AT :: Volume #13

#1222: Heixue

Dream Battlefield relative intensity of ranking competition! 梦幻战场之中的排名竞争的相当激烈! Because of the lord city quantity many, but most martial artist activities were limited, is impossible to pass through too many lord city in a short time. 因为主城的数量诸多,而绝大多数武者的活动范围都受到限制,不可能在短时间内穿越太多的主城 Therefore most martial artist, plunder the Dream Illusion Points number regarding lord city. 所以绝大多数武者,都是围绕着一座主城掠夺梦幻点数。 Naturally, the method of everyone respective different. 当然,每个人的方法各自不同。 After Ji Luoxue controls lord city, then by paying taxes the way collects the Dream Illusion Points number, a lord city martial artist everyone must turn, is unevadable! 姬落雪这样掌控一座主城后,便是以“缴税”的方式收集梦幻点数,一座主城武者人人都必须上缴,不可逃脱! If the single is to control lord city, ranking of Ji Luoxue is impossible so to go near! 倘若单只是掌控一座主城,姬落雪的排名不可能如此靠前! However Ji Luoxue one mind with two bodies, that Heixue takes Ji Luoxue Clone, walks randomly in another Great Realm! 不过姬落雪一念两身,那“黑雪”作为姬落雪分身,则在另外一个大界中游走! points that two people accumulate, calculates in a head/number of people! 两人积累的积分,算在一人头上! Therefore Ji Luoxue can lead, arranges in order eighth in that pyramid Higher Position, suddenly the scenery is incomparable, entire Ji Family feels the big long face! 所以姬落雪能够遥遥领先,在那金字塔上位列第八,一时间风光无比,整个姬家都觉得大大长脸! After all in All Gods Thoughtless, only then two people entered first ten, one was previously Xuanyuan Chenfeng ranked the first, one was Ji Luoxue......, but after the Xuanyuan Chenfeng's position fell bewilderedly, Ji Luoxue was in All Gods Thoughtless only the one by one position enters first ten martial artist. 毕竟诸神无念之中,也只有两人杀入了前十名,一位是此前位列第一的轩辕晨风,一位就是姬落雪了……而轩辕晨风的名次莫名其妙掉落下去后,姬落雪便是诸神无念中唯一一位进入前十的武者 That Ji Family Old Ancestor saw that this was also quite happy, commended Ji Family no lack of successors to conduct again and again. 姬家老祖看到这一幕也颇为高兴,连连称赞姬家后继有人。 But at this moment, Ji Luoxue ranking falls rapidly! Falls arrived 100 th from seventh unexpectedly directly! 可就在此刻,姬落雪的排名迅速滑落!竟然直接从第七名滑落到了第一百名! Ji Family Patriarch stubbornly stares at the name in pyramid, in the vision is revealing a cold color...... 姬家家主死死的盯着金字塔上的名字,目光之中流露出一丝冷冽之色…… Some people struck to kill Xue'er one time!” Ji Family lives in said coldly. “有人击杀了雪儿一次!”姬家家住冷声说道 Pitifully person of , is not only able to observe the every action and every movement in Dream Battlefield, who actually does not know is, has such strength to strike to kill his Ji Family Heaven's Chosen unexpectedly? 只可惜外界之人,无法观测到梦幻战场中的一举一动,却不知是谁,竟有如此实力击杀他姬家的天骄? Snort, can defeat Xue'er, this person thinks that is not the obscure individual, does not know that anything depends on, dares to annoy my niece!” A Ji Family elder is also said densely, the respected family is exists eventually aggressively, this Ji Luoxue is the entire family's beloved daughter, how do they tolerate some people to Ji Luoxue take action? “哼,能将雪儿打败,此人想必也不是什么无名之辈,不知有什么倚仗,敢惹我的侄女!”