AT :: Volume #3

#269: Divine Beast Blue Luan

Heard these words, on the Mo Yuxin face showed the smile finally, in Competition Stage, her pair smiled with the eyes smartly hee hee looking to Luo Zheng: Waited for a long time, to wait for arrived finally! Luo Zheng, this looked where you toward run!” 听到这句话,莫雨馨脸上终于露出了笑容,上了比斗场上,她一双俏目笑嘻嘻的望向罗征:“等了好久,终于等到了罗征,这回看你往哪跑!” Luo Zheng is looking at Mo Yuxin, said with a smile lightly: I am opposite with you, did not anticipate that very much this ratio fights.” 罗征则望着莫雨馨,淡淡笑道:“我跟你相反,不是很期待这场比斗。” Why?” Mo Yuxin asked. “为何?”莫雨馨问道。 Because I do not know that won your words, how should handle you,” Luo Zheng said. “因为我不知道赢了你的话,应该如何处置你,”罗征说道。 Before Mo Yuxin once sent out the provocation to Luo Zheng, if both sides who lost whatever the opposite party handled. 之前莫雨馨曾经向罗征发出挑衅,若是双方谁输了就任凭对方处置。 You determined that you can win me?” Mo Yuxin that two careful willow eyebrows raise gently. “你确定你能赢我?”莫雨馨那两道细细的柳眉轻轻扬起来。 Should not have the issue,” Luo Zheng definite incomparable nod. “应该没问题,”罗征确定无比的点点头。 Snort, good, I planned to win you am only the small disciplinary punishment your, but I change the mind now, if I won you, I want you to turn into a horse to stay side me, wants the four limbs to be well-grounded anytime and anywhere, when my mount!” Mo Yuxin said very earnestly, the meaning without cracked a joke. “哼,那好吧,原来我打算赢了你只是小小的惩戒你一番,不过现在我改变主意了,我若是赢了你,我就要你变成一匹马呆在我身边,随时随地都要四肢着地,当我的坐骑!”莫雨馨说得十分认真,并没有丝毫开玩笑的意思。 After saying, Mo Yuxin raised the head the white hands, after extending to the brain, gathered two Omei on hair. 说完之后,莫雨馨将玉手抬起头,伸到脑后将头发上的两根峨眉刺取了下来。 This one-to-one ruler Omei punctures without fighting, is her swirl that's all. 这一对一尺长的峨眉刺在不战斗的时候,便是她的一件发饰而已 „, Was this gambling stake too big? Let a horse that Luo Zheng treats as that young succuba?” “啊,这个赌注太大了吧?让罗征当做那小魔女的一匹马儿?” Went too far, if Luo Zheng really lost, can only , no matter what she dispatched!” “太过分了,倘若罗征真的输了,就只能任她差遣了!” However had learning from another's mistakes of Qin Gang, everyone does not dare to provoke Mo Yuxin, what fate god knows angered this young succuba to have? She may not pay attention to the custom on Competition Stage completely. 不过有了秦刚的前车之鉴,大家都不敢挑衅莫雨馨,天知道惹怒了这小魔女会有什么下场?她可完全不理会比斗场上的规矩。 I agreed that but the premise is you really can defeat me!” The Luo Zheng response said. “我同意,不过前提是你真的能打败我!”罗征回应道。 Very good, you looked down on me evidently,” the Mo Yuxin corners of the mouth curl upwards slightly, you will be doomed to regret!” “很好,看样子你还是小瞧了我,”莫雨馨嘴角微微一翘,“你注定会后悔!” After saying, two Omei in Mo Yuxin hand punctures changes into two bluish gray points suddenly, punctures toward Luo Zheng. 说完之后,莫雨馨手中的两根峨眉刺骤然化为两道青灰色的锋芒,朝着罗征刺来。 Mo Yuxin had previously shown her excellent speed, her speed indeed made many Azure Clouds Sect disciples praise to the heavens! 