AT :: Volume #13

#1212: Luoxue

Luo Zheng present these golden color hammer shades, experienced the mysterious hammer law of several thousand years of precipitation! 罗征眼前的这些金色锤影,也是经历了数千年沉淀的玄奥锤法! These golden hammer shades blot out the sky to come, letting the person is unable clearly to distinguish the genuine and fake, wanting decoding is not an easy matter. 这些金色锤影铺天盖地而来,让人无法明辨真假,想要将之破解绝非易事。 But Luo Zheng has not been thinking decoding from the start, he planned resists as before with the brute force, this is also the fastest method. 罗征压根就没想着破解,他依旧打算用蛮力对抗,这也是最为迅捷的手段。 But this Niu Jin greatly was infinite on the strength, how many of brute forces in same step martial artist also has to be able with it to resist? That that even if the strength compared with Niu Jin stronger martial artist, for example Niu Jin takes care of young lord, is still this lord city City Lord impossible to spell with him with the brute force hardly, such suffered a loss. 但这牛金原本就力大无穷,同阶武者之中又有几人的蛮力能与之对抗?即使是实力比牛金更强的武者,例如牛金所服侍的那位“少主”,也就是这位主城的“城主”也不可能用蛮力与他硬拼,那样太吃亏了。 Luo Zheng will actually not suffer a loss, coordinates Might of Dragon Scales by the body of divine item, let alone same step martial artist, is higher than big realm martial artist impossible to resist with it Luo Zheng! 罗征却不会吃亏,以神器之体配合龙鳞之力,别说同阶武者,便是比罗征高一个大境界武者也不可能与之对抗! Therefore Luo Zheng not only does not have retreat Half Step, instead moves forward to meet somebody toward Niu Jin...... 所以罗征不仅没有后退半步,反而朝牛金迎了上去…… Plants! Bestows you dead happily!” “有种!赐你痛快一死!” Discovered that Luo Zheng has not only run, instead directly soars itself to come, in the Niu Jin both arms also poured into the complete strength! Simultaneously that side Divine Sea starts to tilt the dreadful tide, cultivation base dispersing, is ordinary just like a strength god, all golden hammer shades arrive toward Luo Zheng under! 发现罗征不仅没跑,反而直奔自己而来,牛金双臂之中也灌注了自己全部力量!同时那一方神海开始掀动滔天浪潮,修为散开,宛若一尊力神一般,所有的金色锤影都朝着罗征降临而下! In this moment, Luo Zheng also opened ten thousand Might of Dragon Scales! 在这一刻,罗征也将龙鳞之力开启了万枚之多! The strength in within the body is also similar to the tide to be the same, comes in swarms, although that hammer shadow such as the numerous flowers shake the person eyes generally, is difficult to distinguish the truth, but Luo Zheng has not planned to defend this hammer, his goal only has Niu Jin oneself! 体内的力量也如同潮水一般,蜂拥而至,那锤影虽然如繁花一般晃人眼睛,让人难辨真伪,可罗征没打算防御这锤击,他的目标只有牛金本人! Whiz!” “嗖!” The Luo Zheng's figure speeds up three points suddenly, single-handed fist, this very ordinary to fist, the strength of containing far exceeds anybody's imagination! 罗征的身形骤然加快三分,单手化拳,这十分平凡的一记冲拳,其中蕴藏的力量远超任何人的想象! It looks like in Niu Jin, Luo Zheng this forms of combat then somewhat went all out. 牛金看来,罗征这种战斗方式便是有些拼命了。 Under his laughs, the right hand grasps, everywhere golden color hammer shadow was actually short of half, originally for safety's sake, he actually blocks a golden sledgehammer in oneself chest, is used to resist the Luo Zheng's attack, he previously pounded the Luo Zheng two hammers, knowing in the heart Luo Zheng must have the uncommon place, front this to/clashes the fist looks very simple, but he actually feared cheats! He does not want to perish together with Luo Zheng...... 他一声大笑之下,右手一抓,漫天金色锤影却是少了一半,原来为了保险起见,他却是将一把金色大锤拦在自己的胸口,用来抵御罗征的进攻,他此前砸了罗征两锤,心知罗征必有不凡之处,面前这冲拳看上去十分简单,但他却怕其中有诈!他可不想与罗征同归于尽…… If perishes together, he and Luo Zheng within the body half Dream Illusion Points of will keep this place, if were robbed by other meddlesome martial artist, oneself could not say that must be scolded by young lord. 若是同归于尽,他与罗征体内的一半梦幻点都会留在此地,倘若被其他一些好事的武者抢夺,自己说不得就要被少主责骂一番。 The Niu Jin semblance is seemingly crude, the thoughts actually are also extremely close, he took back a golden sledgehammer, but another golden sledgehammer transforms the innumerable hammer shades as before, pounds directly from the Luo Zheng's crown of the head, under this hammer is necessary to pound the fragment the head of this person! 