AT :: Volume #13

#1214: Giants

The Luo Zheng's first round of offensive merely is only the meaning of probe. 罗征的第一轮攻势仅仅只是试探之意。 Although is only the probe, but is not casual can following. 虽然只是试探,但也不是随随便便就能接下来的。 Under this Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword stimulates to movement full power, thunder and lightning, is the might of wind blade sharply, but Nether God Shadow under the Luo Zheng's intention control, the style are not all same, and a fist foot all has tasteful, wants the broken move is not that easy. 雷风幽神剑全力催动之下,无论是其中的雷电,还是风刃的威力都犀利至极,而一道道幽神影罗征的心意控制之下,招式皆不相同,且一拳一脚皆有讲究,想要破招也不是那么容易。 Facing this Third Layer offensive, Ji Luoxue that pair of clear net double pupil actually caught meaning of the pollution! 面对这三重攻势,姬落雪那双原本澄净的双瞳却是染上了一丝浑浊之意! In this flash, her right hand actually suspends the orchid fingered, but that careful small finger is most prominent, but the ring above little finger also in this moment, sends out together the faint yellow ray! 在这一瞬间,她的右手却摆成兰花指状,而那细细的小手指最为突出,而小指之上的戒指也在这一刻,散发出一道淡黄色的光芒! Unsophisticated shape body protecting,” along with the Ji Luoxue light sound. “土形护体,”伴随着姬落雪淡淡的声音。 That faint yellow ray then condenses the forming gradually, changes into a giant who reaches as high as the number hundred zhang (333 m), covers in which Ji Luoxue. 那淡黄色的光芒便是渐渐凝聚成形,化为一个高达数百丈的巨人,将姬落雪笼罩其中。 Sincere aura, then comes following that faint yellow ray transmission. 一股厚重的气息,便顺着那淡黄色的光芒传递而来。 Bang......” “轰隆……” Frontline lightning numerous dividing hit above the ray, but stays behind together the light burnt trace above, the twinkling does not see on the dissipation. 最前方的一道闪电重重的劈打在光芒之上,只是在上面留下一道淡淡的焦糊痕迹,瞬息就消散不见。 But that together wind blade, cuts one inch distance merely...... 而那一道风刃,也仅仅切割进一寸的距离…… As for these Nether God Shadow, although fist technique is exquisite, perfect of coordination, may be unable to break open this powerful defense, as for placing Ji Luoxue, is being hard injures its slightest! 至于那些幽神影,虽然本身的拳法精妙,相互之间也配合的完美无瑕,可根本无法破开这强大的防御,至于身处其中的姬落雪,更是难以伤其分毫! Good powerful defensive power,” the Luo Zheng's eyebrow selects, although he knows that five rings in this Ji Luoxue hand are uncommon, but this ring powerful exceeds the Luo Zheng's imagination, she just now also activated ring that's all...... “好强悍的防御力,”罗征的眉毛一挑,他虽知道这姬落雪手中的那五枚戒指不凡,但这戒指的强大还是超出罗征的想象,她方才还只是激活了一枚戒指而已…… Under blocking Luo Zheng's attacked, Ji Luoxue then toward Luo Zheng holds up the palm, the corners of the mouth gently selected, just held up the palm then to fly high to fall! 挡住了罗征的进攻之后,姬落雪便是朝着罗征举起了手掌,嘴角轻轻一挑之下,刚刚举起了手掌便凌空落下! This distant palm of the hand claps, wraps that faint yellow giant Ji Luoxue, then under retakes the giant palm again! 这遥遥的一巴掌拍下来,将姬落雪包裹其中的那淡黄色巨人,便是将巨大的手掌重重拍下! Bang!” “轰隆!” The earth-shaking sound conveys together! Meanwhile along with the strength of fierce vibration! 一道惊天动地的声音传来!同时伴随着剧烈的震动之力! If to the high place look extremely downward, then saw that above this lord city nearby open area presented huge palm imprint, but regarding this palm imprint around, then had the innumerable say/way crack rapid expansion! The surrounding land also and is vibrating unceasingly...... 