AT :: Volume #13

#1217: Golden sword rain

Ji Luoxue raises her white arms again, that only softens the pancreas in in the air to wield gently, the careful chains hung following the slit of her fingertip. 姬落雪再次扬起她的皓腕,那只柔胰在空中轻轻一挥,细细的锁链顺着她指尖的缝隙挂了下来。 „The strength of Metal Element!” 金行之力!” On a ring with her ring finger, is billowing light golden light to congeal unceasingly, changes into a gold/metal sword! 随着她无名指上的一枚戒指,潋滟出淡淡的金光不断凝结,化为一把金剑! However this long sword not fixed shape that golden light condenses, golden glow of this rhombus was fettered by Ji Luoxue in the hand together, that golden light is together ordinary like the temper of snake, unceasing turnover! 不过这把金光凝聚的长剑并没有固定的形态,这一道菱形的金芒姬落雪束缚在手中,那一道金光如同蛇的性子一般,不断吞吐着! Ji Luoxue has made the judgment in the flash! 姬落雪在一瞬间已经做出了判断! She can see the person of Luo Zheng not easily admitting defeat, regarding such fellow, only then defeats it, can make him realize the disparity and reality. 她能看出罗征绝非轻易认输之人,对于这样的家伙,只有将其击败,才能让他认识到差距与现实。 Once after making this decision, Ji Luoxue also has nothing again hesitant, first strikes to kill one time him, if provoked him, at the worst compensates his five hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers then! 一旦做出了这个决定之后,姬落雪再也没有任何犹豫,先将他击杀一次,若惹恼了他,大不了补偿他五十万梦幻点数即可! Whiz-” “嗖-” Golden wind curls together, the Ji Luoxue form submerges in that gold/metal wind, vanishes in the people instantaneously at present. 一道金色的风儿卷出,姬落雪的身影没入那金风之中,瞬间消失在众人的眼前。 Under the Luo Zheng's vision sweeps slightly, under the vision concentrates slightly, the whole person then flies upside down to go toward the rear area! 罗征的目光微微一扫之下,目光微微一凝之下,整个人便是朝着后方倒飞而去! „......” “咻咻咻咻咻咻……” In the instance of Luo Zheng flying upside down, gold/metal swords are the whip come baseless, arrives just like golden rainstorm. 罗征倒飞的瞬间,一道道金剑便是凭空急坠而来,宛若一场金色的暴雨降临。 Each gold/metal sword falls, then leaves behind a being too deep to see the bottom eyelet in the ground, in an instant, above that stretch of open area covered entirely densely and numerously small spatial, seems like one piece in confusion! 每一道金剑落下,便在地面上留下一个深不见底的小孔,转眼之间,那一片空地之上就布满了密密麻麻的小空,看上去一片狼藉! The range that this golden sword rain covers is very huge, the speed that even Luo Zheng retrocedes is fast, is unable the earliest possible time to run out of this sword rain...... 这金色剑雨笼罩的范围十分庞大,即便罗征后退的速度再快,也无法第一时间冲出这片剑雨…… But the quantity ten points of this golden sword rain, prompt Luo Zheng organizes to dodge, is unable to flash completely all gold/metal swords! 而这金色剑雨的数量十分之多,及时罗征腾挪闪躲,也无法将所有的金剑完全闪掉! !” “噗!” Under Luo Zheng dodges, gold/metal sword straight from inserted in the Luo Zheng's collar bone together! 罗征闪躲之下,一道金剑径自插入了罗征的锁骨之中! Trades to make the bodies of other martial artist, this gold/metal sword passes through fleshly body together sufficiently completely, after the fleshly body penetration, submerges underground. 换做其他武者的身体,这一道金剑足以将肉身完全贯穿,将肉身穿透之后再没入地下。 But this sword punctures on Luo Zheng, breaks open his body merely, gold/metal sword an end then inlaid in his shoulder blade! 可是这一剑刺在罗征身上,仅仅只是破开他的皮肉,那金剑的一端便嵌在了他的肩胛骨中! In the city wall the person of surrounding sighed that the Luo Zheng person is tyrannical, but in the Luo Zheng heart is actually slightly startled, surprised this gold/metal sword penetrating power unexpectedly such? 