AT :: Volume #13

#1225: Liu Yu whereabouts

Both lord city situations that Luo Zheng passes through respective different. 罗征所走过的两座主城情况都各自不同。 In fact also has the relations with the characters and customs of major races...... 实际上也跟各大种族的性格与习惯有关系…… demon race person natural disposition combative, since had entered Dream Battlefield, releases completely the beastly nature of their within the body, fierce that slaughters. 魔族人生性好斗,既然已经进入了梦幻战场,也将他们体内的兽性完全释放出来,彼此之间厮杀的厉害。 But human race is in centralization condition, like Ji Luoxue that lord city, although among martial artist is maintaining battle of small range, but most Dream Illusion Points numbers, were plundered by the Ji Luoxue eight masters, but Dream Illusion Points that under her eight masters obtains approaches Ji Luoxue to concentrate. 人族则处于“集权”的状态,就像姬落雪的那座主城,虽然武者之间保持着小范围的厮杀,但绝大多数梦幻点数,则被姬落雪的八名手下所掠夺,而她的八名手下获得的梦幻点则向姬落雪集中。 She is worthy of the reputation City Lord, everyone can challenge mutually, but everyone must to her paying taxes. 她是名副其实的城主,大家可以相互挑战,但所有人都必须向她“缴税”。 human race lord city has certain order, but this order maintains under the Ji Luoxue high pressure, if not for because of Ji Luoxue, the human race city will also enter the disorderly similarly the battle condition. 人族主城存在一定的秩序,但这种秩序是在姬落雪的高压之下保持的,若不是因为姬落雪,人族的城池同样也会进入无序的厮杀状态。 However present by Monster Night Race lord city, then is completely at the condition of order! 然而眼前的这座由妖夜族主城,则完全处于秩序的状态! Monster Night Race is one defended foreword absolutely the race, among the clansmen rarely has the dispute, encounters many things often to show no external differences. 妖夜族原本是一个绝对守序的种族,族人之间很少有纷争,遭遇许多事情往往都是一致对外。 In this lord city the Monster Night Race martial artist quantity are not many, near half Monster Night Race martial artist left lord city, goes to beside lord city in that endless wilderness to explore, strikes to kill the ominous thing in wilderness, obtains the Dream Illusion Points number. 主城妖夜族武者数量并不多,将近一半妖夜族武者都离开了主城,前往主城之外那无尽的旷野之中探索,击杀旷野中的凶物,获得梦幻点数。 Naturally, Monster Night Race will also initiate the challenge, but after the opposite party agreed invites some place outside the city fights, and others will not be involved absolutely, will not conduct attacks suddenly...... 当然,妖夜族相互之间也会发起挑战,但都是经过对方首肯之后邀约在城外某个地方进行战斗,且旁人绝对不会参与其中,也不会进行突然袭击…… Sees this appearance systematic, Luo Zheng was actually not good to be direct to capture the Dream Illusion Points number. 看到这井然有序的样子,罗征倒是不好直接上去斩获梦幻点数了。 Although the city wanders abroad massive Monster Night Race martial artist, does not have too many vigilance to Luo Zheng, but in an environment that observes the order, person cannot help but observes the order. 虽然城外游走着大量的妖夜族武者,对罗征也没有太多的戒心,只是在一个遵守秩序的环境中,人会不由自主的去遵守秩序。 Inside and outside this city gate also some demon race martial artist and human race martial artist pass in and out, but they are also obeying the rule, has not plundered the Dream Illusion Points numbers of others carelessly. 这城门内外还有极少数魔族武者人族武者进进出出,但他们同样也遵守着规则,没有胡乱去掠夺其他人的梦幻点数。 Oneself were comes to mistakenly the place evidently......” “看样子自己是来错了地方了……” On the Luo Zheng face reveals the depressed color, the Teleportation Command biggest use is to then let him transfers in major lord city. 