AT :: Volume #13

#1228: Fall guys

The people have nothing to delay again, penetrates these two dead wood spirit central giant vortex in abundance. 众人再没有任何耽搁,纷纷穿入这两座枯木精中央的巨型漩涡 After passing through this vortex, was safe for the time being. 穿越这漩涡之后,算是暂且安全了。 That Bai Wei that long bow female receives from the Luo Zheng bosom, she is straight from extracts a green and lustrous long arrow from that female behind quivering. 白薇罗征怀中将那长弓女子一把接过来,她便是径自从那女子身后的箭袋之中抽出一把绿莹莹的长箭。 After turning around the arrow, Bai Wei grasps the arrow tail unexpectedly, straight from punctures toward the forehead of that long bow female! 掉转了箭头之后,白薇竟然手持箭尾,径自朝着那长弓女子的眉心刺过去! Sees this, Luo Zheng actually stares slightly, at once understands. 看到这一幕,罗征却是微微一愣,旋即明白过来。 That green and lustrous arrow, is not used to kill people, contains the strength of intense life, injects martial artist within the body, not only will not harm and life, instead can save others a life! 那绿莹莹的箭,并不是用来杀人的,其中蕴藏强烈的生命之力,射入武者体内,不仅不会伤及性命,反而能救人一命! Bai Wei treats and cures that long bow female here, as for several other Monster Night Race martial artist, cautious is sizing up Luo Zheng. 白薇在这边救治那长弓女子,至于其他几位妖夜族武者,都小心翼翼的打量着罗征 Can get rid of the winding of that two giant dead wood spirit with ease, the strength of this person strong? 能轻松摆脱那两座巨型枯木精的缠绕,此人的实力到底有多强? In their vision, naturally also contains a faint trace awe, thinks own previous spoken language, is some lingering fear. 他们的目光之中,自然也蕴藏着一丝丝敬畏,想到自己此前的言语,一个个也是有些后怕。 Did not say other, really annoyed this person, perhaps Monster Night Race person on the scene did not live. 不说别的,真的将此人惹毛了,在场的妖夜族人恐怕一个都活不了。 After that green and lustrous long arrow pricks the forehead of that long bow female, in the past ten breath time, the long bow female then spooky revolutions awoke. 当那绿莹莹的长箭刺入那长弓女子的眉心后,过去了十来个呼吸时间,长弓女子便是幽幽转醒。 The instance of waking, on the face actually reveals the color of doubts...... 醒过来的瞬间,脸上却流露出疑惑之色…… Previously she directly by fainting that these deadwoods brushed, before she fainted, knows, this must die without doubt. 此前她直接被那些枯枝抽打的晕厥过去,她晕过去之前也知道,这次自己必死无疑。 Wakes up again, should returns to lord city resurrecting. 再度醒来的时候,应该是返回主城复活了。 Has not thought that after she wakes, discovered oneself as if entered Gate of Dead Wood! Has a look at the surrounding environment, Bai Wei, as if oneself have an inconceivable dream again. 万万没想到,她醒过来后发现自己似乎进入了枯木之门!看看周围的环境,还有身边的白薇,仿佛自己再做一个不可思议的梦。 Notices this female expression, Bai Wei says: Was that human race martial artist saved you.” 注意到此女的表情,白薇开口说道:“是那人族武者救了你。” human race martial artist......” in long bow female heart one startled, the vision then fell on Luo Zheng, contains meaning of the gratitude. 人族武者……”长弓女子心中一惊,目光便是落在了罗征身上,包含着一丝感激之意。 Facing long bow female that grateful look, Luo Zheng nods slightly, he actually in sizing up the world after this Gate of Dead Wood...... 面对长弓女子那感激的眼神,罗征只是微微颔首,他却是在打量这枯木之门后的世界…… Nearby Luo Zheng's is an extremely grand sturdy giant tree, the preliminary estimate, this giant tree the diameter of tree trunk, several hundred li (0.5 km) widths, are not then able to summarize highly, because cannot look at the top! 