screen, in the heart is also the incomparable depression. 谢云双目失神,靠在结界光幕之中,心中也是无比的郁闷。 He has to think will defeat, but he has not thought aggrievedness that such can defeat, defeated by the strongest attack. Moreover after Pei Tianyao that say/way strange vortex, Asura that this reflects cut the might to turn one time to have...... 他不是没有想过自己会战败,但是他没有想到会败的这么憋屈,被自己最强的攻击所打败。而且通过裴天耀那道诡异的漩涡之后,这反射回来的修罗斩威力更是翻了一倍有余…… Three moves, defeat you, has more than enough to spare,” Pei Tianyao looked at Xie Yun one lightly, immediately turns head to go. “三招,败你,绰绰有余,”裴天耀淡淡的看了谢云一眼,随即扭头而去。 The Thirty Three Peaks' disciple sees this, performs all silent. 三十三峰的弟子看到这一幕,尽皆沉默。 Good that especially this year the disciple on Thirty Three Peaks displays, Luo Zheng, Xie Yun, Hua Tianming, Wu Xie...... 今年三十三峰上的弟子表现的格外不错,罗征,谢云,华天命,吴邪…… The dark horse that these brave suddenly, or became famous the result of a long time mountain peak top disciple to exceed these exceptional direct disciple, this made in outer sect disciple on Thirty Three Peaks feel proud and elated in abundance, without master how passed on the technique? Grassroots birth how? Same can turn your direct disciple oppressively. 这些突然冒出来的黑马,或者成名已久的山峰顶尖弟子的成绩都超越了那些自命不凡的亲传弟子,这让三十三峰上的内外门弟子纷纷扬眉吐气,没有师父的亲传技艺又如何?草根出生又如何?一样能够虐翻你们亲传弟子 But arrival of Pei Tianyao, actually in outer sect disciple ruthlessly ground to Thirty Three Peaks' a class. 可是裴天耀的登场,却给三十三峰的外门弟子狠狠地上了一课。 Even Xie Yun this genius, on Solitary Sky Peak the most outstanding disciple, still only needs three moves of that's all merely! No, is only one move, from beginning to end, Pei Tianyao only launched an attack, was this attack makes Xie Yun lose the battle efficiency. 即使是谢云这种天才人物,天一峰上最优秀的弟子,仅仅也只需要三招而已!不,只是一招,从头到尾,裴天耀只进行了一次攻击,就是这一次攻击就让谢云失去了战斗力。 direct disciple was too terrifying...... 亲传弟子还是太恐怖了…… Senior Brother Pei, was too graceful!” 裴师哥,太帅了!” Senior Brother Pei, you with three moves, you did not let that Xie Yun two moves, finally only used move of that's all, moreover in this move, half move came from Xie Yun own attack!” 裴师哥,你可不是用三招,你是让了那谢云两招,最后只用了一招而已,而且这一招之中,还有半招是来自于谢云自己的攻击!” Right, our Senior Brother Pei only need half move, can solve Thirty Three Peaks' these grasshoppers, Hahaha, I thought how these grasshoppers also jump to stumble!” “对,我们的裴师哥只需要半招,就能解决掉三十三峰的这些蚂蚱们,哈哈哈,我看这些蚂蚱们还怎么蹦跶!” Senior Brother Pei is not in our direct disciple is strongest, in our direct disciple strongest Li Yifeng, is still closing up now, if he appears, sweeps away your Thirty Three Peaks disciple not to discuss directly, wants to exceed our direct disciple, has a dream, the next generation will say again!” 裴师哥还不是我们亲传弟子之中最强的,我们亲传弟子中最强的李逸风,现在还在闭关呢,若是他出现的话,直接横扫你们三十三峰弟子没商量,想要超越我们亲传弟子,做梦,下辈子再说吧!” Gives the devil his due, direct disciple in indeed not, many direct disciple that in this All Peaks Grand Competition displays were given by the mountain peak disciple oppressively. For example the swayed defeats direct disciple on Xie Yun has three, loses to Wu Xie direct disciple two, loses to Luo Zheng's...... 平心而论,亲传弟子在这一届全峰大比之中表现的的确不算好,其中不少亲传弟子都被山峰弟子给虐了。