AT :: Volume #13

#1215: Mountain capping

„The vitality of this boy also is really tenacious! Was clapped so many palms of the hand continuously, perhaps traded general martial artist to crank up the meat sauce!” “这小子的生命力还真是顽强!被连续拍了那么多巴掌,换一般的武者恐怕早就拍成肉酱了!” Perhaps he has the treasure of what body protecting, regardless of what treasure, he should unable to block this finger/refers!” “或许他有什么护体之宝,不过无论什么宝,他应该也挡不住这一指!” I remember that this is the first time that Ji Luoxue used her Five Elements Finger Wire...... this Five Elements Finger Wire is on Universe Myriad Spirit Monument supreme divine item ranked the 230 th! Is Ji Family supreme treasure!” “我记得这是姬落雪第一次动用她的五行指链……这五行指链乃是寰宇万灵碑上排名第230位的至尊神器!乃是姬家至宝!” This boy, but also wants to revolt...... is really......” “这小子,还想反抗……真是……” Numerous martial artist above city wall, have an eyeful at this moment! 城墙之上的众多武者们,此刻可是大饱眼福! supreme divine item generally by Realm Lord and Heavenly Venerable controls in the entire world...... 至尊神器在寰宇中一般都被界主天尊所掌控…… supreme divine item also more than 3000 in entire entire world! Usually where has the opportunity to result in the reason to see? 整个寰宇之中的至尊神器也不过三千多件!平日里哪有机会得缘一见? Although many martial artist have not seen, martial artist that but is good at studying diligently has heard somewhat, origin of some martial artist this Five Elements Finger Wire to the clarity that can actually scold. 虽然诸多武者没有见过,但一些善于钻研的武者还是多多少少听说过,有些武者对这五行指链的来历却能数落的清清楚楚。 This Five Elements Finger Wire is from Five Colors Divine Stone in Sun to build, five source Law Strength that contains, contains the unique deep meaning......” “这五行指链取自于太阳中的一块五彩神石打造,其中蕴藏的五种本源法则之力,蕴藏着独一无二的奥义……” Some people were telling when Five Elements Finger Wire origin, that giant finger has fallen loudly! 有人正在讲述着五行指链的来历之时,那巨大的手指已是轰然落下! Bang!” “轰!” The Luo Zheng's fist clashed with that giant finger. 罗征的拳头与那巨大的手指发生了碰撞。 Perhaps during the imagination of people, Luo Zheng's fleshly body must be destroyed to extinguish by this finger/refers directly, because between both differs so much as to be beyond comparison completely! 在众人的想象之中,罗征的肉身恐怕要被这一指直接摧灭,因为两者之间完全不成比例! But under glare of the public eye, that giant finger cannot select! 可是就在众目睽睽之下,那巨大的手指没能点下去! His body stands erect as before above the palm, the fist lifts up high toward the above as before! 他的身体依旧屹立在手掌之上,拳头依旧朝着上方高举! After that fierce sound diverges, Luo Zheng is entirely still as before, the vision is still indifferent, on the face is hanging a vague smile. 那剧烈的响声散去之后,罗征依旧纹丝不动,目光依旧淡然,脸上还是挂着一丝若有若无的微笑。 But that is congealed the giant index finger that by Earth Element Law together becomes, actually explodes suddenly, changes into the fragmentary Earth Element Law fragment, splutters to go toward all around. 而那一道由土系法则凝结而成的巨型食指,却是骤然爆开,化为零碎的土系法则碎片,朝着四周溅射而去。 A finger/refers of this giant, unexpectedly by a Luo Zheng's fist! 这巨人的一指,竟被罗征的一拳所断! This...... this fellow!” “这……这家伙!” Above the city wall surrounds on hundred thousand martial artist, by this shocking, a few words could not say! 城墙之上围观的上十万武者,都被这一幕给震撼了,一句话也说不出来! Meanwhile, above the index finger of Ji Luoxue also presented a crack, the whirlwind of dark red blood from that opening shoots together. 与此同时,姬落雪的食指之上也出现了一道裂纹,一道殷红的鲜血从那裂口之中飚射而出。 