AT :: Volume #3

#267: The samsara of Buddha

Is depressed in Mo Yuxin, the referee announced suddenly: Solitary Sky Peak Xie Yun, confronts direct disciple Pei Tianyao!” 正在莫雨馨郁闷之极,裁判忽然宣布道:“天一峰谢云,对阵亲传弟子裴天耀!” Mo Yuxin spits the tongue, said with a smile: Senior Brother Pei, turning over to you to get up!” 莫雨馨吐了吐舌头,笑道:“裴师哥,归你上了!” Pei Tianyao shows the light happy expression, immediately stepped onto Competition Stage. 裴天耀露出淡淡的笑意,随即走上了比斗场 In direct disciple, Pei Tianyao is different kind, he has no point, but the temperament is very kind, basically does not have the conflict with others. 亲传弟子之中,裴天耀属于一个异类,他没有什么锋芒,但是脾气很和蔼,基本不与别人发生争端。 Therefore is very difficult to inspect his strength. 所以很难检阅他的实力。 However no one denied his strength, because he was Azure Clouds List second. 但是没有人否认他的实力,因为他是青云榜第二。 Azure Clouds List first person of Li Yifeng until now till is still closing up, therefore samsara match ballot time, has not put in the ballot box the Li Yifeng name. 青云榜第一人李逸风直到现在为止还在闭关,所以轮回赛抽签的时候,并没有将李逸风的名字放入抽签箱。 If Li Yifeng before the samsara match ended does not appear, then Pei Tianyao is this most expert that participates in All Peaks Grand Competition. 如果李逸风在轮回赛结束前都不出现的话,那么裴天耀就是本届参加全峰大比的最强者 However Azure Clouds List first ten, the strength of each disciple is quite powerful. 不过青云榜前十名,每一位弟子的实力都极为强悍。 The strength progress of these talents, basically are ten thousand li in a day, no one must win the assurance of opposite party. 这些天才的实力进步,基本都是一日千里,谁也没有必胜对方的把握。 Going to battle of Pei Tianyao, was many direct disciple raised the one breath! 裴天耀的出战,为不少亲传弟子提了一口气! This year's direct disciple performance was too bad, must know that direct disciple in existence that the old times keeps aloof! Bumps into the exaggerating point year, even first to 20 th by direct disciple assuming full responsibility of...... 今年的亲传弟子表现的实在太差了,要知道亲传弟子在往年可是高高在上的存在!碰到夸张一点的年份,甚至第一名到第二十名都被亲传弟子给包揽了…… This year but this myth is shattered, 23 many direct disciple on the disciple by Thirty Three Peaks were defeated one after another. 可是今年这个神话破灭了,接连二三不少亲传弟子都被三十三峰上的弟子斗败。 This frustration makes superior full direct disciple feel the huge dropping variance, in the heart the miserable degree can be imagined, therefore they take taking the lead direct disciple to boost the morale urgently needed, this person belonged to Pei Tianyao. 这种挫败感让原本优越满满的亲传弟子感受到巨大的落差,心中凄苦的程度可想而知,所以他们急需要一位领头的亲传弟子来提振士气,这个人非裴天耀莫属了。 Senior Brother Pei, turns that Xie Yun dry/does!” 裴师哥,干翻那个谢云!” Senior Brother Pei, wins glory for our direct disciple!” 裴师哥,为我们亲传弟子争光啊!” If in the past, direct disciple where needs to speak this words? The current political situation was different, the mentality also changed, direct disciple suddenly discovered, originally on Thirty Three Peaks emits many fierce characters bewilderedly! 若是往年,亲传弟子哪里需要说这种话?时局不同了,心态也就变了,亲传弟子忽然发现,原来三十三峰上莫名其妙冒出不少厉害人物! Xie Yun raises the blade to walk, maintains him of winning streak to be powerful, saw after Pei Tianyao, he then said: I anticipated that this fought for a long time.” 谢云是提着刀走上去的,保持连胜的他气势如虹,看到裴天耀后他便说道:“我期待这一战好久了。” Right?” Pei Tianyao as before is the light happy expression, appearing is somewhat docile and genial. “是吗?”裴天耀依旧是淡淡的笑意,显得有些温顺而和善。 Since Li Yifeng has not come, then operates with you are best, making the Thirty Three Peaks' disciple understand, so-called direct disciple also does not have any greatly!” Xie Yun said with a smile. “既然李逸风没有来,那么拿你开刀是最好的,让三十三峰的弟子明白,所谓亲传弟子也没有什么了不起!”谢云笑道。 Three years ago, Xie Yun the successive defeats on direct disciple, these three years time Xie Yun have once closed up bitter cultivation, for recovers the gathering place on this All Peaks Grand Competition! 三年前,谢云曾连败在亲传弟子身上,这三年的时间谢云一直闭关苦修,就是为了在这一次全峰大比上找回场子! Pei Tianyao actually shrugs the shoulders, very approves of the Xie Yun words: I also thought that direct disciple has nothing greatly.” 