AT :: Volume #13

#1227: Life-saving

These two giant dead woods reach to the sky, the middle then presented huge vortex. 这两座巨大的枯木高耸入云,中间便出现了一道巨大的漩涡 Spreads to that vortex, then enters Gate of Dead Wood, but everyone was careful that Gate of Dead Wood will launch the attack!” This moment Bai Wei pushes to the front to the forefront, simultaneously spoke the reminder to say. “传入那个漩涡,即可进入枯木之门,不过大家小心,那枯木之门会发起进攻!”此刻白薇一马当先冲在最前面,同时出言提醒道。 Her voice has not fallen, on that two giant dead wood, starts to sway suddenly! 她的话音还未落下,那两座巨大的枯木身上,忽然开始摇晃起来! cough cough cough cough coughs......” 咳咳咳咳咳……” These two giant dead woods then start to sway, but the deadwood of this dead wood also starts to sway fiercely. 这两座巨大的枯木便开始摇晃起来,而这枯木的枯枝也开始剧烈摇晃起来。 Looks from afar, this huge dry Wood Element moves seems like very slow, when Bai Wei the instance that leads the people to approach, these deadwoods then at the extremely quick speed, brush to come toward the people, the speed unexpectedly is extremely quick, moreover above this deadwood is also glittering the mysterious deep green ray, that is the strength of Law of Life! 远远望去,这巨大的枯木行动似乎是非常迟缓,然而当白薇带领众人靠近的瞬间,那些枯枝便以极快的速度,朝着众人抽打而来,速度竟是极快,而且这枯枝之上还闪烁着玄奥的深绿色光芒,那是生命法则之力! hū hū-” 呼呼-” That deadwood brushes, then along with the sound of sharp howling, is even the space is then shivering, contains can be imagined in strength. 那一根根枯枝抽打,便伴随着尖锐的呼啸之声,便是连空间都在颤抖,蕴藏在其中的力量可想而知。 Be careful!” “小心!” These eight martial artist compared with this huge dead wood spirit, just like eight small flies, are shuttling back and forth in that deadwood unceasingly! 这八位武者与这巨大的枯木精相比,宛若八只小小的苍蝇,在那一根根枯枝之中不断地穿梭着! -” “呼-” With the howling sound, a thick deadwood brushes toward the Luo Zheng front surface together. 伴随着一道呼啸声,一条粗大的枯枝朝着罗征迎面抽打而来。 Under facing brushing of this deadwood, the Luo Zheng figure sinks slightly, then round from under. 面对这枯枝的抽打,罗征身形只是微微一沉之下,便从下方将之绕过。 However he just avoided this deadwood, first convenient three deadwoods pull out from the high, middle, and low three directions...... 不过他刚刚避开这一条枯枝,前方便又有三道枯枝从上中下三个方向抽来…… The power and influence is no doubt huge, but Luo Zheng has not opened Eight Crooked Flying Smoke, but displays Cloud Chasing Body Maneuver Technique, overruns from the slits of these deadwoods at the extremely quick speed, facing this degree of attack, accomplishing a task with ease that Luo Zheng deals with. 威势固然巨大,但罗征也没有开启八曲飞烟,而是施展追云身法,以极快的速度从这些枯枝的缝隙中冲过去,面对这种程度的进攻,罗征应付的游刃有余。 However at this time, heard a stuffy hum/snort to transmit, was actually that Monster Night Race female who is shouldering the green long bow was selected by the deadwood together! 然而就在这时候,就听到一声闷哼声传来,却是那位背负着绿色长弓的妖夜族女子被一道枯枝抽中! bang! 啪! Under this brushes, is faints directly to the racket that Monster Night Race female, in in the air is tumbling carelessly. 这抽打之下,便是直接将那妖夜族女子给拍晕过去,在空中胡乱翻滚着。 Also without and other long bow females falls on the ground, not far away stretches out three deadwoods, that long bow female subvolume is one of them unexpectedly directly, then pulls toward the tree trunk of dead wood spirit. 还没有等那长弓女子落在地上,不远处又伸出三根枯枝,竟然直接将那长弓女子卷在其中,便朝着枯木精的树干扯过去。 