AT :: Volume #13

#1216: Five Elements Divine Dao

Emits a Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain heavy pressure on get down suddenly, indeed stems from unexpected of Ji Luoxue! 骤然冒出一座元磁神山重压下来,的确出乎姬落雪的意料之外! Not is only she, surrounds many martial artist that to see this astonishing one above the city wall, simultaneously transmits holding breath cold air the sound! 不仅仅是她,在城墙之上围观的诸多武者们看到这惊人的一幕,齐齐传来一阵倒吸凉气的声音! Mountain where this boy moves in!” “这小子哪里搬来的山!” Almost pressing the this humble one surface...... this mountain crashed the strength of Earth Element Ji Luoxue directly!” “差点把姬落雪给压在下面了……这山直接压垮了土行之力!” Common mountain, I can shoulder, the weight of this mountain is not ordinary!” “一般的大山,我都能扛起来,这山的重量却不一般!” Looks on this mountain to glitter the variegated color, that Five Elements aura, probably Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain in legend!” “看这山上闪烁着斑斓之色,还有那五行气息,好像是传说中的元磁神山!” Many martial artist have not thought, Luo Zheng the arbitrary methods broke Ji Luoxue the strength of Earth Element with this and other unexpectedly...... 诸多武者也没想到,罗征竟然用这等蛮横手段破掉了姬落雪土行之力…… Ji Luoxue flutters in in the air, is looking below Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, in the limpid vision as if started ripples, the twinkle kept! 姬落雪飘在空中,望着下方的元磁神山,清澈的目光中仿佛掀起了一道道涟漪,闪烁不停! This is Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, you refine it unexpectedly alone!” “这是元磁神山,你竟将它单独炼化了!” Hears the Ji Luoxue words, the Luo Zheng complexion is indifferent, although this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain was built up by oneself for a long time, but took out will actually rarely oppose the enemy, actually does not know why this Ji Luoxue is surprised? 听到姬落雪的话,罗征脸色淡然,这座元磁神山虽然被自己炼化已久,但却很少将之祭出对敌,却不知这姬落雪为何惊讶? How refining up Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain?” Luo Zheng said lightly. “炼化元磁神山又如何?”罗征淡淡的说道 This Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain refining up the law is Luo Zheng in seeks from «Spectacle of Myriad Manifestations». 元磁神山的炼化之法乃是罗征从《万象奇观》之中寻来。 Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain Five Elements heterogeneous, regardless of uses some Law Strength unable it to refine...... 元磁神山五行驳杂,无论利用某一种法则之力都无法将之炼化…… In upper realm some martial artist also refine to melt the mountain at the appointed time, the use has built up the ordinary mountain, only needs then to gather by Earth Element Law, the common mountain is far from firmly, bringing to oppose the enemy is the joke, the Divine Sea Realm martial artist quarrying a mountain crack and has what difficulty? Also only then Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain this and other firm mountains, can bring to oppose the enemy, how many people but also has to be able Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain to refine through the ages? 上界之中到时有些武者也炼化过大山,利用将普通大山炼化,只需要以土系法则便能收取,一般的大山谈不上坚固,拿来对敌更是笑话,神海境武者开山裂地又有何难?也只有元磁神山这等坚固的大山,才能拿来对敌,但古往今来又有几人能将元磁神山炼化? But that «Spectacle of Myriad Manifestations» Technique of Blood Refinement, has the effect on this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain. 但那《万象奇观》中的血炼之术,对这元磁神山却有奇效。 Because Luo Zheng has this Immortal Mansion, then can search this Technique of Blood Refinement in Library Pavilion, but he actually does not know, in this upper realm not this technique spreads. 罗征因为拥有这座仙府,便能在藏书阁中寻觅到这血炼之术,可他却不知道,这上界之中并无此术流传。 