AT :: Volume #13

#1218: Competition

Weighs the martial artist strength, from the macroscopic level, is the imposing manner and might. 衡量武者的实力,从宏观层面来看,便是气势与威力。 But from microscopic level, then also has the control of speed to the strength, this then calls it in every way possible. 但从微观的层面来看,则是对力量还有速度的掌控,这便称之为入微。 Some martial artist place in the bird the hand, when the bird just about to flies, then under moves the palm slightly, the bird is unable to tread with the both legs tread, will then fall in the martial artist hand, this is martial artist controls one performance in every way possible. 武者将鸟儿放在手中,当鸟刚要飞去的时候,便将手掌微微下挪,鸟儿无法用双腿蹬踏,便会陷回武者手中,这就是武者掌控入微的一种表现。 However, this method is not wise, preliminariest hammering body martial artist can grasp, is named stops the technique of bird, in other words the bird stays in own hand is unable to fly away...... 不过,这种手段并不高明,最初阶的锻体武者就能掌握,俗称“停鸟之技”,也就是说鸟儿停留在自己手中无法飞走…… Some wise martial artist, even can place the top of the head the bird, places the shoulder, places the chest, can stay the bird as before, keeping it from taking off. 一些高明的武者,甚至能将鸟儿放在自己头顶,放在肩膀,放在胸口,依旧能将鸟儿停留,让其无法起飞。 And what is more, not only can stop the bird, but can also stop the fly, stops the mosquito...... 更有甚者,不仅能停鸟儿,还能停苍蝇,停蚊子…… A housefly minimum, must feel the instance that they take off, will support their strengths remove, this difficulty compared with stopping bird in a big way innumerable times. 蚊蝇个头极小,要感受到它们起飞的瞬间,将支撑它们的力量撤掉,这难度则比停鸟儿大了无数倍。 However with compares, these that Luo Zheng does now are insignificant ability that's all. 不过和罗征现在所做的相比,这些不过是雕虫小技罢了 Previously she overlooked Luo Zheng above the upper air, looked that Luo Zheng movement technique slid does not keep the feeling of hand, shuttled back and forth at will the line in the golden sword rain, had detected that his movement technique was very special. 此前她在高空之上俯视罗征,看罗征身法给人滑不留手的感觉,在金色剑雨之中随意穿梭而行,已察觉到他这身法十分特殊。 Now this sword punctures suddenly toward Luo Zheng, this discovered the golden sword rain that profound mystery, this fellow and arrives at chaotically is maintaining three cuns (2.5 cm) distance, coils around on the sword that in oneself puncture, is three cuns (2.5 cm) distance, does not leave few one inch, does not enter many one inch, this is not only reaches the arrived pinnacle to the control of strength, reaches the arrived pinnacle to the control of speed...... 现在她这一剑朝着罗征猛然刺去,这才发现了其中的玄奥,这家伙与纷乱降临的金色剑雨保持着三寸距离,盘绕在自己刺出的这一剑上,也是三寸距离,不离少一寸,不进多一寸,这不仅仅是对力量的掌控达到了极致,对速度的掌控也达到了极致…… Can in every way possible control this degree, her Ji Luoxue almost hears something never heard of before! 能够将入微控制到这种程度,她姬落雪几乎闻所未闻! Does this fellow, how achieve? 这家伙,到底是如何做到的? Through Luo Zheng this strange movement technique, Ji Luoxue faces up to Luo Zheng for the first time, will regard as can with the opponent who it will fight! 通过罗征这诡异的身法,姬落雪才第一次正视罗征,将之视为能与之一战的对手! Whiz!” “嗖!” Luo Zheng to the time of Ji Luoxue too consideration, he has not shot, but, Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword then straight from cuts toward Ji Luoxue...... 罗征并没有给姬落雪太多考虑的时间,他倒射而至后,雷风幽神剑便径自朝着姬落雪斩去…… Facing Luo Zheng's this sword, Ji Luoxue has not dodged unexpectedly! 面对罗征的这一剑,姬落雪竟然未曾闪避! Her all attention centralized above Luo Zheng movement technique, she actually wants to know, Luo Zheng through what method, can being away from such slightness of control! 