罗征脸上流露出郁闷之色,挪移令最大的用处便是让他在各大主城中进行挪移。 Under this situation, Luo Zheng only needs to switch over lord city unceasingly, harvests expert in these lord city, can obtain the quantity not poor Dream Illusion Points number. 这种情况之下,罗征只需要不断切换主城,收割那些主城中的强者,就能获得数量不菲的梦幻点数。 But this Monster Night Race martial artist in lord city, majority strike to kill the ominous beast to the wilderness, the Dream Illusion Points number that itself accumulates are not many, or the Dream Illusion Points number disperses on many martial artist massively, has not concentrated...... 但这妖夜族主城中的武者,大多数都是去往旷野击杀凶兽,本身积累的梦幻点数就不多,或者说梦幻点数大量分散在诸多武者身上,并没有集中起来…… Luo Zheng looked for a corner, pulled out that Teleportation Command again, this moment this white jade general Teleportation Command is also covering the first layer black aura. 罗征找了一个角落,再度将那枚挪移令掏了出来,此刻这白玉一般的挪移令还笼罩着一层黑色的气息。 This Teleportation Command may not the long-term usage, after using time one, needs some time, after waiting for that black aura to disperse, can use again, now wants to walk could not get away,” Luo Zheng shakes the head. “这挪移令不可连续使用,在使用一次之后,需要一段时间,等候那黑色的气息散掉后才能再度使用,现在就是想走也走不了了,”罗征摇摇头。 However he remembers that this lord city north side and north-west side also two cities, that two lord city are not remote from here, consumes time to be able to overtake. 不过他记得这座主城的北边和西北边还有两座城池,那两座主城距离这里都并不遥远,耗费一点时间自己应该可以赶过去。 Thinks of here, Luo Zheng has not stopped here, then left the city gate to directly soar the north to go...... 想到这里,罗征也没有在此处多做停留,便离开了城门直奔北方而去…… He hopes actually northern that lord city is demon race or other races cities, only then fights a more intense place, the Dream Illusion Points number is more centralized! 他倒是希望北方的那座主城乃是魔族或其他种族的城池,也只有战斗越激烈的地方,梦幻点数才越集中! But just went out of town in Luo Zheng, actually discovered that the lord city side is gathering many martial artist! 但就在罗征刚刚出城,却发现主城的侧面聚集着不少武者 Overwhelming majorities are Monster Night Race martial artist, in addition, 2-3 human race martial artist mixed in, they stand here look at the distant place as if to wait for anything. 绝大多数都是妖夜族武者,除此之外,还有2-3位人族武者混杂其中,他们站在此处望着远方似乎在等待着什么。 This matter and Luo Zheng are little significance, these martial artist strengths are ordinary at present, even if strikes to kill them completely, perhaps still on the accumulation 20,000-30,000 Dream Illusion Points numbers, perhaps if oneself take action will also bring in besieging of people. 这事情与罗征没多大关系,眼前这些武者的实力一般,即便是将他们全部击杀,恐怕也就积累20,000-30,000梦幻点数,若自己出手恐怕还会引来众人的围攻。 After thinking, Luo Zheng is about to leave this place. 想了想后,罗征还是准备离开此地。 But when Luo Zheng just prepared to leave, actually saw that not far away has three escaping light to fly to shoot, but , is actually three Monster Night Race martial artist. 但就在罗征刚刚准备动身的时候,却看到不远处有三道遁光飞射而至,却是三位妖夜族武者 Since the north gate sends out, eight thousand li (500 km) have a forest, in the forest is growing a large number of scaling spiders, strikes to kill a scaling spider to obtain 80 Dream Illusion Points numbers, suggested 20 martial artist troops, but line......” “从北门发出,八千里处有一片森林,森林中生长着数量众多的铁鳞蜘蛛,击杀一只铁鳞蜘蛛能获得八十个梦幻点数,建议二十位武者结队而行……” After that Monster Night Race said that gathers martial artist, then responded, then must form a team to go to that forest to strike to kill the scaling spider. 