AT :: Volume #13

#1221: Progressing by leaps and bounds

Facing Ji Luoxue the five colors palm imprint, Luo Zheng that face Shangyang overflows the warm happy expression! 面对姬落雪的这五色掌印,罗征那张脸上洋溢出热烈的笑意! In this flash, Luo Zheng then opened 30,000 Might of Dragon Scales! 在这一瞬间,罗征便开启了三万枚龙鳞之力 He is also a palm pats similarly toward Ji Luoxue, is only in this ordinary palm, contains is letting the strength that the person is inconceivable! 他同样也是一掌朝着姬落雪拍去,只是这平淡无奇的一掌之中,蕴藏着让人难以想象的力量! Ji Luoxue with this Five Elements palm imprint facing Luo Zheng, actually is also purely, helpless action...... 姬落雪用这五行掌印面对罗征,其实也纯属无奈之举…… Said like some observers of knowing the circumstances of the matter, present Ji Luoxue actually body not totally! 就像一些知情的旁观者所言,现在的姬落雪其实并非完全之体! At this moment, in Dream Battlefield another Great Realm, another Ji Luoxue exists! 此时此刻,在梦幻战场的另外一个大界之中,还有另外一位姬落雪存在! one mind with two bodies...... 一念两身…… The method of this grade of cultivation in the entire world, although rare, but also has several similar cultivation technique. 这等修行之法在寰宇之中虽然罕见,但也有几种类似的功法 Like Yun Luo, even can cut million spirit fragment. 就像云落,甚至能自斩百万分神 However after Yun Luo's million spirit fragment cut, can only make Yun Luo realize from experience. 不过云落的百万分神斩开之后,只能让云落进行体悟。 But Ji Luoxue one mind with two bodies, although shares a soul, can actually separate cultivation, when both fuse, she is complete existence, is Ji Family that Heaven's Chosen! 姬落雪一念两身,虽然共享一个灵魂,却能分开修炼,当两者融合之际,她才是完整的存在,才是姬家的那个天骄! Also because of so, Ji Luoxue at this moment can only use the strength and Metal Element strength of Earth Element, other three Source Law are very that weak, Might of Five Elements displays naturally is also incomplete. 也因为如此,此刻的姬落雪只能动用土行之力和金行之力,其他三种本源法则都十分薄弱,施展出来的五行之力自然也是不完整的。 Bang!” “砰!” This palm, is Ji Luoxue one choice but! 这一掌,算是姬落雪无奈之下的一种选择! If Heixue here, facing Luo Zheng's this palm victory and defeat, in addition two said that because Heixue is completely different from her tactical rules, after both fuse, the merit and shortcoming can the body of incarnation perfect Five Elements , be mutually supplementarily true Five Elements about cultivating! 若是黑雪在此,面对罗征的这一掌胜负尚且两说,因为黑雪与她的战法完全不同,两者融合之后,优点和缺点相互互补才能化身完美的五行之体,才算是真正的五行合修! Ji Luoxue Five Elements palm imprint, under Luo Zheng this palm, starts to be defeated and dispersed unceasingly! 姬落雪五行掌印,在罗征这一掌之下,开始不断地溃散! Finished,” Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, after breaking the palm of Ji Luoxue, he hand had placed above the Ji Luoxue forehead, seems very gentle, as if in helping Ji Luoxue cleans the sweat before volume general...... “结束了,”罗征微微一笑,破掉了姬落雪的这一掌后,他已经将手放在了姬落雪的额头之上,显得十分轻柔,仿佛在帮姬落雪擦拭掉额前的汗水一般…… But under is also Luo Zheng strokes gently, that huge strength spread, Ji Luoxue fleshly body breaks up before the people directly! 但也是罗征轻轻一拂之下,那巨大的力量蔓延而出,姬落雪肉身就在众人面前直接崩解! That red luminous spot, wraps the Ji Luoxue soul to fly to escape toward lord city to go. 那一道红色光点,包裹着姬落雪的灵魂朝着主城中飞遁而去。 Meanwhile, dream luminous spot in the body that since she dissipates exploded...... 