Good pain......” “好痛……” The pain that ten fingers of connected, the finger transmits makes people be hard to endure patiently. 十指相连,手指传来的痛苦让人难以忍耐。 This pain regarding most martial artist, is a piece of cake, even if enters Body Refinement martial artist to be cut off initially a finger/refers, the eye will not wink. 这点痛苦对于绝大多数武者来说,乃是小菜一碟,即便是初入炼体武者断掉一指,眼睛也不会眨一下。 But Ji Luoxue fears to hurt inborn, from small utmost is so. 可是姬落雪天生就十分怕疼,从小至大都是如此。 Even the small wound of finger still makes her say the ache, she then puts in the finger the mouth, flickers to attract cleanly the above blood...... 即便是手指的小伤也让她直呼疼痛,她便是将手指放入嘴中,将上面的鲜血瞬吸干净…… Therefore is covering her faint yellow giant, just like her, placed own mouth the hand, looks very funny. 于是笼罩着她的那淡黄色巨人,也与她一样,将手放在了自己的嘴边,看起来十分滑稽。 This time Luo Zheng, actually worked loose from the left hand of this giant, the agile form looked like a climbing mountains monkey, started to dash toward Ji Luoxue! 这时候的罗征,却是从这巨人的左手中挣脱出来,敏捷的身影就像是一只上山的猴子,开始朝着姬落雪这边飞奔而来! You......” “你……” The Ji Luoxue brow also wrinkles tightly, this Luo Zheng's strength imagines her is fiercer than! 姬落雪眉头也紧皱起来,这罗征的实力比她想象中的厉害许多! However she does not have to care as before, facing Luo Zheng's Ji Luoxue, throughout not extremely earnest, she is sucking in the finger at the same time, then extends another hand, whips toward Luo Zheng unceasingly. 不过她依旧没有太放在心上,面对罗征的姬落雪,始终都没有太过认真,她一边吮吸着手指,便是伸出另外一只手,不断朝着罗征拍打。 That giant hand, starts to stop Luo Zheng's to go forward, this palm of the hand claps, above the ground will present huge palm imprint, but Luo Zheng's figure tumbles unceasingly, looks like a small boat in dreadful rough seas, he will vanish occasionally does not see, but shortly, actually drilled from that finger/refers of seam that this rough seas will whip...... 那巨大的手,开始阻拦罗征的前进,这一巴掌拍下来,地面之上就会出现一道巨大的掌印,而罗征的身形在其中不断地翻滚,就像是滔天大浪中的一叶扁舟,他偶尔会被这大浪拍打的消失不见,但顷刻之间,却又从那指缝之中钻了出来…… Bang...... bang......” “轰……轰……” Under striking of time and time again, Luo Zheng drills in that palm, is also getting more and more near from Ji Luoxue! 一次次的拍击之下,罗征在那手掌中钻来钻去,距离姬落雪也越来越近! Whiz!” “嗖!” Approximately 3-4 zhang (3.33 m) distance time, Luo Zheng one step spans the space, then straight from to/clashes the under foot of arrived giant! 大约还有三四丈距离的时候,罗征一步跨越空间,便径自到了巨人的脚下! To strike to kill this Ji Luoxue, must break open the defense of this giant...... 想要击杀这姬落雪,必须要破开这巨人的防御…… But when Luo Zheng just drilled from the space crack, Ji Luoxue then raises that woman's bound feet gently, kicks unexpectedly gently toward Luo Zheng! 可是当罗征刚刚从空间裂缝之中钻出来,姬落雪便是将那三寸金莲轻轻一扬,竟然是朝着罗征轻轻踢出! Therefore the big foot of giant, then kicks toward the Luo Zheng front surface fiercely! 于是那巨人的大脚,便是朝着罗征迎面猛踢而来! Bang!” “砰!” Luo Zheng had not anticipated that has this move, under moves aside without enough time, this was kicked directly, the whole person looks like a rubber ball, kicking flying upside down goes by this great foot! 罗征也没意料到有这一招,来不及躲闪之下,直接被这一脚踢中,整个人就像是一只皮球,就被这只巨脚给踢得倒飞而去! Ji Luoxue is sucking the finger as before, saw that after Luo Zheng oneself kick, she oneself finger draws out, sizes up carefully, she cares about the injury that oneself point at actually. 姬落雪依旧吮着手指,看到罗征被自己一脚踢飞之后,她才将自己的手指拔出,仔细打量,她倒是十分在意自己手指的伤势。 