AT :: Volume #13

#1226: Gate of Dead Wood

Luo Zheng in flying upwards, Liu Yu should not fly upwards. 罗征在飞升的时候,流羽应该是未曾飞升。 However that time Ascension Channel has repaired, side Great Thousand World flies upwards should again the free from obstacle, therefore that Great Thousand World also welcomed wave of flying upwards tide. 不过那时候的飞升通道已经修复,一方大千世界飞升应该再无阻碍,所以那大千世界也迎来了一波飞升潮。 Is detained this humble one Divine Sea Realm martial artist, chose flew upwards...... 许多滞留在下界的神海境武者,纷纷选择了飞升…… Afterward Luo Zheng through the memory inquiry of Great Thousand World, had not inquired the Liu Yu trace in Sea God Continent, she should choose flying upwards. 后来罗征通过大千世界的记忆查询之下,在海神大陆中没有查询到流羽的踪影,她应该还是选择了飞升。 After all the Liu Yu talent is also good, although she stood in the Tablet of Talent second row of position, but in Celestial Clan gathered many races talents, relative good that the Liu Yu talent in upper realm, can still develop even. 毕竟流羽的天赋也是不错,虽然她只是站在了天赋之碑第二排的位置,但天位一族中汇聚了诸多种族的天才,流羽的天赋即便是在上界,也能发展的相当不错。 But upper realm such big, hundred thousand Great Realm is vast, Luo Zheng is unable to check her trail. 上界如此之大,十万大界浩瀚无边,罗征也无法查到她的踪迹。 Now hears Liu Yu this name suddenly, the Luo Zheng's vision then flashes past suddenly! 现在骤然听到流羽这个名字,罗征的目光便是骤然一闪而过! This Liu Yu, whether with her is the same person?” “此流羽,是否与她是同一人?” Divine Sea Realm martial artist quantity such, unavoidably will have person of the same surname of the same name...... 神海境武者数量如此之多,其中难免也会有同名同姓之人…… But this Gate of Dead Wood direction, tallies with the route that Luo Zheng goes north similarly, let alone, in this Gate of Dead Wood can obtain five hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers unexpectedly! 但这枯木之门的方向,同样也与罗征北上的路线相符,何况,这枯木之门中竟然能获得五十万梦幻点数! Even if had Luo Zheng of several million Dream Illusion Points numbers is still excited. 即便是拥有数百万梦幻点数的罗征也心动了。 However because rewards very high, the difficulty thinks that is also quite high, let alone must face another team, martial artist that can be competent should not be many. 不过因为奖励很高,难度想必也相当高,何况还要面对另外一支队伍,能够胜任的武者应该并不多。 Leads me to go, I am willing to go to help Lan Ran and Liu Yu!” martial artist goes forward saying that the manner is sincere. “带我去吧,我愿意前去帮助蓝染流羽!”一位武者上前说道,神态诚恳。 Comes to gather martial artist that Monster Night Race female, swept that martial artist one actually to shake the head, you...... the strength was insufficient, goes also to waste the Dream Illusion Points number of your laborious accumulation!” 前来招揽武者的那妖夜族女子,扫了那武者一眼却是摇摇头,“你……实力不够,去了也只是浪费你辛苦积累的梦幻点数!” I......” that martial artist complexion one red. “我……”那武者的脸色一红。 That Monster Night Race female actually and did not care about the awkwardness of that martial artist, the vision swept lightly, then asked: Also who thinks that own strength is good, can follow me to go together!” 妖夜族女子却并不在意那武者的尴尬,目光淡淡的扫了一圈,便是问道:“还有谁认为自己的实力不错,可以跟随我一同前去!” I!” “我!” Actually Monster Night Race masculine martial artist from the city wall jumps down. 从城墙之上却有一位妖夜族的男性武者一跃而下。 This martial artist wears a jet black soft hedgehog, on the face appears the self-confident color, after leaving the city wall, then flies to shoot toward here. 武者身穿一身漆黑的软猬,脸上浮现出自信之色,离开城墙之后便朝着这边飞射而来。 