AT :: Volume #13

#1229: Ancient Witch Clan

These black venom contain the extremely strong corrosiveness! 那些黑色的毒液蕴藏着极强的腐蚀性! Is protecting Xing Huo / star fire that body protecting orange light, in an instant then corroded cleanness. 保护着星火的那护体橙光,转眼之间便被腐蚀的干干净净。 Immediately the people hear together the fierce shouting sound on hearing under! 随即众人就听到下方传来一道剧烈的嘶吼声! Although in this Dream Battlefield will not really die, the pain that but fleshly body feels exists, was corroded dead by this venom, is not a very good experience. 虽然这梦幻战场中不会真的死亡,但肉身感受到的痛楚还是真实存在的,被这毒液腐蚀而死,可不是一种很好的体验。 The people hear this sound, in the heart also shiver slightly. 众人听闻这声音,心中也是微微颤动。 We are quicker leave, crossed this, should be able to achieve the first branch!” The Bai Wei reminder said. “我们还是快些离开吧,过了这一段,应该就能达到第一根枝桠了!”白薇提醒道。 Sees the Xing Huo / star fire pitiful condition, the people have not stayed, for fear that this Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu pursues again...... 看到星火的惨状,众人没有丝毫停留,唯恐这椿木巫蛊再度追上来…… Soon, Luo Zheng's both eyes are glittering together the light green glow, by the white mist, then looks at arrived thick trunk and branches! 不久之后,罗征的双目闪烁着一道淡淡的翠芒,透过白茫茫的雾气,便看到了一根粗大的枝干! Above the trunk and branches, holds a city merely together sufficiently! 仅仅只是一道枝干之上,就足以容纳一座城池! This Ancient Witch Clan in the ancient times period, is an extremely powerful race, but this Great Winter Rose Divine Tree is Ancient Witch Clan's Holy Land. 上古巫族在远古时期,也是一个极为强大的种族,而这大椿神木便是上古巫族的圣地 Witch Clan Great Witch, is the character of Heavenly Venerable rank, in which Great Witch controlled one in entire world to the strong destiny, makes incantations reads kills! 巫族大巫,也是天尊级别的人物,其中的一位大巫更是掌控了寰宇中的一道至强天命,巫咒念杀! This destiny is together most powerful, if puts nowadays is also make the blood boil existence. 这一道天命最强大,若放到现今也是让人发指的存在。 It is said controls this together destiny Great Witch, only needs to know the name of opposite party, the appearance, then can think in own mind together, strikes to kill the opposite party during the imagination! 据说掌控这一道天命的大巫,只需要知晓对方的名字,容貌,便能在自己的脑海之中化一道想念,在想象之中将对方击杀! In other words, if Luo Zheng controls this together destiny, after seeing somebody, only needs to imagine itself to strike in own mind to kill it, this person will be struck to kill! 也就是说,罗征若是掌控这一道天命,在见过某人后,只需要在自己的脑海中想象自己将其击杀,此人就会被击杀! living being imagination, limitless, who can resist the so terrifying destiny? 生灵的想象力,无边无际,又有谁能对抗如此恐怖的天命? This seriously is a thought that method that then can kill people...... 这当真是一个念头,便能杀人的手段…… But does not know what reason, this Ancient Witch Clan actually vanished in the entire world suddenly, even a trace cannot seek! 但不知何因,这上古巫族却在寰宇之中忽然消失了,甚至连一丝痕迹也找寻不到! Was controlling several thousand Great Realm Ancient Witch Clan, in the antiquity period was also existence of colossus, but entire Witch Clan actually strange disappearance, in all Holy Land could not seek for this race form again...... this matter, was a unusual happening in this Era, until now was a giant riddle! 