AT :: Volume #17

#1661: sword intent wreaks havoc

Once the martial artist confrontation falls into the disadvantage, is very often difficult to draw the aspect, especially the strength is almost the same. 武者交锋一旦陷入劣势,往往就很难扳回局面,特别是实力相差无几的时候。 But Mo He eventually is Saint Race first dao child, his method also emerges one after another incessantly, and can always , when most critical finds out the law of dealing. 摩诃终究是圣族第一道子,他的手段也是层出不穷,且总能在最危急的时候想出应对之法。 His sense is extremely keen, he first detected that this ice blue flame unique element, knew in the heart cannot spell hardly, the body advantage of terrain is sinks downward suddenly! 他的感官极其敏锐,他第一时间察觉到这冰蓝色的火焰特殊之处,心知不可硬拼,身形便是往下骤然一沉! Two people from the sky interlock, Luo Zheng this palm of the hand was actually claps spatially. 两人在空中交错而过,罗征这一巴掌却是拍空了。 Mo He this humble one falls at the same time, red ray flashes, then staff-blade in his hands, on the face has exuded a dense happy expression vividly immediately! 摩诃在下降的同时,身边的赤色光芒一闪,那把陌刀已跃然在他手中,脸上顿时泛起一丝森然笑意! Corona Cut!” 光轮斩!” Circular blade light spread at the inconceivable speed regarding Mo He, under crazy cutting, the surrounding air current becomes in utter confusion, listens from the distant place, seems the beginner is playing the bamboo flute to be the same, sends out one intermittently grating hissing sound. 一道道圆形的刀光围绕着摩诃以不可思议的速度扩散出来,疯狂切割之下,周围的气流变得凌乱不堪,从远处听来,仿佛是初学者在吹笛子一般,发出一阵阵刺耳的“嘶嘶”声。 Under that circular blade light diffusions, covers the Mo He peripheral hundred zhang (333 m) range completely, this region is a dead territory, even the tiniest mosquito, is unable to find any slit! 那一道道圆形的刀光扩散之下,将摩诃周边百丈范围完全笼罩,这一片区域便是一片死域,就算是最细小的蚊子,也无法找到任何缝隙! Luo Zheng situated in the Mo He above, is the blade light most crowded position. 罗征处于摩诃的正上方,也是刀光最为密集的方位。 His response is not weak in Mo He, pulled out that in Mo He the staff-blade instance, Great Thousand Heavy Sword has grasped impressively in the hand! 他的反应丝毫不弱于摩诃,在摩诃掏出那把陌刀的瞬间,大千重剑已赫然握在了手中! Mo He staff-blade is quite clever, looks like a tiny poisonous snake, can give the opponent in any angle innumerable the attack, and incurs a move of fatality. 摩诃陌刀极为灵巧,就像是一条细小的毒蛇,能够在任何角度给予对手无数次攻击,且招招致命。 But Luo Zheng's Great Thousand Heavy Sword seems like an ambush in the big dragon of abyss, the weight/quantity of this sword is quite huge, once take action, is similar to the hidden dragon to go to sea, a move of fatality! 罗征的大千重剑则像是一条潜伏在深渊的巨龙,这剑的分量极为庞大,一旦出手,就如同潜龙出海,一招致命! Thump thump thump thump thump thump......” “咚咚咚咚咚咚……” Luo Zheng Great Thousand Heavy Sword in own chest front, that said swiftly horizontally innumerably the sword qi light wheel explodes to shoot toward him. 罗征大千重剑倏然横在自己的胸前,那无数道剑气光轮朝着他爆射而来。 The sound that under the sword intersection makes should be very delightful, may because of the Great Thousand Heavy Sword weight/quantity, the sent out sound very be sad, is ordinary just like resonant like a bell! 刀剑相交之下发出的声音原本应该十分悦耳,可因为大千重剑的分量,发出的声音却十分沉闷,宛若黄钟大吕一般! Can keep off?” Mo He sneers, staff-blade in hand backhands one revolution, in the vision reveals color of the contempt, second wave of Corona Cut again toward Luo Zheng. “这么能挡?”