此前莫雨馨已经展现出她过人的速度了,她的速度的确让众多青云宗弟子叹为观止! Two bluish gray points must pass through Luo Zheng shortly, but Luo Zheng is only the under foot moves slightly, avoided these two points with ease, what is unusual was Luo Zheng seems like only the body shook shaking, he stood in as in same place! 眼看两道青灰色的锋芒就要将罗征贯穿,可是罗征只是脚下微微一动,就轻松的避开了这两道锋芒,奇特的是罗征看起来只是身体晃了晃,他依旧是站在原地的! This war, Mo Yuxin was also whole-heartedly. 这一战,莫雨馨也是全力以赴了。 Pei Tianyao had appraised Mo Yuxin like this, her talent, called second in Azure Clouds Sect, perhaps no one dares to call first. 裴天耀曾经这样评价过莫雨馨,她的天赋,在青云宗内称第二,恐怕没有人敢称第一。 What a pity is the Mo Yuxin talent is no doubt abnormal, but her natural disposition wants to play all the time, unhappy cultivation, fishes three days and dries the nets two days frequently, wasted the excellent talent in vain. 可惜的是莫雨馨的天赋固然变态,但是她生性贪玩,不喜修炼,经常三天打鱼两天晒网,白白浪费了大好的天赋。 However even so, by her terrifying talent, merely only then others less than half time cultivation, the strength of promotion was also very astonishing. 不过即使如此,以她那恐怖的天赋,仅仅只有别人一小半时间修炼,提升的实力也十分惊人了。 Thousand feather imaginary thorns!” “千羽幻刺!” Suddenly, Mo Yuxin changes into remnant shades. 骤然之间,莫雨馨化为一个个的残影。 Other person things, after the speed reaches the arrived pinnacle, will have the remnant shadow, during supervelocity movement, naturally will produce. 无论是人还是其他东西,速度达到了极致之后就会产生残影,在超高速移动之中,自然而然的就会产生。 Luo Zheng can also relaxed pulls out remnant shades own form. 罗征也能轻松的将自己的身影拉出一道道的残影。 The Mo Yuxin remnant shadow is quite but special, because these remnant shades are not only the shadows, can actually maintain with the Mo Yuxin same movement. 可是莫雨馨的残影却比较特殊,因为这些残影不仅仅是影子,竟然能够保持与莫雨馨一样的动作。 This!” The Luo Zheng's eye narrows the eyes slightly, presented dozens remnant shades around Luo Zheng instantaneously, each remnant shadow is Mo Yuxin, but each Mo Yuxin grasps the Omei thorn, punctures bluish gray points toward Luo Zheng. “这!”罗征的眼睛微微一眯,在罗征周围瞬间出现了几十道残影,每个残影都是一位莫雨馨,而每一个莫雨馨都手持峨眉刺,朝着罗征刺出一道道青灰色的锋芒。 This Mo Yuxin method, is a bit like to Jiang Shili, just Jiang Shili these shadows can only hide the figure, but Mo Yuxin these remnant shades can launch the attack. 莫雨馨的手段,与姜世离有点类似,只不过姜世离的那些黑影只能藏匿身形,而莫雨馨的这些残影则可以发动攻击。 However Mo Yuxin does not have Jiang Shili that extremely wise concealment cultivation technique after all, by the Luo Zheng strong soul perception capability, he is almost the flash distinguishes the Mo Yuxin position. 不过莫雨馨毕竟没有姜世离那极其高明的隐匿功法,以罗征强大的灵魂感知能力,他几乎是一瞬间就分辨出莫雨馨的方位。 Although on dozens Mo Yuxin remnant shades, although each remnant shadow uses the Omei thorn over a hundred bluish gray points, but Luo Zheng actually neglected most attacks, but grasps broken throwing knife, brandishes, standard to keep off toward own side unceasingly. 尽管就几十道莫雨馨的残影,尽管每一道残影都利用峨眉刺刺出上百道青灰色锋芒,但罗征却忽视了其中绝大多数攻击,只是手持残破飞刀,朝着自己的侧面不断地挥舞、格挡。 