Sees this Bai Wei, the complexion concentrates, is yells: Saves her!” 看到这一幕的白薇,脸色一凝,便是大叫道:“救她!” Nearby two Monster Night Race martial artist then at this moment, one on the left and other on the right, overrun toward that long bow female, wants to rescue from the deadwood that long bow female. 旁边的两位妖夜族武者便是在此刻,一左一右,朝着那长弓女子冲过去,想要将那长弓女子从枯枝之上救下来。 However they just rushed go, the front surface presents ten deadwoods to pull out, is forcibly drives back them! 然而他们刚刚冲上前去,迎面却出现上十道枯枝抽过来,便是硬生生的将他们逼退! Although other Monster Night Race martial artist also think take action, but is also beyond control...... 其他的妖夜族武者虽然也想出手,但也鞭长莫及…… On Monster Night Race face reveals the depressed color, they are came to rescue, without thinking has not entered Gate of Dead Wood, must fall from the sky a person. 诸位妖夜族人脸上都流露出郁闷之色,他们原本是前来救援,没想到还未进入枯木之门,就要陨落一人了。 Although Dream Battlefield will not really fall from the sky, but their are to come to rescue, naturally is the person the more better. 虽然梦幻战场不会真的陨落,可是他们这番是前来救援的,自然是人越多越好。 Yeah......” “哎……” At this time, Monster Night Race person then listened to the sound of arrived light sighing. 就在这时候,诸位妖夜族人便听到了一声轻叹之声。 They see a hominization for together the heavy line, then sprints to go toward the long bow female by extremely quick rapid rate! 紧接着他们就看到一人化为一道黑线,便是以极快的速度飞速朝着长弓女子冲刺而去! Luo Tianxing, useless! Comes back quickly!” Bai Wei advises to say. 罗天行,没用的!快回来!”白薇劝阻道。 This dead wood spirit deadwood length varies, more approaches this dead wood spirit, these deadwood quantities are more! 枯木精的枯枝长短不一,越是靠近这枯木精,那些枯枝数量就越多! Previously entered this Gate of Dead Wood, everyone maintained at two giant dead wood spirit middle position enters as far as possible, this can avoid dead wood spirit most deadwoods...... 此前进入这枯木之门,大家都尽量保持在两只巨型枯木精的中间位置进入,这样能避开枯木精绝大多数枯枝…… Do not look that this dead wood spirit is seemingly obsolete motley, but the dead wood becomes a ghost, has good Spiritual Wisdom, it whirls away one person actually not to kill intentionally, is tempts other martial artist to rescue, like this it then can exterminate many martial artist! 别看这枯木精看上去老旧斑驳,但枯木成精,却是有不错的灵智,它故意卷走一人却不杀死,便是引诱其他武者相救,这样它便能灭杀更多的武者 First time the time of entering Gate of Dead Wood, in Monster Night Race also the person was involved by this dead wood spirit, under because then rescues mutually, causes to be annihilated, all people kept here oneself half Dream Illusion Points number, then simultaneously was returned to lord city. 第一次进入枯木之门的时候,妖夜族中也有一人被这枯木精卷入其中,而后因为相互救援之下,导致全军覆没,所有的人都将自己的一半梦幻点数留在了这里,然后齐齐被送回了主城 When the long bow female by the cling, Bai Wei then opening the mouth was just made one rescue, but after had been involved in that dangerous range, Bai Wei actually must prevent Luo Zheng to save others. 所以在长弓女子被刚刚卷住的时候,白薇便开口让人施救,但已经被卷入了那个危险范围后,白薇却是要阻止罗征救人。 But Luo Zheng actually turns a deaf ear, straight from rushes over! 罗征却是充耳不闻,径自冲了过去! hū hū hū shouted......” 呼呼呼呼……” When Luo Zheng close to the instance of that long bow female, the Luo Zheng's ear hears the innumerable say/way howling sounds, has the 50-60 strip deadwood to curl toward Luo Zheng. 