与此同时,梦幻光点自她消散的躯体之中爆了出来…… The innumerable dream luminous spots spread, enough proliferation to 2-3 zhang (3.33 m) range! 无数的梦幻光点蔓延而出,足足扩散到2-3丈的范围! Many martial artist in city wall see so the Dream Illusion Points number of quantity, eyeballs wish one could to stare! 城墙上的诸多武者们看到如此数量的梦幻点数,一个个眼珠子都恨不得瞪出来! Since Ji Luoxue is this lord city City Lord, that city gate even also eight slaughter house day and night help/gang Ji Luoxue collects the Dream Illusion Points number, under her absolute control, collects the Dream Illusion Points number that receives absolutely is not a small number...... 姬落雪既然是这主城的“城主”,那城门口甚至还有八个“屠宰场”没日没夜的帮姬落雪收集梦幻点数,在她的绝对掌控之下,敛收的梦幻点数绝对不是一个小数目…… Everyone has the preparation, after such big one group of Dream Illusion Points numbers explode, people by this massive Dream Illusion Points number shocking arrived! 大家已经有了心理准备,只是当这么大一团梦幻点数爆出来后,众人还是被这海量梦幻点数给震惊到了 This were also too many...... 这也太多了…… Even if Luo Zheng, saw that the Dream Illusion Points number of this twinkle still quite shocks! 即使是罗征,看到这一片闪烁的梦幻点数也是颇为震撼! Whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖……” These Dream Illusion Points numbers fly to shoot to come toward Luo Zheng, escapes rapidly into Luo Zheng's within the body. 那些梦幻点数朝着罗征飞射而来,迅速遁入罗征的体内。 The Dream Illusion Points number that Luo Zheng has, is then soaring at this moment! Meanwhile, he ranking in that pyramid also in rise fast! 罗征所拥有的梦幻点数,便是在此刻飞涨!与此同时,他在那金字塔上的排名也在飞快的上升! This......” “这……” Under a Luo Zheng thought that then inquired him to have 400 six hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points! 罗征一个念头之下,便查询出他已拥有了四百六十万梦幻点 After he previously struck kills this Niu Jin, then seizes Niu Jin to count hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points, in other words Ji Luoxue within the body will at least have over eight million Dream Illusion Points, he just striking will kill, seizes her half Dream Illusion Points number, will then be 4 million. 他此前击杀这牛金之后,便夺走了牛金十万梦幻点,也就是说姬落雪的体内至少拥有超过八百万梦幻点,他方才将之击杀,夺走她一半梦幻点数,便是四百万。 The accumulation of this woman, far ultra Luo Zheng's imagination. 这女人的积累,远超罗征的想象。 Present Luo Zheng ranking, has been 309 of this contact surface, but is entire Dream Battlefield 14,000! 现在的罗征排名,已位列这一界面的三百零九名,而位列整个梦幻战场的一万四千名! His position, was this flash rose suddenly innumerable times...... 他的名次,便是这一瞬间暴涨了无数倍…… Trillion number martial artist, the first hundred thousand famous metropolis is very dazzling existence! 兆数武者,前十万名都已经是非常耀眼的存在! Although Luo Zheng is only 14,000, but the entire entire world innumerable eyes stare at his name to raise slowly, these two characters then raises one to discuss in Luo Zheng at this moment again! 虽然罗征只是一万四千名,可是整个寰宇无数双眼睛可是盯着他的名字冉冉升起,在此刻“罗征”这两个字便再度掀起一阵热议! Luo Zheng, this is that before Luo Zheng that told the story...... he entered unexpectedly, hundred thousand name!” 罗征,这是那个说故事的罗征……他居然进入了前十万名!” Saw clearly, is 14,000, in Great Realm that in he is, he is listed at 300! The strength of this fellow is very strong, if continues to clash upward, can perhaps emulate with these Heaven's Chosen!” “看清楚了,是一万四千名,在他所在的大界中,他排在三百位!