AT :: Volume #17

#1662: Earthworm

In these Saint Race Heavenly Venerable part absolute loyal in Mo He, attitude that part is maintaining the neutrality, but another part even has certain hostility to Mo He. 这些圣族天尊中一部分绝对忠诚于摩诃,一部分保持着中立的态度,而另外一部分甚至对摩诃持有一定的敌意。 After all Saint Race internal influence also complex incomparable, is not sheet iron one. 毕竟圣族的内部势力也复杂无比,并非就是铁板一块。 But anyone, has the absolute confidence to Mo He. 但无论是谁,对摩诃还是拥有绝对的信心。 In Space of Great Extremity, the Mo He reputation was too resounding, this fellow from birth at that moment, at unceasing accomplishment miracle. 大极之宇中,摩诃的名声太响亮了,这家伙从出生那一刻起,就在不断的造就奇迹。 However makes these Saint Race Heavenly Venerable see this, started to vacillate to the Mo He confidence suddenly...... 然而让这些圣族天尊们看到这一幕,对摩诃的信心忽然开始动摇了…… Luo Zheng each sword cuts to kill, has not contained special Law and karmic law, what in this Chess God Sword has is the comprehension of Luo Zheng to Divine Dao, that is evolves the arrived pinnacle sword intent the pinnacle, from the might, has been equivalent to the Yao Profound Holy Thunder might purely, generally is the Heavenly Venerable full power strikes. 罗征每一剑斩杀出去,并没有蕴藏特殊的法则因果律,这弈神一剑中拥有的是罗征神道的领悟,那是将剑意衍化到了极致的极致,纯粹从威力上来说,已经相当于洞玄圣雷的威力,大抵便是天尊的全力一击。 But Heavenly Venerable, does not have the means to look like Luo Zheng so to release the so terrifying attack even recklessly, looked the appearance that Luo Zheng this has words at fingertips and writes with facility, cuts several hundred swords not to have the issue again continuously, but several hundred swords cut the fragment this side Great Realm sufficiently! 可就算是天尊,也没办法像罗征这般肆意释放出如此恐怖的攻击,看罗征这信手拈来的样子,再连续斩出数百剑都没问题,而数百剑足以将这一方大界都斩成碎片! This named Luo Zheng's dao child, the strength above our appraisals, Heavenly Venerable said obviously in a low voice. “这位叫做罗征的道子,实力显然在我们的评估之上,”一位天尊低声说道。 The Saint Race invasion entire world has prepared complete, steps into the first year of entire world, they have not waged a war, in fact actually the news in crazy collection entire world, analyzes each Heavenly Venerable the function of destiny through these news, as well as these Heavenly Venerable true strengths, conflict between each races wait/etc. 圣族侵入寰宇早已经做好了完全的准备,踏入寰宇的第一年,他们并没有大动干戈,实际上却在疯狂的收集寰宇中的消息,通过这些消息分析每一位天尊的天命的作用,以及这些天尊真正的实力,还有每一个种族之间的冲突等等。 But Mu Haiji had once urged Saint Race, must specially looking after these dao child in entire world, therefore materials about ten dao child also quite detailed...... 牧海极曾叮嘱过圣族,要特别“关照”寰宇中的这些道子,所以关于十位道子的资料也相当的详细…… cultivation technique that Divine Dao that race, skeletal age, strength, character, their experiences, cultivates, once exposed wait/etc to mention just a few. 种族,骨龄,实力,性格,他们的经历,所修的神道,曾经展露出来的功法等等不一而足。 However when 10 th position dao child has not sent in Divine Refinement Forbidden Land, Saint Race the dao child strength and Mo He relativity, such as Luo Zheng and Xuanyuan Chenfeng and the others merely has not been only Divine Sea Realm that's all! 不过当初十位道子都不曾送入神炼禁地中,圣族并没有将道子们的实力与摩诃相对比,如罗征轩辕晨风等人仅仅只是神海境而已 May with Luo Zheng and the others returns after Divine Refinement Forbidden Land, the strength then progresses by leaps and bounds, made Saint Race have the new round appraisal to these dao child. 可随着罗征等人从神炼禁地中回归后,实力便是突飞猛进,也让圣族对这些道子有了新一轮的评估。 Raises own cultivation base forcefully, will cause realm is not unstable, let alone these dao child just became Realm Lord, seems like a fledgling to be the same with the Mo He contrast under as before, in their mind does not have too big fearful as before. 