城墙上围观之人感叹罗征人身强横,可是罗征心中却是微微一惊,惊讶这金剑的穿透力竟如此之强? This gold/metal sword is ring of Ji Luoxue in that Five Elements bracelet summons, is one deep meaning in Metal Element Law, in the Ji Luoxue hand that the gold/metal sword might regardless of the time being, but this everywhere can the might of golden sword rain, break open the body of own divine item? 这金剑不过是姬落雪用那五行手链中的一枚戒指所召唤,算是金系法则中的一种奥义,姬落雪手中那把金剑威力如何姑且不论,可这漫天的金色剑雨的威力,就能破开自己的神器之体? Whiz!” “嗖!” The Ji Luoxue figure flutters in the distant place, that chilly pupil is looking at rapid twinkle Luo Zheng, is only said lightly: If you cannot support, can fly to escape in lord city, I can chat...... the condition with you!” 姬落雪的身形飘荡在远处,那清冷的眸子望着飞速闪烁的罗征,只是淡淡的说道:“若你支持不住,可以飞遁回主城中,我可以跟你谈谈……条件!” Regarding general martial artist, with the Ji Family cooperation is a good opportunity, can indeed be a gracious gift, but Luo Zheng's goal not only in this? 对于一般的武者,与姬家合作是一个绝好的机会,的确能算是一种恩赐,但罗征的目标又岂止于此? Ji Luoxue said that the condition made that boy raise, he actually did not want!” 姬落雪都说条件让那小子自己提了,他竟然不愿意!” Has not seen such stupid person! That is Ji Family, can affect the entire All Gods Thoughtless respected family, if were directed by Ji Family Heavenly Venerable, this whole life may little take many tortuous paths!” “没见过这么蠢的人!那可是姬家,可以影响整个诸神无念的大家族啊,倘若被姬家天尊指点一番,这辈子可少走许多弯路!” In this world some people, are the brain cannot make a turn, I cannot think how in this fellow heart to think, in any case is not the Ji Luoxue opponent, why bother to struggle desperately?” “这世界上有些人,就是脑子转不过弯来,我是想不懂这家伙心中如何想,反正不是姬落雪的对手,何苦苦苦挣扎?” Many martial artist look at the Luo Zheng slightly distressed appearance, cannot bear shake the head. 诸多武者们看着罗征略显狼狈的样子,都忍不住摇了摇头。 In their opinion, Luo Zheng this was somewhat unappreciative. 在他们看来,罗征这是有些不识抬举了。 Even some people suspected, Luo Zheng shows own strength, but for seeks in Ji Family, this boy will be surrendered by Ji Luoxue finally! 甚至有人怀疑,罗征展现自己的实力,只是为了在姬家之中谋求更多,这小子最终还是会被姬落雪所降服! !” “噗!” Also is the gold/metal sword falls together, passed through the Luo Zheng's thigh, in a blood hole that one side of his leg bone leaves behind! 又是一道金剑落下,贯穿了罗征的大腿,在他的腿骨一侧留下的一个血洞! Blood following right shoulder, but the left leg dissipates, making Luo Zheng look somewhat distressed. 鲜血顺着右肩而左腿逸散而出,让罗征看起来有些狼狈。 Turns over to distressedly distressedly, this small wound has almost no effect on Luo Zheng...... 狼狈归狼狈,这点小伤对罗征几乎没有任何影响…… In his heart was also sighing, the strength of Heaven's Chosen is really unusual! 他心中也是在感叹,天骄的实力果然非同寻常! Luo Zheng in this moment, actually thinks arrived Ai Anxin bewilderedly, six years ago the Ai Anxin strength is no doubt good, but relative Luo Zheng has many disparities, but that time Ai Anxin was like oneself, just entered Divine Sea Realm, now six years pass by, actually do not know that Ai Anxin entered Dream Battlefield, she also had the Grand Era's Struggle life standard, compared with this Ji Luoxue, whose who was weak? 罗征在这一刻,却是莫名其妙想到了艾安心,六年前艾安心的实力固然不错,但相对罗征来说还是存在不少差距,但那时候的艾安心与自己一样,也是刚刚入神海境,如今六年过去,却不知艾安心是否进入了梦幻战场,她也拥有大世之争的命格,与这姬落雪相比,孰强孰弱? Condition......” “条件……” The Luo Zheng's eyes narrow the eyes slightly, later cracks into a smile toward above Ji Luoxue, the figure vanishes in suddenly same place, is spans the space to directly soar her to go! 