AT :: Volume #13

#1219: crescent moon edge

Generally speaking, Divine Sea Realm martial artist side Divine Sea, only needs three True Essence Jade then to supplement! 一般来说,神海境武者的一方神海,只需要三枚真元玉便能补充! But Ji Luoxue as the Ji Family Heaven's Chosen, initially when she opened this side Divine Sea, is Ji Family Old Ancestor personally take action, takes invisible Construction Wood as, helping her expand the entire three times Divine Sea! 姬落雪身为姬家天骄,当初她开辟这一方神海之际,便是姬家老祖亲自出手,以无形建木为界,帮她将神海拓宽了整整三倍有余! Many that probably because cultivation Five Elements Divine Dao, about Might of Five Elements, consumption true essence are more than others. 盖因修炼五行神道,合五行之力,消耗的真元比旁人多的多。 Currently speaking, Luo Zheng's primordial chaos Divine Sea suits cultivation Five Elements Divine Dao actually, after all his within the body the concise degree of Primordial Chaos Qi, far strong in the sea of general true essence. 从这一点来看,罗征的混沌神海倒是适合修炼五行神道,毕竟他体内的混沌之气的凝练程度,远强于一般的真元之海。 Under this one breath, Ji Luoxue then crumb ten True Essence Jade! 这一口气之下,姬落雪便捏碎了十枚真元玉 After that rich true essence absorption, in Ji Luoxue Internal Body World then arrived at unprecedented rainstorm, had drawn close in dry Divine Sea, then at this moment is the mighty waves billowing...... 那浓郁的真元吸收之后,姬落雪体内世界中便降临了一场史无前例的暴雨,原本已趋近于干涸的神海,此刻则是波涛滚滚…… At the same time absorbs true qi at the same time, Ji Luoxue is also staring at Luo Zheng with the surprise vision extremely, in that pair of pupil also has an anxiety faintly. 一边吸收真气的同时,姬落雪也用极为诧异的目光盯着罗征,那双瞳之中隐隐还有一丝不安。 Can the strength of this fellow, why the terrifying be in so the situation? 这家伙的力量,为何能恐怖到如此地步? Inborn divine strength, Ji Luoxue is not has not seen, Niu Jin is one of them! 天生神力者,姬落雪并非未曾见过,牛金便是其中之一! Father of great strength word this Niu Jin similarly is also inborn divine strength, is Barbarian God world cultivating, has Realm Lord cultivation base, in All Gods Thoughtless also known. 牛金之父牛力言同样也是天生神力,乃是蛮神世修者,拥有界主修为,在诸神无念中也小有名气。 So-called Barbarian God world cultivating, then believes in the fleshly body strength, fights for own strength with all means! 所谓蛮神世修者,便是信奉肉身力量,用一切手段争抢自己的力量! They believe after the strength is an extremely terrifying degree, can depend upon the pure strength smashing to be void, is shattered Heavenly Way, builds the strength god...... 他们相信力量达到一个极为恐怖的程度后,能依靠单纯的力量粉碎虚空,破灭天道,修成力神…… This is so-called Barbarian God...... 这就是所谓的“蛮神”…… Whether world has Barbarian God to exist, in addition is a question, at least in this round of Era, in addition no one arrives at so the situation own strength cultivation. 世间是否有蛮神存在,尚且是一个疑问,至少这一轮衍纪中,尚且无人将自己的力量修炼到如此地步。 However world martial artist quantity such, cultivation direction also respective different, is far from wrong to! 不过天下武者数量如此之多,修炼的方向也各自不同,也谈不上对错! Although this so-called Divine Dao of Strength, in addition no one can confirm successfully, but as before one batch of martial artist that believes in the strength, until death faithful walking on this path. 尽管这所谓的“力之神道”尚且无人能验证成功,但依旧有一批信奉力量的武者,至死不渝的走在这条道路上。 Niu Jin is one of the great strength word descendant, he naturally can choose this martial arts to walk! 牛金乃是牛力言的传人之一,他自然会选择这条武道走下去! In Divine Sea Realm, the Niu Jin strength is difficult to meet the rival, time Ji Luoxue has not seen in the same boundary to have compared with Niu Jin strength also big Divine Sea Realm martial artist...... 