Ding......” “叮叮叮叮叮……” Luo Zheng grasps broken throwing knife, kept off over a hundred bluish gray points within the extremely short time, as for these over a hundred over ten thousand points that other remnant shades punctured, then shuttled back and forth to go from the Luo Zheng body completely, has not become any injury to other party, these points, but was that's all! 罗征手持残破飞刀,在极短的时间之内挡下了上百道青灰色锋芒,至于其他残影刺出的那些成百上万的锋芒,则完全从罗征身体之中穿梭而去,没有给他造成任何伤害,那些锋芒,不过是而已 Saw own attack one by one by Luo Zheng that exquisite compared with fighting the standard keeps off, in the Mo Yuxin eye glitters to wipe the unusual look, this she no longer revolves Luo Zheng to move time, but chooses and Luo Zheng personal fight! 见到自己的攻击一一罗征那把小巧的比斗格挡下来,莫雨馨眼中闪烁出一抹异色,这一次她不再围绕着罗征移动,而是选择与罗征贴身战斗! Luo Zheng not with sword, therefore two people use is short weapons! 罗征没有用剑,所以两人使用的都是短兵器! The Mo Yuxin Omei punctures no doubt sharply, but Luo Zheng's responded that is not slow, two people after personal, instantaneous take action were innumerable. 莫雨馨的峨眉刺固然犀利,但是罗征的反应也不慢,两人在贴身之后,瞬间出手了无数次。 On Competition Stage, as if musical instrument in performance half, ding to keep ringing. 比斗场上,仿佛有一件乐器在演奏一半,叮叮叮响个不停。 Your attack is useless to me, if you, only then this level, I can make you suffer defeat shortly,” Luo Zheng every defends with broken throwing knife one time is quite accurate, moreover on the strength, Luo Zheng also has the considerably large advantage, the Mo Yuxin strength with him at all is not in a level line, even if Luo Zheng is only the standard keeps off, makes the arm of Mo Yuxin tingle with numbness slightly. “你的攻击对我没用,如果你只有这个水平的话,我顷刻之间就能让你败北,”罗征每一次用残破飞刀防御都极为精准,而且在力量上面,罗征还占据相当大的优势,莫雨馨的力量跟他根本不是一个水平线上,罗征即即便只是格挡,都让莫雨馨的手臂微微发麻。 Hears the Luo Zheng's words, the attack of Mo Yuxin is slow, after receiving incurs, to stare at Luo Zheng, a brow wrinkle, the mouth was also digging, I guessed correctly that is this result...... must use that move hesitant, now I as if do not have to choose......” 听到罗征的话,莫雨馨的攻击缓慢下来,收招之后盯着罗征,眉头一皱,嘴巴也撅了起来,“我猜到是这个结果……本来也犹豫是不是要用到那一招的,现在我似乎没得选择了……” Under Competition Stage, Pei Tianyao hears the Mo Yuxin words, stands suddenly, is always of steady such as the character mountain by him, at this moment is unable to be calm, Junior Sister Mo, but a ratio fights that's all, do not use that move!” 比斗场下,裴天耀听到莫雨馨的话,骤然站立起来,以他一向稳重如山的性格,此刻也无法淡定了,“莫师妹,只是一场比斗而已,不要使用那一招!” Pei Tianyao is actually clear, if Mo Yuxin stimulated that move, even if oneself are somewhat hard to resist! Once stimulates, has very tremendous effect on Mo Yuxin, does not need compared in fighting uses in this type! 裴天耀却是清楚,如果莫雨馨激发了那一招的话,就算是自己都有些难以招架!只是一旦激发的话,对莫雨馨本身就有很大的影响,没有必要在这种比斗之中使用! But......, if I do not use that move, must lose to him!” On the Mo Yuxin face has a grievance, obviously is very unwilling. “可是……如果我不用那一招,就要输给他了!”莫雨馨脸上带着一丝委屈,显然很不甘心。 Lost lost, was you are not as skillful as others, how loses one? If you feel not to beat, can admit defeat greatly directly, I believe how Luo Zheng will not really handle you, Brother Luo Zheng, did you say?” Pei Tianyao sincere said. “输就输了,是你技不如人,输一场又如何?