裴天耀却耸耸肩膀,十分赞同谢云的话:“我也觉得亲传弟子没啥了不起。” Xie Yun actually shakes the head, treasure blade in hand from the sky delimited a semicircle, „the arrogance of your direct disciple, carves in the bone, on your mouth said that but the psychology not necessarily takes! However are not related, this I will make you take orally the heart also to take after the war!” 谢云却摇摇头,手中的宝刀在空中划了一个半圆形,“你们亲传弟子的傲慢,都是刻在骨头里的,你嘴上这么说,但心理未必服!不过没关系,这一战后我会让你口服心也服!” Said in Xie Yun, Pei Tianyao nods, simultaneously stretched out three fingers: You said right, perhaps in my bone also really some arrogant, these told me arrogant, coped with you only to need three moves.” 就在谢云说完,裴天耀又点点头,同时伸出了三个手指:“你说得对,或许我骨子里还真有一些傲慢,这些傲慢告诉我,对付你只需要三招。” Three moves! I know that Pei Tianyao is very strong, is strong, but three moves take Xie Yun, this boasted!” “三招!我知道裴天耀很强,非常强,但是三招拿下谢云,这吹牛皮了吧!” Is impossible, Xie Yun the condition of winning streak, he differs until now not in a big way with the Pei Tianyao strength, who will be the winner cannot know, three moves, I do not believe.” “不可能,谢云至今还是连胜的状态,他跟裴天耀的实力相差不大,鹿死谁手未可知呢,三招,我不信。” Snort, even Azure Clouds List second how? Three moves take Xie Yun...... this direct disciple are really arrogant, a while three moves with, me looked where the face of Tan Tianyao toward puts!” “哼,就算是青云榜第二又如何?三招拿下谢云……这亲传弟子还真是傲啊,一会儿三招拿不下来,我看谭天耀的脸往哪里搁!” Thirty Three Peaks' disciple internal fight is serious, often several mountain peaks mutually look unpleasing to the eyes, whenever they facing direct disciple time immediately brothers, unusual unity. 三十三峰的弟子内斗严重,往往几座山峰互相看不顺眼,但是每当他们面对亲传弟子的时候又立即同气连枝,非常的团结。 Xie Yun hears the Pei Tianyao words, immediately Haha laughs, after smiling, said coldly: Good, such being the case, how I have a look at your three moves am extremely heartshaking and moving!” 谢云听到裴天耀的话,顿时哈哈大笑,笑完之后才冷声说道:“好,既然如此,我就看看你这三招是如何惊天地,泣鬼神!” Then, attack that Xie Yun hand held treasure blade takes the lead to launch. 说罢,谢云手提宝刀率先进行的攻击。 treasure blade in Xie Yun hand is also high grade spirit item, however in this high grade spirit item treasure blade knife above, seal cutting two crystal stones! 谢云手中的宝刀也是一把上品灵器,但是在这把上品灵器宝刀的刀身之上,篆刻着两枚晶石! Generally high grade spirit item of seal cutting crystal stone, can compare favorably with lower grade immortal item, but the difficulties of seal cutting two crystal stones are bigger, this treasure blade might has been close to middle grade immortal item infinitely! 一般篆刻一枚晶石的上品灵器,就能够媲美下品仙器了,而篆刻两枚晶石的难度更大,这宝刀的威力已经无限接近于中品仙器 Blue Heaven Tyrant blade, three packs of waves!” 苍天霸刀,三叠浪!” Diffracts together the extremely swift and fierce overbearing aura from Xie Yun, immediately Xie Yun treasure blade wields suddenly. 谢云身上衍射出一道极为凌厉的霸道气息,随即谢云宝刀猛然一挥。 Three swift and fierce blade qi are ordinary like the wave of sea, cuts toward Pei Tianyao, these three packs of waves are divided into three attacks, is only the first pack of wave might already the terrifying arrived pinnacle, but the permian wave was the first pack of waves turned time, the third pack of waves were the permian wave might turned time, wave also compared with wave! 三道凌厉的刀气如同大海的波浪一般,朝着裴天耀斩过去,这三叠浪是分为三段攻击,光是第一叠浪威力就已经恐怖到了极致,而第二叠浪则是第一叠浪的翻倍,第三叠浪则是第二叠浪威力的翻倍,一浪还比一浪强! Actually this heaven rank cultivation technique «Blue Heaven Tyrant Blade» can cultivation have four packs of waves, even five packs of waves, always wave, not pure turns time is so simple! Because three packs of waves are the Sixth Layer attacks, then four packs of waves are actually the Tenth Layer attacks! However can only cut three packs of wave that's all by the Xie Yun strength now, but this makes Xie Yun sweep away All Peaks Grand Competition sufficiently! 其实这天阶功法苍天霸刀》中能够修炼出四叠浪,甚至于五叠浪,每多一浪,可不是单纯的翻倍那么简单!因为三叠浪是六重攻击,那么四叠浪其实就是十重攻击!不过以谢云的实力现在只能砍出三叠浪而已,但这足以让谢云横扫全峰大比 Three packs of waves on the face of Pei Tianyao are hanging the light happy expression facing this move as before, not unnecessary expression. 