这家伙的实力很强,若继续往上冲,恐怕能与那些天骄们看齐!” Snort, having anything is great, his Immortal Mansion is supreme treasure in supreme treasure, if I can obtain such Immortal Mansion, proper rushes to first!” “哼,有什么了不起的,他那仙府乃是至宝中的至宝,若我能得到这样一座仙府,妥妥的冲上第一!” Hehe, first, you must first have such Immortal Mansion, then, you also wanted cultivation to say to Divine Sea Realm again......” “嘿嘿,首先,你要先拥有那样一座仙府,然后,你还要修炼神海境再说……” In the entire world in each corner, some people are discussing, to Luo Zheng's attention is also unprecedented upsurge. 寰宇中各个角落之中,都有人热议着,对罗征的关注度也是空前高涨。 Since the Luo Zheng's position has flushed, which one step they are actually pay attention to this person to rush to? Appears briefly, will divide pass/test Zhan to be straight on Peak? 既然罗征的名次已经冲上来了,他们却是关注此人到底能冲到哪一步?是昙花一现,还是一路劈关斩将直上巅峰 In Vast Cloud Heavenly Palace at this moment, is the atmosphere surges upward at this moment! 此时此刻的云渺天宫之中,此刻已经是气氛高涨! Because Luo Zheng stems from Vast Cloud Heavenly Palace, they anticipate is very then intense to Luo Zheng's! 因为罗征出自于云渺天宫,他们对罗征的期待便十分强烈! Before Luo Zheng has been tepid, many people are Luo Zheng worry. 之前罗征一直不温不火,不少人都为罗征着急。 Although Yun Luo's look is calm, actually in the heart slightly somewhat is discontented, she knew in the heart that Luo Zheng can soar inevitably, but that boy could also calm down, hasn't swayed in Dream Battlefield blindly? 云落的神色虽然从容,其实心中还是微微有些不满,她心知罗征必然能一飞冲天,只是那小子也太沉得住气了,不会一直在梦幻战场之中瞎晃荡吧? Then during this guess, welcomed sudden rise of Luo Zheng position, until this time, Yun Luo revealed an understanding happy expression, 14,000 that's all...... do not know when broke in first 1000?” Yun Luo said in a low voice, she to the Luo Zheng's confidence as always. 便是在这猜测之中,迎来了罗征名次的暴涨,直到这时候,云落才流露出一丝会心的笑意,“才一万四千名而已……不知道何时冲入前一千?”云落低声说道,她对罗征的信心一如既往。 In Vast Cloud Heavenly Palace boiled, but another atmosphere actually very grim. 云渺天宫中沸腾了,但另外一处的气氛却十分凝重 All Gods Thoughtless...... 诸神无念…… Taxue City, Ji Family. 踏雪城,姬家 Ji Family Old Ancestor these years rarely make an appearance...... 姬家老祖这些年很少露面…… Although Ji Family is known as a family, in fact the entire family Ji martial artist population over 1 million, have endured a ratio great nation. 虽然姬家号称一个家族,实际上整个家族姬姓武者的人数已超过百万,堪比一个大国。 But this Ji Family Old Ancestor is this country supreme existence. 而这姬家老祖便是这个“国”的至高无上的存在。 Old Ancestor appears in Ji Family, Ji Family important personage where has the truth of absence? 老祖出现在姬家之中,姬家上上下下的重要人物哪有缺席的道理? This Dream Battlefield, is very important to Ji Family! 这次梦幻战场,对姬家十分重要! Reason naturally on the body of Ji Luoxue...... 原因自然就在姬落雪的身上…… Their Ji Family altogether has three Heaven's Chosen! 他们姬家一共有三位天骄! Other two Heaven's Chosen, Ji Feichen and Ji Xuanya are actually not able with the Ji Luoxue placing on a par wind...... 其他两位天骄,姬飞尘姬炫雅却无法与姬落雪相提并论风…… The strengths of these two Heaven's Chosen are no doubt good, but is not above a level with Ji Luoxue, Ji Feichen or Ji Xuanya, they can only fight to reluctantly evenly with Ji Luoxue Clone, is merely is only Ji Luoxue half strength. 