如果你觉得不敌,大可以直接认输,我相信罗征也不会真的如何处置你,罗征兄,你说是吗?”裴天耀正色说道。 Luo Zheng smiles, said: That is true! I will not feel embarrassed your.” 罗征笑了笑,说道:“的确如此!我也不会为难你的。” The small mouth of Mo Yuxin is suppressing, is somewhat reluctant, when Luo Zheng and Pei Tianyao think Mo Yuxin prepares to admit defeat, Mo Yuxin said suddenly: „It is not good, you will not feel embarrassed me, but I good to feel embarrassed you!” 莫雨馨的小嘴憋着,还是有些不情不愿,就在罗征裴天耀都以为莫雨馨准备认输的时候,莫雨馨忽然说道:“不行啊,你是不会为难我,可是我好想为难你!” Then, two Omei in Mo Yuxin hand punctures gently one revolution, interlocks respectively, approaches own temples from the two sides thorns. 说完,莫雨馨手中的两根峨眉刺轻轻一转,分别交错而出,从两边刺向自己的太阳穴。 She acts bashful has the discretion very much, the thorn sword that Omei punctures left behind red dot on the temples merely, but after puncturing this acupuncture point, she again own arm, calf, neck neck and other in acupuncture points gently a thorn. 她拿捏的很有分寸,峨眉刺的刺剑仅仅只是在太阳穴上留下了一个红点,而刺破这个穴道后,她又再自己的胳膊,小腿,颈脖等十六个穴位上轻轻一刺。 This process quite quick, Pei Tianyao prevents radically without enough time, saw that this can only sigh , wants to advise against his Little Junior Sister not to have that easy matter, right now the Luo Zheng terrifying is miserable...... 这个过程相当的快,裴天耀根本来不及阻止,看到这一幕只能叹息一声,果然,想要劝阻他这个小师妹是没那么容易的事情,这下子罗征恐怖惨了…… After 16 pairs of acupuncture points were punctured, the Mo Yuxin imposing manner was changing suddenly! 当十六对穴位被刺破后,莫雨馨的气势在骤然之间发生了变化! true essence that dissipates from that 16 acupuncture points, the clip is binding a courage vigor of faint trace, congeals in Mo Yuxin behind unceasingly. 从那十六道穴位之中逸散出来的真元,夹裹着一丝丝的血气,在莫雨馨身后不断地凝结。 Blue Luan Body, stimulation!” The Mo Yuxin voice had one to be smart-alecky and lovable, is at this moment, her sound has an unsurpassed dignity, that came from the dignity in bloodlines! 青鸾之体,激发!”原本莫雨馨的声线有一丝俏皮和可爱,可是在此刻,她的声音却带着一种无上的威严,那是来自于血脉之中的威严! Blue Luan? Is Divine Beast Blue Luan? Why does Mo Yuxin have Blue Luan Body? She is not human race, but is Divine Beast?” 青鸾?是神兽青鸾吗?莫雨馨为何拥有青鸾之体?难道她并不是人类,而是一只神兽?” Blue Luan is noble Divine Beast, how to transform a Azure Clouds Sect's disciple? Should be her within the body has the Blue Luan bloodlines!” 青鸾是何等高贵的神兽,怎么会幻化成青云宗的一名弟子?应该是她体内拥有青鸾血脉!” Has the bloodlines of Divine Beast Blue Luan, before this...... me, thought that the Mo Yuxin strength is not powerful, is probably fiercer than Quan Xiaoyan, but compared with Xie Yun, Wu Xie and the others was also weak, never expected that she actually has the Divine Beast bloodlines, the light is this bloodlines, which disciple Azure Clouds Sect also has to compare favorably with!” “拥有神兽青鸾的血脉,这……我之前觉得莫雨馨实力并不怎么强悍,大概只是比泉小烟厉害一些,但是又比谢云,吴邪等人弱,没想到她竟然拥有神兽血脉,光是这一份血脉,青云宗又有哪个弟子比得上啊!” About Divine Beast all sorts of legends, impossible not to have heard as the Azure Clouds Sect's disciples. 