AT :: Volume #17

#1664: Farce

In the Luo Zheng eye, Mo He has to change the rule, really extremely in powerful. 罗征眼中,摩诃拥有能改变规则,实在太过于强悍。 If utilizes the appropriate, following variable he is unable to estimate. 倘若运用得当,接下来的变数他根本无从估测。 Since Mo He is willing a blade to divide, Luo Zheng is not naturally willing to let up this opportunity, put together is being injured also one entrains this staff-blade in the hand! 既然摩诃肯一刀劈过来,罗征自然不肯放过这个机会,拼着受伤也将这陌刀一把拽在了手中! Present stage Luo Zheng's fleshly body indeed already tyrannicalally to make the blood boil situation, even does not use the strength to shift, common method still being hard wound to him...... 现阶段罗征的肉身的确已经强横到让人发指的地步,即便不动用力量转移,寻常手段也难以伤到他…… After this staff-blade starts, Luo Zheng then takes advantage of opportunity toward the bosom in suddenly entrains, within the body that vast strength gushes out, quenches against under Mo He unable to resist, he even forgot loosens blade in the hand, was drawn by Luo Zheng just like a lamb generally! 这把陌刀入手之后,罗征便顺势朝着怀中猛然一拽,体内那股浩瀚的力量涌出,淬不及防之下摩诃根本无法抵挡,他甚至忘记了松开自己手中的刀,宛若一只羊羔一般被罗征拉了过去! Considering the strength of Luo Zheng within the body that terrifying, in the Mo He eye also the bright cognition, he impossible to fight hand-to-hand with Luo Zheng personal! 鉴于罗征体内那恐怖的力量,摩诃眼中也有一个鲜明的认知,他不可能与罗征贴身肉搏! When he by a Luo Zheng drawing past instance, the whole person was skidded just like the loach generally, then wants to work loose from Luo Zheng's hand...... 当他被罗征一把拉过去的瞬间,整个人宛若泥鳅一般滑动,便想要从罗征的手中挣脱…… Goddess of Luoshui River surging waves movement technique that he displays is one set of extremely ingenious movement technique, after true essence in within the body gushes out, revolves around his body to form one to slide does not keep the thin film of hand, is hard its to capture radically. 他施展的洛神凌波身法是一套极为巧妙的身法,体内的真元涌出后,就围绕着他身体周围形成一张滑不留手的薄膜,根本难以将其擒拿。 Previously he once made several times from the Luo Zheng hand, this originally should not have the exception. 此前他曾数次从罗征手中挣出来,这一次原本应该也没有例外。 But the flash that he just made, explodes from the Luo Zheng hand suddenly projects a colorful band of light, fetters on him instantaneously...... 但他刚刚挣出来的一瞬间,忽然从罗征手中爆射出一条色彩缤纷的光带,瞬间束缚在他身上…… Life Reducing Shackles...... 绝命枷锁…… Since seized this opportunity, Luo Zheng has nothing to hesitate again, oneself and Mo He will lock in one. 既然抓住了这个机会,罗征再没有任何迟疑,将自己与摩诃锁在了一起。 Previously Luo Zheng to using Life Reducing Shackles, in addition somewhat hesitated, although this place only then a Mo He person, but Saint Race these Heavenly Venerable hid surely in the hidden place, if he and Mo He locked in the same place encounter the surprise attacks of these Heavenly Venerable, the opportunity that he escaped did not have. 此前罗征对动用绝命枷锁尚且还有些犹豫,此地虽然只有摩诃一人,但圣族的那些天尊必定藏匿在暗处,若是他与摩诃锁在一起遭遇那些天尊的突袭,他连逃命的机会都没有。 To strike to kill this Mo He, some risks need undertake. 想要击杀这摩诃,有一些风险必须要自己承担。 Mo He by the flash that Life Reducing Shackles binds, in the heart has understood his method, if other martial artist 23 aims at one after another, receives the setback, at this moment is panic, has been at a loss, where also has any fighting spirit. 摩诃绝命枷锁绑住的一瞬间,心中已明白他的手段,倘若是其他武者接连二三被针对,受到挫折,此刻已经是惊慌失措,早已经乱了方寸,哪里还有任何斗志。 But he as before is maintaining absolutely calm, nothing flurried. 