原本掌控着数千大界上古巫族,在上古时期也是庞然大物的存在,但整个巫族却诡异的消失,所有的圣地之中再也找寻不到这个种族的身影……这件事情,算是这一个衍纪中的一桩奇事,迄今为止都是一个巨大的谜团! We can come up directly, why can also stay above this tree trunk?” After Luo Zheng steps this giant tree trunk, then asked. “我们可以直接上去,为何还要在这树干之上停留?”罗征踏上这巨大的树干之后便是问道。 Bai Wei shakes the head, then said: Without is so easy, starts from the first tree trunk, contains the extremely powerful incantation to kill the technique, if not defer to the way on this tree trunk the line, flies directly, will then explode the body to perish! Without the exception!” 白薇摇摇头,便是说道:“没有这么容易,从第一根树干开始,其中就蕴藏着极为强大的咒杀术,若不按照这树干上的路径而行,直接飞上去,便会爆体而亡!没有例外!” First time the time of opening Gate of Dead Wood, is even Sir Lan Ran also explodes the body to perish, afterward everyone tried to find out slowly, understands this Great Winter Rose Divine Tree does not crawl casually upward! 第一次开启枯木之门的时候,便是连蓝染大人也爆体而亡,后来大家慢慢摸索,才明白这大椿神木不是随随便便往上爬的! Under the leadership of Bai Wei, following this tree trunk vanguard some time, has not actually encountered what danger...... 白薇的带领之下,顺着这树干前行一段时间,却并未遭遇什么危险…… Sir Lan Ran they had come up, trouble above this tree trunk should be cleaned up, only then next Gate of Dead Wood opens again, the ominous beast different insect above this tree trunk will appear again,” Bai Wei answered. 蓝染大人他们已经上去了,这树干之上的麻烦应该都被清理掉了,只有下一次枯木之门再度开启,这树干之上的凶兽异虫才会再度出现,”白薇解释道。 Without the dangers and difficulties, the speed that everyone goes forward naturally is extremely quick. 没有艰难险阻,大家前进的速度自然是极快。 Soon , the people come to the terminal of arrived this tree trunk, then ancient wooden plates above the terminal of this tree trunk, but above this wooden plate, entire simultaneously is placing skull bone of fist size, this skull bone is so tiny, is not the head of adult, resembling is the head of baby...... 不久之后,众人就来到了这树干的末端,在这树干的末端之上便有一块古老的木盘,而在这木盘之上,整整齐齐摆放着拳头大小的骷髅头,这骷髅头如此细小,并非成年人的头颅,似是婴孩的头颅…… Obtains this judgment, Luo Zheng cannot bear the knitting the brows brow. 得出这个判断,罗征也忍不住皱了皱眉眉头。 This Ancient Witch Clan feels is very strange, even can say the repugnance. 上古巫族给人的感觉很诡异,甚至可以说反感。 On wooden plate, then broken incantation, this is the Ancient Witch Clan's together ancient ceremony,” Bai Wei is saying, first stepped onto that wooden plate. “上木盘,即可破咒,这是上古巫族的一道古老仪式,”白薇说着,第一个走上了那块木盘。 As after Luo Zheng several people step this wooden plate, the wooden plate starts to rotate slowly, at the same time, the mouths of all small skull bone start one to gather, sends out cough cough cough cough the sound. 随着罗征几人踏上这木盘后,木盘就开始徐徐转动起来,与此同时,所有的小骷髅头的嘴巴开始一张一合,发出“咳咳咳咳”的声音。 Is Divine Sea Realm martial artist, under strength superior, will not fear facing the Yin evil thing, but in this spacious space reverberates this sound, makes them absolutely terrified. 诸位都是神海境武者,实力高强之下,即使是面对阴邪之物也不会惧怕,但这空旷的空间之中回荡这种声音,还是让他们毛骨悚然。 Soon, this wooden plate stopped the rotation, later all small skull bone immerse, belongs to silent. 不久之后,这木盘停止了转动,随后所有的小骷髅头都沉浸下来,归于寂静。 But the under foot of people, has the ray to glitter together, these rays then combine together the mysterious handwriting...... 