AT :: Volume #13

#1224: Old acquaintances

Ji Luoxue has no means to restrain Luo Zheng now. 姬落雪现在没有任何办法约束罗征 The application method of strength of this Yuan magnetism, belongs to Ji Family the secret of not passing on, is Ji Family Old Ancestor teaches to Ji Luoxue in private! 这元磁之力的应用法门,也属于姬家的不传之秘,乃是姬家老祖私下传授给姬落雪 Her ordinary day Five Elements gathers cultivates, then sits in meditation in Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, surrounds its by the strength of this law extraction Yuan magnetism, for cultivation. 她平日五行合修,便静坐于元磁神山之中,以此法抽取元磁之力环绕其身,用于修炼 But Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain its heavy incomparable, she in has not built up, impossible to bring Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain to run like Luo Zheng everywhere. 元磁神山其重无比,她在没有炼化之下,却不可能像罗征这样带着元磁神山到处跑。 Previously Ji Luoxue and Luo Zheng usually have not even met, if usually, she is not willing to teach this law to a bystander decisively at will! 此前姬落雪罗征甚至还素未谋面,若是平时,她断然不肯将此法随意传授给一个外人! But Luo Zheng grasps refining up the law, is important! 罗征掌握的炼化之法,事关重大! She impossible helplessly looks at Luo Zheng to leave , can only clench teeth this law engraved seal above jade slip, the choice and Luo Zheng exchange this to refine the law...... 她不可能眼睁睁的看着罗征离开,也只能咬牙将此法刻印玉简之上,选择与罗征交换这炼化之法…… Looks at the hesitant color on Ji Luoxue face, on the Luo Zheng face is always hanging the light happy expression, how can't he see in the Ji Luoxue heart to think? 看着姬落雪脸上的犹豫之色,罗征脸上始终挂着淡淡的笑意,他如何看不出姬落雪心中所想? But Luo Zheng has not taken a stand, how only looks at this female choices. 罗征并未表态,只看此女如何取舍。 If this female does not believe herself, Luo Zheng can flick the sleeve greatly leaves, since he has known this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain strength of Yuan magnetism to use, can enter in Library Pavilion to search greatly, by Library Pavilion vast such as the reserve of smoke, discovers this method not to think difficultly. 若此女并不相信自己,罗征大可以拂袖离开,他既然已得知这元磁神山中的元磁之力可以利用,大可以进藏书阁中查找,以藏书阁的浩瀚如烟的储备,找出这个方法想必不难。 However now Luo Zheng places in Dream Battlefield after all, is unable to return to Immortal Mansion, if can on the female obtain this method henceforth, Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain can also become a Luo Zheng's big sharp weapon. 不过现在罗征毕竟身处梦幻战场中,无法回到仙府,若能从此女身上获得这一法门,元磁神山也能成为罗征的一大利器。 After Ji Luoxue hesitant one point, prudent saying: This law, you cannot leak, if spreads outside, will certainly receive chasing down of my Ji Family, the ends of the earth are also inescapable!” 姬落雪犹豫一分之后,才慎重的说道:“此法,你不可外传,若流传在外,必将受到我姬家的追杀,天涯海角也无法逃脱!” Hears this saying, Luo Zheng cannot bear show the whites of the eyes in the heart...... 听到这话,罗征在心中忍不住翻了个白眼…… This grade threatens to other Divine Sea Realm martial artist is perhaps effective, but does not have the function to Luo Zheng, he buried alive four Heavenly Venerable people, in the entire entire world several big races also send people to defend in oneself Immortal Mansion entrance, are many Ji Family as if also insignificant. 这等威胁对其他神海境武者或许有效,不过对罗征却毫无作用,他可是坑杀了四个天尊的人了,整个寰宇中几大种族还派人守在自己仙府门口呢,再多一个姬家似乎也无关紧要 After Ji Luoxue warned, gave Luo Zheng that jade slip. 