强行拔高自己的修为,会导致境界不稳固,何况这些道子们才刚刚成为界主,和摩诃对比之下依旧像是一只雏鸟一般稚嫩,在他们的心中依旧没有太大的可怕性。 The strength that but this moment Luo Zheng shows, almost subverted these Saint Race Heavenly Venerable cognition! 但此刻罗征展现出来的实力,几乎是颠覆了这些圣族天尊们的认知! His strength...... far exceeds our appraisals!” In the Heavenly Venerable Myriad Poisons eye full is color with amazement, he felt suddenly oneself are also very difficult to take this little fellow! “他的实力……远远超出我们的评估!”万毒天尊眼中满是骇然之色,他忽然觉得自己也很难将这小家伙拿下! That Divine Refinement Forbidden Land I had also gone, as if that mysterious......” Saint Race Heavenly Venerable has not shaken the head to say. “那神炼禁地我曾经也去过,似乎并没有那么神奇……”一位圣族天尊摇头说道。 „The spell of good or bad fortune of everyone is different, we are unable to know them encountered anything, now I worry that Mo He will suffer defeat......” “每个人的际遇都不同,我们也无法知晓他们在其中遭遇了什么,现在我就担忧摩诃会败北……” These Heavenly Venerable eventually are also only secondary living being, the patterns and cognition in their eye limit in Space of Grand Expanse, naturally in not clear Divine Refinement Forbidden Land true secret, is naturally impossible to guess correctly Luo Zheng and the others the treatments in Divine Refinement Forbidden Land! oneself obtain the direction of Saint Jiu and Saint Jiu liangs position Saint on such as Luo Zheng personally! But Hua Tianming, Xuanyuan Chenfeng and other dao child, have common martial artist not the treatment that is possible to have...... 这些天尊终究也只是次级生灵,他们眼中的格局和认知都局限在大衍之宇中,自然不清楚神炼禁地中真正的秘密,也自然不可能猜出罗征等人在神炼禁地中的待遇!就如罗征本人算是亲手得到鸠圣圣人的指点!而华天命,轩辕晨风道子,亦拥有寻常武者不可能拥有的待遇…… As for Passing Water Realm, on the Heavenly Venerable face in Space of Grand Expanse reveals the excitement that is hard to conceal. 至于逝水界中,大衍之宇中的天尊们脸上都流露出难以掩饰的兴奋。 Has been cloudy Heavenly Venerate Primeval Sin of face, in that pair of profound eyes also full is the color of appreciation, he in Passing Water Realm naturally noticed that Luo Zheng collects these Saint Moon Grey Wolf corpse fragments , the clear Luo Zheng's goal is to save Xuanyuan Chenfeng, for this reason he has also asked Heavenly Venerable Resurrection , in this situation he whether Xuanyuan Chenfeng resurrecting. 就连一直阴沉着脸的原罪天尊,那双深邃的双眼中也满是欣赏之色,他在逝水界中自然看到罗征将那些圣月苍狼尸身碎片收集起来,也清楚罗征的目的是为了拯救轩辕晨风,为此他也问过了复活天尊,这种情况下他能否将轩辕晨风复活。 Heavenly Venerable Resurrection not big assurance, so long as theoretically can collect the Xuanyuan Chenfeng fleshly body fragment, can indeed he complete well resurrecting, that be reborn in paradise the destiny is quite powerful together, except for death that Five Wanings of a Celestial causes, any other form deaths can complete complete resurrecting. 复活天尊并没有多大的把握,理论上只要能将轩辕晨风肉身的碎片凑齐,的确是能将他完整无恙的复活,那一道往生天命极为强大,除了天人五衰导致的死亡,其他任何形式的死亡都能完整无缺的复活。 But looked like Saint Moon Grey Wolf to swallow into the belly Xuanyuan Chenfeng's corpse, if digested completely the Xuanyuan Chenfeng's corpse fragment, was naturally hard to resurrect...... 可是像圣月苍狼已经将轩辕晨风的尸身吞入了肚子,若是将轩辕晨风的尸体碎片完全消化掉了,自然是难以复活…… However the reply of Heavenly Venerable Resurrection , gave a Heavenly Venerate Primeval Sin ray of hope, in Heavenly Venerate Primeval Sin this moment heart naturally felt better. 不过复活天尊的回答,给了原罪天尊一丝希望,原罪天尊此刻心中自然好受了一些。 But his hatred not slight reduction to Mo He! 但他对摩诃的恨意没有丝毫的减少! Dreaded that in hiding these Saint Race Heavenly Venerable behind Mo He, he suppresses does not have take action to strike to kill this person. 