她所有的注意力都集中在了罗征身法之上,她却想知道,罗征到底通过什么手段,能将距离掌控的如此细微! When that blue sword light comes, Ji Luoxue actually lifts the right hand suddenly, pinched toward the Luo Zheng's long sword! 等到那蓝色的剑光飘然而至,姬落雪却是骤然抬起右手,朝着罗征的长剑捏了过去! cēng! 噌! Although Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword is sharp, but above the right hand of Ji Luoxue actually wears Five Elements Finger Wire, this careful chains is connected her five fingers, formed the first layer protection. 雷风幽神剑虽然锐利,可是姬落雪的右手之上却戴着五行指链,这细细的锁链将她五指相连,也形成了一层保护。 Therefore under this puts out a hand, she in the referring to chain on use hand, pinched the sword blade unexpectedly firmly in oneself hand. 所以这伸手之下,她居然就利用手中的指链,将剑身牢牢捏在了自己手中。 In same step, always only then Luo Zheng pinches the share of others sword, this Ji Luoxue perhaps is first person who presses firmly between the fingers the sword. 同阶之中,向来只有罗征捏别人剑的份,这姬落雪恐怕是第一个捏住自己剑的人。 When Ji Luoxue presses firmly between the fingers the instance of Luo Zheng long sword, the five rings on her right hand five fingers, can glitter the strange gloss, this gloss actually on the color with Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain looks like very much, the strength of then after is five source Law Strength fuse, forms. 姬落雪捏住罗征长剑的瞬间,她右手五指上的五枚戒指,都可以闪烁出奇异的光泽,这光泽却是与元磁神山上的颜色很像,便是五种本源法则之力融合之后形成的力量。 Ji Luoxue cultivation base is insufficient, the degree of fusion is not naturally able to compare with Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain! 只是姬落雪本身修为不够,融合的程度自然无法与元磁神山相比拟! Even so, Might of Five Elements utilizes is extremely powerful, wants to come in her, this presses firmly between the fingers the Luo Zheng's sword blade he not to have the possibility of escaping certainly...... 即使如此,五行之力运用起来已是极为强悍,在她想来,这番捏住罗征的剑身他已绝无逃脱的可能…… But the next quarter, the Ji Luoxue that desolate double pupil glitters to be astonished as before suddenly the light however! 可是下一刻,姬落雪那依旧冷淡的双瞳骤然闪烁出讶然之光! She felt that the strength above this sword blade, is rising dramatically! Is that came from the Luo Zheng's strength? Scope unexpectedly such big that this strength increases! 她感觉到这剑身之上的力量,正在暴增!那是来自于罗征的力量?这力量增加的幅度竟然如此之大! dragon scales is being lightened in...... 龙鳞正在一枚枚被点亮…… If tide general strength, in rapid flooding into Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword! 如潮水一般的力量,也迅速的涌入雷风幽神剑中! Ji Luoxue drew support is referring to Might of Five Elements in chain, gets the absolute winning side, she wanted to tell Luo Zheng, stops, can compel my Might of Five Elements, you are outstanding enough! 原本姬落雪借助着指链中的五行之力,占据着绝对的上风,她原本想要告诉罗征,到此为止,能够将我的五行之力逼出来,你已经足够优秀了! After all Ji Luoxue Might of Five Elements, prepares to leave in Dream Battlefield other Heaven's Chosen. 毕竟姬落雪五行之力,是准备留给梦幻战场中其他的天骄的。 But transmits the strength of coming from Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword, actually wanted to say the words that Ji Luoxue, forcibly pressed! 可是从雷风幽神剑上传递而来的力量,却将姬落雪原本想要说出的话,硬生生的压了回去! This four cuns (2.5 cm) width, in four chi (0.33 m) Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword, the contained strength endures a weight of ratio photostar...... 这一把不过四寸宽,四尺长的雷风幽神剑中,蕴藏的力量堪比一颗星体的重量…… Ji Luoxue then under the suppression of this strength, subsidence downward inch by inch goes, but Luo Zheng grips tightly the long sword, is the vision indifferent is overlooking her...... 姬落雪便在这力量的压制之下,一寸一寸的往下沉降而去,而罗征紧握长剑,则是目光淡然的俯视着她…… In same step martial artist, forever only then Ji Luoxue overlooks others' share, she is looking up to Luo Zheng now, that chilly face appeared finally a stubborn color. 