AT :: Volume #17

#1665: The valuable tree is dignified

The Mo He subsequent hand are many. 摩诃的后手并不少。 Even encounters Heavenly Venerable in Space of Grand Expanse, he has the strength of self-preservation as before! 即使遭遇大衍之宇中的天尊,他依旧有自保之力! But dependence these subsequent hands strike to kill Luo Zheng is very difficult, will not pay attention to itself to fall from the sky slightly in the Luo Zheng hand. 但依靠这些后手击杀罗征却十分困难,而且稍不留意自己就会陨落在罗征手中。 He invited to fight the Luo Zheng's goal, was not fair competing, but to attack and occupy Space of Grand Expanse, this was war of two Saint under rule! 他邀战罗征的目的,并不是公平的打擂,而是为了攻占大衍之宇,这是两位圣人在规则之下的战争! All living being are only the Saint board game piece, Mo He also understands, he is also a Mu Haiji victory crosses the hands behind the back that's all...... 所有的生灵都只是圣人的棋子,摩诃自己也明白,他也不过是牧海极的一记胜负手罢了…… Mo He at this moment no longer has any paying attention to Luo Zheng, eyes closed is enthralled, in the mouth continues to mutter reads aloud. 此刻的摩诃不再对罗征有任何理会,闭目入神,嘴中继续喃喃念诵。 Each Saint Collecting Heaven Object is the extraordinary thing. 每一位圣人收天之物皆是非凡之物。 living being in divine land, after cultivation to True God, after constructing perfect Internal Body World, the dependency on true essence will gradually weaken, even no longer consumes true essence! 神域中的生灵,修炼真神之后,构筑出完善的体内世界后,对真元的依赖会逐渐减弱,甚至于不再消耗真元 After all consumes true essence regarding Internal Body World is a destruction. 毕竟消耗真元对于体内世界来说是一种毁灭。 martial artist constructs Internal Body World on such as World Lord Realm laboriously, was born several Divine Country and Holy Land, if encounters, be forced to drain true essence in dantian, all Divine Country and Holy Land will be destroyed in a moment, all living being will also disappear, this is the quite deeply grieved loss. 就如“界主境武者辛辛苦苦构筑出体内世界,其中诞生了数个神国圣地,若是与人交锋之下,迫于无奈抽干丹田中的真元,所有的神国圣地都会毁于一旦,所有的生灵亦会泯灭,这是相当惨痛的损失。 After regarding is True God, in Internal Body World condenses Divine Spark, can utilize in Internal Body World potential. 当成为真神之后,体内世界中凝聚神格,就能运用体内世界中的“势”。 So-called potential is actually the application mode of Strength of Belief higher level, for example living being in Space of Grand Expanse do not know existence of Luo Xiao, but Luo Xiao uses potential as before will. 所谓的“势”其实就是信仰之力更高层次的应用方式,例如大衍之宇中的生灵们并不知道罗霄的存在,但罗霄依旧随意利用其中的势。 True God by Divine Spark governing potential, Saint by Collecting Heaven Object governing potential. 真神神格御“势”,圣人收天之物御“势”。 But in Space of Grand Expanse and Space of Great Extremity, this Collecting Heaven Object will change into the destiny to search Saint to represent, is controlling this together Collecting Heaven Object, can borrow the potential in this entire world through this destiny together, in Space of Grand Expanse this person is old Clan Elder, he is controlling that together Grand Expanse Lotus Flower, that person in Space of Great Extremity is the Mo He father, in the Saint Race mouth big Heavenly Venerable, he is then controlling Collecting Heaven Object in Space of Great Extremity, Poor Extreme Fern Tree. 大衍之宇大极之宇中,这收天之物就会化为天命寻觅一位圣人代言,掌控着这一道收天之物,通过这一道天命亦能借用这寰宇中的势,大衍之宇中这一人就是老族长,他掌控着那一道大衍莲华,大极之宇中的那一人就是摩诃的父亲,圣族口中的“大天尊”,他便掌控着大极之宇中的收天之物,穷极桫椤树 This Poor Extreme Fern Tree is also the thing of there's a long story behind this, is in the Heavenly Way standard multiplies formerly, was controlled by Mu Haiji finally. 