AT :: Volume #13

#1223: Transaction

Such an ordinary fellow, can actually strike to kill Ji Luoxue, without doubt created the miracle. 就这样一个貌不惊人的家伙,却能将姬落雪击杀,无疑是创造了奇迹。 This war, making many strength mean martial artist be choked up with emotions...... 这一战,让不少实力低微的武者们心潮澎湃…… They are discussing the Luo Zheng's status low voice, who is he? Comes from? Transits the discipling from where...... 他们都在小声议论罗征的身份,他是谁?来自于哪?师承何处…… However actually no one dares to come up to ask Luo Zheng face to face. 不过却没有人敢当面上去问罗征 Ji Luoxue came......” some people to remind. 姬落雪来了……”有人提醒道。 Many martial artist turn head to look in abundance, then sees Ji Luoxue of purple clothes the line, straight from walks leisurely toward the city wall above! 诸多武者纷纷扭头望去,便看到一席紫衣的姬落雪款款而行,径自朝着城墙之上走来! „After Ji Luoxue resurrecting, has not gone out of town unexpectedly directly, but was on the city wall!” 姬落雪复活之后,竟然没有直接出城,而是上了城墙!” „Doesn't she plan to challenge Luo Zheng again?” “她不打算再度挑战罗征么?” This is the meaning of admitting defeat!” “这是认输的意思!” Although Ji Luoxue lost to Luo Zheng, but many martial artist actually think that Ji Luoxue will not give up, Ji Luoxue after resurrecting will perhaps initiate the challenge to Luo Zheng again. 虽然姬落雪败给了罗征,但不少武者却认为姬落雪并不会善罢甘休,复活之后的姬落雪恐怕会再次向罗征发起挑战。 But after Luo Zheng strikes killed Ji Luoxue, the float outside the city wall, has stood above that Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, does not have the choice to flee...... 罗征击杀了姬落雪后,一直漂浮在城墙之外,站在那元磁神山之上,也没有选择逃离…… The possibility that between both battles against again is quite big, but the Ji Luoxue choice steps onto above the city wall, has not gone out of town, surrounding martial artist avoid, was Ji Luoxue give away a road. 两者之间再度开战的可能性相当大,可姬落雪选择走上城墙之上,并未出城,周围的武者们纷纷避开,为姬落雪让出了一条路。 Luo Zheng by a Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain corner/horn, on the face is hanging the light happy expression, looks at Ji Luoxue saying: Fights again?” 罗征靠在元磁神山的一角上,脸上挂着淡淡的笑意,望着姬落雪说道:“再战吗?” Ji Luoxue shakes the head, very firm reply: „.” 姬落雪摇了摇头,很坚定的回答道:“不了。” This Dream Battlefield first stage goal is the accumulation Dream Illusion Points number as far as possible, before the assurance takes Luo Zheng, she naturally cannot make war with Luo Zheng rashly again. 梦幻战场第一阶段目标是尽可能的积累梦幻点数,在没有把握拿下罗征之前,她自然不会贸然与罗征再度开战。 We have the opportunity of again fighting sooner or later,” Ji Luoxue also said: Hope at that time...... should not be timid.” “不过我们迟早有再战的机会,”姬落雪又说道:“希望那时候你……不要胆怯。” Was saying Ji Luoxue reveals to wipe the pure smile, that time she will become the complete body the Heixue fusion, at the appointed time she will win this fight! 说着姬落雪流露出一抹纯净的笑容,那时候的她将黑雪融合将会成为完全体,届时她会赢下这一场战斗! Hears the Ji Luoxue words, Luo Zheng shrugs the shoulder, „!” Afterward he touches the head also saying: „An issue......” 听到姬落雪的话,罗征耸了耸肩肩膀,“可以!”随后他摸摸脑袋却是又说道:“还有一个问题……” Said,” Ji Luoxue said lightly. “说,”姬落雪淡淡的说道 Why will that blue garment martial artist Dream Illusion Points number be absorbed by you?” Luo Zheng asked. “那个蓝衫武者梦幻点数为何会被你吸收?”罗征问道。 Luo Zheng had previously asked one time, but Ji Luoxue had not replied, now Luo Zheng then also says, he is is very indeed curious to this matter, always thinks that does not understand how Ji Luoxue did achieve? She even again strong, is impossible to affect the rule of dream war! 