妖夜族说完之后,聚集在一起的武者们,便纷纷响应,便是要组成一支队伍前往那森林中击杀铁鳞蜘蛛。 This...... Dream Battlefield?” “这……还是梦幻战场吗?” Sees this harmonious one, Luo Zheng suddenly discovered one understanding of Dream Battlefield also somewhat seem narrow. 看到这和谐的一幕,罗征忽然发现自己对梦幻战场的理解似乎也有些狭隘。 If this Dream Battlefield purely is fight between martial artist and martial artist, can arrange the innumerable arenas greatly, lets trillion number martial artist in the ratio fights then. 倘若这梦幻战场纯粹是武者武者之间的战斗,大可以布置出无数的擂台,让兆数武者在其中比斗即可。 This Dream Battlefield is divided into 50 Great Realm, besides major lord city, the vast space can explore. 梦幻战场划分为五十个大界,除了各大主城之外,还有浩瀚的空间可以供人探索。 Previously didn't Luo Zheng beside that demon race city, earn many Dream Illusion Points numbers on dependence Heavenspan Mouse? 此前罗征在那魔族城池之外,不就依靠通天鼠赚取了不少梦幻点数? According to the truth, in this vast world, should have the place of innumerable behind the scene secrets to explore for martial artist...... 按道理,在这浩瀚的世界中,应该也有数不清的秘辛之地供武者们去探索…… Gains the method of Dream Illusion Points number to be many and varied, obviously what Monster Night Race martial artist adopt is another means that uses the method of division of labor and cooperation, continuously explores in this space, same can the accumulated quantity many Dream Illusion Points numbers. 获取梦幻点数的方法多种多样,妖夜族武者们显然采取的是另外一个办法,利用分工合作的方法,在这空间中不断探索,一样能累计数量不少的梦幻点数。 What Luo Zheng does not know, now in ranking martial artist ranked the 97 th, is one person has not killed, mounts first 100. 罗征不知道的是,现在排行榜上排名第97的一位武者,便是一人未杀,登上前一百的。 Did not mean that the strength of this person is bad, on the contrary, the strength of this person does not lose to the major races Heaven's Chosen, but he explores beside lord city from the beginning, struck to kill massive ominous beasts, several extremely fierce Divine Beast, the acquired Dream Illusion Points number naturally was very considerable! 并不是说此人的实力不济,相反,此人的实力一点都不输给各大种族的天骄,只是他一开始就在主城之外探索,击杀了大量的凶兽,其中还有几头极其厉害的神兽,获得的梦幻点数自然十分可观! Three Monster Night Race martial artist that just now presents, then explore beside lord city, after discovering the target, comes back to convene other martial artist to go together. 那方才出现的三位妖夜族武者,便是在主城之外探索,发现了目标之后回来召集其他武者一同前往。 The scaling spider is not very powerful ominous beast, martial artist that therefore responded were many, gathered that batch of martial artist about had the larger part to be willing to go, some martial artist are silent, as if somewhat could not take a liking to that 80 Dream Illusion Points numbers. 铁鳞蜘蛛并不算十分强大的凶兽,所以响应的武者非常多,聚集在一起的那批武者们将近有一大半都愿意前往,只有少部分武者在沉默着,似乎有些瞧不上那八十个梦幻点数。 Second Monster Night Race martial artist continues saying: „The northwest direction, 13,000 thousand li (500 km), tower of the abandoning, the tower coming under a spell thing is numerous, I the bright shadow of most lower level will strike to kill evilly spirit, obtains 300 Dream Illusion Points numbers...... at least to need nine people able to go together, this tower altogether has seventh layer.” 第二位妖夜族武者则继续说道:“西北方向,一万三千里处,有一座废弃之塔,塔中邪物众多,我将最下层的烁影邪灵击杀,获得三百个梦幻点数……至少需要九个人才能一同前往,这塔共有七层。” The first layer bright shadow evil spirit has 300 Dream Illusion Points numbers, without a doubt, this tower of abandoning be higher than the difficulty of that forest. 