摩诃冷笑一声,手中的陌刀反手一转,目光中流露出一丝轻视之色,第二波光轮斩再度朝着罗征袭来。 Mo He lost a city above the confrontation of strength, but is quite self-confident above the speed! 摩诃在力量的交锋之上输了一城,但在速度之上却极为自信! Moreover looks like in Mo He even most martial artist, the attack forever is the best defense, was falls the low grade like the Luo Zheng so resistance, Mo He wanted to break through his defense line is not difficult! 而且在摩诃甚至于绝大多数武者看来,进攻永远都是最好的防御,像罗征这般抵抗算是落了下乘,摩诃想要攻破他的防线并不困难! With changing of Mo He, that circular forming cutter directions light/only become even more strange, cuts to the Luo Zheng's flash, will pull out certain curve, goes round Luo Zheng's Great Thousand Heavy Sword, cuts to Luo Zheng's fleshly body...... 随着摩诃的变招之下,那一道道圆形刀光的方向变得越发诡异起来,斩向罗征的一瞬间,就会拉出一定的弧度,绕开罗征的大千重剑,斩向罗征的肉身…… Sees this, the corners of the mouth of Mo He curls upwards to wipe the curve again. 看到这一幕,摩诃的嘴角再度翘出一抹弧度。 However his happy expression this humble one moment, solidification on face. 不过他的笑意在下一刻,就凝固在了脸上。 Ding......” “叮叮叮叮……” Circular forming cutter light might that this Corona Cut chops, Mo He are very clear. 光轮斩劈出的圆形刀光的威力,摩诃自己是非常清楚的。 Once his cultivation Corona Cut time, then cut the fragment a supreme divine item Haotian / clear sky Saint shield in their Space of Great Extremity. 曾经他修炼光轮斩的时候,便是将他们大极之宇中的一件至尊神器昊天圣盾斩成了碎片。 On Luo Zheng puts on is cheongsam that's all, this type of arrange/cloth system long gown has almost no defensive power, Corona Cut should be direct cutting above Luo Zheng's fleshly body. 罗征身上所穿的不过是一身长衫而已,这种布制长袍几乎没有任何防御力,光轮斩应该是直接切割在罗征的肉身之上。 But Mo He has not thought, more than ten circular forming cutter light cut on this cheongsam, let alone cuts broken this cheongsam, even the trace has not stayed behind together...... 摩诃万万没想到,十几道圆形刀光斩上这长衫上,别说将这长衫斩碎,甚至连一道痕迹都不曾留下…… This is anything does! 这是什么东西做的! Even by the abundance of Mo He story, somewhat is still in a daze at this moment, the condition of suddenly having has been able to calculate strangely. 就算以摩诃阅历之丰,此刻也是有些发愣,忽然发生的状况已经可以算诡异了。 Right, I do not need to keep off......” “对,我没必要挡……” Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, Great Thousand Heavy Sword one revolution, he completely gave up the defense gently, wields Great Thousand Heavy Sword in another side of body, in both eyes glitters cruel air/Qi, simultaneously his both eyes without a trace of emotion dissipation. 罗征微微一笑,将大千重剑轻轻一转,他完全放弃了防御,将大千重剑挥动在身体的另外一侧,双目之中闪烁出一股暴戾之气,同时他双目中的情感消散的无影无踪。 In addition Luo Zheng cannot cut this sword, the Mo He heart current craze jumps, the double pupil also in the eldest child who the flash opens! 罗征尚且没能斩出这一剑,摩诃的心脏顿时狂跳起来,双瞳也在一瞬间睁的老大! An extremely dangerous feeling just like a lightning, flashes to come from his heart, is urging Mo He desperately, escapes! 一股极其危险的感觉宛若一道闪电,从他的内心深处一闪而来,拼命的催促着摩诃,逃逃逃! Once Mo He regarding various dangers, even there is to die the bureau directly on, finally he also can always say with a smile finally, because Mo He is dao child, is in Space of Great Extremity the talent of most evildoer/monstrous talent, all resources fall in torrents on him, the front doors of all opportunities also open for him, all destiny also stand this side him! 