如果以极高处往下望去,便看到这座主城一旁的空地之上出现了一道巨大的掌印,而围绕着这掌印周围,便产生了无数道裂缝迅速的扩张!周围的大地越随之而不断震动着…… Under that big palm falls, Luo Zheng then flies to escape to go toward the rear area, avoided this palm of the hand! 在那大手掌落下之下,罗征便朝着后方飞遁而去,堪堪避开了这一巴掌! Looks at the tread collapse shape palm imprint, the Luo Zheng double pupil color of grim is also getting stronger and stronger, but fighting spirit also even more boils! 看着地面塌陷形状的掌印,罗征双瞳中的凝重之色也越来越浓烈,但战意也越发沸腾起来! Flies upwards upper realm, the Luo Zheng most important goal is to seek for Luo Yan! 飞升上界,罗征最重要的目标是寻找罗嫣 But Luo Zheng never forgets to track down own martial arts, surpasses own limit! 罗征从未忘记追寻自己的武道,超越自己的极限! However since stepping into upper realm, besides facing chasing down of these Heavenly Venerable, actually can not the opportunity and upper realm same step expert compares notes. 不过自踏入上界以来,除了面对那些天尊的追杀之外,却一直不得机会与上界的同阶强者切磋。 But in this Dream Battlefield, own long-cherished wish can actually be able to complete, he faces the super talent of entire entire world, major races Heaven's Chosen characters...... 但在这梦幻战场中,自己的夙愿却能得以完成,他面对的将之整个寰宇的超级天才,各大种族的天骄人物…… This palm of the hand, was too exaggerating!” “这一巴掌,太夸张了吧!” Snort, you think that who can call it Heaven's Chosen? In a big influence few Heaven's Chosen, this grade of character, will also become Realm Lord to will certainly be the outstanding person in Realm Lord in the future, sealing is Heavenly Venerable, top expert in domineering Heavenly Venerable, let alone this round of big world opens, the major races instill into countless painstaking care in oneself race Heaven's Chosen, they placed big Aristocratic Family, big race great expectations......” “哼,你以为谁都能称之为天骄?一个大势力之中也没有几位天骄,这等人物,日后成为界主必将是界主中的佼佼者,封为天尊,也强势天尊中的至强者,何况这一轮大世开启,各大种族都将无数心血灌输在自己种族的天骄中,他们寄予了一个大世家,一个大种族的厚望……” This also widened the disparity between Divine Sea Realm martial artist, Divine Sea Realm martial artist like us, feared that was unable for a lifetime over.” “这样也拉开了神海境武者之间的差距,像我们这样的神海境武者,怕是一辈子也无法出头了。” Above the city wall, has gathered has counted hundred thousand martial artist, much by just now that together loud sound attracting. 城墙之上,已经聚集了数十万武者了,其中不少是被方才那一道巨响给吸引过来的。 That palm of Ji Luoxue, although makes the surrounding area count hundred li (0.5 km) land vibration, that crack also extends several hundred li (0.5 km) range, but side lord city had not actually been shaken slightly, transmits also only then sound that's all. 姬落雪的那一掌,虽然让方圆数数百里的大地震动,那一道道裂缝也延伸出数百里的范围,但旁边这座主城却没有被撼动丝毫,传递进去的也只有声音而已 A palm has not patted, the eye of Ji Luoxue winks slightly, actually lifted the hand again, the backhand flies high to extract a palm of the hand again. 一掌没有拍中,姬落雪的眼睛微微一眨,却是再次抬手,反手再次凌空抽出了一巴掌。 The first palm is from top to bottom, the direct lid falls. 第一掌是自上而下,直接盖落下来。 This second palm seems like to frivolous man is common, sweeps away by the palm surface. 这第二掌却像是给轻薄男子的一记耳光一般,以掌面横扫过来。 