AT :: Volume #13

#1220: Shackles

While displaying Eight Crooked Flying Smoke, Luo Zheng whole person simultaneously backward face upwards inverted/fall! 在施展出八曲飞烟的同时,罗征整个人同时向后仰倒! Almost is face upwards inverted/fall instantaneous, that crescent moon edge slightly crosses the Luo Zheng's cheeks directly, left behind a several cuns (2.5 cm) bloodstain on his face! 几乎是仰倒的瞬间,那月牙之锋直接略过罗征的脸颊,在他脸上留下了一道数寸长的血痕! This is almost Luo Zheng approaches one keen response before the crisis, this movement, when Luo Zheng avoided this tribulation. 这几乎是罗征对危机来临前的一种敏锐反应,也正是这个动作当罗征避开了这一劫。 If he not supine but actually, perhaps Ji Luoxue this foot, by that crescent moon edge, can directly kicking to explode the Luo Zheng's head together...... 倘若他不曾仰倒,姬落雪这一脚,凭借那一道月牙之锋,恐怕能直接将罗征的脑袋给踢爆…… hū hū......” 呼呼……” Two people in in the air respective turn over! 两人在空中各自翻转! Ji Luoxue saw oneself so swift and fierce strikes has not gone well, is cold snort/hum one, gold/metal wind under one volume, the form dissipates again, spread out dozens zhang (3.33 m) with Luo Zheng, stood above the Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain summit! 姬落雪看到自己如此凌厉的一击也未曾得手,便是冷哼一声,金风一卷之下,身影再度消散,与罗征又拉开了数十丈的距离,站在了元磁神山的山巅之上! This fellow's response, but also really...... 这家伙的反应,还真是…… Then in others opinion, after Ji Luoxue just restored, launches the attack, can be called hastily! 在旁人看来,姬落雪刚刚恢复之后便发动攻击,可以称得上仓促! But she is clear, this move the time assurance, the choice of angle has made the arrived pinnacle, quenches against under unable to avoid, has not thought that was dodged by Luo Zheng. 可她却清楚,这一招无论是时机的把握,角度的选择都已做到了极致,淬不及防之下根本无法避开,没想到还是被罗征闪躲开来。 As for Luo Zheng, is looking on the Ji Luoxue foot the exquisite embroidered shoes, as well as below crescent moon edge is also quite speechless. 至于罗征,望着姬落雪脚上小巧的绣花鞋,以及下方的月牙之锋也颇为无语。 The method of this woman, but also is really many! 这女人的手段,还真是多! Then is embroidered shoes, is hiding so the cold and pure murderous intention. 便是一双绣花鞋,也藏着如此凌冽的杀机。 Does the female in upper realm cultivate/repair is so? This Ji Luoxue so, that Ai Anxin similarly is also so, various methods emerge one after another incessantly, moreover each method places on ordinary martial artist, as existence of big killing item. 上界之中的女修都是如此么?这姬落雪如此,那艾安心同样也是如此,各种手段层出不穷,而且每一种手段放在普通武者身上,都是作为大杀器的存在。 In his heart from helpless, stands is golden light flashes on Ji Luoxue of Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain peak together! 他心中正自无奈,站在元磁神山顶端的姬落雪身上又是一道金光一闪! Also came...... 又来了…… The Luo Zheng figure in in the air is a turn over, simultaneously extracts Primordial Chaos Qi revolution cultivation technique, congealed is also many in the white fog number of Luo Zheng body surface. 罗征身形在空中又是一个翻转,同时抽取混沌之气运转功法,凝在罗征体表的白雾数量也多了起来。 Even Luo Zheng this Eight Crooked Flying Smoke revolution arrived limit, her crescent moon edge speed plans together quickly, oversteps that three cuns (2.5 cm) distance with ease, again tangential Luo Zheng! 即使罗征将这八曲飞烟运转到了极限,她那一道月牙之锋速度却更快一筹,轻松逾越那三寸距离,再度切向罗征 !” “噗!” This time, Luo Zheng cannot avoid Ji Luoxue as before completely the kicks, crescent moon edge cuts open his upper arm flesh directly! 