姬家的一位长辈也是森然说道,大家族终究是存在霸气的,这姬落雪乃是整个家族的掌上明珠,他们又如何容忍有人对姬落雪出手 I said early, should make Ji Luoxue the Heixue fusion, the strength of one mind with two bodies to Ji Luoxue sell at a discount greatly, why bother must use this method! Another elder said indignantly. “我早说了,应该让姬落雪黑雪融合,一念两身姬落雪的实力大打折扣,何苦要用这种手段!另外一位长辈愤愤说道。 Heixue as Ji Luoxue Clone, the strength is also extraordinary, after the key is two people key fuses, Ji Luoxue can show she strongest strength! 黑雪作为姬落雪分身,实力也是非凡,关键是两人关键融合之后,姬落雪才能展现出她最强的实力! Fuses, before Dream Battlefield opens had once started a dispute in Ji Family! 是否融合,在梦幻战场开启之前就曾在姬家掀起过一番争议! The fusion has the advantage of fusion, by the Ji Luoxue complete physique, rarely has the opponent in Dream Battlefield, even these dao child, Ji Luoxue still has a strength war. 融合有融合的好处,以姬落雪的完全形体,在梦幻战场中鲜有对手,即便是那些道子,姬落雪也有实力一战。 But two Clone enter Dream Battlefield, earned the Dream Illusion Points number the speed also to double, the only shortcoming will be the strength will then drop many...... 可是两道分身进入梦幻战场,赚取梦幻点数的速度也增加了一倍,唯一的缺点便是实力会下降许多…… Finally those who make this decision is Ji Luoxue oneself! 最终做出这个决定的是姬落雪本人! In fact enters Dream Battlefield by Clone, to Ji Luoxue indeed is very advantageous. 实际上以分身进入梦幻战场,对姬落雪的确是非常有利。 Was struck to kill by Luo Zheng like this Ji Luoxue, if ordinary person perhaps on direct loss half of Dream Illusion Points numbers. 就像这一次姬落雪罗征击杀,若是一般的人恐怕就直接损失一半的梦幻点数了。 But Ji Luoxue lost her to advocate body half of Dream Illusion Points numbers merely, but that side Heixue had no loss, Dream Illusion Points number that therefore she lost also four points of that's all...... 姬落雪则仅仅损失了她主身一半的梦幻点数,但黑雪那边却没有任何损失,所以她损失的梦幻点数也才四分之一而已…… If Ji Luoxue under working order were struck to kill one time, her ranking perhaps fell to 700 incessantly, but fell to about 2000 directly! 倘若完整状态下的姬落雪被击杀一次,她的排名恐怕就不止掉到七百名了,而是直接掉到两千名开外! But Ji Luoxue under working order, how many people also there is able it striking to kill? 可是完整状态之下的姬落雪,又有几人能将之击杀? This Dream Battlefield is divided into five ten Great Realm, may defeat Ji Luoxue perhaps also such ten people, these ten people with Ji Luoxue in Great Realm, in other words , she were not likely struck to kill is very likely. 梦幻战场分为五十大界,有可能打败姬落雪的恐怕也就那么十来人,这十来人很可能与姬落雪并不在一个大界,换言之,她被击杀的可能性很小。 Therefore whether Clone, this issue who is indeed good some whose badly non-solutions. 所以是否分身,这个问题孰好孰坏的确有些无解。 Ji Family some elders, actually also argued regarding this issue! 姬家的一些长辈们,围绕着这个问题竟然又争论起来! Good......” “好了……” Sits in Ji Family Old Ancestor light waving of highest place. 坐在最高处的姬家老祖淡淡的挥挥手。 When the sound transmission of Old Ancestor , Ji Family becomes extremely peaceful, then including Patriarch several elders, at this moment has sat respectfully. 老祖的声音传递出来,姬家上上下下都变得极为安静,便是连家主在内的几位长辈,此刻已是正襟危坐。 Xue'er is very good, let alone was struck to kill not to mean anything one time, believes that she will also crawl,” Ji Family Old Ancestor said lightly. 