罗征靠近那长弓女子的瞬间,罗征的耳边传来无数道呼啸之声,却是有五六十条枯枝朝着罗征卷来。 Ka ka ka......” “咔咔咔……” All deadwoods in this flash, then entangled in Luo Zheng with that long bow female on, solid, as if one group of two people wrapped giant cocoons that became by the deadwood winding! 所有的枯枝在这一瞬间,便缠在了罗征与那长弓女子身上,将两人包裹的严严实实,仿佛一团由枯枝缠绕而成的巨型茧子! Under the contraction of deadwood, this giant wooden cocoon, then retracts toward dead wood spirit main trunk slowly. 在枯枝的收缩之下,这个巨大的木茧,便朝着枯木精主杆慢慢缩回。 This human race martial artist, is an idiot, making him do not save others, but also silly rushing!” Monster Night Race person unemotional saying. “这个人族武者,就是一个白痴,让他不要救人了,还傻乎乎的冲上去!”一位妖夜族人面无表情的说道。 Person to is good, indeed was stupid......” “人到是不错,的确是蠢了点……” The big use, cannot only be the burden in any case, left also well, it is estimated that he does not have many Dream Illusion Points numbers, exploded is not a pity.” “横竖没多大用处,只能算是累赘,离开了也好,估计他也没多少梦幻点数,爆掉了也不可惜。” Bai Wei vision complex looks at that giant wooden cocoon, in the heart has a premonition faintly, thought that this person will not therefore fall from the sky! 白薇目光复杂的望着那巨大的木茧,心中却隐隐有一种预感,觉得此人并不会因此陨落! Her premonition is quite effective that sees Luo Zheng's first, she then felt that this person is extraordinary, although could not estimate that Luo Zheng true strength, she thought that this person at least is expert of Liu Yu that rank, naturally, he affirms and not on Lan Ran...... 她的预感属于比较灵验的那种,看到罗征的第一眼,她便感觉此人不平凡,虽然估测不出罗征真正的实力,她觉得此人至少是流羽那一级别的强者,当然,他肯定及不上蓝染…… Won't this, be really returned to lord city? 不会真的就这样,被送回主城吧? However Bai Wei this thought just remembered, near the ear broadcasts a sound in broken bits. 然而白薇这个念头刚刚想起,耳边就传来一阵细碎的声音。 Ka......” “咔……” This sound is conveys from that giant wooden cocoon. 这声音乃是从那个巨大的木茧之中传来。 Ka ka ka......” “咔咔咔……” The sound is bigger and bigger, actually does not know that in that wooden cocoon exactly what happened. 紧接着声音便是越来越大,却不知那木茧之中到底发生了什么事情。 Bang!” “轰!” Hears the loud sound to transmit together! 就听到一道巨响传来! That wooden cocoon that is formed by dead tree, explodes in this flash, immediately Bai Wei then saw here Luo Tianxing grasps the long bow female, directly soars! 那个由枯树枝形成的木茧,在这一瞬间爆裂开来,随即白薇便看到罗天行将长弓女子一把抱住,直奔这边而来! Saw that this Bai Wei stared in a big way the eye, brushed to come including nearby deadwood, she almost forgot fended...... 看到这一幕的白薇瞪大了眼睛,连旁边一根枯枝抽打而来,她都差点忘记了闪避…… This fellow...... 这家伙…… Do not despise these deadwoods, although the contour is only the ordinary dead wood branch, but the strength of that rich Law of Life gave these deadwoods the toughness that is inconceivable. 别小看这些枯枝,外形上来虽然只是普通的枯木树枝,但那浓郁的生命法则之力赋予了这些枯枝难以想象的韧性。 The sword cannot break, the water and fire cannot injure, even if with general divine item, wants a deadwood will cut open, is not an easy matter. 刀剑不能断,水火不能伤,即便是用一般的神器,想要将其中一根枯枝切开,也不是一件容易的事情。 Just now Luo Tianxing after the long bow female these deadwoods wrap, overlapping, will want complete breaking open, the matter that almost will not watch, Lan Ran here, was entangled solid, same will be impossible to work loose! 