罗征的双眼微微一眯,随后朝着上方的姬落雪咧嘴一笑,身形骤然消失在原地,便是跨越空间直奔她而去! However he just escaped into the space, under sees only Ji Luoxue to put out a hand to sweep gently, twists in the flash from her below space, but the Luo Zheng's figure just appeared, actually discovered own returned on the spot. 然而他刚刚遁入空间,只见姬落雪伸手轻轻一扫之下,自她下方的空间在一瞬间扭曲起来,而罗征的身形刚刚出现,却发现自己回到了原地。 martial artist of arrived Ji Luoxue this level, Time Law and Space Law are necessary, uses the Space Law penetration space under Luo Zheng the instance, Ji Luoxue waves, then that spatial warping that he spans, after such Luo Zheng penetration space, naturally appeared in same place. 到了姬落雪这个层次的武者,时间法则空间法则是必备的,在罗征使用空间法则穿透空间的瞬间,姬落雪一挥手之下,便将他跨越的那一段空间扭曲过来,这样罗征穿透空间后自然出现在了原地。 Luo Zheng this move is not easy-to-use to Ji Luoxue! 罗征这一招对上姬落雪并不好使! don't said that was Ji Luoxue, previously when facing Niu Jin, Luo Zheng spanned the space also suffered big. 莫说是姬落雪了,此前在面对牛金的时候,罗征跨越空间之际也吃了一个不小的亏。 Accepts fate, we chatted well,” Ji Luoxue unemotional saying, „, although your fleshly body tyrannical degree has endured compared with divine item, but arrived at my dodging gold/metal to rain eventually......” “认命吧,我们还是好好谈谈,”姬落雪面无表情的说道,“虽然你这肉身强横的程度已堪比神器,但终究抵不过我的闪金落雨……” Luo Zheng ignores, if accepts fate facing Ji Luoxue now, then the Dream Battlefield following road did not need to continue, withdrew from Dream Battlefield to be good directly. 罗征置若罔闻,如果现在面对姬落雪就认命,那么梦幻战场接下来的路也不用继续走下去了,直接退出梦幻战场好了。 Is hard to approach this woman......” “难以靠近这女人……” The Luo Zheng's brow wrinkled, he indeed is hard to break through this swift and fierce golden sword rain. 罗征的眉头皱了起来,他的确是难以突破这凌厉的金色剑雨。 Under the Space Law broken situation, above the Luo Zheng's body presents faint trace white fog again! 空间法则被破的情况之下,罗征的身体之上再度出现一丝丝白雾! Eight Crooked Flying Smoke!” 八曲飞烟!” This Eight Crooked Flying Smoke does not depend upon Law Strength to display, therefore not by the Five Elements Finger Wire restraint of Ji Luoxue. 八曲飞烟并不依靠法则之力施展,所以不会被姬落雪五行指链克制。 Eight Crooked Flying Smoke displays, the Luo Zheng's sound is light like the willow catkin, the fluctuation of any energy can shove open his body. 八曲飞烟施展出来,罗征的声音便是轻如柳絮,任何一点能量的波动都能将他的身体推开。 In the eyes of others, Luo Zheng's movement technique becomes in this flash nimble and resourceful incomparable, shuttles back and forth just like the passing clouds and flowing water in that golden sword rain generally, as if these golden sword rain possibly did not hit a target again Luo Zheng! 在旁人的眼中,罗征的身法在这一瞬间变得灵动无比,在那金色剑雨之中宛若行云流水一般穿梭,似乎那些金色剑雨再没有可能射中罗征 What movement technique is this?” “这是什么身法?” Ji Luoxue saw that Luo Zheng is together ordinary just like the loach, sways from side to side own body in the golden sword rain unceasingly, dodges this dense and numerous sword rain as if to accomplish a task with ease! What is more important is Ji Luoxue definitely is unable to completely understand this movement technique, what's the matter! 姬落雪看到罗征宛若一道泥鳅一般,在金色剑雨中不断地扭动自己的身体,闪避这密密麻麻的剑雨似乎游刃有余!更重要的是姬落雪完全无法看透这身法,到底是怎么回事! Ji Luoxue at this moment is understands, this person is not she imagines is so simple, he inevitably is the there's a long story behind this character! 