神海境中,牛金的力量已难逢敌手了,外界的时候姬落雪未曾见过同境之中有比牛金力量还大的神海境武者…… No wonder this person can continuously exterminate Jia Fan and Niu Jin...... 难怪此人能连续灭杀迦凡牛金…… This youth has such divine strength, only relies on own strength, Jia Fan and Niu Jin two people possibly are not his opponent! 这青年拥有如此神力,只凭借自己的力量,迦凡牛金两人就不可能是其对手! As for just now two people wars, one group of bystanders, although can only watch the fun, eventually many discerning martial artist. 至于方才两人的战局,一帮外人虽然只能看热闹,其中终究不乏一些眼光独到的武者 Just now two people compete, should be Ji Luoxue suffers a loss!” “方才两人较劲,应该是姬落雪吃亏了!” What she uses is Might of Five Elements, what the youth uses is what strength? I had not felt that his within the body has true essence to fluctuate......” “她动用的是五行之力,那青年用的是什么力量?我没感觉他体内有真元波动啊……” If I have not guessed wrong, the youth should be the strength of fleshly body, he has not erupted true essence and astral essence!” “如果我没有猜错,那青年应该是肉身之力,他未曾爆发真元罡元!” This saying says, the surroundings people were startled dull, the eyes opened the bronze bell to stare are speaking that martial artist...... 这话一说出口,周围人都是惊了个呆,双眼都睁成铜铃盯着说话那武者…… How possibly! How can the pure fleshly body strength have such effect?” “怎么可能!纯肉身力量怎能有如此效果?” I also feel not too possible......” “我也觉得不太可能……” About Luo Zheng whether uses the fleshly body strength, the viewpoints of many martial artist had the difference, but a little they can actually confirm, just now two people compete indeed are Ji Luoxue suffer a loss! 关于罗征是否动用肉身力量,诸多武者的观点出现了分歧,但是有一点他们却能确认,方才两人较劲的确是姬落雪吃了亏! This point, since two people separate the later complexion to look. 这一点,从两人分开之后的脸色就能看出来。 Although that Ji Luoxue look as before chilly gorgeous, but after standing firm the figure, on the continual crumb ten True Essence Jade, with supplement true essence that oneself consume, but on the face considers all sorts, obviously has to Luo Zheng dreaded! 姬落雪虽然神色依旧清冷艳丽,但稳住身形之后就连续捏碎了十枚真元玉,用以补充自己消耗的真元,而脸上则是思量种种,显然是对罗征有了忌惮! Reviews Luo Zheng...... 反观罗征…… He has not basically moved! 他基本就没怎么动过! Luo Zheng stands erect in same place as before, on the face is hanging the vague happy expression, appears wind light cloud Dan. 罗征依旧矗立于原地,脸上挂着若有若无的笑意,显得风轻云淡。 martial artist that above the city wall surrounds, cannot think through, what divine ability does not seem to seen this boy to utilize, how to drive back Ji Luoxue? 城墙之上围观的武者们,怎么也想不通,似乎也没见这小子运用什么神通,怎么就逼退了姬落雪 Previously Luo Zheng took out that Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain time, is makes Ji Luoxue the gold/metal wind withdraw together, but at present the second time is! 此前罗征祭出元磁神山的时候,便是让姬落雪化出一道金风后撤,而眼下已经是第二次了! The strength of this fellow, is it possible that also above Ji Luoxue? 这家伙的实力,莫非还在姬落雪之上? In the later generation can call it the people in Heaven's Chosen is not many, first Innate must have the Grand Era's Struggle life standard arrogantly, has this life standard, possibly faces in the Heavenly Way disaster to lift up biggest load Dang! 后辈之中能被称之为天骄的人并不多,首先天骄就要拥有大世之争的命格,拥有这一命格,才可能面对天道劫难中扛起最大的担当! But the entire world is so big, the Grand Era's Struggle Participant absolute quantity also over ten thousand numbers, these are the seeds that Heavenly Way plants, but not every seed can grow healthy and strong, long best, absorption nutrient many these Grand Era's Struggle Participant , have the qualifications to become Heaven's Chosen! 