曾经的摩诃对于各种危险,甚至有必死之局都会迎头而上,最终他也总能笑道最后,因为摩诃道子,是大极之宇中最妖孽的天才,所有的资源都倾泻在他身上,所有机会的大门也为他打开,所有的气运亦站在他这一边! If he has 1% probabilities to defeat the opponent, regarding Mo He, he then can 100% defeat the opponent, because he can care by the destiny forever...... 如果他有百分之一的概率击败对手,对于摩诃来说,他便能百分百击败对手,因为他永远都能受到命运的眷顾…… But this time, Mo He actually does not dare to defy sense of crisis in the heart! 可是这一次,摩诃却不敢违抗自己心中的危机感! Facing Luo Zheng this sword, he actually does not have a odds of success! 面对罗征这一剑,他竟然没有一丝胜算! In the heart of Mo He is is extremely no doubt unwilling, but he does not plan to take risk, under the figure flutters, is unceasing withdrawing! 摩诃的心中固然是极不甘心,但他还是不打算冒险,身形一飘之下,便是不断的后撤! Now under Luo Zheng on, Mo He this humble one, he withdraws unceasingly, pounds directly to the ground...... 现在罗征在上,摩诃在下,他不断地后撤之下,就直接砸向地面…… Bang!” “轰隆!” As a dull thumping sound transmits, the ground was smashed a big hole by Mo He directly, he actually drilled into the bottom! 随着一声闷响传来,地面直接被摩诃砸出了一个大坑,他却是钻入了地底! Drilled into the underground flash in Mo He, Luo Zheng's this sword cut eventually! 就在摩诃钻入地下的一瞬间,罗征的这一剑终究是斩了出来! Chess God Sword!” 弈神一剑!” Steps into World Lord Realm Luo Zheng, was profound first layer regarding the comprehension of Severing Emotion Divine Dao. 踏入界主境罗征,对于斩情神道的领悟又精深了一层 Previously to strengthen the Chess God Sword might, Luo Zheng rubbed into Law sword intent unceasingly, but the present stage does not need! 此前为了加强弈神一剑的威力,罗征不断地将法则揉入剑意之中,但现阶段却已经没有了必要! His sword cuts toward, coordinates the Great Thousand Heavy Sword weight/quantity, under by the Primordial Chaos Qi stimulation of movement, both adds together is extremely terrifying! 他这一剑朝着下方斩过去,配合大千重剑的分量,以混沌之气催动,两者相加之下已是极其恐怖! At least in this entire world, feared that is no one can meet this sword hardly...... 至少在这个寰宇中,怕是没有谁能硬接这一剑…… Invisible sword intent in in the air spreads toward under at the extremely high speed, the sword intent imposing manner of containing is astonishing, martial artist that the distant place surrounds have a liking for one, feels the double pupil such as needle! 一道无形的剑意在空中以极高的速度朝着下方蔓延,这其中蕴藏的剑意气势惊人,远处围观的武者们只是看上一眼,顿感觉双瞳又如针扎! Whish......” “哗……” This long and narrow sword intent spreads together unceasingly, launches, touches the instance of land, then straight from submerges, increased a giant crack for this stretch of rough terrain, looks from the sky, is shocking scabs! 这一道狭长的剑意不断地扩散,展开,触碰到大地的瞬间,便径自没入其中,为这一片丘陵地带增添了一条巨大的裂缝,从上空望下去,便是一条触目惊心的伤疤! Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Escapes into sword intent in land , to continue to wreak havoc in the place bottom deep place, but this scabs also lengthen unceasingly, was divided into two halves Iron Month City quickly , to continue to extend to go toward the distant place, as if no end general...... 遁入大地中的剑意,继续在地底深处肆虐,而这一道伤疤也不断地延长,很快将铁月城分成了两半,继续朝着远处延伸而去,仿佛没有尽头一般…… „,” In the Luo Zheng's vision as before has not been the chilly color. “没中,”罗征的目光中依旧是清冷之色。 