AT :: Volume #13

#1213: Ji Luoxue

This female wears smoke Luo Zi fine gauze overalls, in flutters like the streamer of white as ivory behind slowly, in the fairy maiden just like picture is ordinary the dust to be refined. 这女子身穿一件烟罗紫的轻纱罩衣,象牙白的飘带在身后缓缓飘动,宛若画中的仙子一般出尘脱俗。 She steps on crescent moon embroidered shoes actually to walk in the city wall edge, every time treads one step, the under foot then constructs the stair that the ice crystal congeals together, the tip of the toe borrows under the strength then to flutter gently forward a distance, but that ice crystal stair then disrupts loudly, therefore she takes lithe one step every time, along with the sound of clear delightful ice crystal disruption...... 她踩着一双月牙绣花鞋却是在城墙边缘行走,每踏出一步,脚下便构筑出一道冰晶凝结的台阶,脚尖轻轻借力之下便向前飘出一段距离,而那冰晶台阶便轰然碎裂,所以她每迈出轻盈的一步,都伴随着清脆悦耳的冰晶碎裂之声…… Crash-bang...... crash-bang......” “哗啦……哗啦……” Is looking at this purple clothes female, Luo Zheng both eyes are tranquil, but in the heart is very vigilant, four limbs also quiet stretches. 望着这紫衣女子,罗征双目平静,但心中却十分警惕,四肢也悄无声息的舒展开来。 cultivation base is weighs the martial artist strength a standard, but this standard in upper realm becomes very broad. 修为是衡量武者实力的一个标准,可是在上界之中这个标准变得十分宽泛。 For example strength powerful Divine Sea Realm martial artist, possibly far strong in talent general Divine Extremity Realm martial artist! 例如实力强悍的神海境武者,可能远强于天赋一般的神极境武者 Luo Zheng previously on relaxed exterminate Divine Extremity Realm martial artist, moreover this situation and exists on Luo Zheng incessantly, many core martial artist in this entire world, Heaven's Chosen of major races can also achieve similarly. 罗征此前就轻松灭杀神极境武者,而且这种情况并不止存在于罗征身上,这寰宇中的许多核心武者,各大种族的天骄同样也能做到。 When Luo Zheng feels the swift and fierce chill in the air of this female, detected that this person of strength is uncommon, possibly after is enters Dream Battlefield, most expert that he encounters. 罗征感受到这女子的凌厉寒意,也察觉到此人实力不凡,可能是进入梦幻战场后,他所遭遇的最强者 City Lord came......” 城主来了……” „Is this female this lord city City Lord? Has this grade of makings unexpectedly!” “这女子就是这主城城主吗?竟拥有这等气质!” Hehe, what does the person of Ji Family have this makings to be quite strange?” “嘿嘿,姬家之人有这种气质有什么好奇怪的?” „......” “……” Above the city wall many martial artist see this female appearance, in both eyes reveals the sparkle the ray, that sees a arrived perfect thing, look that the heart movement will reveal with a crash! 城墙之上不少武者望见此女的容貌,双目之中都流露出闪耀的光芒,那是见到了一件完美之物,砰然心动才会流露出的神色 The present female indeed is very perfect! 眼前的这女子的确是十分完美! In the Luo Zheng eye, similarly is also so, only by the appearance and makings, perhaps also only has Xun to be able with it being a worthy opponent! 罗征眼中,同样也是如此,单论容貌与气质来说,恐怕也只有能与之匹敌! However she and Xun makings are completely different. 不过她与的气质完全不同。 Xun an unsurpassed noble intent, stands in any place visits the mortal world goddess probably, and among the graces reveals decisively with Slaughter Intent, is actually hiding a fiery heart under that cold appearance, looks like a frozen in volcano is ordinary. 给人一种无上高贵之意,站在任何地方都像是莅临人间的女神,且举手投足之间都流露出果断与杀戮之意,在那冷冽的外貌之下却隐藏着一颗火热的心,就像是一座被封冻的火山一般。 But at present this female, actually a tranquility, auspicious feeling. 而眼前这女子,却给人一种宁静,祥和的感觉。 