此前罗征问过一次,不过姬落雪并未回答,现在罗征便是又说了出来,他的确是对这件事情十分好奇,始终想不明白姬落雪是如何做到的?她就算再强,也不可能影响梦幻战争的规则! Ji Luoxue shows a faint smile, this time she chooses to help Luo Zheng dispel doubt, immediately in her hand then presented golden pill, in this golden pill, integrated my mark! martial artist that therefore any by golden pill exterminate, is equal, therefore my take action strikes to kill, before hair ornament dies , the crumb this golden pill, quite I striking will therefore kill, his Dream Illusion Points number...... naturally for me obtained!” 姬落雪微微一笑,这次她选择帮罗征解惑,随即她手中便出现了一道金丸,“这金丸之中,融入了我的印记!所以凡是被金丸灭杀武者,等同于是我出手击杀,珈凡死前捏碎了这金丸,就相当于是我将之击杀,他的梦幻点数……自然是为我所得!” Hears this saying, Luo Zheng is just now suddenly enlighted...... 听到这话,罗征方才恍然大悟…… He then patted oneself head, such simple matter want to break the head not to think unexpectedly. 他便是拍了拍自己的脑袋,这么简单的事情自己竟然想破脑袋也没想到。 However is the simple rule, often makes the person head unable to make a turn. 不过越是浅显的规则,往往让人脑袋转不过弯来。 Ji Luoxue the method, made Luo Zheng many actually a mentality...... 只是姬落雪的这个方法,倒是让罗征多了一个思路…… If that is right, martial artist arranged the innumerable traps in lord city, above these traps gets own mark, then any Dream Illusion Points number continuous towards oneself that martial artist that by these trap capturing and killing, produces will collect! But oneself only need leisurely and carefree staying to obtain without labor the Dream Illusion Points number in the city then! 若是如此,一位武者主城之中布置了无数陷阱,这些陷阱之上都打上自己的印记,那么凡是被这些陷阱捕杀的武者,所产生的梦幻点数都会源源不断的朝自己汇集而来!而自己只需要悠闲的呆在城中坐收梦幻点数即可! Matter that Luo Zheng can think , others naturally can think! Also some really people in this Dream Battlefield do that for example Ai Anxin. 罗征能想到的事情,旁人自然能想到!在这梦幻战场中还真有人这么做,例如艾安心 Now ranking of Ai Anxin is also soaring! 现在艾安心的排名也在一路飞涨! She is thinks a arrived such method...... 她便是想到了这样一个法子…… Ai Anxin wanders in Dream Battlefield unceasingly, after discovering lord city, Ai Anxin will not choose to enter lord city challenge expert. 艾安心梦幻战场中不断地游荡,发现一座主城之后,艾安心并不会选择进入主城挑战其中的强者 Said actually not Ai Anxin is not willing to encounter with expert, but such extremely in costing time, and has the risk of falling from the sky eventually, falls from the sky to deduct half of Dream Illusion Points numbers one time, by Ai Anxin astute planning, this without doubt is the losing proposition. 倒不是说艾安心不愿意与强者交锋,只是那样太过于耗费时间,而且终究有陨落的风险,陨落一次扣掉一半的梦幻点数,以艾安心之精明算计,这无疑是亏本生意。 Under ponders over unceasingly, Ai Anxin is thinks that a arrived method, that sows the seed! 不断地琢磨之下,艾安心便是想到了一个方法,那就是撒种子! New lord city appears nearby Ai Anxin, she then sprinkles massive seeds, these seeds are very unique, sprinkling just like the live insect to be the same after the ground, straight from crawls into underground. 一座新的主城出现在艾安心跟前,她便是将大量的种子洒下去,这些种子十分独特,洒在地上之后犹如活虫一般,径自爬入地下。 Within a double-hour, these seeds start to germinate, start to tie, finally the growth forming, is actually dandelions! 一个时辰之内,那些种子就开始发芽,开始结株,最终生长成形,却是一株株的蒲公英! These dandelions have about the fist size, most surrounding is actually growing a transparent sharp needle, looks very beautiful, is glittering the glittering and translucent carving gloss...... 