That Monster Night Race female sized up one, then nods, you, Ok!” 妖夜族女子打量了一眼,便点点头,“你,可以!” I,” in crowd, a Monster Night Race long hair female walked, her red hair appears fresh, the body also carries a dark green big bow, the strength of vigorous Law of Life above the bowstring sends out, is very eye-catching. “还有我,”人群之中,一位妖夜族的长发女子走了出来,她一头红发显得朝气十足,身上还背着一把墨绿色的大弓,弓弦之上散发的蓬勃的生命法则之力,十分夺目。 Before long, then the martial artist choices of three Monster Night Race join. 不一会儿,便有三位妖夜族武者选择加入。 In nearby observed for a long time Luo Zheng, walks slowly toward that side, immediately the clear and resonant voice said: „Can I participate?” 在一旁观察了好久的罗征,也朝着那边缓缓走过去,随即朗声说道:“我可以参加吗?” The Luo Zheng's words say, numerous Monster Night Race martial artist then look to Luo Zheng. 罗征的话一说出口,众多妖夜族武者便纷纷望向罗征 That Monster Night Race female sized up Luo Zheng up and down, on the face actually revealed a prudent color...... 妖夜族女子上下打量了罗征,脸上却流露出一丝慎重之色…… Although Luo Zheng has not released own aura, but not desirably reserved, under this sizes up, she actually detected that faintly at present this human race martial artist is not simple. 虽然罗征并未释放自己的气息,但也没有刻意内敛,这番打量之下,她却隐隐察觉出眼前这人族武者不简单。 At least under her observation, cannot see the Luo Zheng strength the depth, can achieve this point martial artist is not simple. 至少她的观察之下,根本看不出罗征实力的深浅,能做到这一点的武者都不简单。 human race martial artist, cracking a joke, Gate of Dead Wood is secret location that my Monster Night Race occupies, cannot his clan enter!” 人族武者,开什么玩笑,枯木之门乃是我妖夜族占据的密地,不可他族进入!” I also opposed, does not need his clan martial artist, let alone these goes time, we must resist that to help demon race......” “我也反对,不需要他族武者,何况这一次前去,我们还要对抗那帮魔族……” Several Monster Night Race people gave the comment of opposition at the same time. 几位妖夜族人在同一时间提出了反对的意见。 In this endless wilderness, covered entirely innumerable secret location, like that cavern that Luo Zheng previously entered, after having rushed to the inner courtyard of eighteen lohans, then can obtain Teleportation Command this type of aspect item. 这无尽的旷野之中,也布满了无数密地,就像罗征此前进入的那座洞穴,闯过十八罗汉的内院之后,便能获得挪移令这种方面至极的道具。 But this Gate of Dead Wood is also so, although enters difficulty to be enormous, but can actually obtains the quantity many Dream Illusion Points numbers! 而这枯木之门也是如此,虽然进入其中的难度极大,但却能在其中获得数量不少的梦幻点数! Let alone these secret location can enter repeatedly, so long as own strength is enough, can enter Gate of Dead Wood unceasingly, brushes repeatedly takes the Dream Illusion Points number...... 何况这些密地是能够反复进入的,只要自己的实力足够,可以不断地进入枯木之门,反复刷取梦幻点数…… Actually Luo Zheng that Teleportation Command, can brush similarly repeatedly takes. 其实罗征那枚挪移令,同样能够反复刷取。 This function character had one to be OK, after all entered that cavern also to need to consume three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers. 只是这种功能性道具有一枚就可以了,毕竟进入那洞穴也需要耗费三十万梦幻点数。 This was Gate of Dead Wood in Monster Night Race by this lord city then dominated firmly, has that to be willing easily to give other races submissively? 枯木之门便是被这座主城中的妖夜族牢牢把持,有那肯轻易拱手让给其他种族? But this time, actually by the demon race person staring, them has to return to the city requests reinforcements! 