这一次,罗征依旧未能完全避开姬落雪的这一踢,月牙之锋直接切开他的上臂血肉! Is now!” “就是现在!” He has known oneself are unable to avoid, sways from side to side under the body then to resist with the left arm, when his arm cut open flash, the right hand has extended swiftly, is actually one a foot that grasps to Ji Luoxue. 他已经知道自己无法躲开,扭动身体之下便是以左臂抵挡,当他的胳膊被切开的一瞬间,右手已经倏然伸过去,却是一把抓向姬落雪的一只脚。 At a price of arm, this female fetter, striking will kill, this is the opportunity of Luo Zheng win! 以一只手臂的代价,将此女束缚,将之击杀,这便是罗征取胜的机会! However his finger just touched the Ji Luoxue instep, but also without complete will hold, the gold/metal wind flashes through together, he then feels! 然而他的手指刚刚触到姬落雪的脚背,还没将之完全抓住,一道金风闪过,他便感到手中一空! The Ji Luoxue form disappears before the Luo Zheng body again, the returned Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain peak, this strikes, although went well, but on the face the colors of some non- natures, she was almost just now held oneself foot by Luo Zheng...... 姬落雪的身影再度消失在罗征身前,回到了元磁神山顶端,她这一击虽然得手了,但脸上却有些不自然之色,方才她可是差点被罗征抓住了自己的脚…… That unnatural look, only retained the flash on her face! 那一道不自然的神色,在她脸上只保留了一刹那! Instantaneously after the dissipation, under gold/metal wind flashes, she attacks to kill to go toward Luo Zheng unexpectedly again, has not stood still! 瞬间消散之后,金风一闪之下,她竟然再度朝罗征攻杀而去,没有丝毫停歇! She knows that at own speed, Luo Zheng is unable to catch her, so long as maintains this offensive, this person loses to himself eventually, therefore she is not willing to give the Luo Zheng slight time! 她知道以自己的速度,罗征根本无法捕捉到她,只要保持这种攻势,此人终究败给自己,所以她不愿意给罗征丝毫的时间! Whiz!” “嗖!” !” “噗!” Whenever Ji Luoxue flashes before, but, Luo Zheng's on will bloom together deeply the bloodstain! 每当姬落雪闪现而至,罗征的身上就会绽放出一道深深地血痕! The issue and same day that now Luo Zheng faces encountered the Heavenspan Mouse situation to be almost the same, the issue was these Heavenspan Mouse is quite stupid . Moreover the damage to Luo Zheng causing was far less than that Ji Luoxue was so big...... 现在罗征面临的问题与当日遭遇通天鼠的情况相差无几,问题是那些通天鼠比较蠢,而且对罗征造成的伤害远不如姬落雪这么大…… Wants surrounds Ji Luoxue by «Heavenly Tribulation Killing», obviously is impossible! 想要以《天劫杀》困住姬落雪,显然不可能! Luo Zheng withstands the attack of Ji Luoxue at the same time, the mind is also revolving rapidly, if this aspect is unable to decode, oneself are defeated is sooner or later matter! 罗征一边承受着姬落雪的攻击,脑海也在飞速旋转着,这种局面若无法破解,自己落败是迟早的事情! ......” “噗……” ......” “噗……” Blood splash sputtering...... 一道道血花溅射而出…… Hehe, Ji Luoxue was really earnest, her offensive like passing clouds and flowing water, and wave after wave, let the opportunity that the person simply has not panted for breath!” “嘿嘿,姬落雪是真的认真起来了,她的攻势如行云流水,且一波接着一波,让人根本没有喘息的机会!” Her such strength, perhaps even Divine Extremity Realm middle stage martial artist, can relaxed exterminate?” “她这样的实力,恐怕连神极境中期武者,也能轻松灭杀吧?” I said, Heaven's Chosen is Heaven's Chosen, how can make this boy defeat? Moreover...... is this also only Ji Luoxue half of strengths? Heard that Heixue also entered Dream Battlefield, she enters Dream Battlefield by two status unexpectedly simultaneously, actually does not know whether will be in one in the battlefield friendly?” “我就说,天骄就是天骄,怎么能让这小子击败?