罗征的跟前是一颗极为雄伟粗壮的巨木,初步估计,这一颗巨木的树干的直径,便有数百里之宽,高度更是无法概括,因为一眼望不到顶! That Bai Wei sees the Luo Zheng's vision, explained on own initiative: This wood was antiquity Great Winter Rose Divine Tree, was Ancient Witch Clan's Sacred Tree, this Great Winter Rose Divine Tree altogether had 13 branches, my Monster Night Race person was then stranded above the ninth branch......” 白薇看到罗征的目光,主动解释道:“此木乃是上古大椿神木,乃是上古巫族的圣树,此大椿神木共有十三枝桠,我妖夜族人便被困在了第九根枝桠之上……” Antiquity Great Winter Rose Divine Tree, Ancient Witch Clan? 上古大椿神木,上古巫族 Luo Zheng had entered in the cavern is situated the eighteen lohans statue, that should come from Myriad Buddha Sanctuary legacy. 罗征曾经入过的洞穴之中坐落着十八罗汉雕像,那应该是来自于万佛圣域传承 But at present this Great Winter Rose Divine Tree, is Ancient Witch Clan's legacy...... 而眼前这大椿神木,则是上古巫族的传承…… In other words, in this Dream Battlefield should gather in this entire world, place of the legacy through the ages? 也就是说,这梦幻战场之中应该是集合了这寰宇之中,古往今来的传承之地? The thing that however in the place of each legacy obtains seems to be various, Luo Zheng has not attained in that cavern inside Dream Illusion Points number, instead deducted three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers. 不过每一座传承之地中获得的东西似乎各不相同,罗征在那洞穴里面一个梦幻点数都未曾拿到,反而扣掉了三十万梦幻点数。 But at present this Great Winter Rose Divine Tree, has not deducted the Luo Zheng's Dream Illusion Points number, according to the word of this Bai Wei, instead can obtains massive Dream Illusion Points numbers! 而眼前这大椿神木,并未扣除罗征的梦幻点数,依这白薇之言,反而能在其中获得大量的梦幻点数! We also come up,” Luo Zheng does not hope oneself caught up, Liu Yu is actually returned to lord city...... “那我们也上去吧,”罗征不希望自己赶来一趟,流羽却被人送回了主城…… Bai Wei nods, then pushes to the front, flies to escape to go toward the sky. 白薇点点头,便是一马当先,朝着上空飞遁而去。 But Luo Zheng naturally follows, other Monster Night Race people also fly upwards to go...... 罗征自然紧随其后,其他妖夜族人也随之飞升而去…… The speed that Luo Zheng rises is not slow, but this flies to shoot upward, pleasant enough half double-hour, sees as before is this Great Winter Rose Divine Tree that bare tree trunk. 罗征上升的速度并不慢,但这一路往上飞射,足足半个时辰,入眼看到的依旧是这大椿神木那光秃秃的树干。 This Bai Wei said, the Great Winter Rose Divine Tree altogether 13 branches, this flew upward half double-hour, enough also several million zhang (3.33 m) altitudes, but until now, has not seen the first branch unexpectedly, that this Great Winter Rose Divine Tree gross altitude, this/should high? 白薇所说,大椿神木一共有十三根枝桠,这往上飞了半个时辰,足足也有数百万丈的高度了,但迄今为止,竟然未曾看到第一根枝桠,那这大椿神木的总高度,该是有多高? Is upward, the surrounding fog are also getting more and more, even the close tree trunk still hidden entered in this fog, making one not look clearly. 越是往上,周围的云雾也越来越多,即便是近在咫尺的树干也隐入了这云雾之中,让人看不真切。 The Bai Wei speed that in the front shows the way slows down slightly, then spoke the reminder saying that everyone, should have Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu carefully again upward, was sure to remember that avoided the Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu venom!” 在前方领路的白薇速度微微放缓,便出言提醒道,“大家小心一点,再往上应该会有椿木巫蛊,切记避开椿木巫蛊的毒液!” Hears the Bai Wei words, in people heart immediately one cold, in the heart also rises vigilantly secretly. 听到白薇的话,众人心中顿时一凛,心中也是警惕暗升。 In Bai Wei said shortly, above the bare tree trunk, then had bulge the tumors, but when the person slightly crosses in the presence of everyone, a surface of burl then blooms the innumerable say/way cracks! 白薇说完不久,原本光秃秃的树干之上,便出现一颗颗凸起的瘤子,而当众人略过之际,一颗树瘤的表面便绽放出无数道裂纹! bang! 