只是忌惮于隐藏在摩诃背后的那些圣族天尊,他才强忍着没有出手将此人击杀。 Now sees Luo Zheng to show the strong strength, stubbornly, in his heart that this Mo He suppresses naturally feels happy! 现在看到罗征施展出强大的实力,将这摩诃压制的死死的,他心中自然倍感痛快! Old Clan Elder, as if you give our news to be somewhat incompatible, previously you said that the Luo Zheng's strength is slightly weak in Lower Position Heavenly Venerable, this boy really weakly in common Lower Position Heavenly Venerable?” Heavenly Venerate Cloud Fox asked with a smile. “老族长,似乎你给我们的消息有些不符,此前你说罗征的实力稍弱于下位天尊,这小子真的会弱于寻常的下位天尊?”云狐天尊笑着问道。 Because after Luo Zheng has the advantage, the grim atmosphere is more relaxed, as if these Heavenly Venerable became open is also optimistic. 因为罗征占据优势后,原本凝重的氛围已经轻松了许多,似乎这些天尊们也变得开朗乐观起来。 Weakly in Lower Position Heavenly Venerable? Present did Luo Zheng resist Middle Position Heavenly Venerable sufficiently? I have not at least grasped exceed him!” Heavenly Venerable in Myriad Buddha Sanctuary said. “弱于下位天尊?现在的罗征足以对抗中位天尊了吧?至少我是没把握胜过他!”万佛圣域中的一位天尊说道。 That is also insufficient, from the overall quality, Luo Zheng indeed is powerful, but he does not have destiny together eventually, some destiny are persistently unreasonable existences,” also has Heavenly Venerable also to refute. “那也不至于,从整体的素质而言,罗征的确强悍,但他终究没有一道天命,有些天命可是蛮不讲理的存在,”又有天尊也反驳道。 Indeed, our Heavenly Venerable powerful not only manifests above cultivation base and experience, the destiny is we biggest takes advantage......” “的确,我们天尊的强大不仅仅体现在修为和见识之上,天命才是我们最大的依仗……” „......” “……” Regarding the Luo Zheng's strength, Heavenly Venerable on the scene actually therefore argued, topic that argued, already from Luo Zheng whether defeated Mo He, shifted to Luo Zheng whether to resist Heavenly Venerable to come up. 围绕着罗征的实力,在场的天尊们竟然因此而争论起来,不过争论的话题,已经从罗征是否击败摩诃,转移到罗征能否对抗天尊上来了。 However at a time of the argument, not far away glitters suddenly the together dazzling white ray, is the space crack appears in the people together at present. 然而就在争论之际,不远处忽然闪烁其一道炽白色的光芒,却是一道空间裂缝出现在众人眼前。 Impressively is Xun that goes out from this space crack, Heavenly Venerate Divine Arrow, the Heavenly Venerable Green Feathers and other Monster Night Race people. 从这空间裂缝中走出的赫然便是,神箭天尊,苍羽天尊妖夜族人。 Luo Zheng uses Teleportation Command to enter Sunflower Water Realm directly, but Xun leads in the clan Heavenly Venerable to rush to Passing Water Realm, as for demon race's Heavenly Venerate Demonic Origin and the others ahead of time in one step arrived Passing Water Realm...... 罗征直接动用挪移令进入葵水界,而则带领着族中天尊赶往逝水界,至于魔族的魔始天尊等人则提前一步到了逝水界中…… After Xun appears, then nods toward old Clan Elder slightly, immediately has said the hello with numerous position Heavenly Venerable. 出现后便朝着老族长微微颔首,随即与众位天尊打过了招呼。 Celestial Clan has known the matter that in Monster Night Race has, informed other Heavenly Venerable, numerous position Heavenly Venerable also had not investigated that previously the Monster Night Race attitude, can join, can let Space of Grand Expanse many one point of strength, they naturally are welcome, now entire Space of Grand Expanse starts to hold in each other, almost transfers the strength that all can use. 天位一族已经知道妖夜族中所发生的事情,同时也告知了其他天尊,众位天尊亦没有追究此前妖夜族的态度,能够前来助阵,也能让大衍之宇多一分力量,他们自然是欢迎的,如今整个大衍之宇都开始抱作一团,几乎调用了一切可以动用的力量。 After these Heavenly Venerable and Monster Night Race Heavenly Venerable exchanged greetings, at once continues to discuss this issue. 那些天尊妖夜族天尊们寒暄一阵后,旋即继续讨论这个问题。 