姬落雪警告之后,才将那玉简递给了罗征 Luo Zheng grasps jade slip, then injects in the sensation this jade slip, then starts rapid memory law to decide. 罗征手握玉简,便是将感知注入这玉简之中,便开始飞速记忆其中的法决。 Said on such as Ji Luoxue, this law can help itself extract the Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain strength of Yuan magnetism definitely, uses his accept Weiji...... 就如姬落雪所说,这法决可以帮助自己抽取出元磁神山中的元磁之力,将其纳为己用…… After the memory, in the Luo Zheng heart also has comprehension. 记忆之后,罗征心中也有所悟 Sees the Luo Zheng's appearance, in Ji Luoxue that limpid vision reveals a tense color. 看到罗征的样子,姬落雪那清澈的目光中流露出一丝紧张之色。 Although she natural disposition is light, but this law definitely after all legacy and Ji Family Old Ancestor , this teaches to a bystander, indeed shouldered very tremendous pressure. 她虽然生性清淡,但这法决毕竟传承姬家老祖,这番传授给一个外人,的确是背负了很大的压力。 If this Luo Zheng flings the sleeves, at this moment escaped, she wants to cry but have no tears! 若这罗征甩甩衣袖,此刻逃了,她可是欲哭无泪! But this matter has not happened eventually, refining up Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain the law of blood sacrifice, although is precious, but does not have too big serve to present Luo Zheng, after all he has built up to melt Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain. 但这种事情终究没有发生,炼化元磁神山的血祭之法虽然珍贵,但对现在的罗征也没有太大的用作,毕竟他已经炼化了元磁神山 Let alone even teaches to Ji Luoxue, she now is impossible to leave Dream Battlefield, will not bring Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain to look for own trouble. 何况即便传授给姬落雪,她现在也不可能离开梦幻战场,更加不会带着一座元磁神山来找自己的麻烦。 This Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, Five Elements does not invade, but a method can actually refine, this law calls it blood sacrifice......” “这元磁神山,五行不侵,但有一种方法却能炼化,此法称之为‘血祭’……” Luo Zheng has not become jade slip law of seal cutting this blood sacrifice, but is directly with true essence sound transmission, elaborated to Ji Luoxue orally. 罗征没有将这血祭之法篆刻成玉简,而是直接用真元传音,口头给姬落雪阐述了一遍。 Depending on the Ji Luoxue memory, said that knows by heart sufficiently. 姬落雪的记忆,说一遍,足以倒背如流。 Is the method of Luo Zheng elaboration that «Spectacle of Myriad Manifestations» one after another recording, the Ji Luoxue vision also even more clear, in both eyes reveals the graceful water color, as if two limpid translucent gems. 就是罗征一句一句的阐述那《万象奇观》中记载的方法,姬落雪的目光也越发清亮起来,双目之中流露出盈盈水色,仿佛两颗清澈透亮的宝石。 Can once record?” After saying, Luo Zheng asked. “可曾记好?”说完之后,罗征问道。 Ji Luoxue nods, is says after a sigh, does not know the one who invents the law of this blood sacrifice is, can some so ideas...... in this moment Ji Luoxue heart actually the feelings, invent the person of law of blood sacrifice unexpectedly, as if has controlled the myriad things rule, only then such character can promote so the method! 姬落雪点点头,却是感叹道,“不知发明这血祭之法的是何人,竟能有如此想法……”此刻姬落雪心中却有一个感觉,发明血祭之法的人,似乎已经掌控了万物规则,也只有这样的人物才能推出如此法门! The intelligent acute hearing of this person, knows greatness, perhaps also above her Ji Family Old Ancestor ! 此人的智慧之聪,所知之博大,恐怕还在她姬家老祖之上! This issue, Luo Zheng cannot reply, I have given you law of blood sacrifice, another condition, you must cash.” 这个问题,罗征恕不能回答,“我已将血祭之法交给你了,另外一个条件,你也要兑现。” That is the nature......” “那是自然……” Soon, beside lord city, two martial artist then stood nearby Luo Zheng's. 