雪儿已经很不错了,何况被击杀一次也并不意味着什么,相信她还会爬起来,”姬家老祖淡淡的说道 Right that ancestor Duke said that perhaps we should be confident, Luoxue to Luoxue are struck to kill, in also some paradises according to truth Dream Battlefield explores, she possibly encounters the danger that some are unable to resist, martial artist that in Dream Battlefield died can resurrect, some Ji Luoxue also a lot of opportunities!” Ji Family Patriarch said lightly. “祖公说的对,我们对落雪应该有信心,也许落雪并不是被击杀,按道理这梦幻战场中也有一些福地探索,她可能遭遇了一些无法抗拒的危险,梦幻战场之中死去的武者可以复活,姬落雪还有很多机会!”姬家家主淡淡的说道 Many person slight bows...... 不少人都微微点点头…… Earlier ranking does not mean anything, Xuanyuan Chenfeng that leads previously was not did not have the shadow that fell, now pursues shortly, everyone must patiently be a little good to Ji Luoxue. 前期的排名并不意味着什么,那一路遥遥领先的轩辕晨风此前还不是掉的没影了,现在眼看着又追了上来,大家对姬落雪还是要有点耐心才好。 In Dream Battlefield another corner...... 梦幻战场的另外一个角落之中…… Grasps female martial artist, is crooked the head, stands the peak in city wall! 一位手持单刀的女性武者,歪着脑袋,站在城墙的顶端! This martial artist appearance is and Ji Luoxue not the slightest difference, is almost exactly the same! 武者的长相便是与姬落雪毫无二致,几乎一模一样! Although the appearance is completely same, but two people makings are actually different...... 虽然长相完全相同,可是两人的气质却是迥异…… Is faded and fallen like Ji Luoxue common white snowflake, side this female also has, but rustle falls is Heixue. 姬落雪身边常有白色的雪花飘零,此女子身边同样也有,但簌簌而落的则是黑雪 Although she and Ji Luoxue are one mind with two bodies, but Heixue also has own idea and thought that even the individuality is different from Ji Luoxue. 虽然她与姬落雪乃是一念两身,可黑雪本身也拥有自己的想法与思维,甚至个性都与姬落雪迥异。 This lord city martial artist...... 这座主城武者…… Escape similar...... 已经逃的差不多了…… Opens after Dream Battlefield, Heixue then depends on a single tool, in martial artist to lord city conducts brutal slaughtering! 梦幻战场开启之后,黑雪便靠着一把单刀,对主城中的武者们进行无情的杀戮! She, no matter observes the opposite party to have many Dream Illusion Points, oneself can obtain what income, so long as martial artist outside city, will be returned to lord city by her! 她并不管观察对方拥有多少梦幻点,自己能取得何种收益,只要是在城外的武者,都会被她的那把单刀送回主城 After some time, many martial artist pile up in lord city, does not dare to come out! 一段时间后,诸多武者堆积在主城中,再也不敢出来! But has stayed in lord city is not the means that under a large number of martial artist discussions, then the choice runs away at the same time! 可是一直呆在主城中也不是办法,数量众多的武者商议之下,便选择在同一时间逃窜! This Heixue no doubt is fierce, but always impossible to catch the whole lot in a dragnet all martial artist, can escape many are many. 黑雪固然是厉害至极,但总不可能将所有武者一网打尽,能逃多少是多少。 In the entire process, Heixue then struck to kill numerous martial artist, but many martial artist chose to flee this lord city, the Dream Illusion Points number that therefore generally speaking, Heixue accumulated was inferior to Ji Luoxue oneself. 整个过程中,黑雪便击杀了为数众多的武者,但更多的武者还是选择逃离这座主城,所以总体来说,黑雪积累的梦幻点数是不如姬落雪本人的。 But Heixue does not care. 黑雪并不在乎。 Even one mind with two bodies, still has the primary and secondary division, the lord is Ji Luoxue, vice- is Heixue, she only needed to slaughter heartily was OK, other things did not need her to worry. 