AT :: Volume #17

#1663: Bare-handed welcomed the blade

The side that this group of purple light spread is quick, then includes in which together with this hill entire Iron Month City in the wink of an eye. 这一团紫光扩散的极快,瞬息之间便将整个铁月城连同这一片丘陵都囊括其中。 Resists the Xuanyuan Chenfeng's time, Mo He appears accomplishes a task with ease, took out Great World Technique goal also to shock that's all, even has not used this move, he same can defeat Xuanyuan Chenfeng. 对抗轩辕晨风的时候,摩诃显得游刃有余,祭出大世界术”的目的也只是为了震慑罢了,即使不曾动用这一招,他一样能击败轩辕晨风 However to Luo Zheng, makes Mo He have a headache. 然而对上罗征,却让摩诃十分头疼。 Regardless of the strength or weapon, Luo Zheng can suppress in him comprehensively! 无论从力量还是兵刃之上,罗征都能全面压制于他! The speed that he is proud only can actually be used to escape! 他唯一引以为傲的速度却是能用来逃生! This Great World Technique is one of the Mo He biggest taking advantage, after this Great World Technique arrives, in this space, the rule is decided by him! 这“大世界术”是摩诃最大的依仗之一,当这大世界术降临后,在这一片空间中,规则都是由他来定! Was suppressed by Luo Zheng, flees in all directions, has made Mo He lose face. 罗征一路压制,四处逃窜,已经让摩诃丢尽了脸面。 Although Mo He accepted a challenge Luo Zheng to be psychologically prepared sufficient, restrained the arrogance in heart completely, in order to the best condition, but this did not represent his Mo He not to have the arrogance! 虽说摩诃应战罗征已经做好了充足的心理准备,将心中的傲气完全收敛,以求最佳的状态,可这并不代表他摩诃没有傲气! First dao child as Space of Great Extremity, was chased down, in underground dirty scurrying about, this is not always the Mo He style! 身为大极之宇的第一道子,被人一路追杀,在地下灰头土脸的乱窜,这一向不是摩诃的风格! Let alone Luo Zheng that terrifying sword intent time and time again cuts, has human race Realm Lord of good deed to use Thunderous Roar Command unceasingly, adds inflammatory details to the entire entire world, vivid exaggeration this matter, in entire Space of Grand Expanse all living being, as well as all Saint Race martial artist first know one that he fled like a scared rat. 何况罗征那恐怖的剑意一次次的斩下来,更是有好事的人族界主不断地动用咆哮令,向整个寰宇添油加醋,绘声绘色的渲染此事,整个大衍之宇中所有的生灵,以及所有圣族武者们都第一时间知晓了他抱头鼠窜的一幕。 Saying that some indeed point image earthworms......” Mo He muttered, you will therefore pay the price......” “的确有点像蚯蚓……”摩诃喃喃的说道,“不过你会因此付出代价……” Whiz!” “嗖!” Mo He at this moment in underground steps on gently, the person such as the directly shoots of flying arrow from the crack, raises the right hand of staff-blade to proliferate black rays, the whole person then charges into Luo Zheng at the extremely quick speed. 此刻的摩诃在地下轻轻一踩,人如离弦之箭从裂缝之中直射而出,提着陌刀的右手扩散出一道道黑色的光芒,整个人便是以极快的速度冲向罗征 Luo Zheng was covered not to feel what difference by this ray, three thousand Divine Dao types are numerous, he is impossible to understand all Divine Dao unique elements. 罗征被这光芒所笼罩也没有感受到什么异样,三千神道的种类众多,他也不可能了解所有神道的特殊之处。 Saw that Mo He directly soars itself to come, he has not had any hesitation as before, in that pair of brutal both eyes none flashes, aggressive sword intent condenses the boundless potential together, cuts again toward below Mo He! 眼看摩诃直奔自己而来,他依旧不曾有任何犹豫,那一双无情的双目中精光一闪,一道凶悍的剑意凝聚出磅礴之势,再度朝着下方的摩诃斩过去! ......” “呼……” However Luo Zheng's this sword has not cut completely, under Mo He raised the head, staff-blade then welcomed spatially cuts! 