啪! As the resounding transmits together, projected pitch-dark small horned insect from this burl. 随着一道脆响传来,从这树瘤之中就射出了一只黑漆漆的尖角小虫 small horned insect launches the wing, along with a buzzing sound, is actually directly soars the people! 尖角小虫展开翅膀,伴随着一阵蜂鸣声,却是直奔众人而来! Several Monster Night Race martial artist also think little at first, is because huge of this giant tree trunk, under the contrast gives them an unusual misconception, thinks that this small horned insect is not big. 几位妖夜族武者起初还不以为意,也是因为这巨型树干之庞大,对比之下给他们一种奇特的错觉,以为这尖角小虫个头并不大。 As this small horned insect is close rapidly, actually discovery this dark insect unexpectedly one zhang (3.33 m) long, regarding common martial artist are the colossi! 随着这尖角小虫急速接近,却发现这黑乎乎的虫子竟有一丈之长,对于寻常武者来说乃是庞然大物! This is Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu, everyone accelerates, gets rid of this thing!” Bai Wei is saying, the escaping light is more anxious, the speed also promoted several points...... “这就是椿木巫蛊,大家加速,摆脱这东西!”白薇说着,遁光更急,速度也提升了几分…… Even Bai Wei did not remind, still no one is willing to face this appearance fearsome insect, even if this Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu, be only the palm of the hand size, looked still appallingly, let alone this so huge! 就算白薇不提醒,也没人愿意面对这面目可怖的虫子,就算这椿木巫蛊只有巴掌大小,望上去也让人毛骨悚然,何况这个头如此巨大! Whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖……” Regarding this Great Winter Rose Divine Tree fast of several escaping light, is elevation fast. 围绕这大椿神木的数道遁光之速,便是飞快的向上提升。 „, pā pā......” “啪,啪啪……” Transmits along with sounds of the blasting open, tags along in the people Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu quantity is actually more and more. 伴随着一道道炸裂之声传来,尾随在众人脚下的椿木巫蛊数量却是越来越多。 What to do, we as if cannot throw off these Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu!” Monster Night Race martial artist said. “怎么办,我们似乎甩不掉这些椿木巫蛊!”一位妖夜族武者说道。 Who knows that the Bai Wei complexion is actually very tranquil, originally cannot throw off, this Gate of Dead Wood opens three times, Sir Lan Ran and Liu Yu they cannot throw off!” 谁知道白薇的脸色倒是十分平静,“本来就甩不掉,这枯木之门开启三次,蓝染大人流羽他们也未能甩掉!” How that...... do they increase to this Great Winter Rose Divine Tree upper extreme?” Luo Zheng asked. “那……他们如何攀升到这大椿神木的上端?”罗征问道。 Wanted some people to make the sacrifice, the crawling tree always had to select a fall guy each time,” the Bai Wei vision congealed slightly, then fell on the Monster Night Race man of that black clothes. “要有人做出牺牲,每次爬树总有要选出一位牺牲者,”白薇的目光微微一凝,便落在了那一身黑衣的妖夜族男子身上。 This Monster Night Race man is also full speed flies to escape, perhaps the speed is next to Luo Zheng and Bai Wei, discovered that Bai Wei looks at look immediately changes, what do you mean, Bai Wei you plan to let me......” 妖夜族男子也是全速飞遁,速度恐怕仅次于罗征白薇,发现白薇望过来神色顿时一变,“什么意思,白薇你打算让我……” Bai Wei nods, these Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu are very easy to be tempted, Xing Huo / star fire, you get down!” 白薇点点头,“这些椿木巫蛊很容易被引诱,星火,你下去!” I do not want!” This asked the Xing Huo / star fire Monster Night Race man to shake the head hastily, I came to here, but to help Sir Lan Ran! Why to let me......” “我才不要!”这叫星火妖夜族男子连忙摇头,“我来这里可是为了帮助蓝染大人的!凭什么让我……” Snort, you die are to the Sir Lan Ran biggest help!” Bai Wei said coldly. “哼,你去死就是对蓝染大人最大的帮助!”