可这一次,却被魔族人给盯上了,他们不得不回城进行求援! Saw that these Monster Night Race people opposed, Luo Zheng's look is silent, in the heart has decided. 看到这几位妖夜族人反对,罗征的神色默然,心中已经是打定了主意。 No matter that person is Liu Yu, Luo Zheng will go to this Gate of Dead Wood to find out. 不管那人是不是流羽,罗征都会前往这枯木之门一看究竟。 Did not agree as for this group of Monster Night Race martial artist, Luo Zheng then followed, he actually does not believe that this group of martial artist can give to throw off. 至于这帮妖夜族武者不同意,罗征便一路跟随好了,他却不相信这帮武者能将自己给甩掉。 In his heart is thinking, is that Monster Night Race female of head said: human race martial artist, can go to Gate of Dead Wood with us together!” 他心中正这么想着,为首的那位妖夜族女子却说道:“人族武者,可以与我们一同前往枯木之门!” Other Monster Night Race martial artist hear this saying, then opposed again and again! 其他妖夜族武者听到这话,便是连连反对! Hadn't previously agreed? This Gate of Dead Wood, is our Monster Night Race monopolizes, in fact it was also our Monster Night Race first discovers!” “此前不是约定过吗?这枯木之门,乃我们妖夜族独占,实际上它也是我们妖夜族最先发现了!” Why to allow a foreign race person to enter?” “凭什么让一个外族人进入其中?” You, if brings this human race martial artist to go, Lan Ran definitely will blame in you!” “你若带这人族武者前往,蓝染必然会怪罪于你!” Hears many oppositions, is that Monster Night Race female of head actually shakes the head, she is returns to come from Gate of Dead Wood, naturally knows stern of situation. 听到众多反对之声,为首的那妖夜族女子却是摇了摇头,她乃是从枯木之门中返回而来,自然知道形势之严峻。 If present human race martial artist can go together, is a big boost. 眼前的这位人族武者若能一同前往,也是一大助力。 If Lan Ran blames, I undertake,” this Monster Night Race female complexion moves toward Luo Zheng firmly, then said: I called Bai Wei! Welcome you to join!” “若蓝染怪罪,我来承担,”这妖夜族女子脸色坚定走向罗征,便是说道:“我叫白薇!欢迎你加入!” Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, nods toward Bai Wei gently, Luo Tianxing.” 罗征微微一笑,朝白薇轻轻点头,“罗天行。” Saw that is unable to prevent Luo Zheng from joining, on that several Monster Night Race martial artist faces reveals the color of strong disaffection. 看到无法阻止罗征加入,那几位妖夜族武者脸上流露出强烈的不满之色。 Makes bewildered human race martial artist join, does not know that Bai Wei you are thinking anything!” “让一个莫名其妙的人族武者加入,不知道白薇你在想什么!” This boy mostly is various burdens, why bother to bring a burden to go to Gate of Dead Wood?” “这小子多半是各累赘,何苦带着一个累赘前往枯木之门?” Hears these words, Bai Wei said toward that Monster Night Race martial artist coldly: If this boy is the burden, why bother you do fear him to enter Gate of Dead Wood?” 听到这句话,白薇却朝着那妖夜族武者冷冷说道:“倘若这小子是累赘,你又何苦惧他进入枯木之门?” Since is the burden, the strength is definitely bad, even if allows him to enter, still will be very easy exterminate...... 既然是累赘,实力肯定不济,即便是让他进入,也很容易将之灭杀…… By a Bai Wei such interrogation, that Monster Night Race martial artist was been dumbfounded immediately, no longer said a word. 白薇这么一质问,那妖夜族武者顿时哑口无言,不再言语。 As for Luo Zheng, on the face has hung the light happy expression to stand erect in one side, has not made the sound. 至于罗征,脸上一直挂着淡淡笑意矗立在一侧,并未作声。 the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, Bai Wei then gathered seven martial artist beside lord city, only has Luo Zheng one person is human race, other six people all are Monster Night Race, moreover these six people are the Monster Night Race outstanding people, strength respective uncommon. 