然而罗征的这一剑还未曾完全斩出,摩诃抬头之下,陌刀便迎空一斩! What is strange is Mo He the blade does not cut to Luo Zheng, but brandishes a sword in the Iron Month City direction...... 诡异的是摩诃的这一刀并不是斩向罗征,而是朝着铁月城的方向挥刀…… This blade wields really unable to understand, the direction and Luo Zheng that eight bamboo poles after all his staff-blade cuts get! 这一刀挥出去着实让人看不懂,毕竟他这陌刀所斩的方向与罗征八竿子打不上! Iron Month City is also at the condition of disintegrating at this moment, these human race and Saint Race Realm Lord also circle in abundance in in the air, so the distance observes and emulates the fights of two dao child, so long as were affected to have the danger of falling from the sky slightly, but these martial artist have not been serious oneself life obviously...... 铁月城此刻也处于分崩离析的状态,那些人族圣族界主们也纷纷盘旋在空中,如此距离观摩两位道子的战斗,只要稍稍被波及到就有陨落的危险,但这些武者们显然没有把自己的命当一回事…… That was Mo He the brain is bad?” “那摩诃是不是脑子坏了?” Hides, cut toward here!” “还是躲一躲,朝着这边斩过来了!” Well, you how?” “咦,你怎么了?” These martial artist suddenly discovered the space that they place had the strange change. 这些武者们忽然发现他们身处的空间发生了诡异的变化。 And under several martial artist draw back anxiously, whole person on strange disappearance in the front of people, but the next instance, they appeared in another place! 其中几位武者急退之下,整个人就诡异的消失在众人的面前,而下一个瞬间,他们又出现在了另外一处地方! Meanwhile...... 与此同时…… Mo He cuts to Iron Month City that blade, similarly is also the strange appearance side Luo Zheng's, under the blade light/only flashes suddenly, hears thump, this blade actually with art the Luo Zheng's sword refuting! 摩诃斩向铁月城的那一刀,同样也是诡异的出现在罗征的身边,刀光猛然一闪之下,就听到“咚”的一声,这一刀却是用巧劲将罗征的剑给驳了回去! On the face of Mo He reveals one to sneer, staff-blade then continues to cut unceasingly in the Iron Month City direction. 摩诃的脸上流露出一丝冷笑,陌刀便继续朝着铁月城的方向不断地斩过去。 After displaying Great World Technique, blade light might that Mo He cuts, that the blade light is directly soars Luo Zheng's face to come, attacks its strategic point everywhere. 施展大世界术后,摩诃斩出的刀光威力更甚,那一记记刀光便是直奔罗征的面门而来,处处都是攻其要害。 Thump thump thump......” “咚咚咚……” Under Luo Zheng lifts the hand gently, by the Great Thousand Heavy Sword defense, on the face also reveals the color of doubts again. 罗征将手轻轻一抬之下,再度以大千重剑防御,脸上也流露出疑惑之色。 Was Space Law of this place, as if changed by Mo He? 此地的空间法则,似乎被摩诃更改了? Discovered this point was not only Luo Zheng, martial artist in Iron Month City also detected, they discovered that every time walked three zhang (3.33 m) to the east side, oneself naturally will shuttle back and forth to a top of the head six zhang (3.33 m) position! 发现这一点的不仅仅是罗征,铁月城中的武者们同样也察觉了,他们发现每向东边走三丈,自己就会自然穿梭到头顶六丈的方位! Therefore Mo He cuts a blade toward the east side, that blade happen to can cut to being in his top of the head six zhang (3.33 m) Luo Zheng! 所以摩诃朝着东边斩出一刀,那一刀正好能斩向处于他头顶六丈的罗征 This is the Great World Technique wondrous use, can as one desires change rule therefore! 这就是大世界术的妙用,可以随心所以的更改其中的规则! Great World Technique that however Mo He cultivates is eventually incomplete, he can only the change rule of certain extent, truly complete Great World Technique be possible to change rule, has one's wish rule that makes itself to think. 