白薇冷声说道 How you do not make this fellow die!” Xing Huo / star fire actually points at Luo Zheng saying that he is a foreign race person!” “你怎么不让这个家伙去死!”星火却是指着罗征说道,“他还是一个外族人!” By Xing Huo / star fire such a finger/refers, the Luo Zheng's vision was dodged slightly, but he has not taken a stand. 星火这样一指,罗征的目光微微一闪,但他并未表态。 These Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu should be the insects of lethal poison, but Luo Zheng also not necessarily feared, after all the body of his divine item, hundred do not invade poisonously, thinks also no issue facing this Gu Poison. 这些椿木巫蛊应该是剧毒之虫,但罗征也未必怕了,毕竟他这神器之体,百毒不侵,面对这蛊毒想必也没什么问题。 Let Luo Zheng give to bring in these Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu, then moves out, he same can achieve. 罗征将这些椿木巫蛊给引来,然后全身而退,他一样能做到。 But was said by this fellow like this, Luo Zheng is not glad, since he is a foreign race person, then Life and Death of these Monster Night Race people do close his trifling thing? Let alone what Luo Zheng cares is only Liu Yu that's all, after all in the past above Sea God Continent, Liu Yu gave itself to help be quite big. 但被这家伙这样说,罗征就不乐意了,既然他是一个外族人,那么这些妖夜族人的生死关他屁事?何况罗征在乎的只是一个流羽而已,毕竟当年在海神大陆之上,流羽给予自己帮助还是相当大。 The Xing Huo / star fire words, making the Bai Wei complexion sink, was cold face said: You, if gets down to direct these Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu, I must report Sir Lan Ran, makes up the Dream Illusion Points number that you lose, moreover compensates your one time additionally, otherwise......” 星火的话,让白薇的脸色沉了下来,却是冷脸说道:“你若下去引走那些椿木巫蛊,我必禀告蓝染大人,补你损失的梦幻点数,而且还额外补偿你一倍,否则……” Although Monster Night Race the struggle in lord city are not many, if some people not necessarily orders, the consequence is also very miserable. 妖夜族主城中的斗争虽然不多,但一旦有人未必秩序,后果也是很惨的。 Hears this saying, on the face of Xing Huo / star fire reveals color of the intertwining, finally clenches teeth, then transferred the direction to dive to go toward under! 听到这话,星火的脸上流露出一丝纠结之色,最终咬咬牙,便是调转了方向朝着下方俯冲而去! „......” “咻咻咻咻……” While flies to shoot toward, this Xing Huo / star fire surroundings glitter together the orange light, in that ray, then flies to project innumerable say/way long spear with overpowering momentum. 在朝下方飞射的同时,这星火的周围闪烁出一道橙光,在那光芒之中,便飞射出无数道气势磅礴的长枪 Tags along after is then attracted by the attack of Xing Huo / star fire in people behind several hundred Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu, piles of press together, directly soars Xing Huo / star fire. 尾随在众人身后的数百只椿木巫蛊便被星火的攻击所吸引,一堆堆挤在一起,直奔星火而来。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死!” Was compelled to bring death, Xing Huo / star fire is naturally unwilling, angry under is also unscrupulous attack these Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu. 被逼着去送死,星火自然非常不甘心,恼怒之下也是肆无忌惮的攻击这些椿木巫蛊 But these orange long spear cold and pure, is actually not enough to break open the additional shell of Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu, after clear impact noises transmit, above the sharp corners/horns of these Winter Rose Tree Witch Gu top of the heads, then secretes black venom, oneself sprays to go toward Xing Huo / star fire. 但那些橙色长枪虽然凌冽,却还不足以破开椿木巫蛊的加壳,伴随着一道道清脆的撞击声传来后,那些椿木巫蛊头顶的尖角之上,便分泌出一道道黑色的毒液,朝着星火本人喷射而去。
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