关于神兽的种种传说,作为青云宗的弟子们不可能没有听说过。 But the Divine Beast legend has heard, but no one has really seen! 可是神兽的传说听说过很多,但没有一个人真的见过! But now actually knows that direct disciple Mo Yuxin has the bloodlines of Divine Beast Blue Luan, how this possibly does not make the people shocking. 而现在却得知亲传弟子莫雨馨拥有神兽青鸾的血脉,这怎么可能不让众人震惊。 In the legend, strongest Divine Beast is four big races, is Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, white tiger, Black Tortoise, these can become super Divine Beast, but super Divine Beast below has Kunpeng, Blue Luan, nine color deer wait/etc. 在传说之中,最强的神兽属于四大种族,便是青龙,朱雀,白虎,玄武,这些可以成为超级神兽,而超级神兽的下面则有鲲鹏,青鸾,九色鹿等等。 As the Mo Yuxin courage vigor tumbles, true essence overflows, slowly in Mo Yuxin behind congeals together light Blue Luan phantom. 随着莫雨馨的血气翻滚,真元溢出,慢慢的在莫雨馨的身后凝结出一道淡淡的青鸾虚影 This Blue Luan phantom is very faint, only then a light shadow, is this light shadow, actually a fierce constriction. 这道青鸾虚影十分淡漠,只有一丝淡淡的影子,便是这一丝淡淡的影子,却给人一种剧烈的压迫感。 Elder that even that several keep the order, on the face also reveals the prudent color, although by the Mo Yuxin strength, is impossible to threaten these Elder, but makes in their hearts have the feeling that inexplicable startled palpitates as before, came from the Divine Beast dignity is so powerful, was unreasonable. 甚至于那几位维持秩序的长老,脸上也流露出慎重之色,虽说以莫雨馨的实力,不可能威胁到那些长老,但依旧让他们心中生出一丝莫名惊悸的感觉,来自于神兽的威严就是如此强悍,如此不讲道理。 Why does not know, I am very repugnant you, dislikes the countenance of your fellow, therefore I must teach you well!” Mo Yuxin imposing manner at this moment has completely changed, from originally also evil does the strange character, turns goddess that keeps aloof! “不知道为什么,我很讨厌你,讨厌你这家伙的嘴脸,所以我一定要好好地教训你!”莫雨馨此刻的气势已完全改变,从原本亦正亦邪的搞怪性格,变成高高在上的女神! Luo Zheng was somewhat speechless, listens to the Pei Tianyao tone, Mo Yuxin does not seem to be able to use this Blue Luan Body at will, he does not know where oneself annoyed this young succuba, must fight oneself like this. 罗征有些无语了,听裴天耀的口气,莫雨馨似乎不能随意使用这青鸾之体,他也不知道自己到底哪里惹到这小魔女了,非要跟自己这样拼。 Originally, he thinks that this war will win very with ease, has not thought on Mo Yuxin has this change suddenly. 原本,他以为这一战会赢得很轻松,没想到在莫雨馨身上骤然发生这种变化。 She changes the body later imposing manner, is suppressing Luo Zheng, almost makes Luo Zheng not gasp for breath. 她变身之后的气势,压制着罗征,几乎让罗征喘不过气来。 Wanted evidently earnestly,” thought of here, Luo Zheng pulled out own flowing light long sword from sumeru ring. “看样子要认真了,”想到这里,罗征须弥戒指中掏出了自己的流光长剑。 Originally, Luo Zheng this sword reservation to Hua Tianming, or is Pei Tianyao, but facing changing behind Mo Yuxin Luo Zheng has to be ahead of time took out this treasured sword, because he knows, if continues to hide the strength, he might be defeated! 原本,罗征是将这把剑预留给华天命,或者是裴天耀的,但面对变身后的莫雨馨罗征不得不提前祭出这把宝剑,因为他知道,如果继续隐藏实力,他很可能会落败!
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