穷极桫椤树亦是大有来历之物,乃从先天道典之中繁衍而出,终被牧海极所掌控。 Saint Race big Heavenly Venerable to provide against contingencies, then folds the next branches and leaves from this fern tree, changes into the one-stage process to infiltrate Mo He within the body definitely, Mo He then can, in the critical juncture uses in Space of Great Extremity potential for striking to kill the opponent! 圣族天尊为了以防万一,便从这棵桫椤树上折下一根枝叶,化为一段法决打入摩诃体内,摩诃便能在危急关头动用大极之宇中的“势”用于击杀对手! Naturally, big Heavenly Venerable or Mo He, or old Clan Elder by the Collecting Heaven Object use potential, impossible to compare with the potential of Saint use, after all this is the Saint strength, they also borrow that's all, control potential merely is only minimum part of that's all, but the might is also noticeable. 当然,无论是大天尊还是摩诃,或者老族长收天之物动用的“势”,都不可能与圣人动用的势相比,毕竟这是属于圣人的力量,他们也只是借用而已,掌控的“势”仅仅只是极小一部分罢了,但威力也不可忽视。 This moment Mo He does not pay attention to Luo Zheng, how regardless of Luo Zheng forces in another end of war shackles , can only make Mo He from the sky shuttle back and forth unceasingly. 此刻摩诃再不理会罗征,无论罗征在战争枷锁的另外一端如何生拉硬拽,也只能让摩诃不断地在空中穿梭。 He after the Great World Technique stimulation of movement Phantom Shadow Shifting Shape Law, constructs an invisible labyrinth, but in this labyrinth all paths and Luo Zheng are isolate, how regardless of in other words Luo Zheng pulls, Mo He will only revolve around Luo Zheng's flies all around, will never possibly approach Luo Zheng. 他以大世界术催动“幻影移形法”后,构筑出来一个无形的迷宫,而这迷宫中所有的通路与罗征都是隔绝的,也就是说无论罗征如何拉扯,摩诃都只会围绕在罗征的周遭飞行,永远也不可能靠近罗征 Often and happy, I, only, thinks, kills, bright, resentment, god......” “常、乐、我、净,思,杀,明,怨,神……” Mo He like the water, was not affected by Luo Zheng's calm. 摩诃心静如水,再也不受罗征的影响。 Under he read aloud unceasingly, a temperate imposing manner proliferated slowly from him. 在他不断地念诵之下,一股温和的气势从他身上缓缓扩散出来。 Soon, then presented phantom of big tree in this space. 不多时,在这一片空间之中便出现了一棵大树的虚影 This big tree is all over the body Paris green, as if has been decorated by the jasper, after appearing, then in in the air revolves slowly, that broad leaf posts in the same place, above each leaf blade embed golden sanskrit characters...... 这棵大树通体翠绿,仿佛由碧玉装点过一番,出现之后便在空中缓缓旋转,那宽阔的树叶并列在一起,每一道叶片之上都镶嵌着一道道金色梵文…… Is golden sanskrit characters,” sees this fern tree, in the Luo Zheng's vision reveals the startled color slightly, has to ascend not a wonderful feeling from him, this imposing manner made Luo Zheng once have facing these Saint misconception! “又是金色梵文,”看到这棵桫椤树,罗征的目光中微微流露出惊色,从他内心生出升腾出一丝不妙的感觉,这种气势让罗征一度有了面对那些圣人的错觉! That fern tree phantom is getting more and more real, that temperate imposing manner is also getting stronger and stronger. 桫椤树虚影越来越真实,那股温和的气势也越来越浓烈。 At this moment...... 此刻…… In entire Sunflower Water Realm was affected by this imposing manner, all martial artist, the mortal, the ominous beast, common living being felt that air becomes viscous, as if places oneself in the water general. 整个葵水界中都被这气势所影响,所有的武者,凡人,凶兽,寻常生灵都感觉身边的空气变得粘稠起来,仿佛置身于水中一般。 