即便是一念两身,也有主次之分,主为姬落雪,副为黑雪,她只需要尽情杀戮就可以了,其他的事情并不需要她来操心。 The batch of martial artist that now lord city martial artist, escaping of escaping, the loose powder, keeps really cannot escape, moreover their Dream Illusion Points numbers had pressed out to do by Heixue, therefore she plans to search the next city. 现在主城武者们,逃的逃,散的散,留下来的这一批武者是实在逃不掉的,而且他们的梦幻点数已经被黑雪榨干了,所以她打算寻觅下一座城池。 martial artist in lord city saw that Heixue prepares to depart, in the heart is also secret relaxing, this god of plague more walks early is better! 主城中的武者们看到黑雪准备离去,心中也是暗暗的松了一口气,这个瘟神越早走越好! Before Heixue leaves, she actually discovered that oneself ranking starts to fall crazily! 就在黑雪离开之前,她却发现自己的排名开始狂掉! „Was I...... killed by whom?” “我……被谁杀了?” Heixue closed the eye. 黑雪闭上了眼睛。 She and Ji Luoxue intention is interlinked, after a thought that Heixue has resulted in the arrived answer. 她与姬落雪心意相通,一个念头之后,黑雪就已经得到了答案。 martial artist named Luo Tianxing...... 一位叫罗天行武者么…… Wanted to find this fellow, must span Great Realm, present I have not been able to achieve. 想要找到这家伙,恐怕要跨越大界,现在的我还无法做到。 But relied on the strength of this fellow, oneself will encounter this person eventually...... 但凭这家伙的实力,自己终究会遭遇此人…… Thinks of here, in the eyes of her pollution glitters a limpid light! 想到这里,她那浑浊的双眼之中闪烁出一丝清澈之光! ...... …… In lord city, in a green light group, breeds a silhouette gradually! 主城之中,一个绿色的光团中,渐渐地孕育出一道人影 That was struck Ji Luoxue that kills by Luo Zheng, at this moment during she is resurrecting rapidly. 那正是被罗征击杀的姬落雪,此刻她正在迅速的复活之中。 Before long, that light/only group bursts, the Ji Luoxue form then appears, she looks to this lord city exit|to speak direction, in the limpid vision wipes the color of pollution...... 不一会儿,那光团破裂,姬落雪的身影便从中出现,她望向这座主城的出口方向,清澈的目光中一抹浑浊之色…… young lord!” 少主!” young lord!” 少主!” Niu Jin and Jia Fan two people, have awaited respectfully by this green resurrecting light group long time. 牛金迦凡两人,已经在这绿色的复活光团旁恭候良久。 After Niu Jin Luo Zheng is defeated, in his heart also somewhat refused to accept, now saw that Ji Luoxue defeated by that fellow, he also understood himself and Luo Zheng's disparity. 牛金罗征打败后,他心中原本还有些不服,现在看到姬落雪都被那家伙打败了,他也明白了自己与罗征的差距。 Ji Luoxue slight bow, then straight from walks toward the city gate that side...... 姬落雪微微点点头,便径自朝着城门那边走去…… Above the city wall, all martial artist looked to the Luo Zheng's vision had caught the color of intense awe. 城墙之上,所有的武者望向罗征的目光中已染上了强烈的敬畏之色。 This boy really makes arrived, he struck to kill the Ji Family Heaven's Chosen! 这小子真的做到了,他将姬家的天骄击杀了! This group of accepted fate Divine Sea Realm martial artist look like, Luo Zheng can strike to kill the matter that Ji Luoxue is unable to understand. 这帮已经认命的神海境武者看来,罗征能击杀姬落雪根本就是无法理解的事情。 In their eyes, Ji Luoxue absolutely is the myth of undefeated, in this lord city no one has the qualifications to become her opponent, does the idle talk strike to kill her? 在他们眼中,姬落雪绝对是不败的神话,这主城中没有谁有资格成为她的对手,遑论将她击杀? But Luo Zheng actually makes arrived...... 罗征却做到了……
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