此刻的姬落雪才算是明白,此人绝非她想象中的那么简单,他必然是大有来历的人物! But the human race three big influences, the Myriad Buddha Sanctuary Heaven's Chosen is the monk, the All Gods Thoughtless Heaven's Chosen she all knew, in the Human Path Alliance Heaven's Chosen does not have Luo Tianxing this person, does he come from? 可是人族三大势力,万佛圣域的天骄都是和尚,诸神无念的天骄她皆认识,人道联盟的天骄中也没有罗天行这一号人,他到底来自于哪? Because Luo Zheng opened the Eight Crooked Flying Smoke reason, this fight also reaches in the impass for the time being! 因为罗征开启了八曲飞烟的缘故,这战斗也暂且陷入了僵局之中! However even the deadlock, still has ornamental extremely, Luo Zheng in the form that in that golden sword rain shuttles back and forth, making many martial artist in city wall praise to the heavens! 不过即便是僵局,也极有观赏性,罗征在那金色剑雨中穿梭的身影,让城墙上的诸多武者们叹为观止! Some martial artist, both eyes are glittering the ray, wants to discover profound principles to comprehend from Luo Zheng's movement technique...... 更有一些武者,双目闪烁着光芒,想要从罗征的身法之中找出一丝玄机加以领悟…… But the principle of Eight Crooked Flying Smoke, is takes advantage of opportunity, but is, does not have profound principles and rule, only depending on movement technique that Luo Zheng flutters, is impossible to look through slightly profound principles. 可是八曲飞烟的原理,乃是顺势而为,根本就不存在玄机和规律,仅凭罗征飘动的身法,根本不可能看破丝毫玄机 This fellow......” “这家伙……” Ji Luoxue at this moment actually somewhat could not repress. 此刻的姬落雪却有些按捺不住了。 She actually does not believe, she takes this fellow really not to have the means...... 她却不相信,自己拿这这家伙真没办法…… Thinks of here, Ji Luoxue was swayed the dissipation by the gold/metal wind again together same place. 想到这里,姬落雪再次被一道金风吹拂消散在了原地。 Came!” “来了!” Luo Zheng flutters in this golden sword rain long time, waited is at this moment! 罗征在这金色剑雨之中飘荡良久,等的就是这一刻! As under that gold/metal wind glitters together, Ji Luoxue appeared in Luo Zheng suddenly behind, that golden light in her hand put out together suddenly, extends one zhang (3.33 m) gold/metal sword, passed through toward Luo Zheng! 随着那一道金风闪烁之下,姬落雪骤然出现在了罗征身后,她手中的那一道金光骤然吐出,延伸成一把一丈长的金剑,朝着罗征贯穿而来! Luo Zheng at this moment after growing the eye is common, the figure starts to dance in the breeze by the shape of screw, following that extends, but the gold/metal sword circles on, but in the process of circling, he consistently is maintaining three cuns (2.5 cm) distance with that zhang (3.33 m) gold/metal sword! 此刻的罗征宛若长了后眼睛一般,身形开始以螺旋的形状飘舞,顺着那延伸而出的金剑盘旋而上,而在盘旋的过程中,他始终与那一丈长的金剑保持着三寸长的距离! In the wink of an eye, Luo Zheng has circled arrived Ji Luoxue , the Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword blue light in hand flashes, twisted to Ji Luoxue face! 瞬息之间,罗征已盘旋到了姬落雪的跟前,手中的雷风幽神剑蓝光一闪,就绞向了姬落雪面门 Since two people have battled, at this moment is the great distance recent distance! 两人交战以来,此刻便是相隔最近的距离! Ji Luoxue has not thought that Luo Zheng will fly upside down, but, moreover he from such precise of control, will also paste oneself gold/metal sword to dance in the air, but, consistently maintains three cuns (2.5 cm) distance, so method simply strange its technique in every way possible! 姬落雪也没想到罗征会倒飞而至,而且他还将距离掌控的如此精确,贴着自己的金剑飞舞而至,始终保持三寸距离,这般入微的手段简直神乎其技!
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