例如摆败在谢云手上的亲传弟子就有三位,败给吴邪亲传弟子则有两位,败给罗征的…… Therefore direct disciple also feels suffocated at heart, after all the resources or the talent, are more powerful than the mountain peak disciple, they are in the Azure Clouds Sect disciple the elite in elite, entire Azure Clouds Sect also only then dozens direct disciple, but the mountain peak disciple has several hundred thousand. 所以亲传弟子心里也是憋了一口气,毕竟他们无论是资源还是天赋,都远比山峰弟子强大,他们是青云宗弟子中精英中的精英,整个青云宗也只有几十位亲传弟子,而山峰弟子则有几十万 In this case, but also was ended oppressively by the mountain peak disciple, this face may lose in a big way. 在这种情况下,还被山峰弟子完虐,这脸可就丢大了。 Is good because, Pei Tianyao helped them recover the gathering place, proved the direct disciple strength, made direct disciple feel proud and elated finally. 好在,裴天耀帮他们找回了场子,证明了亲传弟子的实力,终于让亲传弟子们扬眉吐气了一回。 What to shout, don't you only have Pei Tianyao? We have Hua Tianming, Luo Zheng, many talents, this All Peaks Grand Competition first who will be the winner has not known!” “嚷嚷什么,你们不就只有一个裴天耀吗?我们还有华天命,还有罗征,还有好多天才,这次全峰大比的第一名鹿死谁手还不知道!” Hears direct disciple the sounds of various satires, some mountain peak disciples cannot bear finally, counter-attack. 听到亲传弟子的各种讽刺之声,有些山峰弟子终于忍不住,反击起来。 Hahaha, Luo Zheng? Innate Second Layer that? Hua Tianming? Innate Great Perfection that? You only then can these take the take action disciple? Causes our Senior Brother Pei opponent depending on them? Has a dream!” 哈哈哈,罗征先天二重的那个?华天命先天大圆满的那个?你们就只有这些能够拿得出手的弟子?凭他们使我们裴师哥的对手?做梦!” direct disciple does not pass on responsibilities, rebuts with sarcasm. 亲传弟子也当仁不让,反唇相讥。 Between the mountain peak disciple and direct disciple start to taunt mutually, but this taunt quick railed on rise arrived. 山峰弟子与亲传弟子之间开始相互嘲讽起来,而这种嘲讽很快就上升到了谩骂。 Regarding this behavior, Elder in Azure Clouds Sect as well as maintain the referees of order, too has not prevented actually. 对于这种行为,青云宗内的长老们以及维护秩序的裁判们,倒是并没有太多阻止。 martial artist actually cannot lack is the courage and uprightness, actually entire Azure Clouds Sect looks like household utensils of depositing cricket, lets the disciples in struggles mutually, finally trains the talent to be highest, strength strongest martial artist. 武者却不能缺乏的就是血性,其实整个青云宗就像是一个存放蟋蟀的器皿,让弟子们在其中相互斗争,最终培养出天赋最高,实力最强的武者 Naturally, the person after all is not the cricket, the struggle in Azure Clouds Sect is not unlimited slaughtering, but establishes one set of reasonable rule, the maximum stimulation the courage and uprightness of disciples, making them display the biggest talent! 当然,人毕竟不是蟋蟀,青云宗内的斗争也不是无限制的杀戮,而是设置出一套合理的规则,最大限度的激发出弟子们的血性,让他们发挥出最大的天赋! This round of quarrel and railed gets stronger and stronger, time that must hit shortly, in the sky then two Elder longs in coming, the release two intense pressure, deterred all disciples. 这一轮争吵和谩骂越演越烈,眼看就要打起来的时候,天空之中这才有两位长老姗姗来迟,释放出两道强烈的威压,将所有的弟子都震慑住。 You quarrelled enough, that continued the ratio to fight, proved own strength not with the glib lips, but used own fist proof on Competition Stage!” “你们吵够了,那就继续比斗,证明自己的实力不是用嘴皮子,而是在比斗场上用自己的拳头证明!” Is only two pressure, then ended this quarrel, at this moment direct disciple, the mountain peak disciples think that during the fight of this humble one surface recovers the gathering place. 仅仅只是两道威压,便结束了这场争吵,此时此刻无论是亲传弟子,还是山峰弟子都想在下面的战斗之中找回场子。 Quick, the referee announced the next round ratio fights: Little Rain Peak Luo Zheng, confronts direct disciple Mo Yuxin.” 很快,裁判就宣布了下一轮比斗:“小雨峰罗征,对阵亲传弟子莫雨馨。”
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