Mo He is escaping into the underground instance, drills toward another side in the place bottom, he in the speed of underground fleeing is also extremely quick, is ordinary just like the field-mouse of digging, can see that in the ground presents together the remarkable gully. 摩诃在遁入地下的瞬间,就在地底朝着另外一侧钻过去,他在地下的遁走的速度也是极快,宛若打洞的田鼠一般,可以看到地面上出现一道显著的沟壑。 Comes again......” “再来……” Luo Zheng not hesitant, the backhand is a sword! 罗征并没有犹豫,反手又是一剑! Chess God Sword...... 弈神一剑…… hū hū hū......” 呼呼呼……” When this sword spreads to the underground instance, Mo He avoids again ahead of time, then in underground changes the direction that flees unceasingly. 当这一剑扩散到地下的瞬间,摩诃再度提前躲避,便是在地下不断地改变遁走的方向。 Again come!” “再来!” hū hū hū......” 呼呼呼……” Fierce sword intent that falls facing the top of the head in unceasingly, color in amazement Mo He heart can be imagined, he felt himself really fantasy. 面对头顶上不断降下来的凶猛剑意,摩诃心中的骇然之色可想而知,他觉得自己真是活见鬼了。 When Luo Zheng cuts the first sword, Mo He has decided that in advance avoids the Luo Zheng's attack, then immediately seeks for the opportunity counter-attack, after his experience displays this grade of terrifying sword move, will always have certain weak time, is the golden opportunity that he counter-attacks. 罗征斩出第一剑的时候,摩诃就已经打定了主意,先行避开罗征的攻击,然后立即寻找机会反击,按照他的经验施展这等恐怖的剑招后,总是会存在一定的虚弱期,也是他反击的绝佳机会。 The tentative plan is always very happy, the reality is actually so brutal. 设想总是很美好,现实却是如此残酷。 He has not thought that this fellow was unexpectedly endless...... 他没想到这家伙竟然没完没了了…… Each sword that Luo Zheng cuts, endures compared with Heavenly Venerable whole-heartedly strikes! 罗征斩出的每一剑,都堪比天尊全力以赴的一击! But he cut three swords continually, middle does not have any idle time and hesitation, had nothing to gather the potential, how did this fellow achieve? 而他一连斩出了三剑,中间没有任何停歇和迟疑,亦没有任何蓄势,这家伙怎么做到的? What most awfully is Internal Body World of this person has huge? 最要命的是此人的体内世界到底有庞大? World Lord Realm Internal Body World is eventually limited, multi- true essence cannot block again so consumes, even Mo He, under the use so powerful move, how long Internal Body World could not insist! 界主境体内世界终究是有限的,再多真元也挡不住如此消耗,就算是摩诃自己,动用如此强大的招数之下,体内世界也坚持不了多久! Such a while, Luo Zheng has cut ten to come the sword, perhaps traded to make Mo He own words, Internal Body World has dried up completely? 就这么一会儿,罗征已经斩出了十来剑了,换做摩诃自己的话,体内世界恐怕已经完全枯竭了吧? But this Luo Zheng as before is vivid general, does not have any sign of depletion! 可这罗征依旧是生龙活虎一般,根本没有任何枯竭的迹象! Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” These huge sword intent toward under unceasing extending, several sword intent even cut to put on Sunflower Water Realm, the crack that these sword intent left behind was lying this way and that this Great Realm looked like one to be delimited the rotten face to be the same by the blade. 那些庞大的剑意朝着下方不断的延伸,其中几道剑意甚至将葵水界斩穿了,那些剑意留下的裂缝横七竖八,这个大界就像是一张被刀划烂的脸庞一般。 Entire Great Realm also lost the stability, starts to tremble unceasingly. 整个大界也失去了稳定性,开始不断地震颤起来。 Hides in Saint Race Heavenly Venerable of hidden place, sees this secretly, at this moment is also quite speechless...... 藏匿在暗处的圣族天尊们,看到这一幕后,此刻也颇为无语……
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