The snowflake that one such as that rustle falls, this cold and pure aura not only does not make one conflict, instead makes people quiet. 一如那簌簌而落的雪花,这种凌冽的气息不仅不让人抵触,反而让人沉静。 But Luo Zheng actually feels, under this immersion, hidden is wiping the light murderous intention, this murderous intention is very arrogant, as if there is having absolute power over somebody assurance to the life of all living things, but this all living things naturally also contained Luo Zheng. 罗征却感受到,在这沉浸之下,隐藏着一抹淡淡的杀机,这种杀机十分高傲,仿佛对众生之命都有生杀予夺的把握,而这“众生”自然也包含了罗征 The purple clothes female is away from Luo Zheng's from be getting more and more near, that quiet chill in the air also more and more grim, but from her falls gently, but below snowflake is also getting bigger and bigger. 紫衣女子距离罗征的距离越来越近,那让人沉静的寒意也越来越凝重,而从她周围飘落而下的雪花也越来越大。 Inside and outside lord city, all martial artist shut oneself mouth, only heard snowflakes to fall gently in the ground made dá dá the sound...... 主城内外,所有的武者都闭住了自己的嘴巴,只听到一朵朵雪花飘落在地上发出“哒哒”的声音…… The temperature in this Dream Battlefield is not low, can call it the intense summer heat regarding the mortal, that snowflake actually not necessarily melts, then builds at the visible speed, before long laid light first layer on the ground. 梦幻战场中的温度不低,对于凡人来说可以称之为酷暑,那雪花却不见得融化,便是以肉眼可见的速度堆砌起来,不一会儿就在地上铺砌了薄薄一层 Was you killed hair ornament?” Purple clothes female by scattering flying snow, the vision falls on Luo Zheng, just like her makings, the vision of this female especially is thoroughly pure. “是你杀了珈凡?”紫衣女子透过飘散的飞雪,目光落在罗征身上,与她的气质一样,这女子的目光格外纯净透彻。 Hair ornament every who?” Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, raised the head to look up to this female also to say immediately: „Did you say that blue garment martial artist?” “珈凡是谁?”罗征微微一笑,抬头仰望此女随即又说道:“你说那位蓝衫武者?” The purple clothes female nods, right.” 紫衣女子点点头,“对。” Is,” Luo Zheng had not denied, was saying he refers to the place that just now that golden pill exploded saying: He should be the suicide, at least Dream Illusion Points counts me not to obtain.” “算是吧,”罗征并没有否认,说着他指了指方才那一枚金丸爆开的地方说道:“不过他应该算是自杀,至少梦幻点数我并没有得到。” That blue garment martial artist suicide, the Dream Illusion Points number was actually absorbed, until now Luo Zheng cannot think through, this does not conform to the Dream Battlefield rule! 那蓝衫武者自杀,梦幻点数却被人吸收,迄今为止罗征都想不通,这根本不符合梦幻战场的规则! These Dream Illusion Points numbers, naturally were I absorbed, that should be my Dream Illusion Points number,” purple clothes female said lightly. “那些梦幻点数,自然是我吸收了,那本该是我的梦幻点数,”紫衣女子淡淡的说道 How do you achieve?” Luo Zheng was most curious to this matter. “你如何做到的?”罗征对这件事情最为好奇了。 The purple clothes female has not answered Luo Zheng this issue, but continues to stare at Luo Zheng with that pure vision, you also killed Niu Jin.” 紫衣女子却并未回答罗征这个问题,而是继续用那纯净的目光盯着罗征,“你还杀了牛金。” Hears this saying, Luo Zheng somewhat is also speechless, a few words can ask obviously matter that this woman must separate asked twice, therefore Luo Zheng cracks into a smile, said simply: Right, indeed is I kills! You are City Lord! Are these two your subordinate?” 听到这话,罗征也有些无语,明明一句话能够问完的事情,这女人非要分开两次问,于是罗征咧嘴一笑,干脆说道:“对,的确是我所杀!你就是‘城主’吧!这两人都是你的手下?” Luo Zheng spoke like this, has the obvious provocative flavor, although he took seriously this opponent, but actually did not fear the war. 