不过摩诃所修的大世界术终究不完整,他只能一定程度的更改规则,真正完整的大世界术可自行更改其中的规则,随心所欲制造自己所想的规则。 In other words , Great World Technique looks like occupies a world baseless, but oneself in this world omnipotent! 换言之,大世界术就像是凭空占据一块世界,而自己在这一片世界中无所不能! Under Luo Zheng is resisting unceasingly, looked that understands rule that Mo He changes, he is protecting oneself head single-handedly, the body is actually numerous one sinks to go toward , the whole person falls head over heels the general drop. 罗征在不断地抵御之下,也看明白了摩诃更改的规则,他一手护着自己的头部,身子却是重重的朝着下方一沉而去,整个人倒栽葱一般下降。 Luo Zheng and Mo He in reverse interlock, two people looking in the eyes vision flashes simultaneously slightly, the faith that can reading out from the opposite party eyes probably win! 倒过来的罗征摩诃交错之际,两人四目相对目光同时微微一闪,两人都能从对方眼中读出必胜的信念! Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, Great Thousand Heavy Sword has cut suddenly! 罗征微微一笑,大千重剑已猛然斩出! When this Chess God Sword sword intent cuts, the Luo Zheng's position has been in Mo He below three zhang (3.33 m) places, but the direction of his sword similarly is also Dongfang! 而当这弈神一剑剑意斩出去的时候,罗征的方位已处于摩诃下方三丈处,而他这一剑的方向同样也是东方 The rule that since Mo He changes, Luo Zheng will also adapt to this rule. 既然摩诃改变的规则,罗征也会去适应这规则。 Sees the Luo Zheng's action, Mo He is actually coldly smiled, puts out two characters, weak......” 看到罗征的举动,摩诃却是冷冷一笑,吐出两个字,“幼稚……” According to just now space rule of Mo He revision, in range that in this Great World Technique covers, changed the level of space interconnection. 按照方才摩诃修订的空间规则,在这大世界术笼罩的范围内,改变了空间相互连接的层次。 In other words martial artist goes through toward the east side, will appear in the above six zhang (3.33 m) distances...... 也就是说一位武者朝着东边穿行,会出现在上方六丈的距离…… Luo Zheng fall downwards goes, this sword eastern North Korea cuts, finally will also cut Mo He upwards! 罗征下坠而去,这一剑朝东而斩,最终也会斩向上方的摩诃 However this rule eventually is the Mo He formulation, he can also change rule instantaneously, time that this moment Luo Zheng sword cuts, Mo He changes rule again, that together sword light the instance that cuts toward the east side, is actually the strange appearance in the due west! 然而这规则终究是摩诃制定,他也能在瞬间改变其中的规则,此刻罗征一剑斩出的时候,摩诃再度改变其中的规则,那一道剑光朝着东边斩出的瞬间,却是诡异的出现在正西方! Also appeared in Luo Zheng's behind, Luo Zheng's this sword was cuts toward oneself! 也就是出现在了罗征的身后,罗征的这一剑算是朝着自己斩来! Facing spreads behind, but to boundless sword intent, in Luo Zheng heart one cold, in in the air tumbling, then forcibly avoided this cut, the brow could not bear wrinkle. 面对身后扩散而至的磅礴剑意,罗征心中一凛之下,在空中一个翻滚,则硬生生避开了这一斩,眉头忍不住皱了起来。 Above Mo He reveals together the apology, shrugs the shoulders, „was really sorry, here I control!” 上方的摩诃流露出一道歉意,耸耸肩膀,“真是抱歉,在这里我就是主宰!” The voice falls, Mo He brandishes staff-blade in hand to overrun toward Luo Zheng again, that staff-blade raises high, that condense black light above the blade, then breeds the terrifying the kinetic energy! 话音落下,摩诃再度挥舞手中的陌刀朝着罗征冲过去,那陌刀高高扬起,那一圈圈黑光凝聚在刀刃之上,其中便孕育出恐怖的动能! Although Luo Zheng clothing is very strange, but Mo He actually does not believe to cut not dead Luo Zheng. 