Her flies high a palm of the hand speed is not quick, but the giant build was bigger innumerable times than her, the speed that this palm of the hand wields is consistent with her frequency, 她这凌空一巴掌速度并不快,但那巨人体型比她大了无数倍,这一巴掌挥动的速度与她频率一致, The speed is consistent, but she and giant reminded differs innumerable times, the absolute speed that this giant palm wielded naturally was also fast on innumerable times! 速度一致,但她与巨人提醒相差无数倍,这巨型手掌挥动的绝对速度自然也快上了无数倍! The big hand of giant has half to submerge the ground, this palm of the hand horizontal type-setting comes, then raises the soil sod of ground high, toward the Luo Zheng horizontal position in the past! 巨人的大手有一半没入地上,这一巴掌横排过来,便是将地面的泥土草皮高高掀起,朝着罗征横拍过去! This palm of the hand, if patted solid, patted Luo Zheng directly above the lord city city wall, under the palm and city wall extrusion, can directly the smashing that Luo Zheng patted! 这一巴掌,若是拍严实了,就直接将罗征拍在了主城的城墙之上,手掌与城墙挤压之下,能直接将罗征拍的粉碎! Luo Zheng naturally cannot make this matter happen, under his both legs tread, a tumbling, then avoided this with ease such as the city wall common palm. 罗征自然不会让这种事情发生,他双腿一蹬之下,一个翻滚,便轻松避开了这如城墙一般的手掌。 Snort......” “哼……” Sees Luo Zheng this action, Ji Luoxue is only light snort/hum, another flew high to pat again! 看到罗征这个举动,姬落雪只是淡淡的哼了一声,另外一手再度凌空拍下! Luo Zheng before this giant, just like a fly, just soared, quenches against under to pat another big hand to pat on the ground. 罗征在这巨人面前,宛若一只苍蝇,刚刚腾空而起,淬不及防之下就拍另外一只大手拍在了地上。 Strength...... imagines compared with me the weakness, but used strength of that's all Earth Element......” “实力……比我想象中的弱,只是动用了土行之力而已……” Her voice falls, the left hand receives, immediately digs toward under ruthlessly! 她话音一落,左手收回来,随即朝着下方狠狠一挖! The left hand of giant then dug a surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) soil in the hand, but Luo Zheng was just patted in this mud, naturally also fell into that great hand. 那巨人的左手便是将方圆十丈的泥土挖在了手中,而罗征刚刚被拍在这泥中,自然也落入那巨手中。 Meanwhile, the right hand of Ji Luoxue then closes up toward the left hand, both hands actually gently is whipping the palm of the hand, seems applauding the general, careful resolution for somebody, but can also hear her applause gently! 与此同时,姬落雪的右手便是朝着左手合拢,双手却是轻轻的拍打着巴掌,仿佛在为某人鼓掌一般,仔细分辨,还能听到她那轻轻的掌声! Reason that must distinguish carefully , because of both hands of this giant, is whipping unceasingly in the same place, erupts deafening bellows! 之所以要仔细分辨,乃是因为这巨人的双手,正在不断地拍打在一起,爆发出一道道震耳欲聋的轰鸣声! That Luo Zheng by this pair of great hand, high and low was then whipped! 罗征便是被这一双巨手,上下拍打! She whips one every time, martial artist that above the city wall surrounds, the eye hides cannot help beating one time! 她每拍打一记,城墙之上围观的武者们,眼皮子就忍不住要跳动一次! Perhaps the power and influence of good terrifying, was the boy...... feared the meat sauce?” “好恐怖的威势,那小子……恐怕被怕成肉酱了吧?” This palm of the hand clapped the estimate to be similar, this Ji Luoxue was too indeed terrorist!” “这一巴掌拍下去估计都差不多了,这姬落雪的确太恐怖了!” Why does not have to see that the dream luminous spot explodes, the boy should die cannot die again, according to the truth he should return to the city resurrecting?” “为何没见到梦幻光点爆出来,那小子应该死的不能再死了,按道理他应该回城复活了吧?” The people are also some doubts, these palms of the hand clap, why doesn't see the dream luminous spot of that boy? Is it possible that this fellow hasn't died? 