方才罗天行和长弓女子被那些枯枝包裹之后,层层叠叠,想要将之完全破开,几乎是不看的事情,蓝染在这里,被缠严实了,一样不可能挣脱! But this Luo Zheng used 2-3 the time of breath, struggles free all deadwoods directly, forms in the wooden cocoon that to make from that deadwood, does this make Bai Wei not surprised? 可是这罗征不过用了2-3个呼吸的时间,直接将所有枯枝挣断,从那枯枝形成的木茧中挣出来,这让白薇如何不惊讶? Other Monster Night Race martial artist can it be that so...... 其他的妖夜族武者莫不是如此…… The previous breath, they are still speaking the ridicule, then has so inconceivable matter on Luo Zheng, suddenly their complexion also extremely non- natures. 只是前一个呼吸,他们还在出言讥讽,接下来就在罗征身上发生如此不可思议的事情,一时间他们的脸色也极不自然。 hū hū hū-” 呼呼呼-” The sharp howling sound surrounds near the Luo Zheng ear. 尖锐的呼啸声环绕在罗征耳边。 He embraces this long bow female, the complexion actually as before tranquilly, facing the deadwood that brushing to come, Luo Zheng does not dodge does not need, as long as there is a deadwood to approach, he is a boxing leaves! 他怀抱这长弓女子,脸色却依旧平静,面对抽打而来的枯枝,罗征不闪不必,但凡有枯枝靠近,他便是一拳击出! bang! 啪! As clear sounds transmit, these deadwoods then by the smashing that Luo Zheng strikes. 随着一道道清脆的响声传来,那些枯枝便被罗征击的粉碎。 By the Luo Zheng's strength, he can definitely bare-handed big two giant dead wood spirit to opening of forcibly...... 罗征的实力,他完全可以徒手将偌大两座巨型枯木精硬生生的拆了…… These two giant dead wood spirit, on composition this huge Gate of Dead Wood, he actually feared after oneself tear down, that Gate of Dead Wood vanishes, therefore suppresses in the heart this plan. 只是这两座巨型枯木精,原本就组成这巨大的枯木之门,他却怕自己拆掉后,那枯木之门消失,所以才抑制住心中这个打算。 As for these deadwoods, how does Luo Zheng place in the eye? 至于这些枯枝,罗征又如何放在眼中? Continues to overrun! We walk!” When heart of Bai Wei big quake, understands that she elects right the person, the strength of this person imagined wanting to be fiercer than her! “继续冲过去!我们走!”白薇的心中大震之余,也明白她算是选对了人,此人的实力比她想象中的要厉害许多! Evidently Lan Ran and Liu Yu difficult position is solvable! 看样子蓝染流羽的困境可解! But this Luo Tianxing after all is the foreign race person, can he lead human race wresting away Gate of Dead Wood? 可是这罗天行毕竟是外族人,他会不会带领人族枯木之门给霸占? In this time Bai Wei heart, is the mixed blessing...... 这时候的白薇心中,也是有喜有忧…… Gate of Dead Wood indeed collects the Dream Illusion Points number together Holy Land, Lan Ran and Liu Yu two people relies on this Gate of Dead Wood, has advanced into this first 3000, everybody will attach great importance to. 枯木之门的确是一块收集梦幻点数的圣地,蓝染流羽两人就凭借这枯木之门,都已跻身这一届的前三千名,无论是谁都会十分重视。 But she brings arrived here Luo Zheng, does not have to choose, can only let matters drift. 但她已经将罗征到了这里,已经没得选择,只能听之任之了。 However this person is willing to save her Monster Night Race person, the moral character is actually good, now also can only wanting to pin on him. 不过此人肯救她妖夜族人,品性却是不错,如今也只能将希望寄托在他身上了。 ( Thanked River Cam, the purple electricity, face/color Zhiwan, outstanding cold, the white wedding only wants with you, Qi Qie, to shake down the stars, mountain mountain, skin Yancong, the shadow, outstanding white/shell, the dawn, Xing send/hair, meow native of Singapore, Xiaofeng's steamed rice dumpling! ^ _ ^) (感谢康河,紫电,颜枝琬,卓寒,白色婚礼只想与你,戚切,摇落星辰,山山,皮妍聪,影,卓贝,晨曦,邢发,喵星人,小峰的粽子!^_^) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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