不久之后,主城之外,两位武者便站在了罗征的跟前。 On these two martial artist faces obviously reveals the angry color, wicked is staring Luo Zheng...... 这两位武者脸上明显流露出愤然之色,恶狠狠的瞪着罗征…… They were not clear that what transaction young lord and Luo Zheng completed, was collected the Dream Illusion Points number that comes by oneself unexpectedly laboriously, gives Luo Zheng! 他们不清楚自家少主罗征完成了一笔什么样的交易,竟然让自己辛辛苦苦收集而来的梦幻点数,交给罗征 Their strengths, far ultra general Divine Sea Realm martial artist, but since has entered Dream Battlefield, is Ji Luoxue collects the Dream Illusion Points number silently, is willing makes Ji Luoxue strike to kill, turns in the Dream Illusion Points number to Ji Luoxue. 他们的实力,远超一般的神海境武者,但进入梦幻战场以来,便是默默地为姬落雪收集梦幻点数,然后心甘情愿的让姬落雪击杀,将梦幻点数上缴给姬落雪 But now, Ji Luoxue tells them, making this boy strike to kill at present, and cannot hit back! 可是现在,姬落雪却吩咐他们,让眼前这小子击杀,并且不能还手! How can they be willing? 他们如何能心甘情愿? What a pity does not have the means that the order of young lord they unable to defy, perhaps this boy and young lord transaction is important, makes young lord have to make this concession. 可惜没办法,少主的命令他们不能违抗,或许这小子与少主的交易事关重大,才让少主不得不做出这种让步。 pū pū......” 噗噗……” With the Luo Zheng two fist bombardments, two people fall from the sky instantly, blow out two big group dream luminous spots. 随着罗征两拳轰击而出,两人即刻陨落,爆出两大团梦幻光点。 Each group of Dream Illusion Points numbers are about two hundred thousand about, as the matter stands, Luo Zheng had/left 400,000 Dream Illusion Points numbers baseless. 每一团梦幻点数大约都是二十万左右,这样一来,罗征凭空又多出了四十万的梦幻点数。 After these Dream Illusion Points numbers absorb, Luo Zheng's ranking again rises. 将这些梦幻点数吸收之后,罗征的排名再度上涨。 Previously after Luo Zheng struck killed Ji Luoxue, his ranking has stood in 309, because of this 40 ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, Luo Zheng had crashed in 300 th, in this ranked 279, but in entire Dream Battlefield, Luo Zheng has ranked the 10096 th, from first 10,000 also only had remote of one step! 此前罗征击杀姬落雪后,他的排名已经站在了三百零九位,而因为这四十多万梦幻点数,罗征已是冲进了第三百名,在这一界中排名两百七十九位,而在整个梦幻战场中,罗征已位列第10096名,距离前一万也只有一步之遥! The martial artist quantity of this Dream Battlefield participation are too many, even Luo Zheng has not grasped to sprint first, but Luo Zheng, since arrives at this Dream Battlefield, will aim at this inevitably struggles. 这次梦幻战场参与的武者数量太多,即使是罗征也没有把握冲刺到第一位,但罗征既然来到这梦幻战场,势必以此为目标去奋斗。 Perhaps, finally Luo Zheng falls short, but in the entire process he will go not to have slightly laxly, since this will have been the Luo Zheng consistent individuality. 或许,最终罗征功亏一篑,但在整个过程中他去不会有丝毫松懈,这是罗征一贯以来的个性。 After striking kills these two, Luo Zheng again does not have the stay, then goes floating. 击杀这两人之后,罗征再无停留,便是飘然而去。 Looks back that Luo Zheng is going far away, the Ji Luoxue pure complexion becomes more complex. 望着罗征远去的背影,姬落雪原本纯净的脸色变得更加复杂。 We should have the opportunity of fight, in this Dream Battlefield...... 我们应该还有交手的机会,在这梦幻战场中…… Entire Dream Battlefield Stage 1 is the competition collects the Dream Illusion Points number the quantity, but since is divided into 50 Great Realm, in final stage, peak Heaven's Chosen, definitely ultimate big collisions. 