Ji Luoxue has that Five Elements bracelet, her cultivation cultivation technique is Five Elements gathers cultivates, is also quite familiar with this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, this mountain can Five Elements Law even mixes in together, belongs to strange thing in entire world. 姬落雪本身拥有那五行手链,她修炼功法乃是五行合修,对这元磁神山也极为熟悉,这大山能够将五行法则均匀的混合在一起,也属于寰宇之中的奇物。 Five Elements gathers cultivates, then fuses five Source Law completely, changes into five side magic arts, this enters Divine Dao one method, is Five Elements Divine Dao! 五行合修,便是将五种本源法则完全融合,化为五方道法,此乃是入神道的一种法门,也就是五行神道 In this round of entire world, Heavenly Venerable certain, Realm Lord counts hundred thousand, but Three Transformations into Divinity martial artist countless, could enter Divine Dao method, the past and present are rare! 这一轮寰宇之中,天尊若干,界主十万,而化神三变武者无以计数,可能得一入神道的法门者,古今罕有! World indicating hundred million living being lives sometimes completely, even if Heavenly Venerable expert, led a destiny life still in 300 million years of high and low, less than Era 1/10, even if this Heavenly Venerable exhausts various big methods still to dodge arrival of Five Wanings of a Celestial, must fall from the sky eventually. 世间兆兆亿生灵的寿元都有时尽,即便是天尊强者,领了一道天命寿元也在三亿年上下,不足一个衍纪的十分之一,即便这天尊用尽各种大手段也能以规避天人五衰的降临,终究还是要陨落。 Can say in this entire world, all living being biggest enemy not some opponents, but is oneself, but is the time! 可以说这寰宇之中,所有生灵最大的敌人并非某个对手,而是自己,而是时间! This life predestined time of death, had that day of arrival eventually. 这一生大限,终究有降临的那一日。 Some people have said that Five Wanings of a Celestial is actually a name of sword, this sword momentarily float in the top of the head of people, waits till the appropriate time, this will take many expert lives the sword, no one can avoid this might of sword, because this is Heavenly Way forges the sword, in many karmic law in this entire world, it stands in the highest point, is to high rule that is unable to violate together! 有人说过,天人五衰其实是一把剑的名字,这把剑随时都悬浮在众人的头顶,直等到适当的时候,这把剑就会取走诸多强者的性命,没人能躲开这把剑的威力,因为这把剑乃是天道所锻造,在这寰宇之中的诸多因果律中,它站在最高的点,乃是一道无法违背的至高规则! But if can exceed Heavenly Way, strides in Divine Dao, can get rid of the life of Five Wanings of a Celestial, got rid of this hanging in the own head sword of death, thus obtained the eternal life! 但若能超越天道,跨入神道,就能摆脱天人五衰之命,摆脱这把悬在自己头上的死亡之剑,从而获得永恒的寿元! Ji Family makes Ji Luoxue Five Elements gather cultivates, the goal is also so, is expected that she walks this Five Elements Divine Dao, finally will become existence that will span Heavenly Way, achievement True God...... 姬家姬落雪五行合修,目的也是如此,便是期望她将这五行神道走下去,最终将成为跨越天道的存在,成就真神…… By Five Elements about cultivating into Divine Dao Ji Luoxue, if experiences Three Transformations into Divinity, after achievement Realm Lord, has the possibility to refine Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, after building up, she then can extract strength of the Yuan magnetism , to continue succinct own Five Elements cultivation base...... 五行合修入神道姬落雪,若是经历化神三变,成就界主之后还有可能将元磁神山炼化,炼化之后她便能抽取其中的元磁之力,继续精粹自己的五行修为…… In fact in Ji Family, is Ji Luoxue reserved Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain. 事实上在姬家,已经为姬落雪预留了一座元磁神山 This Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain is also very rare in upper realm, to attain this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain Ji Family also paid the enormous price, but she is the Ji Family Heaven's Chosen, this price is not anything! 