Xun hears their dialogues, a pair of sharp ear then shook shaking, on the face revealed to smile faintly. 听到他们的这番对话,一对尖尖的耳朵便是晃了晃,脸上流露出一丝浅笑。 Can Luo Zheng strike to kill Heavenly Venerable? That is looked that Luo Zheng can strike to kill many Heavenly Venerable! 罗征能否击杀天尊?那是看罗征能击杀多少位天尊 Previously Luo Zheng with the war shackles, being able to find that north Monster Night Race Heavenly Venerable Dark Shadow punched, if not for the pillar in front displayed the life link, Heavenly Venerable Dark Shadow ten life insufficient Luo Zheng killed. 先前罗征以战争枷锁,就将妖夜族暗影天尊揍的找不到北,若不是楹施展生命链接,暗影天尊十条命都不够罗征杀的。 If that time Luo Zheng struck to kill Heavenly Venerable also to have the considerable difficulty, after behind Luo Xiao appeared Luo Zheng carried off, «Myriad Laws Opposition Book» builds, after having to cut off karma divine ability, was more fearful! 如果说那时的罗征击杀天尊还有相当的难度,后面罗霄出现将罗征带走后,将《万法敌书》修成,拥有斩断因果神通后,则是更加可怕! This karmic law was cut to break by Luo Zheng like Five Wanings of a Celestial, what that together are Crown of Destiny of these Heavenly Venerable load bearings? 就像“天人五衰”这种因果律都被罗征一斩而断,这些天尊承载的那一道天命之冠又算什么? Naturally, Luo Zheng in has not fought with Heavenly Venerable after that Xun is unable to draw a conclusion absurdly, these Heavenly Venerable selfish argument this issues, she has not been involved, so long as these Heavenly Venerable do not fall from the sky, they will see this eventually...... 当然,罗征在此后并未与天尊交手过,也无法妄下结论,那些天尊自顾自的争论这个问题,她也没有加入其中,只要这些天尊不陨落,他们终究会看到这一幕的…… The Luo Zheng first even/including cut more than 20 swords. 罗征一连斩出了二十多剑。 The speed of that Mo He escaping place is extremely fast, but Chess God Sword is the might is famous greatly, is slightly low in the speed plans, cannot cut to kill Mo He. 摩诃遁地的速度极快,而弈神一剑是威力大著称,在速度上略低一筹,都没能将摩诃斩杀。 However the world tree in present stage Luo Zheng's Internal Body World has taken root in the foreign country, Primordial Chaos Qi in continuous absorbing foreign country, Primordial Chaos Qi of his within the body is inexhaustible inexhaustible, does not have the problem that dries up. 不过现阶段罗征的体内世界中的世界树已经扎根在外域,源源不断的吸纳外域中的混沌之气,他体内的混沌之气可谓是取之不尽用之不竭,根本就不存在枯竭的问题。 Therefore regarding Luo Zheng, so take action is also a deterrent! 所以对于罗征来说,这般出手也算是一种威慑! Also can only in underground dash about aimlessly as for Mo He, complained of hardship secretly...... 至于摩诃也只能在地下东突西窜,暗暗叫苦…… Mo He at this moment could not repress eventually, after underground sped away dozens li (0.5 km), he stopped suddenly, immediately a present stretch of soil layer splits impressively, sword intent from his passes through to go together at present downward, broke out a being too deep to see the bottom crack before his body. 只是此刻的摩诃终究还是按捺不住了,在地下疾驰了数十里后,他骤然停了下来,随即眼前的一片土层赫然裂开,一道剑意从他的眼前向下贯穿而去,在他的身前劈开了一道深不见底的裂缝。 The ray shines from the crack, Mo He raised the head, can see Luo Zheng on upper air through this crack. 光芒从裂缝中照射下来,摩诃抬头,通过这裂缝就能看到高空上的罗征 Two people look in the eyes, Luo Zheng holds Great Thousand Heavy Sword then to show a faint smile, „are you earthworm?” 两人四目相对,罗征手执大千重剑便是微微一笑,“你是蚯蚓么?” Under facing the Luo Zheng's provocation, on the Mo He face reveals the color of renouncing, staff-blade in hand twists together suddenly, the deep red purple ray spreads together from his hand. 面对罗征的挑衅,摩诃脸上流露出一道决绝之色,手中的陌刀骤然一绞之下,一道绛紫色的光芒从他手中扩散开来。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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