但他依旧保持着绝对冷静,没有任何慌乱。 Under a Mo He thought that has relieved the shield Wind Element Law, oneself circle again the launching, tries to work loose this Life Reducing Shackles, even if erupts ten tenths strength to clash, still straight that this Life Reducing Shackles pulls, sign that has not broken slightly. 摩诃一个念头之下,已解除屏蔽的风系法则,自身再度盘旋起飞,试图将这绝命枷锁挣脱,可是即便是爆发出十成力量冲出去,也只是将这绝命枷锁扯的笔直,丝毫没有断裂的迹象。 Meanwhile under he feels a strength that is hard to resist to pull, directly his forcibly entrained. 同时他感受到一股难以抗拒的力量拉扯之下,直接将他硬生生的拽了回去。 Then is Luo Zheng draws Life Reducing Shackles in him behind...... 便是罗征在他身后拉动绝命枷锁…… Luo Zheng the instance that Mo He entrains fiercely, a fist in hand also ejects, may see Mo He from a oneself several chi (0.33 m) distance time, his figure vanished strangely...... 罗征摩诃猛拽回来的瞬间,手中的一拳也同时击出,可眼看着摩诃距离自己不过数尺距离的时候,他的身形又诡异的消失了…… Here Space Law was revised by Mo He again, the instance that Mo He vanishes, then appears behind Luo Zheng's. 这里的空间法则再度被摩诃修改,摩诃消失的瞬间,便出现在罗征的后方。 Dead ahead and rear space was connected in Luo Zheng's in one, a that Life Reducing Shackles end also penetrated this space...... 罗征的正前方和正后方的空间被连接在了一起,那一条绝命枷锁的一端也穿透了这空间…… Luo Zheng also one step takes, wants to crash in the front space, but he just escaped into , appeared in Iron Month City! 罗征随之一步迈出,想要冲进前方的空间,但他刚刚遁入其中,却出现在了铁月城中! This......” in the Luo Zheng's eye reveals helplessness. “这……”罗征的眼中流露出无奈之色 Mo He at this moment has covered in a complete mess that Great World Technique Space Law within range revises, the innumerable invisible cavity each other interconnections, form not a visible labyrinth, although Mo He was fettered itself unable to work loose by Life Reducing Shackles, but under Luo Zheng entrains is actually not able to pull closer the Mo He distance. 此刻的摩诃已经将大世界术笼罩范围内的空间法则修改的一塌糊涂,无数个无形的空洞彼此相互连接,形成一道看不见的迷宫,虽然摩诃绝命枷锁所束缚自身无法挣脱,但罗征拉拽之下却无法拉近摩诃的距离。 Sometimes Mo He will appear in Luo Zheng's behind, but merely is only the flash, appears in the upper air thousand zhang (3.33 m) away, but so long as Luo Zheng moves the little distances, will escape into some cavity, appears in the not clear position instantaneously. 有时候摩诃会出现在罗征的身后,但仅仅只是一瞬间,又出现在千丈之外的高空上,而罗征只要挪动少许距离,就会遁入某个空洞之中,瞬间出现在自己也不清楚的方位。 The situation therefore also relaxes...... 局势因此也缓和下来…… After Luo Zheng entrains Mo He was shuttling back and forth the previous ten times, the two people in midair gather already less than one zhang (3.33 m) distance, is almost float face-to-face in in the air. 罗征拽着摩诃穿梭了上十次后,半空中的两人相聚已不到一丈的距离,几乎是面对面的漂浮在空中。 But in fact among two people the space is not in the surface looks that simple, so long as Luo Zheng moves one step, will step into the front cavity, spreads out with Mo He again...... 但实际上两人之间的空间远不是表面上看起来那么简单,罗征只要挪动一步,就会踏入前方的空洞,再度与摩诃拉开距离…… At present Luo Zheng actually feels some, helpless, looks that Mo He slightly appears the happy expression Luo Zheng cold sound said in intent: Except for will run away, what do you also meet?” 眼下罗征却感觉有些无奈了,看着摩诃略显得意的笑意罗征冷声道:“除了会逃,你还会什么?” On the face of Mo He actually exudes a light happy expression, murder has many means that I acknowledged that you are indeed fierce, fleshly body tyrannical inconceivable, has surpassed the secondary living being boundary, putting divine land perhaps is also extraordinary existence, the strength also big astonishing......” 