整个梦幻战场第一阶段是比拼收集梦幻点数的数量,但既然划分为五十个大界,在最后的阶段,其中最为顶尖的天骄们,肯定会有一场终极大碰撞。 Ji Luoxue is very self-confident, she believes that she will reach the final stage! 姬落雪很自信,她相信自己会走到最后的阶段! As for this Luo Tianxing...... by his strength, so long as does not encounter other races these dao child, can be in the final stage. 至于这个罗天行……以他的实力,只要不遭遇其他种族的那些道子,想必也能进入最后的阶段。 At the appointed time Ji Luoxue the Heixue fusion, the achievement is perfect, will meet head-on by the strongest condition, meets head-on various group of Heaven's Chosen in this entire world, major dao child, naturally, this Luo Tianxing! 届时姬落雪黑雪融合,成就完美,将会以自己最强的状态迎战,迎战这寰宇中的各路天骄,各大道子,当然,还有这罗天行 Luo Zheng after goes through some time, determined that rear unmanned track, this puts out that Teleportation Command together. 罗征在空中穿行一段时间后,确定后方无人跟踪,这才将那一道挪移令拿出。 buzz buzz......” 嗡嗡嗡……” As Luo Zheng activates Teleportation Command, he escaped again into an unusual space. 随着罗征挪移令激活,他再度遁入了一片奇特的空间之中。 The Dream Illusion Points number in this Dream Battlefield, be at the scattered condition, distributes in everyone 100 points forms on each martial artist from the beginning on average. 梦幻战场中的梦幻点数,一开始是处于分散的状态,以每人一百点的形式平均分布在每一位武者身上。 Over time but, the Dream Illusion Points number starts becomes centralized. 可是随着时间的流逝,梦幻点数开始变得集中。 The Dream Illusion Points number that grass has shifts toward sheep, but sheep the Dream Illusion Points number was plundered by wolf. “草儿”拥有的梦幻点数朝“羊”身上转移,而“羊”的梦幻点数又被“狼”所掠夺。 Finally all wolf the Dream Illusion Points number, will be embezzled by liger! 最终所有“狼”的梦幻点数,将会被“狮虎”所侵吞! To rank to go near, must collect the Dream Illusion Points number continuously! 想要排名靠前,就必须源源不断的收集梦幻点数! Perhaps Luo Zheng has five million Dream Illusion Points numbers now, can stand in the 10,000 th about position. 或许罗征现在拥有五百万梦幻点数,能够站在第一万名左右的位置。 But if Luo Zheng stops collecting the Dream Illusion Points number, perhaps could not want several double-hour, he will drop several thousand downward, even over ten thousand positions, because other martial artist have not been idling, each martial artist is climbing up furiously upwardly! 但若是罗征停止收集梦幻点数,恐怕要不了几个时辰,他就会向下跌落数千名,甚至上万个名次,因为其他的武者也没有闲着,每一位武者都在奋力向上攀爬! After entering this unusual space, the Luo Zheng's vision sweeps below map slightly, after choosing lord city, is again toward crashes! 进入这奇特的空间后,罗征的目光微微一扫下方的地图,选择了一座主城后,便是再度朝其中坠落! Whiz......” “嗖……” As Luo Zheng crashes, falls the this humble one side layer on layer/heavily, pleasant comes is actually viridises. 随着罗征一路坠落而下,重重摔在下方,入眼而来的却是一片翠绿色。 Above the lofty tree of reaching to the sky, tree room shade surround, that city wall is rows of old tree roots complicate, has the rich vitality to pour into...... 高耸入云的参天大树之上,一座座树屋绿荫环绕,那城墙便是一排排老树根盘根错节而成,有着浓郁的生命力注入其中…… Monster Night Race lord city?” The Luo Zheng's vision flashes slightly. 妖夜族主城?”罗征的目光微微一闪。 Any race is unimportant to Luo Zheng, his goal only has one in any case, that is Dream Illusion Points counts that's all. 什么种族对罗征来说并不重要,反正他的目标只有一个,那就是梦幻点而已 Luo Zheng has not thought, he actually met an old acquaintance in this city. 只是罗征没有想到,他在这城池之中却遇见了一位老熟人。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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