一炷香的时间,白薇便在主城之外招揽了七位武者,其中只有罗征一人是人族,其他六人皆为妖夜族,而且这六人都是妖夜族的佼佼者,实力各自不凡。 Afterward this line of eight people, then go forward toward the north under the leadership of Bai Wei. 随后这一行八人,便在白薇的带领之下朝着北方前进。 On straight, that six Monster Night Race martial artist vision, passed over gently and swiftly the Luo Zheng's time, on the face more or less has one to disdain and be vigilant. 一路直上,那六位妖夜族武者的目光,掠过罗征的时候,脸上或多或少都有一丝不屑和警惕。 Although the relations of Monster Night Race and human race have been good, but is different race, this vigilance also exists inevitably. 尽管妖夜族人族的关系一直不错,但到底是异族,这种警惕也是必然存在。 This is the Monster Night Race tolerance is also good, if traded demon race and human race, perhaps has hit with Luo Zheng, where has the possibility to bring Luo Zheng to go together? 这也是妖夜族的包容性不错,若换了魔族人族,恐怕早就跟罗征打起来了,哪里有可能带着罗征一同前去? Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” One line of eight people, in in the air fly to escape rapidly! 一行八人,在空中急速飞遁! Divine Sea Realm martial artist escapes fast is extremely quick, the distances of 24,000 thousand li (500 km) regarding the common person are extremely remote, but regarding Divine Sea Realm martial artist, is only a little far distance that's all, the must know Luo Zheng in One Thought Sealed Pagoda, went out of the quick 40,000 li (0.5 km) distance initially...... 神海境武者的遁速已是极快,两万四千里的路程对于寻常人来说已是极为遥远,但对于神海境武者来说,也只是一段有点远的路程罢了,须知当初罗征一念封印塔中,就走出了快四万里的路程…… After 1/4 double-hour,...... 四分之一个时辰之后…… Above below wilderness then presents dead woods. 下方的旷野之上便出现一根根枯木。 These dead woods already completely on the wane, such alone inserting on the ground, as if stump that does not have the life. 这些枯木已完全凋零,就这样孤零零的插在地上,仿佛一根根没有生命的树桩。 These dead woods...... as if contain the vitality,” Luo Zheng stares at these dead woods to say. “这些枯木……似乎蕴藏生机,”罗征盯着那些枯木说道。 Bai Wei has soared one side of Luo Zheng's, hears his words actually to show a faint smile, is, these dead woods have become a ghost, if intrudes in this dead wood forest, they will rise straight from the ground, attacks.” 白薇一直飞翔在罗征的一侧,听到他的话却是微微一笑,“是,这些枯木都已成精,若是闯入这枯木森林中,它们会拔地而起,进行攻击。” Right?” The Luo Zheng's vision flashes slightly. “是吗?”罗征的目光微微一闪。 But, these dead wood spirit quantities, although are many, the Dream Illusion Points number that but rewards are too few, kills dead wood spirit to only have two Dream Illusion Points numbers merely,” Bai Wei added. “不过,这些枯木精的数量虽然多,但奖励的梦幻点数太少,杀死一只枯木精仅仅只有两个梦幻点数,”白薇补充道。 so that's how it is......” Luo Zheng is just now still thinking, below dead wood such, everywhere is the Dream Illusion Points number, has not actually thought that the rewards of these dead wood spirit are too few, two Dream Illusion Points numbers...... even exterminate over ten thousand dead wood spirit, 20,000 Dream Illusion Points numbers, indeed somewhat are still unworthy. 原来如此……”罗征方才还在想,下方的枯木如此之多,岂不是遍地都是梦幻点数,却没想到这些枯木精的奖励太少,两个梦幻点数……即便是灭杀上万只枯木精,也不过两万点梦幻点数,的确有些不值。 At this time, the front of people presented two giant dead woods, these two dead woods extend the tree trunk kinking in the same place, then formed a giant tree gate, this is Gate of Dead Wood. 就在这时候,众人的前方却出现了两棵巨大的枯木,这两棵枯木延伸出树干绞缠在一起,便形成了一道巨大的树门,这便是枯木之门
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