Actually I very envy your,” feels that more and more rich imposing manner, the smile on Mo He face is also being getting stronger and stronger, has not thought in secondary living being, unexpectedly compared with my talent stronger person, this somewhat unreasonable......” “其实我挺嫉妒你的,”感受着那股越来越浓郁的气势,摩诃脸上的笑容也越来越浓烈,“没想到在次级生灵中,竟然还有比我天赋更强的人,这有些不合情理……” Saint Race trains Mo He, consumed too many too many resources. 圣族培养出一个摩诃,耗费了太多太多的资源。 His mother is also Saint Race most outstanding Heavenly Venerable, light/only in the time in the embryo breeding, consumed for more than 700 years......, but these several hundred years, Saint Race big Heavenly Venerable will start the continuous resources to pound to Mo He that had not been born! 他的母亲亦是圣族最优秀的天尊,光是在胎中孕育的时间,就耗费了七百多年……而这数百年时间,圣族天尊就开始将源源不断的资源砸向不曾出生的摩诃 In entire Space of Great Extremity fears no one to receive this treatment. 整个大极之宇中恐怕没有人受到过这种待遇。 Because big Heavenly Venerable so vigorously to train, thus brought to the attention of Mu Haiji, perhaps to cultivate own disciple, Mu Haiji indeed settled on the Mo He aptitude, gave many subsidization in the back...... 而因为大天尊如此倾力培养,从而引起了牧海极的注意,或许是为了培育自己的门徒,牧海极的确看中了摩诃的资质,亦在背后给予了不少资助…… A so advantageous person, really has so big disparate with Luo Zheng, in the conceivable Mo He heart is helpless how with puzzled. 如此得天独厚的一人,竟然与罗征有如此大的悬殊,可以想象摩诃心中是多么无奈和不解。 But Mo He is not clear, although Luo Zheng is born in Space of Grand Expanse, but he is not secondary living being in general sense, his father is this Space of Grand Expanse master, but mother also came from divine land, the position is quite uncommon, initially bred Luo Zheng and Luo Yan two brother and sister, because of an irony of fate coincidence...... 摩诃不清楚的是,罗征虽然诞生于大衍之宇,但他并不是一般意义上的次级生灵,他的父亲便是这大衍之宇的主人,而母亲也出身于神域,地位相当不凡,当初孕育罗征罗嫣两兄妹,也是因为一段奇缘巧合…… When a matchless talent, bumps into evildoer/monstrous talent the talent, generally only then two choices, the first type is to exceed the opposite party. 当一位举世无双的天才,碰到一位比自己更加妖孽的天才,一般只有两种选择,第一种就是超越对方。 However Mo He has made the arrived secondary living being pinnacle, in divine land many Saint secondary living being in Internal Body World, perhaps is of difficult the person Mo He so talent, exceeds Luo Zheng is not possible the complete duty. 然而摩诃已经做到了次级生灵的极致了,神域中诸多圣人体内世界中的次级生灵,恐怕再难有摩诃如此天赋之人,超越罗征已经是不可完整的任务。 Another choice, eliminates the opposite party, shuts off this talent personally. 另外一个选择,就是消灭对方,亲手将这位天才扼杀。 Mo He must draw support from Space of Great Extremity at this moment potential Luo Zheng suppress and kill...... 摩诃此刻就要借助大极之宇中的“势”将罗征镇杀…… I very repugnant unreasonable matter, therefore...... you do die?” Mo He coldly smiled, toward Luo Zheng gently one finger/refers. “我这个人很讨厌不合情理的事情,所以……你去死吧?”摩诃冷冷一笑,朝着罗征轻轻一指。 That emerging out of thin air fern tree so revolves slowly...... 那棵凭空出现的桫椤树就这般缓缓旋转起来…… Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” That viscous imposing manner is ordinary like tides, toward spreads to go in all directions. 那粘稠的气势就像一道道潮汐一般,朝着四面八方扩散而去。 At this moment affected is not only Sunflower Water Realm, north Sunflower Water Realm Passing Water Realm, south Clear Sky Realm, west Yellow Dragon Realm all comes under the influence of this imposing manner! 此刻受到影响的已不仅仅是葵水界,就连葵水界以北的逝水界,以南的昊天界,以西的黄龙界皆受到这股气势的影响! suppress and kill he, father,” Mo He said lightly. 