而众人的脚下,却有一道浅浅的光芒在闪烁,这些光芒便组合成一道玄奥的字迹…… After continuously this handwriting appears, Bai Wei said: Ok, can continue!” 一直等到这字迹出现之后,白薇才说道:“好了,可以继续上了!” Is these handwriting, can break the above technique of incantation killing! 就是这些字迹,能破掉上方的咒杀之术! The people start to continue upward. 众人开始继续往上。 Soon, encounters another tree trunk again, enters this tree trunk again, seeks for that wooden plate, obtains another handwriting, then again upward. 不久之后,再度遭遇另外一根树干,再度进入这树干,寻找到那木盘,获得另外一道字迹,然后再度往上。 So after repeatedly seven times, Luo Zheng and the others have climbed up Qigenshu to do! 如此反复七次之后,罗征等人已经爬上了第七根树干! When Luo Zheng, in addition before has not climbed up this tree trunk, feels above the tree trunk to transmit intense power and influence...... 罗征尚且没爬上这树干之前,就感觉到树干之上传来一道道强烈的威势…… Caught up with them!” Bai Wei at this moment is also the complexion actually reveals the happy expression, that helps demon race martial artist not break Sir Lan Ran leaf drop!” “追上他们了!”此刻的白薇也是脸色却流露出喜色,“那帮魔族武者没有破掉蓝染大人的叶落阵!” What Bai Wei most fears, oneself invited the reinforcements, finally Lan Ran they were returned to lord city by this group of demon race people. 白薇最怕的是,自己请来了援兵,结果蓝染他们被这帮魔族人送回了主城 The Luo Zheng's eyebrow raises slightly, changes into escaping suddenly, from the sky has only delimited together the circular arc together, falls above this trunk and branches, both eyes then go toward front staring...... 罗征的眉毛微微一扬,骤然化为一道遁光,在空中划过一道圆弧,就落在这枝干之上,双目便朝着前方凝视而去…… ...... …… In end of this tree trunk, Liu Yu holds a thin sword, in the vision radiated the extremely strong vigor, the whole person had unusual makings. 在这树干的尾端,流羽手执一把细剑,目光之中焕发出极强的活力,整个人都产生了一道奇特的气质。 Since flying upwards, Liu Yu is at desperate. 自从飞升之后,流羽一直处在绝望之中。 She has not opened eyes to have a look at this upper realm great place, has not sensed that wild yuan qi of heaven and earth, was infiltrated in the jail by King of Penalty directly, always suffers injustice. 她未曾睁眼看看这上界的宏大之处,也未曾感悟那狂暴的天地元气,就被刑罚之王直接打入了监牢之中,永世不见天日。 This Dream Battlefield opened, gave a Liu Yu turning point! 只是这一次梦幻战场开启,给了流羽一丝契机! She like the prisoner who an end of sentence releases, is fully breathing the free air in this broad world. 她就像一个刑满释放的囚犯,在这广阔的天地之中充分呼吸着自由的空气。 Liu Yu is also clear, Dream Battlefield is only stage that's all, she can in this stage act without regard for authority, goes to contend with Divine Sea Realm martial artist, but this stage will answer a curtain call eventually, she must return to the jail eventually , to continue to bear that desperate pain. 只是流羽也清楚,梦幻战场只是一个舞台罢了,她可以在这舞台之中恣意妄为,去与神海境武者们一较高下,但这舞台终究还是会谢幕,她终究要回到监牢之中,继续承受那绝望的痛苦。 The hesitant Liu Yu outstanding performance, and powerful strength, she was invited by Lan Ran for the companion. 犹豫流羽出色的表现,以及强悍的实力,她被蓝染邀为了同伴。 Because Dream Battlefield opens time, is complete projection martial artist steps into the condition before Dream Battlefield, Liu Yu in jail has not even had a weapon. 由于梦幻战场开启的时候,是完全投影武者踏入梦幻战场前的状态,在监牢中的流羽甚至连一把武器都不曾拥有。 