第一层的烁影邪灵就拥有三百个梦幻点数,毫无疑问,这废弃之塔要比那森林的难度高不少。 I go!” “我去!” I......” “我……” I also go!” “我也去!” Even so, many martial artist are willing to go together, that two human race martial artist also expressed willingness to go together. 即使如此,还是有不少武者愿意一同前往,那两名人族武者也表示愿意一同前往。 On the Luo Zheng face also reveals the color of intent moving...... 罗征脸上也流露出意动之色…… In Teleportation Command in situation that in addition is unable to use, he must go to the northern that two cities, if follows them to go to this tower of abandoning now together, is a great idea. 挪移令尚且无法使用的情况下,他原本也是要前往北方的那两座城池,若现在跟随他们一同前往这废弃之塔,也不失为一个好主意。 Thinks of here, Luo Zheng also plans to join this team. 想到这里,罗征也打算加入这个队伍。 However in addition Luo Zheng has not made any indicated, third Monster Night Race martial artist opened the mouth. 但是罗征尚且没做出任何表示,第三位妖夜族武者又开口了。 Due north direction, 24,000 thousand li (500 km) Gate of Dead Wood, needs the emergency rescue service, if willing the subscriber, successfully they rescues Liu Yu and Lan Ran, can divide a Dream Illusion Points number, this Dream Illusion Points number is five hundred thousand!” “正北方向,两万四千里处的枯木之门,需要紧急救援,若肯加入者,成功将流羽蓝染他们解救出来,能分走一份梦幻点数,这一份梦幻点数是五十万!” Hears this Monster Night Race martial artist words, many martial artist on the scene change countenance in abundance. 听到这妖夜族武者的话,在场诸多武者纷纷动容。 Five hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, are quite many regarding many martial artist, this Dream Illusion Points number helps them intrude the Dream Battlefield first 10 million ranks sufficiently! 十万梦幻点数,对于许多武者来说已相当多了,这个梦幻点数足以帮他们闯入梦幻战场前一千万的行列! But this Gate of Dead Wood, is difficulty considerably large strategic place, now also wants the emergency rescue service? 可是这枯木之门,乃是一处难度相当大的险地,现在还要紧急救援? martial artist then asked: Lan Ran and don't Liu Yu lead the elite in lord city to go? Were they failed?” 一位武者便是问道:“蓝染流羽不是带领主城中的精英前往吗?他们都失败了?” No,” this Monster Night Race martial artist shakes the head saying that they do not have the failure, but encountered the surprise attack of another team, that team majority were the demon race person, Lan Ran and Liu Yu is stopped up in Gate of Dead Wood, the present situation is very critical!” “没有,”这妖夜族武者摇头说道,“他们并没有失败,只是遭遇了另外一支队伍的奇袭,那支队伍大多数都是魔族人,蓝染流羽都被堵在了枯木之门中,现在的形势十分危急!” Is the demon race person!” “又是魔族人!” Only knows plundering the despicable race......” “只知道掠夺的卑劣种族……” I am willing to go to Gate of Dead Wood!” “我愿意前往枯木之门!” Monster Night Race does not have the strength to plunder the Dream Illusion Points numbers of others, but the instinct of this race makes it so, is unhappy competes, is unhappy expands. 妖夜族并非没有实力去掠夺其他人的梦幻点数,只是这个种族的天性使然,不喜争夺,也不喜扩张。 Therefore this very powerful race, actually occupied more than 300 Great Realm in upper realm merely, their domains, are serious with their strengths! 所以这个十分强大的种族,在上界之中竟然仅仅占据了三百多个大界,他们的地盘,与他们的实力严重不符! However, Luo Zheng does not care about these, he actually listens to arrived in this Monster Night Race martial artist ear Liu Yu two characters. 然而,罗征并不在意这些,他却是在这妖夜族武者耳中听到了流羽”二字。
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