而且……这还只是姬落雪一半的实力吧?听说黑雪也进入了梦幻战场了,她居然是以两个身份同时进入梦幻战场,却不知是否会在战场中融合为一体?” „......” “……” The attack of Ji Luoxue knows extremely well more and more, is getting more and more maneating! 姬落雪的进攻越来越熟稔,也越来越凶悍! At present she then chooses the Luo Zheng's strategic point to kill specially, each move can make Luo Zheng fatal. 眼下她便是专门挑选罗征的要害袭杀,每一招都能让罗征致命。 Also is Luo Zheng to the crisis sentences in advance incomparably precisely, can always at crucial moment, avoids the most serious injury, but wound is increasing as before unceasingly! 也是罗征对危机的预判无比精确,总能在关键的时候,避开最严重的伤害,但身上的伤口依旧在不断增加! Death......” “死吧……” Also is gold/metal Fengjuan comes together! 又是一道金风卷来! On the face of Ji Luoxue has reappeared the happy expression of containing the murderous intention. 姬落雪的脸上已经浮现出一丝蕴藏杀机的笑意。 She held a Luo Zheng accidental/surprised flaw, after this strikes, she then can eventually the life of this person! 她抓住了罗征一个意外的破绽,这一击后,她便能终究此人的性命! Drags is so long with one obscure individual, but also lets her took out took out crescent moon edge, in the heart of Ji Luoxue cannot bear the sigh, this entire world is very marvelous, does not pay attention slightly, then can emit so the obscure individual of strength, previously she actually looked down on this Dream Battlefield difficulty. 跟一个无名之辈拖这么久,还让她祭出祭出月牙之锋,姬落雪的心中也忍不住感叹,这寰宇真的很奇妙,稍微不注意,便能冒出如此实力的无名之辈,先前她却是小瞧了这梦幻战场的难度了。 However...... 然而…… This struck her actually Luo Zheng. 这一击她却罗征了。 This flaw is Luo Zheng sells intentionally. 这个破绽是罗征故意卖出来的。 Fails not to have the key to want, this method, may be called in the Ji Luoxue eye bored...... 落空也无关键要,这点手段,在姬落雪眼中堪称无聊…… Because Luo Zheng is doomed not to catch itself, at the worst redundant were OK again several times, as the gold/metal wind flashes, she is plans to be far away from Luo Zheng again. 因为罗征注定捕捉不到自己,大不了再重复几次就可以了,随着金风一闪,她便是打算再度远离罗征 But in this moment, in Luo Zheng's hand presented shackles! 可就在这一刻,罗征的手中出现了一把枷锁! That is together the bright silver shackles, seemingly brand new shiny, when lets Ji Luoxue gazes at this shackles, on the face glitters to wipe the color of doubts. 那是一道亮银色的枷锁,看上去簇新铮亮,让姬落雪注视到这枷锁之际,脸上闪烁出一抹疑惑之色。 Does this fellow plan to do? 这家伙打算干什么? To lock the lord with this shackles me? This is how possible...... 想用这枷锁将我锁主?这怎么可能…… However this thought just flashed before, she was just involved in that gold/metal wind, prepares to pull open Luo Zheng's at the extremely quick speed from! 然而她这个念头刚刚闪现出来,她刚刚卷入那金风之中,准备以极快的速度拉开罗征的距离! But the end of that shackles, then changes into together the silver band of light, sweeps across to come toward Ji Luoxue, shackles then by being above speed of Ji Luoxue imagination, locked in her foot bare above! 可是那枷锁的一端,便是化为一道银色的光带,朝着姬落雪席卷而来,枷锁的一段便是以超乎姬落雪想象的速度,锁在了她的脚裸之上! But another end, then locked on Luo Zheng! 而另外一端,则锁在了罗征身上! Sees this, Ji Luoxue was anxious immediately...... 看到这一幕,姬落雪顿时急了…… She cannot think through, why do this shackles have such speed together? Why does she dodge escaping not to fall by the Wind Element Law deep meaning with the wind? 