这两位天骄的实力固然不错,但与姬落雪不在一个层面之上,无论是姬飞尘还是姬炫雅,他们都只能与姬落雪的一个分身勉强战为平手,也就是仅仅只是姬落雪的“一半”实力。 This Ji Luoxue is the Ji Family complete expectation, they hope Ji Luoxue some day, can shed turns into Ji Family dao child! 姬落雪已是姬家全部的期望,他们希望姬落雪有朝一日,能够蜕变成姬家道子 But this Dream Battlefield opens, has certainly the high hope...... 而此次梦幻战场开启,就拥有绝大的希望…… At this moment, ranking of Ji Luoxue is outstanding! 此时此刻,姬落雪的排名非常抢眼! She has advanced into first ten of pyramid! 她已经跻身在金字塔的前十名! In martial artist that her front has, basically is dao child of various respected families, therefore exceeds Heaven's Chosen, unique existence, existences of these dao child, affect a family's transporting potential and trend sufficiently! 在她的前方存在的武者,基本都是各大家族的道子,那乃是超越天骄,独一无二的存在,这些道子的存在,足以影响一个家族的运势和走向! No matter what the He Family clan, will pound all resources on dao child! 何家族,都会将所有资源砸在道子身上! Because in the entire world has a few words, is called the extermination of the clan first to extinguish said, wants to destroy completely in a powerful clan, then first wants exterminate dao child in his clan! If otherwise, that dao child relies on the dreadful destiny inevitably and extremely strong talent kills in one day! 因为寰宇之中有一句话,叫做灭族先灭道,想要灭掉一个强大的族中,便先要灭杀他族中的道子!若不如此,那道子必然凭借滔天的气运和极强的天赋在某一天杀回来! Therefore regarding various respected families, each race, the clan may extinguish, but dao child cannot perish, although that dao child is a seedling, but actually will be family's future...... 所以对于各大家族,各个种族来说,族可灭,但道子不能亡,那道子虽然是一株幼苗,但却是家族的未来…… Perhaps this view, some mysterious ingredients are one of them, after all the foundations of some respected families already so deep, really died dao child, these background powerful families can hold one to come up in the same old way again. 这种说法,或许有一些玄乎的成分在其中,毕竟一些大家族的根基已如此深厚,真死了一个道子,这些底蕴强大的家族照样能再扶一个上来。 However can see from these views, these races and families, in dao child to the clan regarded as important. 不过从这些说法中能看出,这些种族和家族,对族中道子又多么看重了。 Ji Luoxue can intrude the Dream Battlefield total ranking first ten, is very fierce, but she has the Innate advantage in Dream Battlefield. 姬落雪能够闯入梦幻战场总排名的前十,已经是非常厉害,只是她在梦幻战场中却有先天优势。 Because others are one person slaughter in Dream Battlefield, but some of her Ji Luoxue two people exist, these two Ji Luoxue strengths are very intense, collect the Dream Illusion Points digital nature compared with other Heaven's Chosen, even compared with on certain dao child quick one times! 因为旁人都是一人在梦幻战场中厮杀,而她姬落雪则有两人存在,这两个姬落雪的实力都十分强烈,收集梦幻点的数字自然比其他的天骄,甚至比某些道子都快上一倍! Even so, ranking of Ji Family to Ji Luoxue is unsatisfied. 即使如此,姬家姬落雪的排名并不满意。 They request Ji Luoxue to be first! The second option, cannot first! Only then so not ashamedly to Ji Family so many years to her training! 他们要求姬落雪位列第一!没有第二个选项,必须第一!只有如此才不会愧对姬家这么多年对她的培养! But in front of Ji Family Old Ancestor , in that pyramid, the Ji Luoxue name downward falls suddenly rapidly...... 可就在姬家老祖面前,那座金字塔上,姬落雪的名字忽然向下迅速滑落…… From seventh, fell into 700 th directly! 从第七名,直接掉入了第七百名!
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