但寰宇这么大,大世之争者的绝对数量也有上万之数,这些都是天道种下的种子,而并不是每一颗种子都能茁壮成长的,只有长的最好,吸收的养分最多的那些大世之争者,才有资格成为天骄! At present does this youth, which corner from brave? 眼前这青年,是从哪个角落冒出来的? Many martial artist on the scene, stem from All Gods Thoughtless mostly, but that several Heaven's Chosen in All Gods Thoughtless, they close one's eyes to call the name, roughly also knows to its divine ability and appearance. 在场的诸多武者们,大多数出自于“诸神无念”,而诸神无念中的那几个天骄,他们闭着眼睛都能叫出名字,对其神通与样貌大致也是知晓。 For example Xuanyuan Chenfeng, for example Lie Quanhan...... 例如轩辕晨风,例如裂千寒…… In brief the present youngster, does not stem from All Gods Thoughtless, even if he really from All Gods Thoughtless, still only possibly is the fierce role that in some small corner crops up suddenly, after all is young in expert that in a generation have several not such No. 1 character. 总之眼前的这少年,绝非出自于诸神无念,即便他真的是来自于诸神无念,也只可能是某个小角落中忽然冒头的厉害角色,毕竟年轻一辈中有数的强者中并没有这样一号人物。 Luo Zheng gave Ji Luoxue enough time, lets her fully true essence that restores to consume, he has not exhausted take action while Ji Luoxue true essence. 罗征给了姬落雪充足的时间,让她充分恢复消耗的真元,他并未趁着姬落雪真元耗尽出手 This Ji Luoxue to Luo Zheng, may be somewhat thorny, but he believes ultimately won the victory can only be oneself! So long as she does not return to lord city...... by the Luo Zheng regarding this female individuality observation, she should be insufficient to shrink in lord city, this is incompatible in her dao heart. 姬落雪罗征来说,或许有些棘手,但他相信最终赢得胜利的只能是自己!只要她不逃回主城……以罗征对此女个性观察,她应该不至于缩在主城之中,这于她的道心不符。 Ji Luoxue within the body that unprecedented „the true essence rainstorm got down had the half a stick of incense time, finally stood still, the entire true essence sea also belonged to slowly tranquilly. 姬落雪体内那场史无前例的“真元暴雨”下了足足有半柱香的时间,终于停歇下来,整个真元海也慢慢地归于平静。 Previously Ji Luoxue was with own cultivation base and strength, wanted to restrain by force a Luo Zheng head, ten thousand have not thought that she instead fell leeward! 先前姬落雪乃是用自己的修为和实力,想要强压罗征一头,万没有想到她反而落了下风! But this does not represent her and Luo Zheng not war strength, on the contrary, truly what she excels is not fights with all might directly. 但这不代表她与罗征没有一战之力,相反,她真正擅长的并不是正面拼杀。 Ji Luoxue at this moment facing the Luo Zheng's attitude is incomparably earnest, she actually stands on tiptoes gently the both feet, that crescent moon embroidered shoes, then split a light ray in this moment...... 此刻的姬落雪面对罗征的态度已是无比认真,她却是将双脚轻轻踮起,那一双月牙绣花鞋,在这一刻便绽了一丝淡淡的光芒…… That crescent moon embroidered shoes seem like, but is ordinary cloth shoes, but puts in the foot of Ji Luoxue, then appears fine exquisite. 那月牙绣花鞋看上去,不过就是一双普通的布鞋,不过穿在姬落雪的脚上,便显得精致小巧。 When that ray glitters, that crescent moon in foot, then spreads toward her tip of the toe around together, quick changes into together sharp crescent moon edge! 当那光芒闪烁之际,鞋面上的那一道月牙,便朝着她脚尖周围扩散,很快就化为一道锐利的月牙之锋 Ji Luoxue smiles toward Luo Zheng, under pair of white delicate arms interlock gently, under that gold/metal wind one volume, her form then dissipates gently in the line of sight of people...... 