摩诃的脸上却泛起一丝淡淡的笑意,“杀人有很多种办法,我承认你的确厉害,肉身强横的不可思议,已经超出次级生灵的界限了,放到神域恐怕也是非凡的存在,力量也大的惊人……” Can make arrogant Mo He give this appraisal, in these two levels, Mo He is admits defeat. 能让高傲的摩诃给出这番评价,在这两个层面,摩诃已经算是认输了。 He told only half, the thread of conversation is one revolution, „the contest of martial artist has many types, the ultimate goal is timeless, is strikes to kill the opposite party, you only need to know that this fought I to win!” 只是他说到一半,话锋便是一转,“武者的较量有很多种,最终的目的却亘古不变,就是击杀对方,你只需要知道这场战斗我赢定了!” Why do you draw this conclusion?” Luo Zheng asked. “你凭什么得出这种结论?”罗征问。 The Mo He strength is indeed good, but has pulled open the level with Luo Zheng...... 摩诃的实力的确不错,但与罗征已经拉开了层次…… Perhaps Mo He of present stage disputes with some low level Heavenly Venerable, but is very difficult to defeat these Heavenly Venerable. 现阶段的摩诃或许与一些低阶天尊较量,但很难击败那些天尊 But even if Luo Zheng does not take advantage of «Myriad Laws Opposition Book», can strike to kill Heavenly Venerable Dark Shadow such existence, if using «Myriad Laws Opposition Book» him even can contend with Middle Position Heavenly Venerable even Higher Position Heavenly Venerable! 罗征就算不依仗《万法敌书》,亦能击杀暗影天尊这样的存在,倘若动用《万法敌书》他甚至能与中位天尊甚至上位天尊一较高下! However the utilization of Heavenly Venerable to destiny is ever changing, even Higher Position Heavenly Venerable does not have the absolute assurance to strike to kill Lower Position Heavenly Venerable, has the fight truly time, the situation similarly is also ever changing. 不过天尊对天命的运用千变万化,就算是上位天尊也没有绝对把握击杀下位天尊,真正发生战斗的时候,情况同样也是千变万化。 The Mo He return to a Luo Zheng smile, you had fallen into my Phantom Shadow Shifting Shape Law, being doomed is unable to leave.” 摩诃回报给罗征一个笑容,“你已经陷入了我的幻影移形法中,注定是无法离开。” Because this Great World Technique can change Law at will, the method of utilization is also ever changing, now after Mo He the Space Law complete confusion of this place, he himself cannot go out, Luo Zheng cannot go out similarly! 大世界术因为能随意改变法则,运用的手段也是千变万化,现在摩诃将此地的空间法则完全混乱后,他自己出不去,罗征同样也出不去! Because Greater Tele­por­ta­tion is unable to use in this place, same expired together with Luo Zheng's Teleportation Command, after all does not follow Space of Grand Expanse Space Law in this space. 因为大挪移在此地是无法动用的,连同罗征的挪移令也一样失效了,毕竟在这一片空间中并不遵循大衍之宇空间法则 Theoretically Luo Zheng already by dire straits in this place. 理论上罗征已经被困死在此地。 Exercises so powerful fleshly body, indeed makes one praise to the heavens,” Mo He continues saying that „, but will actually fall from the sky eventually here......” “练就如此强大的肉身,的确让人叹为观止,”摩诃继续说道,“但却终究会陨落在这里……” Then, Mo He sits cross-legged to sit suddenly, the vision starts becomes lax, in the mouth also starts to mutter to read, often and happy, I......” simultaneously an extremely special imposing manner dissipates from his within the body, that imposing manner is temperate and steady, seeming like must summon some type of thing. 说罢,摩诃忽然盘膝而坐,目光开始变得涣散起来,嘴中也开始喃喃念到,“常、乐、我……”同时一股极为特殊的气势自他体内逸散出来,那股气势温和而平稳,似乎是要召唤某种东西。 What a pity Mo He just read three characters, Luo Zheng pulls Life Reducing Shackles suddenly, under that tremendous strength pulls, Mo He is stuffy snort/hum one, flies upside down, then scurries about in this space, suddenly nearly suddenly far, a while appears in Luo Zheng's behind, a while appears in the corner, but Luo Zheng is unable to draw Mo He to as before own side. 