虽然罗征身上的衣衫十分古怪,但摩诃却不信斩不死罗征 But just prepared to wield a sword to resist the instance that in Luo Zheng, suddenly the feeling body sinks, then lost balanced in in the air Luo Zheng, still falls toward , is actually not able to dodge Mo He the cuts! 而就在罗征刚刚准备挥剑抵挡的瞬间,忽然感觉身子一沉,在空中的罗征便失去了平衡,兀自朝着下方坠去,却是无法闪避摩诃的这一斩! Not is only Luo Zheng, in martial artist that Mo He Great World Technique by range covers, at this moment falls in abundance toward under. 不光是罗征,被摩诃大世界术笼罩的范围内的武者们,此刻纷纷朝着下方坠去。 What this moment Mo He changes is Wind Element Law! 此刻摩诃改变的是风系法则 martial artist starts to be able from Spirit Illumination Realm controlling the space to fly, dependence is Wind Element Law of most foundation, therefore Spirit Illumination Realm martial artist practices controlling the space to fly time, most must achieve moves with the wind...... 武者照神境开始就能御空飞行,依靠的就是最基础的风系法则,所以照神境武者练习御空飞行的时候,最要做到的就是随风而动…… But this moment Wind Element Law directly by Mo He shielding. 但此刻风系法则直接被摩诃给屏蔽掉了。 In range that Great World Technique covers, even Mo He oneself am unable to fly! 大世界术笼罩的范围内,就算是摩诃本人也无法飞行! Mo He was prepared, his sword chops, then adjusts the good figure, after is unable controlling the space to fly, he even coordinates the strength of oneself fall downwards, adds the strength that his chops again! 只是摩诃在就有了准备,他这一剑劈出,便是调整好身形,无法御空飞行后,他甚至配合自己的下坠之力,更加增添他这一记重劈的力量! Lost suddenly balanced as for Luo Zheng, facing Mo He the blade, he is actually not able to resist calmly. 至于罗征则是陡然失去了平衡,面对摩诃的这一刀,他却无法从容抵挡。 This ability...... is very indeed outstanding,” under Luo Zheng tumbling fall downwards, on the face is exuding the light happy expression as before, but saw that Mo He this blade chops, he wields Great Thousand Heavy Sword in hand suddenly, is depending upon the Great Thousand Heavy Sword weight/quantity, his body from the sky transferred, at this moment unexpectedly has not dodged, instead puts out a hand to pinch toward the Mo He blade! “这能力……的确很优秀,”罗征翻滚下坠之下,脸上依旧泛着淡淡的笑意,但眼看着摩诃这一刀劈过来,他将手中的大千重剑猛然一挥,依靠着大千重剑的分量,他的身体在空中调转了一圈,此刻居然不曾闪避,反而伸手朝着摩诃的刀捏过去! Ka!” “咔!” !” “噗!” After black glow that in Mo He the blade contains, indeed sharp several times, finally makes Luo Zheng see the blood for the first time, cut open the Luo Zheng's fingers/tiger mouth, the shining blood also jumps to shoot from Luo Zheng's hand. 摩诃的这一刀中蕴藏的黑芒后,的确锋利了数倍,终于第一次让罗征见血,切开了罗征的虎口,金灿灿的血液也从罗征的手中迸射出来。 But this blade the card above the Luo Zheng's fingers/tiger mouth, is unable finally the little advance slightest. 可这一刀最终还是卡在了罗征的虎口之上,无法寸进分毫。 fleshly body of this fellow...... 这家伙的肉身…… Mo He sees this, the look somewhat straightens. 摩诃看到这一幕,眼神有些发直。 He knows that on Luo Zheng that cheongsam origin is extraordinary, the thin garment of weak paper can invulnerability unexpectedly! 他知道罗征身上的那一件长衫来历非凡,薄弱纸张的薄衫竟然能刀枪不入! Has not actually thought that Luo Zheng's fleshly body is also so tyrannical, he almost exhausts full power cuts, a Luo Zheng's hand is not even able to cut unexpectedly, in this Space of Grand Expanse will be born such monster? How does he also hit with Luo Zheng? 却没想到罗征的肉身也是如此强横,他几乎用尽全力的一斩,竟然连罗征的一只手都无法斩下来,这大衍之宇中怎么会诞生这样的怪物?他还怎么跟罗征打?
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