众人也是有些疑惑,这几巴掌拍下来,为何不见那小子的梦幻光点?莫非这家伙还没死? pā pā......” 啪啪啪……” Bang, bang, bang......” “轰隆,轰隆,轰隆……” Ji Luoxue is whipping that pair of pure fair white hands gently, but the giant is actually whipping the huge palm. 姬落雪轻轻拍打着那双洁净白皙的玉手,而那巨人却拍打着自己庞大的手掌。 Ji Luoxue that limpid vision then penetrates the faint yellow ray to look, in sizing up the situation in palm. 姬落雪那清澈的目光便透过淡黄色的光芒望去,也在打量着手掌中的情况。 As under this whips unceasingly, that pair of soil that on great hand is formed by the faint yellow ray, then scatters in abundance, but the Luo Zheng's figure also reveals...... 随着她这不断拍打之下,那双由淡黄色光芒形成的巨手上的泥土,便是纷纷散落,而罗征的身形也显露出来…… The soil crushed stone in giant palm, can help Luo Zheng be set off against some strengths, but after these soil crushed stones scatter, but that giant palm solid lid in one! 巨大手掌中的泥土碎石,能够帮助罗征抵减一些力量,可是这些泥土碎石散落后,那巨大的手掌可是实实在在的盖在了一起! pā pā......” 啪啪啪……” But under whipping of Ji Luoxue time and time again, the surprised color in her limpid vision, is actually more and more rich! 姬落雪一次次的拍打之下,她那清澈的目光中的惊讶之色,却是越来越浓郁! Luo Zheng no doubt was being struck against by that giant double palm up and down, but Ji Luoxue clearly saw, this Luo Zheng's aura has not weakened, she has not seen any injury on Luo Zheng! 罗征固然被那巨大的双掌上下拍击着,可是姬落雪分明看到,这罗征的气息没有丝毫衰减,她也没有在罗征身上看到任何伤势! Can this fellow...... exterminate Niu Jin, the body unexpectedly be so easily tyrannical no wonder? 这家伙……难怪能轻易灭杀牛金,身体竟然如此强横? Her that attractive eyebrow, wrinkled slightly. 她那好看的眉毛,微微皱了起来。 Afterward the finger of her left hand raises up gently, fetters Luo Zheng in own left hand, but the right hand does to raise, extends own index finger toward own palm ruthlessly point under! 随后她左手的手指轻轻竖起,将罗征束缚在自己左手之中,而右手则搞搞提起,伸出自己的食指朝着自己掌心狠狠点下! After her made so the movement, that side Luo Zheng lies down in the great hand, above the top of the head a finger of great hand, is then coercing the terrifying strength, pressed toward oneself. 她这边做出了如此动作之后,那边罗征躺在巨手之中,头顶之上一只巨手的手指,便是裹挟着恐怖的力量,朝着自己压了下来。 This finger/refers of strength is quite centralized, obviously the analogy the double palm whips to want the terrifying many! 这一指的力量极为集中,显然比方才双掌拍打要恐怖的多! But in this moment, Luo Zheng actually shows a faint smile, he was actually broadminded raised oneself fist toward the sky! 但就在这一刻,罗征却是微微一笑,他却是豁然朝着天空举起了自己的拳头! The Luo Zheng's fist differs innumerable times with the finger of that giant, the peak of that finger, wants thick several times compared with the Luo Zheng's body...... 罗征的拳头与那巨人的手指相差无数倍,那一根手指的顶端,就比罗征的身躯还要粗大数倍…… This looks very astonishing! 这一幕看上去十分惊人! Luo Zheng nearby this giant is a small ant, with ant that the fingertip can choke to death gently! 罗征在这巨人跟前就是一只小小的蚂蚁,用指尖就能轻轻掐死的蚂蚁! In others opinion, this tribulations him to be doomed unable to escape. 在旁人看来,这一劫他注定无法逃过。
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