这些蒲公英大约有拳头大小,最外围却生长着一圈透明的尖针,看上去十分美丽,闪烁着晶莹剔透的光泽…… Is the beautiful thing is fatal! 越是美丽的东西就越是致命! This dandelion is the most fatal trap, lets martial artist approaches, the down of dandelion surface rapidly will blast open, toward scatters to go at the extremely quick speed in all directions, infiltrates martial artist within the body. 这蒲公英就是最为致命的陷阱,让有武者靠近的时候,蒲公英表面的绒毛就会迅速炸裂,以极快的速度朝着四面八方散射而去,打入武者的体内。 These tiny sharp needles will follow the martial artist meridians to walk randomly unceasingly, trace the true essence aura of martial artist within the body, finally will penetrate the dantian, enters martial artist Internal Body World, then direct releases a fatal toxin in within the body, gives the pollution the sea of entire true essence! 这些细小的尖针会顺着武者的经络不断游走,追踪武者体内的真元气息,最终会穿透丹田,进入武者体内世界,然后在体内直接中释放出一种致命的毒素,将整个真元之海给污染! If the martial artist not revolution dantian, release true essence is good, once releases, will then die a violent death to perish. 武者不运转丹田,释放真元还好,一旦释放出来,便会暴毙而亡。 Seed sprinkling of piece by piece these dandelions on the road which must be taken, Ai Anxin will leave this place , to continue to loaf in Dream Battlefield, seeks for next lord city. 将这些蒲公英的种子一片片的洒在必经之路上,艾安心就会离开此地,在梦幻战场中继续游荡,寻找下一座主城 In this process, then has the Dream Illusion Points number to fly to escape toward Ai Anxin on unceasingly...... 就在这个过程中,便不断地有梦幻点数朝着艾安心身上飞遁而来…… Although the quantities of these Dream Illusion Points numbers will not be many, one group of Dream Illusion Points numbers, dozens points, or several hundred points, will have several thousand points occasionally! 虽然这些梦幻点数的数量不会太多,一团梦幻点数,才有几十点,或者几百点,偶尔也会有几千点! Within however one double-hour, often dozens groups of Dream Illusion Points numbers escape into Ai Anxin within the body, but the entire process, Ai Anxin does not have the slight risk...... 不过一个时辰之内,往往就有数十团梦幻点数遁入艾安心的体内,而整个过程,艾安心却没有丝毫风险…… I understood,” Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, then rises with a spring from that Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, under a ray of light glow twinkle with his hand, big Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain starts turning round revolving, finally reduces unceasingly, changes into a mini hill, fell in Luo Zheng's hand. “我明白了,”罗征微微一笑,便是从那元磁神山之上一跃而起,随着他手中一道光芒闪烁之下,偌大的一座元磁神山则开始滴溜溜的旋转起来,最终不断地缩小,化为一座迷你小山,落在了罗征的手中。 Ji Luoxue saw was built up Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, in the heart also filled being unwilling, previously she also planned to let off Luo Zheng to the chip, forcing him to hand over refining up the Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain method, now looked like own idea is actually weak, others did not need her to let off...... 姬落雪看到被炼化的元磁神山,心中也充满了不甘,此前她还打算以放过罗征给筹码,逼迫他交出炼化元磁神山的法门,现在看来自己的想法却是幼稚了,人家根本不用她放过…… After Luo Zheng Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain receives, lightly looked at Ji Luoxue, later prepares to fly to escape toward the distant place. 罗征元磁神山收好之后,淡淡的望了一眼姬落雪,随后就准备朝着远处飞遁。 