面对这一招“三叠浪”裴天耀的脸上依旧挂着淡淡的笑意,并没有多余的表情。 In this turbulent blade qi the instance that Pei Tianyao submerges, on him appears suddenly together phantom, that is a shadow of bell! 就在这汹涌的刀气裴天耀淹没的瞬间,他身上忽然浮现出一道虚影,那是一座大钟的影子! Dang! 当! dāng dāng!” 当当!” dāng dāng dāng!” 当当当!” The people heard six clear delightful dings to make a sound suddenly, that was three packs of waves hits the sound that Pei Tianyao Golden Bell Cover exuded. 众人忽然听到六道清脆悦耳的钟声响了起来,那是三叠浪击中裴天耀金钟罩发出的响声。 Everyone has Body Protecting True Essence, but concentrates Golden Bell Cover Body Protecting True Essence, can resist Xie Yun this expert attack hardly, feared that only has a Pei Tianyao person. 每个人都拥有护体真元,但是将护体真元凝成金钟罩,能够硬抗住谢云这种强者攻击的,怕是只有裴天耀一个人。 I used Golden Bell Cover, this is also one move, I have two moves,” Pei Tianyao said lightly. “我使用了金钟罩,这也算是一招,我还有两招,”裴天耀淡淡的说道 The Xie Yun complexion sinks, this Pei Tianyao clarifies looks down upon itself, three moves of general defaults that he agrees are three moves of offensive styles, the style that but this Pei Tianyao defends he himself unexpectedly also calculates, subtext he only needed two moves in other words enough! This is always proudly in Solitary Sky Peak's Xie Yun unacceptable. 谢云的脸色一沉,这裴天耀摆明的就是瞧不起自己,他约定的三招一般默认是三招攻击性招式,可是这裴天耀竟然把他自己防御的招式也算在内,潜台词就是说他只需要两招就够了!这是一向傲然于天一峰的谢云所不能接受的。 Since your boast shamelessly, I am compelling you to defend, looked after you defend three times, has a face raises again!” “既然你大言不惭,我就在逼你防御,看你防御三次之后还有脸再提!” Blue Heaven Tyrant blade, hundred cut broken!” 苍天霸刀,百碎斩!” treasure blade in Xie Yun hand changes into over a hundred dusky blade shades immediately, these blade shades almost cover completely Pei Tianyao. 谢云手中的宝刀顿时化为上百道灰蒙蒙的刀影,这些刀影几乎将裴天耀完全笼罩起来。 dāng dāng dāng dāng dāng dāng works as......” 当当当当当当当……” Also was a series of dings made a sound, Xie Yun has not broken open Pei Tianyao Golden Bell Cover as before, at this time Xie Yun ran on to say intentionally: „Have you defended twice, have only had one move?” 又是一连串钟声响了起来,谢云依旧没有破开裴天耀金钟罩,这时谢云故意挤兑道:“你已防御了两次,是不是只剩下一招了?” Pei Tianyao earnest nod, indeed is, I only have one move now.” 裴天耀认真的点点头,“的确是,我现在只剩下一招。” A Xie Yun eyebrow vertical stroke, draws swords again, that I thought how you use remaining one moves to beat me!” 谢云眉毛一竖,再一次挥刀相向,“那我看你怎么用剩下的一招击败我!” If really looked like Pei Tianyao to boast saying that the third attack of Xie Yun, Pei Tianyao is unable to defend, since the defense were one move, then he chose the defense unable to attack, the choice attack is unable to defend. 如果真像裴天耀夸口所说,谢云的第三次进攻,裴天耀根本就无法防御,既然防御算是一招,那么他选择防御就无法进攻,选择进攻就无法防御。 The Xie Yun blade destructive power is extremely strong, is bumps arrived Pei Tianyao Golden Bell Cover for a long time unable to break through, trades to be anyone to dare the hard anti- his blade, feared that has turned into one pile of fragments. 谢云的刀破坏力极强,也是碰到了裴天耀金钟罩才久攻不破,换做任何一个人敢硬抗他的刀,怕是早就变成一堆碎片了。 This I thought how time you deal! Blue Heaven Tyrant blade, most blade technique, Asura cuts!” “这一次我看你怎么应对!苍天霸刀,最刀法,修罗斩!” This struck, contained the pinnacle of Xie Yun to blade technique comprehension, even in this Asura cut hid small accomplishment sabre intent! 这一击,蕴藏了谢云刀法领悟的极致,甚至在这修罗斩中隐藏了小成刀意 Compared with sabre intent and sword intent, were short of one point of sharp, were many a aggression! 刀意剑意相比,少了一分犀利,却多了一份霸气! This move cuts, Xie Yun as if seems like one to go on an expedition many years of overlord, is disclosing a above the heavens and under the earth conceited aggression! 这一招斩出来,谢云仿佛像是一位征战多年的霸王,透露着一股天上地下唯我独尊的霸气! When thanks Yuzhan has this blade, Pei Tianyao moved finally, the last move of his three moves of Jordan , China, actually is also only one move! 就在谢雨斩出这一刀的时候,裴天耀终于动了,他三招之约中的最后一招,其实也就是唯一的一招! „The samsara of Buddha!” “佛之轮回!” = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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