Under this foot, Luo Zheng straight from departed more than ten li (0.5 km) scopes toward the rear area. 这一脚之下,罗征径自朝着后方飞出了十多里的范围。 However has not waited to pound above the ground, Luo Zheng has then stood firm the figure, float in midair, looks at distant place that giant yellow giant to reveal a forced smile. 不过还没等自己砸在地面之上,罗征便已经稳住了身形,悬浮在半空之中,望着远处那巨大的黄色巨人露出一丝苦笑。 Uses Earth Element Law that's all merely, is so unexpectedly thorny......” Luo Zheng seems somewhat helpless. “仅仅只是利用土系法则而已,竟然就如此棘手……”罗征显得有些无奈。 This thought just appeared, Luo Zheng grinding in the innermost feelings, this difficulty also being insufficient will then make Luo Zheng retrocede. 这个念头刚刚出现,罗征便在内心之中将之碾碎,这点困难还不足以让罗征后退。 Whiz-” “嗖-” His figure changes into a rainbow again, flies to shoot again! 他的身形再度化为一道长虹,再度飞射而来! Looks to be close to own Luo Zheng rapidly, Ji Luoxue decides to be earnest finally, in her heart also had a sense of crisis faintly, the strength of this boy indeed is worth her seriously treating. 看着飞速接近自己的罗征,姬落雪终于决定认真起来,她心中也隐隐有了一丝危机感,这小子的实力的确值得她认真对待。 Ji Luoxue at this moment has not thought will lose, although she some wee bit senses of crisis, but this sense of crisis makes her go seriously to treat that's all...... 此刻的姬落雪也不曾想过自己会输,她虽然有一丁点危机感,但这种危机感只是让她去认真对待而已…… Tries again......” “再试试……” Saw that Luo Zheng approaches rapidly, Ji Luoxue actually puts out a hand to pick toward Luo Zheng gently, must pick directly from the midair Luo Zheng! 眼看着罗征飞速靠近,姬落雪却是伸手朝着罗征轻轻一摘,就要将罗征直接从半空之中摘下来! But at this time, Luo Zheng both hands actually wielded suddenly, seven color hills of palm of the hand size then appeared nearby Luo Zheng, the turning round spin kept turning! 可就在这时候,罗征双手却是骤然一挥,一座巴掌大小的七彩小山便出现在罗征跟前,滴溜溜的旋转个不停! Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain, gives me to go!” 元磁神山,给我去!” hū hū......” 呼呼……” That Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain was refined with the mystique by Luo Zheng, now was summoned by Luo Zheng, during rapid revolving rapid then big, changes into a great mountain, presses toward that brown giant! 元磁神山罗征用秘法炼制,现在被罗征召出,就在飞速旋转之中迅速便大,化为一座巨山,朝着那土黄色的巨人压过去! This mountain......” “这山……” Ji Luoxue looks at that Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain to stare slightly. 姬落雪望着那元磁神山微微一愣。 When this, big Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain had pressed toward her! 就在这一愣之际,偌大一座元磁神山已经朝着她压了下来! Bang!” “轰!” Ji Luoxue lifts under the hand, then wants to give direct crushing these seven color mountains. 姬落雪抬手之下,便想要将这七彩大山给直接击碎。 This wields the fist, the giant also pinches tightly the fist at the same time, pounds ruthlessly toward this Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain! 这番挥出拳头,那巨人也在同一时间捏紧拳头,朝着这元磁神山狠狠地砸过去! Might of Five Elements that in Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain contains very heterogeneous, then because of so, this huge Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain very that and other Law Strength has the response, the main body is firm, common strength radically unable to destroy, let alone like the brute force of this giant. 元磁神山之中蕴藏的五行之力十分驳杂,便是因为如此,这巨大的元磁神山很那与其他法则之力发生反应,本体坚固无比,寻常力量根本无法破坏,更别说像这巨人的蛮力了。 