可惜摩诃刚刚念出三个字,罗征绝命枷锁猛然一扯,那巨大的力量拉扯之下,摩诃便是闷哼一声,倒飞出去,便是在这空间之中四处乱窜,忽近忽远,一会儿出现在罗征的身后,一会儿又出现在角落之中,但罗征依旧无法将摩诃拉到自己身边。 Mo He wants to resort to some extremely special method, by interruption of Luo Zheng forcibly, was quite been naturally angry, but stared Luo Zheng one ruthlessly , to continue from the sky to sit cross-legged, often and happy, I, only, thinks, kills, bright......” 摩诃原本是想动用某种极其特殊的手段,被罗征硬生生的打断,自然极为恼怒,只是狠狠地瞪了罗征一眼,继续在空中盘膝,“常、乐、我、净,思,杀,明……” He just started to read, Luo Zheng pulls Life Reducing Shackles suddenly...... 他刚刚开始念,罗征又将绝命枷锁猛然一扯…… Whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖……” Under this entrains, Mo He scurries about in the space again, his reading aloud was broken by Luo Zheng again. 这一拽之下,摩诃再度一路在空间中乱窜,他的念诵再度被罗征打断了。 Mo He glowers, Luo Zheng shows an indifferent expression...... 摩诃怒目而视,罗征则摆出一副无所谓的表情…… Sees this, two sides Heavenly Venerable are quite speechless, part of Heavenly Venerable even smiled...... 看到这一幕,两边的天尊都相当无语,一部分天尊甚至笑了起来…… Resistance between this dao child, because actually each other takes the opposite parties not to have the means that became a farce gradually. 这一场道子之间的对抗,却因为彼此拿对方都毫无办法,渐渐成了一场闹剧了。 Mo He wants to suppress Luo Zheng with Collecting Heaven Object,” Saint Race Heavenly Venerable had seen the Mo He intention. 摩诃是想用收天之物镇压罗征,”一位圣族天尊已经看出了摩诃的意图。 Another Heavenly Venerable knits the brows saying: „Before going to battle, big Heavenly Venerable indeed gave Mo He this ability, but Collecting Heaven Object Mo He also can only use one time, is how precious? Was used for suppress and kill this Luo Zheng too to waste?” 另外一位天尊则皱眉说道:“出征之前,大天尊的确是赋予了摩诃此能力,但收天之物摩诃也只能动用一次,何其珍贵?用来镇杀罗征是不是太浪费了?” Since Mo He leads Saint Race to expedite Space of Grand Expanse, indeed prepared completely safe. 摩诃既然率领圣族远征大衍之宇,的确是做好了万全的准备。 But Collecting Heaven Object is brought to cope with True God in Space of Grand Expanse, this moment Mo He must use, indeed was too early. 收天之物原本是拿来对付大衍之宇中的真神,此刻摩诃要动用,的确是太早了。 However Mo He does not have to choose now, he does not have the means with this Luo Zheng! 然而摩诃现在也没得选择,他根本拿这罗征毫无办法! Kills Luo Zheng, does not owe,” Heavenly Venerable Sheng Tan brief saying. “杀罗征,不亏,”圣坛天尊简短的说道。 Heavenly Venerable Sheng Tan words immediately responses of other arrived Heavenly Venerable. 圣坛天尊的话顿时得到了其他天尊的响应。 Indeed does not owe!” “的确不亏!” Space of Grand Expanse accomplished such evildoer/monstrous talent, perhaps is the work of that Saint Luo Xiao final painstaking care! No wonder Saint Ji makes us first strike to kill Space of Grand Expanse dao child!” 大衍之宇造就了这样一位妖孽,恐怕就是那圣人罗霄最后的心血之作!难怪‘极圣’让我们优先击杀大衍之宇道子!” To accomplish Mo He, how many efforts their Saint Race made? Even also has Mu Haiji to add fuel to the flames in Mo He behind, achieves so the achievement. 只是为了造就一位摩诃,他们圣族就付出了多少心血?在摩诃的后面甚至还有牧海极推波助澜,才取得如此成就。 But Luo Zheng from various aspects large scale strong Mo He, the paid painstaking care is perhaps more exaggerating, they decide however cannot leave behind the means of livelihood to Luo Zheng! 罗征从各方面都大幅度强过摩诃,付出的心血恐怕更加夸张,他们定然不能给罗征留下活路!
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