镇杀他吧,父亲,”摩诃淡淡的说道 Theoretically Mo He is impossible to control Collecting Heaven Object, he summons this Poor Extreme Fern Tree in this place, his father who can control this together destiny only, in Saint Race big Heavenly Venerable situated in Space of Great Extremity. 理论上摩诃不可能操控收天之物,他只是在此地将这穷极桫椤树召出来,唯一能操控这一道天命的还是他父亲,处于大极之宇中的圣族天尊 Buzz......” “嗡……” Under that Poor Extreme Fern Tree trembles suddenly, the giant tree trunk starts to drag unceasingly, pale golden unusual brightness are lingering the tree trunk. 那棵穷极桫椤树忽然一颤之下,巨大的树干开始不断地摇曳,一道道淡金色的宝光萦绕着树干。 The colored glaze is the place, the valuable tree is dignified, the gold is the rope, by eight...... 琉璃为地,宝树庄严,黄金为绳,以界八道…… This Poor Extreme Fern Tree then for extremely happy national territory the heads of ten thousand tree, this big tree at this moment, suppresses to go toward Luo Zheng loudly. 这一棵穷极桫椤树便为极乐国土的万树之首,这一棵大树在此刻,就朝着罗征轰然镇压而去。 Beyond the strength facing this surpassing Luo Zheng understanding range, his well means resistance, only taking advantage, perhaps has not been the strength in Nine Stars of the Divine Platform. 面对这种超出罗征理解范围外的力量,他并没有很好地办法对抗,唯一的依仗,恐怕就是神台九星中的力量了。 At this moment nine stars of his within the body also starts intense revolving, the sea of primordial chaos monstrous waves are dreadful, central Continent earthquake again and again...... 此刻他体内的九星亦开始激烈的旋转,混沌之海巨浪滔天,中央大陆地震连连…… The Luo Zheng's world is not very huge, excessive stimulation of movement Nine Stars of the Divine Platform, will inspire the Internal Body World radical change, present stage Luo Zheng does not have good means solution this matter, he also has no time to care about Internal Body World myriad living being now...... 罗征的世界还不够庞大,过分的催动神台九星,就会引动体内世界剧烈的变化,现阶段罗征也没有太好的办法解决此事,他现在也无暇顾及体内世界的万千生灵了…… At the same time, Saint Race Heavenly Venerable hold troops as before. 同一时间,圣族天尊们依旧按兵不动。 But in Passing Water Realm, many Heavenly Venerable in Space of Grand Expanse also start at this moment anxiously incomparable. 逝水界中,大衍之宇中的诸多天尊们此刻也开始惶急无比。 Old Clan Elder! Begins!” Heavenly Venerate Thunder Punishment urgently said. “老族长!动手么!”雷罚天尊急道。 Has died Xuanyuan Chenfeng, Luo Zheng was unable to fall from the sky again, cannot fall from the sky!” Heavenly Venerate Divine Decree also said. “已经死了一个轩辕晨风,罗征不能再陨落,也不可以陨落!”神谕天尊也说道。 Heavenly Venerate Divine Arrow, leading me to go,” the eyebrow of Xun has twisted one group, her actual cultivation base is only Great Realm Lord, is unable to look like the Heavenly Venerable first even/including to transfer several Great Realm distances like that at this moment she feels the strength of that strange valuable tree, realized that Luo Zheng possibly cannot shoulder this to strike. 神箭天尊,带过我去,”的眉毛已经拧成了一团,她的实际修为只是大界主,无法像天尊那般一连挪移数个大界的距离,此刻她感受到那棵古怪的宝树的力量,意识到罗征可能扛不住这一击。 Mo He can use Collecting Heaven Object, old Clan Elder can also use Collecting Heaven Object similarly, but old Clan Elder prevented moving restlessly of numerous Heavenly Venerable at this moment as before. 摩诃可以动用收天之物,老族长同样也能动用收天之物,但此刻老族长依旧阻止了众天尊的躁动。 He is away from the remote distance, closely is staring at Luo Zheng, firm saying, „the present...... is also not the time.” 他只是隔着遥远的距离,紧紧盯着罗征,坚决的说道,“现在……还不是时候。” = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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