Therefore blows out together the sound of thundering merely, that Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain from the sky trembled trembled, as before toward below ruthless pressure! 所以仅仅只是爆出一道轰鸣之声,那元磁神山在空中颤了一颤,依旧朝着下方狠压而来! The Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain firm degree, the far ultra common mountain, the weight naturally also compared the ordinary mountain peak heavy innumerable times! 元磁神山的坚固程度,远超一般的大山,重量自然也比普通的山峰重了无数倍! These presses above that giant shoulder, the pressure can be imagined! 这一下压在那巨人肩膀之上,压力可想而知! Even if places Ji Luoxue of giant within the body, still feels this terrifying the pressure, she at this moment is unable to move under this pressure unexpectedly. 即便是身处巨人体内的姬落雪,也感受到这恐怖的压力,此时此刻的她在这压力之下竟然无法动弹。 „......” “噼里啪啦……” Above the shoulder of giant, starts to present cracks, how long it is estimated that could not support then to be able voluntarily the disintegration. 那巨人的肩膀之上,也开始出现一道道裂纹,估计支撑不了多久便会自行崩碎。 After the Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain capping, on the Luo Zheng face is hanging the light smile, then seizes the chance to fly to shoot toward Ji Luoxue to go. 元磁神山压顶之后,罗征脸上挂着淡淡的笑容,便是趁机朝着姬落雪飞射而去。 If this move of effectiveness, he has been able exterminate this female, not to know that at this time this Ji Luoxue within the body contains many Dream Illusion Points numbers...... 倘若这一招见效,此时他就已能灭杀此女了,不知道这姬落雪体内蕴藏着多少梦幻点数…… However in addition Luo Zheng cannot approach, the Ji Luoxue vision flashes slightly, the under small finger of right hand selects gently, all Earth Element Law dissipate, is unified the giant who becomes by Earth Element Law, naturally also vanishes in this flash! 然而罗征尚且未能靠近,姬落雪的目光微微一闪,右手的小手指轻轻一挑之下,所有的土系法则消散一空,那由土系法则凝聚而成的巨人,自然也在这一瞬间消失! Lost Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain of support capacity then to press directly toward under! 失去了支撑力的元磁神山便直接朝着下方压去! If the Ji Luoxue avoidance is not prompt, must be pressed under this mountain...... 姬落雪躲避不及时,恐怕就要被压在此山之下…… Sees only Ji Luoxue remove the Earth Element Law instance, she a right hand thumb buckle, curls together the pale golden wind from the ring on that thumb gently, blows under toward her gently, Ji Luoxue is vanishing same place. 只见姬落雪撤掉土系法则的瞬间,她将右手拇指轻轻一扣,从那拇指上的戒指中卷出一道淡金色的风,朝着她轻轻一刮之下,姬落雪就在原地消失了。 But this moment Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain pressed layer on layer/heavily, falls into the ground number hundred zhang (333 m) the depth, stopped undercutting. 而此刻元磁神山才重重的压了下去,陷入地面数百丈的深度,才停止了下陷。 hū hū......” 呼呼……” That pale golden wind under one volume, then gives to whirl away Ji Luoxue, but at present is gently one volume, her form then appears above that Yuan Magnetism Divine Mountain mountain peak. 那淡金色的风一卷之下,便将姬落雪给卷走,但眼下又是轻轻一卷,她的身影便出现在那元磁神山的山尖之上。 The remaining prestige that two people fight curls up the turbulent flow, making this place wind crazy sways...... 两人交手的余威卷起乱流,让此地的风儿疯狂的吹拂…… She that looks like the hysterical/frenzy of streamer of white as ivory in the wind to roll up and push along behind, flap flap makes noise. 她身后那象牙白的飘带在风中狂乱卷动,猎猎作响。 Stands in Ji Luoxue of high place, can overlook Luo Zheng as before, is only look already quite the non- nature. 站在高处的姬落雪,依旧能够俯视罗征,只是神色已颇不自然。
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