姬落雪朝着罗征轻轻一笑,一双玉臂轻轻交错之下,那金风轻轻一卷之下,她的身影便消散在众人的视线之中…… Luo Zheng sees that crescent moon edge, the heart heart of being vigilant increases together! 罗征看到那一道月牙之锋,心中的警惕之心大增! He has confidence to defeat Ji Luoxue, but she is not previous Niu Jin, blue garment martial artist also has Long Qin and the others! 他有把握战胜姬落雪,但她可不是此前的牛金,蓝衫武者还有龙禽等人! These opponents, Luo Zheng can the romp home...... 那些对手,罗征能轻易取胜…… But facing Ji Luoxue, oneself will perhaps be defeated even the slightest misstep! 可是面对姬落雪,自己稍有不慎恐怕就会落败! Therefore stepped on the flash that crescent moon edge vanished in the Ji Luoxue foot, the Luo Zheng's body surface presented white fog! 所以在姬落雪脚踩那月牙之锋消失的一刹那,罗征的体表就出现了一道白雾! Eight Crooked Flying Smoke!” 八曲飞烟!” When Luo Zheng just actuated this Eight Crooked Flying Smoke instance, he looks at arrived Ji Luoxue, two faces only have one foot distance to the face merely, this Ji Luoxue under that gold/metal wind help, then comes nearby arrived Luo Zheng at the extremely quick speed, but her whole person is actually standing upside down at this moment, pollution in her right eye pupil, then evolution for intense murderous intention! 而当罗征刚刚促动这八曲飞烟的瞬间,他就看到了姬落雪,两人脸对脸仅仅只有一尺的距离,这姬落雪在那金风的帮助之下,便是以极快的速度来到了罗征跟前,不过此刻她整个人却是倒立着,在她右眼瞳孔中的一丝浑浊,便演化为强烈的杀机! Whiz!” “嗖!” Her person stands upside down on, a whole person 180 degrees maneuver, after the crescent moon edge stroke on foot the half-turn, then toward cutting! 她人倒立在上,整个人一百八十度回旋,脚上的月牙之锋划出半圈之后,便朝着斩来! When said late, at that time is extremely quick! 说时迟,那时已是极快! Displays Eight Crooked Flying Smoke to kick to the Ji Luoxue crescent moon edge front surface from Luo Zheng, merely is only suddenly time. 罗征施展出八曲飞烟姬落雪月牙之锋迎面踢过来,仅仅只是一个眨眼的时间。 The people who even if above the city wall surround have not responded, in their lines of sight a breath locks on Ji Luoxue, the next breath actually found that Ji Luoxue has drawn close to Luo Zheng, making people eyes cannot take it all. 即便是城墙之上围观的众人都未曾反应过来,他们的视线上一个呼吸都锁定在姬落雪身上,下一个呼吸却发现姬落雪已贴近罗征,让人目不暇接。 Also Luo Zheng first opens Eight Crooked Flying Smoke luckily...... 也幸好罗征第一时间开启八曲飞烟…… His figure kicks the crescent moon edge instance in Ji Luoxue, then after flies to escape! 他的身形在姬落雪踢出月牙之锋的瞬间,便朝后飞遁! But this time, the response of Eight Crooked Flying Smoke was actually slow! 可是这一次,八曲飞烟的反应却是慢了一些! By the mystery of Eight Crooked Flying Smoke, facing the offensive of opponent, can make Luo Zheng also dodge, the power and influence is bigger is quicker, the speed that Luo Zheng dodges is also quicker! 原本以八曲飞烟之神奇,面对对手的攻势,能让罗征随之闪避,威势越大越快,罗征闪避的速度也是越快! Throughout can maintain three cuns (2.5 cm) distance! 始终能保持三寸距离! Therefore faces a demon race martial artist arrow to shoot in the wilderness, the Luo Zheng's body advantage of terrain maintains three cuns (2.5 cm) distance with that arrows, will be pushed. 所以在旷野之中面对魔族武者的一箭射来,罗征的身形便是与那箭头之间保持三寸距离,会被推送出去。 But Ji Luoxue floats following the gold/metal wind twinkling, this crescent moon edge takes advantage of opportunity to cut together, actually surpassed the limit of Eight Crooked Flying Smoke speed, that sharp crescent moon edge crossed three cuns (2.5 cm) distance, tangential Luo Zheng's cheeks! 姬落雪顺着金风瞬息飘来,这一道月牙之锋顺势切来,却超越了八曲飞烟速度的极限,那犀利的月牙之锋越过了三寸距离,切向了罗征的脸颊! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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