罗征这样子说话,已经带着明显挑衅的味道,他虽然重视这位对手,但却并不惧战。 The purple clothes female did not reply the Luo Zheng's words, she as if did not care about Luo Zheng to say anything, but completely immersed in own mentality, you took away the Niu Jin half Dream Illusion Points number, I must strike to kill three times to be able you to gain, after three times, I can put you to leave lord city......” 紫衣女子却并不回答罗征的话,她似乎并不在意罗征说什么,而是完全沉浸在自己的思路之中,“你拿走了牛金的一半梦幻点数,我要将你击杀三次才能赚回来,三次之后,我可以放你离开主城……” Heard this bewildered words again, Luo Zheng also understood, counted on evidently with this female well communication was the impossible matter. 再度听到这莫名其妙的话,罗征也明白了,看样子指望跟这女子好好沟通是不可能的事。 But this does not affect the Luo Zheng's goal! 但这并不影响罗征的目标! Now looks like, this female indeed was City Lord, struck to kill City Lord, seizes her Dream Illusion Points number, this was the Luo Zheng only goal! 现在看来,这女子的确就是城主了,将城主击杀,夺走她的梦幻点数,这是罗征唯一的目标! cēng! 噌! Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword comes out of the sheath suddenly, above that blue sword blade exuded a quiet bright sword light, Luo Zheng was restraining oneself mood, the long sword in hand already horizontally in the chest, „, if you can defeat this Luo, don't said three times, were feasible 30 times.” 雷风幽神剑骤然出鞘,那蓝色的剑身之上泛着一丝幽亮的剑光,罗征收敛了自己情绪,手中的长剑已横在胸口,“若你能击败罗某,莫说三次,三十次也是可行。” The purple clothes female swept a Luo Zheng's long sword lightly, although she does not know the Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword origin, but also knows this long sword to be uncommon, in that pair of clear net double pupil reveals color of being astonished slightly. 紫衣女子淡淡的扫了一眼罗征的长剑,她虽不认识雷风幽神剑的来历,但也知这一柄长剑不凡,那双澄净的双眸之中微微流露出一丝讶异之色。 You...... surnamed Luo? Do you name?” The purple clothes female also asked suddenly. “你……姓罗?你叫什么名字?”紫衣女子又忽然问道。 Luo Tianxing,” Luo Zheng sent out own name. 罗天行,”罗征报出了自己的名字。 After hearing the Luo Zheng's name, on the purple clothes female face reveals a disappointed color. 听到罗征的名字之后,紫衣女子脸上流露出一丝失望之色。 martial artist in this Dream Battlefield has a trillion number, martial artist surnamed Luo not surely, there are 1 million numbers, the possibility of chance encounter that fellow was too low...... 梦幻战场中的武者有兆数之多,姓罗的武者没有千万,也有百万之数,巧遇那家伙的可能性太小了…… Immediately she exhaled cold air gently, thinks that fellow digs several pits, in that ice-cold heart also gives birth to fiery, if the fellow will enter Dream Battlefield surely is not the obscure individual, oneself should be able it seeking! As for at present this fellow surnamed Luo, rule that since disobedient set, that naturally must strike to kill it take action! 随即她轻轻的呼出了一口寒气,想到那家伙挖几个坑,那冰冷的心中也生出一丝火热,若那家伙进入梦幻战场必定不会是无名之辈,自己应该能将之找寻!至于眼前这个姓罗的家伙,既然忤逆自己定下的规则,那自然要将之出手击杀! I...... did not call City Lord,” purple clothes female to say at the same time, the slender finger of that fair victory snow launched slightly, later the billowing light wound her finger. “我……不叫‘城主’,”紫衣女子一边说道,那白皙胜雪的修长手指微微展开,随后就有一条潋滟之光绕上她的手指。 After that ray clears, since she pointed at then presented five rings! 等到那光芒散尽之后,自她手指之中便出现了五枚戒指! The styles of these five rings are obsolete, above does not have any pattern embellishes, is actually and is so air/Qi qualitative Ji Luoxue is not in tune very! 