同阶武者之中,永远都只有姬落雪俯视别人的份,她现在仰望着罗征,那原本清冷的脸庞终于浮现出一丝倔强之色。 The Ji Luoxue character seems like that unhappy struggles , because has the strength is too few with the person who she struggles too few...... 姬落雪的性格看似不喜与人争,是因为有实力与她争的人太少太少…… She is the Ji Family Heaven's Chosen, her position is aloof, do others struggle with her with what? 她是姬家天骄,她的地位超然,旁人拿什么跟她争? Under the heart refuses to accept, Ji Luoxue that side Internal Body World the sea of true essence, starts crazily roared! The giant tsunami that true essence form, moves mountains general rolling up and pushing along in her Divine Sea. 心中不服之下,姬落雪那一方体内世界真元之海,也开始疯狂的咆哮起来!一道道真元形成的巨型海啸,在她的神海之中排山倒海一般的卷动。 Then during this rolls up and pushes along, presented vortex! 便是在这卷动之中,出现了一个漩涡 The speed of true essence extraction also has the limit! 真元抽取的速度也是有极限的! Therefore martial artist is displaying some powerful forces, and when luxus consumption true essence style, needs to ferment some time, even is in a long time. 所以武者在施展一些威力强大,且过分消耗真元的招式之时,需要酝酿一段时间,甚至是相当长的一段时间。 However Ji Luoxue Internal Body World somewhat is different, her side Divine Sea is quite special, can in all true essence side Divine Sea extract in a short time...... 但是姬落雪体内世界则有些不同,她的一方神海极为特殊,能够在短时间内将一方神海中所有真元抽取一空…… This Divine Sea, calls it the sea of moon/month nighttide, in these hundred million hundred million Divine Sea Realm martial artist, has sea of moon/month of nighttide martial artist only then her that's all! 这种神海,称之为月汐之海,这亿亿神海境武者之中,拥有月汐之海的武者仅只有她一人而已 That Internal Body World true essence sea water changes into huge vortex, was extracted Ji Luoxue within the body, pours into her Five Elements Finger Wire, above that five rings glitters the radiant ray, her hand pinches the Luo Zheng long sword not to have the moment to relax! 体内世界真元海水化为巨大漩涡,被抽出姬落雪的体内,灌注在她的五行指链中,那五枚戒指之上都闪烁出璀璨光芒,她手捏罗征长剑不曾有一刻放松! Since is the competition strength, although her Ji Luoxue as a female, but will not fall under the man! 既然是比拼力量,她姬落雪虽身为女子,但也绝不会落在男子之下! Under this boundless Might of Five Elements in addition holds, Ji Luoxue got the winning side gradually, her figure actually more rises to be higher, has to exceed the Luo Zheng's momentum gradually. 在这股磅礴的五行之力加持之下,姬落雪却是渐渐占据了上风,她的身形却是越升越高,渐渐有超越罗征的势头。 But she takes the above time, merely less than a breath! 可是她占据上方的时间,仅仅不到一个呼吸! The strength that her pupil, actually in the feeling sword blade transmits slightly, is rising suddenly unexpectedly! 她瞳孔微微一张,却感觉剑身之中传递的力量,居然又在暴涨! The strength limit of this fellow, where, the strength can also rise suddenly unexpectedly one time...... 这家伙的力量极限,到底在哪里,力量竟然还能暴涨一倍…… Previously Luo Zheng's erupted 6000 Might of Dragon Scales that's all! 先前罗征的只是爆发了六千枚龙鳞之力而已 Might of Five Elements that Luo Zheng after feeling Ji Luoxue that sends boundless, then activated 6000 Might of Dragon Scales again, lightened 12,000 dragon scales, the strength that Luo Zheng has then turns time in this flash! 罗征在感受到姬落雪那磅礴而发的五行之力后,便再度激活了六千枚龙鳞之力,也就是点亮了一万二千枚龙鳞,罗征所拥有的力量便在这一瞬间翻倍! But what Ji Luoxue does not know, Luo Zheng even can turn time again...... 姬落雪不知道的是,罗征甚至能够再度翻倍…… For these years time, Luo Zheng again side having no need some saint item, even several divine item smelted, obtained a substantial number of heavenly evolution essence. 这几年时间,罗征再度将身边的一些用不着的圣器,甚至数把神器熔炼,获得为数不少的天衍精华 Present Luo Zheng has lightened almost 40,000 Might of Dragon Scales! 