On her the equipment, is Lan Ran grants. 她身上的这一身装备,都是蓝染所赠与。 From the beginning Lan Ran knew Liu Yu bitter experience, commitment that then vows solemnly, after Dream Battlefield finished, she will give a Liu Yu freedom! 一开始蓝染得知流羽遭遇的时候,便信誓旦旦的承诺,等到梦幻战场结束后,她会给流羽一个自由! Lan Ran is also Monster Night Race Realm Lord descendant, her mother is one of the Elder meeting. 蓝染也是妖夜族的一位界主传人,她的母亲乃是长老会的一员。 But hears is King of Penalty personally the Liu Yu captivity, after serving with the punishment of Torture Pillar corrosion, Lan Ran was also silent...... 但听到是刑罚之王亲自将流羽囚禁,施以炮烙腐蚀之刑后,蓝染也沉默了…… In present Monster Night Race, no one can resist with King of Penalty, a few years ago, the association president who even Elder meeting, was killed by King of Penalty! 如今的妖夜族中,没人能与刑罚之王对抗,几年前,甚至连长老会的会长,都被刑罚之王所杀! However some Lan Ran this plans, Liu Yu is very happy, this is she only a one by one friend in upper realm! 不过蓝染有这个打算,流羽已经很高兴了,这是她在上界中唯一一个朋友! These three wanderer Gate of Dead Wood, Liu Yu gave up own that Dream Illusion Points number on own initiative, all left Lan Ran, this is also Liu Yu can help her place only. 这三次闯荡枯木之门,流羽都主动放弃了属于自己的那一份梦幻点数,全部留给了蓝染,这也是流羽唯一能帮助她的地方。 Has not thought that this time, they just stepped Qigenshu to do, encountered pursuit of one group of demon race martial artist unexpectedly! 没想到这一次,他们刚刚踏上第七根树干,竟然遭遇了一帮魔族武者的追击! Since these double-hour, have depended upon Lan Ran fallen leaf, as well as Liu Yu sharp sword technique supports by strenuous efforts. 这几个时辰以来,依靠蓝染的落叶阵,以及流羽犀利的剑法苦苦支撑。 Actually even if dies, still has nothing at the worst, at least this Dream Battlefield is a Liu Yu very joyful recollection, her hand grasps that thin sword, looks to control fallen leaf Lan Ran, facing the demon race martial artist attack mood is actually exceptionally tranquil. 其实即便是死,也没什么大不了的,至少这梦幻战场流羽一段十分快乐的回忆,她手握那一柄细剑,看着操控着落叶阵的蓝染,面对魔族武者的进攻心情却是异常平静。 Above this tree trunk, thumb big leaf, according to certain rule scatters a piece by piece. 在这树干之上,一片片拇指大的树叶,按照一定的规律散落其中。 The under edges of these leaves, just like the blade edge, do not pay attention slightly, these leaves can cut open body protecting astral essence with ease, cuts open fleshly body...... 这些树叶的边缘,宛若刀锋,稍不留意之下,这些树叶能轻松切开护体罡元,切开肉身…… Also because of the sharp leaf blade, blocked on this attacks of ten demon race martial artist! 也是因为犀利的叶片,挡住了这上十位魔族武者的进攻! All demon race martial artist are hot tempered incomparable. 所有的魔族武者都是暴躁无比。 Once they step into this fallen leaf, not only need face these exceptionally sharp leaf, but must face the sword light of that Monster Night Race young woman. 他们一旦踏入这落叶阵中,不仅要面对这些异常犀利的树叶,还要面对那妖夜族小娘们的剑光。 This time, certain strategic place in the past, I must rip open these Monster Night Race women, waters my blade with their blood,” stands in middle demon race martial artist, then roared, obviously this group of demon race martial artist had lost the patience. “这一次,一定要冲过去,我要将这些妖夜族的女人撕开,用她们的鲜血浇灌我的刀,”站在中间的一位魔族武者,便是如此咆哮道,显然这帮魔族武者已经失去了耐心。
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