这五枚戒指的样式老旧,上面没有任何花纹点缀,却是与如此气质的姬落雪十分不搭调! But these five rings, a careful chains necklace, sees only her to stretch suddenly that tall five fingers, that careful chains starts to drag unceasingly...... 而这五枚戒指彼此之间,还有一条细细的锁链项链,只见她忽然将那颀长的五指舒展开来,那细细的锁链就开始不断摇曳起来…… At this time, Ji Luoxue then said: I called Ji Luoxue, remembered my name, then...... died......” 这时候,姬落雪才接着说道:“我叫姬落雪,记住我的名字,然后……去死吧……” The snow petal speed that her finishing speaking, side that drops slowly sped up ten times to continue suddenly! 她的话音刚落,身边那缓缓落下的雪瓣速度骤然加快了十倍不止! If just now is the heavy snow that in the winter night arrives at quietly, then now is the snowstorm in cold winter! 如果说方才是冬夜里悄然降临的大雪,那么现在则是凛冬之中的暴风雪! hū hū hū......” 呼呼呼……” Not was only the snowflake increased, the wind even more was also violent! 不仅仅是雪花变大了,风也越发猛烈起来! In snowstorm that in this hysterical/frenzy rolls up and pushes along, the Ji Luoxue figure flutters to directly soar Luo Zheng suddenly! 就在这狂乱卷动的暴风雪中,姬落雪的身形骤然飘动直奔罗征而来! Whiz!” “嗖!” This female is static, if virgin, once moves, has the potential of rushing thunder, slightly rude son. 这女子静若处子,可是一旦动起来,却有奔雷之势,丝毫不逊男儿。 Her form increases in the Luo Zheng pupil suddenly, is almost the time of blinking, distance of Luo Zheng with her has been less than one zhang (3.33 m)! 她的身影在罗征瞳孔之中骤然变大,几乎是眨眼的时间,罗征与她之间的距离已不到一丈! Among one zhang (3.33 m), Luo Zheng's long sword also suddenly take action! 一丈之间,罗征的长剑也骤然出手 Nether God Shadow!” 幽神影!” ......” “呼……” crackling!” 噼啪!” With Luo Zheng the Primordial Chaos Qi irrigation in Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword, winds the lightning that circles to charge into this female! 随着罗征混沌之气灌注在雷风幽神剑中,一道蜿蜒盘旋的闪电已率先冲向此女! After this lightning, is the sharp wind blade! 这闪电之后,则为犀利的风刃! But after wind blade, is dense and numerous Nether God Shadow, each Nether God Shadow displays the different fists to incur respectively, attacks toward Ji Luoxue! 而风刃之后,则为密密麻麻的幽神影,每一道幽神影各自施展不同拳招,朝姬落雪攻去! Above the city wall, all martial artist look at steadily is staring at present one! 城墙之上,所有的武者都目不转睛的盯着眼前一幕! In martial artist in this lord city many people have experienced the Ji Luoxue strength, they do not dare to overstep this city wall half inch, because they were clear, only then this lord city rule can protect them! 主城中的武者中不少人都见识过姬落雪的实力,他们不敢逾越这城墙半寸,因为他们清楚,也只有这主城的规则才能护住他们! How I felt that some are unfair, City Lord suddenly became good, but struck to kill three times this boy, let off?” “我怎么感觉有些不公平,城主忽然变得善良起来了,只是将这小子击杀三次,就此放过?” City Lord character originally on strange very much, is subject to changing moods, heard that has the relations with these books that she read, she seemed easy by the book in the story influence state of mind!” 城主的性格原本就古怪的很,喜怒无常,听说是跟她读的那些书有关系,她似乎很容易被书中故事影响心境!” From time to time is gentle, from time to time is cruel...... I to think actually this character is very charming, Haha!” “时而温婉,时而残暴……我倒是觉得这种性格很迷人,哈哈!” Charming? Hey, she is the Ji Family Heaven's Chosen, you seek friendships?” “迷人?嘿,她可是姬家的天骄,你高攀的起么?” This war just started, many martial artist also discussed low voice while this crevice. 这番大战刚刚开始,诸多武者也趁着这个空隙小声议论起来。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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