如今的罗征已经点亮了差不多四万枚龙鳞之力 Also was Luo Zheng's heavenly evolution essence was insufficient, discovered after time Luo Zheng of experiment, the body of his divine item can withstand with ease 40,000 Might of Dragon Scales. 也是罗征的天衍精华不够了,经过实验的时候罗征也发现,他的神器之体可以将四万枚龙鳞之力轻松承受住。 The only issue, was heavenly evolution essence is insufficient. 唯一的问题,就是天衍精华不够了。 After he enters upper realm, walks almost not to have the time idle time, naturally does not have the time to purchase some immortal item saint item, somewhat is actually regrettable. 他进入上界之后,一路走来几乎没有时间停歇,自然也没时间去购买一些仙器圣器,倒是有些遗憾。 Luo Zheng wants to make Lian Shenzi refine some weapons, quite makes itself smelt. 原本罗征想让炼神子炼制一些武器,好让自己熔炼。 Does to this Lian Shenzi to immerse in refining item, he was actually wish with all one's heart builds the formation that Sword Embryo...... these years time, Lian Shenzi has almost not left Refining Workplace! 奈何这炼神子一直沉浸在炼器之中,他却是一门心思的想要将那剑胚打造成型……这几年时间,炼神子几乎未曾离开过炼器坊 Turned the entire time of strength facing Luo Zheng, the Ji Luoxue figure plummeted again...... 面对罗征翻了整整一倍的力量,姬落雪的身形再度骤降…… This Ji Luoxue is understanding, disputes the strength with Luo Zheng, indeed is a stupid matter, what is more troublesome, true essence of her within the body in has just now consumed, extracts true essence along with Internal Body World that huge vortex, her side true essence sea has consumed 99%! 这一次姬落雪在明白,与罗征较量力量,的确是一件愚蠢的事情,更麻烦的是,她体内的真元在方才已经消耗一空,伴随着体内世界那一道巨大的漩涡抽取真元,她那一方真元海已经消耗了90%九之多! Should, finish?” “应该,结束了吧?” Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, in Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword ferments together sword intent of incomparable bracelet suddenly, this sword intent just the congealment forming, then flew to shoot to go toward Ji Luoxue following the sword blade together! 罗征微微一笑,雷风幽神剑中骤然酝酿出一道无比跳脱的剑意,这一道剑意刚刚凝结成形,便顺着剑身朝着姬落雪飞射而去! If Ji Luoxue hit the mark by this sword intent together, will be decapitated inevitably, then returns to lord city to resurrect...... 姬落雪被这一道剑意切中,势必身首异处,然后回到主城复活…… It is not Luo Zheng does not show tender affection, but to attain Dream Illusion Points, Luo Zheng except for striking to kill her not to have other means! 不是罗征不怜香惜玉,只是为了拿到梦幻点,罗征除了击杀她没有别的办法! Snort!” “哼!” Ji Luoxue is actually cold snort/hum one, when Luo Zheng this sword intent has not projected together, gold/metal Fengjuan comes together, her form disappears nearby Luo Zheng again. 姬落雪却是冷哼一声,在罗征这一道剑意未曾射出之际,一道金风卷来,她的身影再度消失在罗征跟前。 This speed, even Luo Zheng still can not hold a candle! 这速度,即便是罗征也是望尘莫及! After Ji Luoxue stands firm the figure, pats own wrist/skill gently, then first even/including takes out dozens True Essence Jade, in extraction then these True Essence Jade crumbs, strong true essence dissipates from True Essence Jade of disruption instantaneously, changes into intermittent white fog, was absorbed by her rapidly, supplements true essence in within the body rapidly. 姬落雪稳住身形之后,轻轻一拍自己的手腕,便一连取出数十枚真元玉,在取出的瞬间便将这些真元玉捏碎,浓烈的真元从碎裂的真元玉中逸散而出,化为一阵阵白雾,被她迅速的吸收,飞速补充体内的真元 Relies on this speed merely, her Ji Luoxue facing this fellow, has based in the invincible position at present, just now contest between strengths, Ji Luoxue then with own athletic event in which one is weak, bumps the Luo Zheng's forte, naturally is miserable of very defeat. 仅仅只是凭借这速度,她姬落雪面对眼前这家伙,就已经立足在不败之地,方才力量之间的较量,姬落雪便是拿自己的弱项,去碰罗征的长项,自然是败的很惨。
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