她怎么都想不通,这一道枷锁为何有如此速度?为何她以风系法则的奥义“随风闪”都逃之不掉? Whiz......” “嗖……” Her form as in crazy flashing! 她的身影依旧在疯狂的闪动! But how regardless of Ji Luoxue moves aside, she is unable to cast off the shackles on foot eventually. 但无论姬落雪如何躲闪,她终究无法甩开脚上的枷锁。 She looked like one to be bound the bird of foot, in any event soared to great heights, will be pulled eventually same place...... 她就像是一只被绑缚了脚的飞鸟,无论如何展翅高飞,终究还是会被扯回原地…… Ji Luoxue naturally cannot think, Luo Zheng's this Life Reducing Shackles is even Heavenly Venerable can lock, although she as the Ji Family Heaven's Chosen, the itself strength to have resulted in Heavenly Venerable in the powerful impossible ratio? 姬落雪自然想不到,罗征的这“绝命枷锁”便是连天尊都能锁住,她虽然身为姬家天骄,本身实力在强大也不可能比得过天尊吧? This Life Reducing Shackles is in that several fragments that since the master grants obtains. 绝命枷锁乃是从师父赠与的那几枚碎片之中所获得。 Can it regards as death battle the diminished version! 可以将之视为“绝命乱斗”的缩小版! That death battle locks several people of dozens people in the same place, finally can only live the next person! 绝命乱斗是将几人几十人锁在一起,最终只能活下一人! But this in Luo Zheng hand Life Reducing Shackles, then and opponent locks in the same place, after Life Reducing Shackles locks, both sides only have a choice, then strikes to kill the opposite party! 罗征手中的这把绝命枷锁,则是将自己与对手锁在一起,被绝命枷锁锁住之后,双方彼此之间只存在一个选择,便是将对方击杀! If the strength of opposite party is more powerful than Luo Zheng, using Life Reducing Shackles absolutely is a courting death behavior. 若对方的实力比罗征强大,动用绝命枷锁绝对是一种找死的行为。 But Life Reducing Shackles after all is Luo Zheng all, locks, locks anyone, independently is considered by Luo Zheng! 绝命枷锁毕竟为罗征所有,锁不锁,锁谁,也是由罗征自行斟酌! At present this Ji Luoxue speed extremely fast, how Luo Zheng dodges while thinks collapses, actually remembers itself also to have this magical treasure...... he not to use suddenly unexpectedly! 眼前这姬落雪速度奇快,罗征一边闪避一边思索如何破局,却陡然想起自己还有这件法宝……他竟一直未曾动用过! Whiz-” “嗖-” Gold/Metal winds glitter unceasingly. 一道道金风不断地闪烁。 Ji Luoxue form, then in this gold/metal wind sometimes hidden sometimes sees, how but regardless of she struggles, is unable to surpass one zhang (3.33 m) distance. 姬落雪的身影,便在这金风中时隐时见,但无论她如何挣扎,都无法超出一丈的距离。 Her speed is fast, cannot get rid of this together shackles eventually...... 她速度再快,终究是摆不脱这一道枷锁…… Although Luo Zheng looks somewhat pitiful, but he knows, when Life Reducing Shackles locks in Ji Luoxue, he has won! 罗征虽然看起来有些凄惨,不过他知道,在绝命枷锁姬落雪锁住的时候,他已经赢了! This Life Reducing Shackles can only extend one zhang (3.33 m) distance, as under Luo Zheng entrains gently, Ji Luoxue was pulled by Luo Zheng that tremendous strength. 绝命枷锁只能延伸一丈长的距离,随着罗征轻轻一拽之下,姬落雪就被罗征那巨大的力量扯了过去。 Realized after oneself are unable to get rid, on the face of Ji Luoxue flashes before together color decidedly, she no longer makes insignificant struggling, but extracts again true essence in within the body, along with the Five Elements Finger Wire bright gloss, then changes into together five colors palm imprint, overwhelms toward the Luo Zheng overhead! 意识到自己无法摆脱后,姬落雪的脸上闪现出一道决然之色,她不再做无意义的挣扎,而是再度将体内的真元抽取一空,伴随着五行指链的灿烂光泽,便是化为一道五色掌印,朝着罗征当头盖下!
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