元磁神山上界之中也十分稀有,为了拿到这座元磁神山姬家也付出了极大的代价,不过她是姬家的天骄,这点代价并不算什么! The Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain slightly small point that Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain and Luo Zheng summon, before entering Dream Battlefield, Ji Luoxue then occupies in that Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain cultivation! 那座元磁神山罗征召出的这座元磁神山个头略小一分,在进入梦幻战场之前,姬落雪便居在那座元磁神山之中修炼 By the Ji Luoxue present strength, a palm lays out, has been able to pat the broken scrap Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, trades to make other Divine Sea Realm martial artist to be almost impossible to achieve, even Luo Zheng now still a stone on being hard disintegration Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain! 姬落雪现在的实力,一掌拍出,已经能将元磁神山拍碎一小块,换做其他神海境武者几乎不可能做到,即使是罗征现在也难以崩碎元磁神山上的一块石头! Because Ji Luoxue can the Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain strength of Yuan magnetism decompose part, Might of Five Elements...... may according to groups, if makes her refine this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, is actually unqualified! 因为姬落雪能将元磁神山中的元磁之力裂解一部分,将五行之力分门别类……可若是让她炼化这元磁神山,却是远不够资格! This Luo Zheng Five Elements about not repairing...... 罗征根本不曾五行合修…… He actually this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain building up...... 他却将这元磁神山给炼化了…… Isn't Ji Luoxue surprised? 姬落雪如何不吃惊? Looked that this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain may be possible to be small greatly, controls freely in the Luo Zheng hand, this was complete Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain building up! 看这元磁神山可大可小,在罗征手中掌控自如,这可是完完全全将一座元磁神山给炼化了! Perhaps her Ji Family Old Ancestor , that half character who foot treads into Five Elements Divine Dao, cannot refine Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain is in so the degree. 恐怕她姬家老祖,那半只脚踏入五行神道的人物,也没能将元磁神山炼化到如此程度。 However Ji Luoxue also looked, although Luo Zheng refine to melt this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, as if did not understand the control mountain strength of Yuan magnetism, this mountain took out, was used to pound itself unexpectedly...... regarding Luo Zheng this action, Ji Luoxue does not know that should express what opinion! 不过姬落雪也看出来了,罗征虽然炼化了这座元磁神山,似乎并不懂得掌控山中的元磁之力,这大山祭出,竟然只是用来砸自己……对于罗征这种举动,姬落雪也不知道应该发表什么意见了! This cannot blame Luo Zheng. 这也不能怪罗征 Initially what he sought from Library Pavilion was «Spectacle of Myriad Manifestations», this was not cultivation technique, explained in detail the Technique of Blood Refinement method, but how has not told Luo Zheng to use this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, therefore until now, Luo Zheng also pounded the person with this mountain! 当初他从藏书阁中找寻到的是一本《万象奇观》,这并非是一种功法,其中详解了血炼之术的方法,但却并没有告诉罗征如何利用这元磁神山,所以到现在为止,罗征也只是用这大山砸人! This pounding law, is quite perhaps clumsy, but the actual might is also highly regarded, even if Ji Luoxue were pounded in the truth that under the mountain has not perhaps escaped by luck. 这个“砸”法,或许比较笨拙,但实际威力也不可小觑,就算是姬落雪被砸在山下恐怕也没有幸免的道理。 „Do you...... refine this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain with what kind of method?” “你……用何等方法将这元磁神山炼化?” Hears the Luo Zheng's words, the heart of Ji Luoxue starts to beat fiercely! 听到罗征的话,姬落雪的心脏开始剧烈跳动起来! Even her natural disposition is light, at this moment is unable to suppress own excitement! 即便是她生性清淡,此刻也无法抑制自己的激动! She Heaven's Chosen as Ji Family, the body shouldered too many missions, if can refine Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, about cultivating to have the limitless advantage to her Five Elements ! 