Dream Battlefield is so big, each martial artist accumulates the Dream Illusion Points number the method to be different, Luo Zheng had Teleportation Command, this is his enormous superiority. 梦幻战场这么大,每一位武者积累梦幻点数的方法都不同,罗征拥有了挪移令,这是他的一个巨大优势。 Communicated in different lord city, capturing and killing fat sheep, was an effective method! 来往于不同的主城之间,捕杀其中的“肥羊”,也是一个行之有效的方法! Ji Luoxue, is in this lord city the biggest fat sheep...... 姬落雪,就是这座主城中最大的肥羊…… Luo Zheng robbed her to be difficult the multi- Dream Illusion Points number, it is estimated that she will not go to battle again, Luo Zheng does not need to keep this place to waste the time, he can choice next lord city. 罗征抢走了她难么多梦幻点数,估计她也不会再度出战,罗征也没必要留在此地浪费时间,他可以选择下一座主城了。 Saw that Luo Zheng will soon leave, Ji Luoxue sips to purse the lips, finally opens the mouth, „can you...... wait?” 眼看着罗征即将离开,姬落雪抿抿嘴,终于开口,“你……可以等等么?” Luo Zheng is then staring at Ji Luoxue with the vision of doubts. 罗征回头用疑惑的目光盯着姬落雪 I, can make a transaction with you!” Ji Luoxue said with true essence sound transmission. “我,可以与你做一个交易!”姬落雪真元传音说道。 That Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain refine the law is too important to Ji Luoxue, if she refine her Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, about cultivating will be of great help to her Five Elements ! 元磁神山的炼化之法对姬落雪太重要了,倘若她将自家的元磁神山炼化,对她的五行合修将大有裨益! What trades?” The Luo Zheng response said. “什么交易?”罗征回应道。 With Ji Luoxue that light lip fine motion, on the Luo Zheng's face then reveals the color of intent moving! 随着姬落雪那薄薄的嘴唇微动,罗征的脸上便流露出一丝意动之色! After the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, Luo Zheng appears in a dwelling of lord city corner/horn. 一炷香的时间后,罗征出现在主城一角的宅院之中。 Steps on above the thick snow, Luo Zheng feels the serenity of this dwelling, in the heart cannot bear the sigh, this Ji Luoxue so leisurely and carefree earns so many Dream Illusion Points numbers? People with person really difference , he but is working to a frazzle fights with all might outside and person, the earned Dream Illusion Points number actually does not have her 1/10! 踩在厚厚的积雪之上,罗征感受这宅院的安详,心中也是忍不住感叹,这姬落雪就如此悠闲的赚取这么多梦幻点数?人跟人真的不同,他而是累死累活的在外面与人拼杀,赚取的梦幻点数竟然没有她的十分之一! Stands in dwelling central Ji Luoxue, the hand holds jade slip of row of blank, the index finger then circles unceasingly above that jade slip. 站在宅院中央的姬落雪,手执一排空白的玉简,食指便是在那玉简之上不断地绕动。 Long time later, as the sound of Ji Luoxue tender shout transmits, she is puts out one sealing character, jade slip then manufactured to complete together, her hand held this jade slip to say to Luo Zheng together: Above this together jade slip, but how teaches you to refine the Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain strength of Yuan magnetism, how as to utilize, then must look at that your oneself comprehend!” 良久之后,随着姬落雪一声娇咤之声传来,她便是吐出一个“封”字,一道玉简便制作完成了,她手执这一道玉简罗征说道:“这一道玉简之上,只是教授你如何提炼元磁神山中的元磁之力,至于如何运用,便要看你自己去领悟!” Luo Zheng nods, then extends take action toward Ji Luoxue. 罗征点点头,便是朝着姬落雪出手 Ji Luoxue wanted to dispatch that jade slip, but on the face also presents a hesitant color...... 姬落雪原本想要将那玉简递出,但脸上也出现一丝犹豫之色…… If oneself give Luo Zheng this jade slip, what to do he doesn't give the law of blood building up? 若自己将这玉简交给罗征,他不给自己血炼之法怎么办?
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