她身为姬家的天骄,身上背负了太多使命,若是能将元磁神山炼化,对她五行合修有着不可限量的好处! Luo Zheng said with a smile lightly: Why can tell you?” 罗征淡淡一笑道:“为何要告诉你?” Such a was choked by Luo Zheng, Ji Luoxue frowns, you , if willing to refine the method professor this in me, I can let off you!” 罗征这么一呛,姬落雪微皱眉头,“你若肯将这炼化法门教授于我,我可以放过你!” Lets off me?” The smile strong three points on Luo Zheng face, you determined that you are my opponent?” “放过我?”罗征脸上的笑容浓烈的三分,“你确定自己是我的对手?” By Luo Zheng that brilliant vision gaze, the Ji Luoxue state of mind is also slightly the mighty waves, does this fellow...... have to defeat own self-confidence? 罗征那灼灼的目光注视,姬落雪的心境也是微起波澜,这家伙……有击败自己的自信? Even if were broken the strength of own Earth Element by this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, Ji Luoxue has not cared. 即使被这元磁神山破掉了自己的土行之力,姬落雪也没有在意。 The strength of this youth no doubt is good, but wants to beat itself, is absolutely impossible! Therefore Ji Luoxue is also curious, self-confidence where this fellow comes? 这青年的实力固然是不错,但想要击败自己,绝对不可能!所以姬落雪也是好奇,这家伙哪来的自信? However Ji Luoxue has not pestered with Luo Zheng in this issue, you can propose that other condition, my Ji Family will satisfy as far as possible your! I refer to is not in Dream Battlefield, but in the outside world!” 不过姬落雪并未在这个问题上与罗征纠缠,“你可以提出别的条件,我姬家会尽量满足你的!我指的不是梦幻战场之中,而是在外界!” All Gods Thoughtless, is one of the three Lord clan influences, but Ji Family is the All Gods Thoughtless third largest family, this Ji Family let alone regarding Divine Sea Realm martial artist, even compared to upper realm many races, is still existence of colossus! 诸神无念,乃是三大人族势力之一,而姬家则是诸神无念的第三大家族,这姬家别说对于一个神海境武者,即便相对于上界许许多多种族来说,也是庞然大物的存在! It looks like in Ji Luoxue, regardless of the Luo youth has anything to request at present, Ji Family can easily satisfy. 姬落雪看来,无论眼前罗姓青年有什么要求,姬家都能轻易满足。 Condition......” Luo Zheng with a smile is staring at Ji Luoxue, this condition I looked or exempted, at least we have the victory and defeat is quite good!” “条件……”罗征笑吟吟的盯着姬落雪,“这条件我看还是免了,至少我们还是较出胜负比较好!” Saying, Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword in the Luo Zheng chest, the happy expression on face is drawing back the powder again horizontally, what replaces it is incomparably earnest color. 说着,雷风幽神剑再次横在罗征胸口,脸上的笑意退散,取而代之的是无比认真之色。 He does not care about what Ji Family. 他并不在乎什么姬家 This law of blood building up, Luo Zheng can also teach in her. 这血炼之法,罗征也能传授于她。 «Spectacle of Myriad Manifestations» is master recording of informal essay, records the fantastic story different matter, proposed this law of blood building up while convenient, is not the important thing. 万象奇观》属于师父的随笔之记,其中记载着奇闻异事,顺带将这血炼之法提了一笔,并不是什么重要之物。 Luo Zheng not the attitude that likes this female keeping aloof! 只是罗征不太喜欢此女高高在上的态度! He keeps this lord city goal, to win the Ji Luoxue Dream Illusion Points number, she for the law of blood building up, will speak finally in turn forgives a life, Luo Zheng will comply? 他留在这主城的目标,就是为了夺走姬落雪梦幻点数,结果她反过来为了血炼之法,言说饶自己一命,罗征又如何会答应? Sees the Luo Zheng's action, pollution in Ji Luoxue that limpid pupil is revolving unceasingly, is mutters whispers, evidently, can only make you understand that among us disparity, you can learn to accept fate......” 看到罗征的举动,姬落雪那清澈瞳孔中的一丝浑浊不断地旋转着,却是喃喃低语,“看样子,只能让你明白我们之间的差距,你才能学会认命……” = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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