牛金外表看上去鲁莽,心思其实也是极为细密,他收回了一把金色大锤,而另外一把金色大锤依旧幻化出无数锤影,直接从罗征的天灵盖上砸下去,这一锤之下是必要将此人的脑袋砸成碎片! Can say in the flash, Niu Jin made the most correct judgment. 可以说在一瞬间,牛金做出了最正确的判断。 But the correct judgment, is in any event useless under the absolute strength suppression! 但无论如何正确的判断,在绝对实力压制之下都是无用的! When Luo Zheng this fist pounds above gold/metal hammer that in Niu Jin that returns to base, Niu Jin understood immediately...... 罗征这一拳砸在牛金那回防的金锤之上,牛金顿时明白了…… Luo Zheng this to/clashes the power and influence of fist is not intense, the imposing manner of his whole person, had been covered by Niu Jin completely, when Luo Zheng this fist touches on the gold/metal hammer, Niu Jin feels a momentous strength from own hammer! 罗征这冲拳的威势并不强烈,他整个人的气势,已经被牛金完全掩盖,可是当罗征这一拳触碰到金锤上时,牛金就从自己的锤中感受到一股排山倒海的力量! This strength pounds above the gold/metal hammer, but gold/metal hammer pounds in reverse in the chest of Niu Jin...... 这一股力量砸在金锤之上,而金锤又倒过来砸在牛金的胸口…… Ka!” “咔!” The sound of breakage transmits to come together. 一道破裂之声传递而来。 That circular gold/metal hammer, unexpectedly by Luo Zheng directly splitting that pounds from the middle! But Luo Zheng's has not stopped to the fist as before, penetrates this gold/metal hammer following the crack directly, straight from bang in the chest of Niu Jin! 那圆形的金锤,居然被罗征直接从中间砸的裂开!而罗征的冲拳依旧未曾停止,顺着裂缝直接将这金锤穿透,径自轰在了牛金的胸口! Clang! 哐! Luo Zheng's fist impact when this Niu Jin chest, then transmits a loud sound again! 罗征的拳头冲击在这牛金胸口之上时,则再度传递一声巨响! Hears this sound, the Luo Zheng's vision flashes slightly, in the heart is sighs one is not good secretly, this fellow has the supreme treasure self-defense unexpectedly! 听到这声音,罗征的目光微微闪动,心中却是暗叹一声不好,这家伙竟有至宝防身! Can undertake ten thousand Might of Dragon Scales defense supreme treasure, at least is also First Grade Divine Tool...... even if had supreme treasure to protect own chest, this fellow feared that still wanted the severe wound, after all defended that supreme treasure also can only reduce itself to be harmed, but is unable to resist completely, only if defense supreme treasure of this fellow chest were supreme divine item. 能够承担万枚龙鳞之力的防御至宝,至少也是一品神器……不过即便是有至宝护住了自己的胸口,这家伙怕也是要重伤,毕竟防御至宝也只能减轻自己受到的伤害,而无法完全抵御,除非这家伙胸口的防御至宝乃是至尊神器 What Luo Zheng is worried, this fellow also has golden pill, if his moment crumb golden pill feared that wants wasted effort...... 罗征担心的是,这家伙也有金丸,若他此刻捏碎金丸自己怕是要竹篮打水一场空…… Under the huge inertia, Niu Jin also flies upside down to go toward the rear area, his body knows itself to be seriously injured, that terrifying strength still in preserving in his five internal organs six lungs, even his Internal Body World vibration, side Divine Sea also faces the collapse! 在巨大的惯性之下,牛金也是朝着后方倒飞而去,他身知自己受了重伤,那恐怖的力量还在留存在他五脏六肺之中,甚至将他的体内世界震动,一方神海也面临崩溃! At this time, Niu Jin considered did not maintain life, but preserved the young lord Dream Illusion Points number! 这个时候,牛金考虑的并不是保命,而是保住少主梦幻点数! The life lost can resurrect, if were robbed the Dream Illusion Points number by this person, he faced perhaps was the young lord severe punishment! 命丢了可以复活,若是被此人抢走了梦幻点数,他面临的恐怕是少主严酷的责罚! Therefore in the instance of flying upside down, in the Niu Jin hand presented golden pill impressively! 所以在倒飞的瞬间,牛金手中赫然出现了一枚金丸 But pulls out this golden pill instance in Niu Jin, in addition did not have crumb with enough time, near the ear is hears hey one sneers! 可就在牛金掏出这金丸的瞬间,尚且还没来得及捏碎,耳边便是传来“嘿”的一声冷笑! Luo Zheng expected unexpectedly he will pull out golden pill to be common, one step close to him side, this Niu Jin just wants to use hand crumb golden pill forcefully, but has not made an effort with enough time, together golden light twinkle of blue Wang Wang...... 罗征竟然预料到他会掏出金丸一般,强行一步靠近他身边,这牛金刚刚想用手捏碎这金丸,但还没来得及使力,一道蓝汪汪金光闪烁…… Niu Jin could not feel existence of right hand! 牛金就感受不到自己右手的存在了! His hand, was actually cutting off by Luo Zheng's Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword instantaneously, pinches that golden pill to soar high. 他那只手,却是被罗征的雷风幽神剑在瞬间斩断,捏着那一枚金丸高高飞了起来。 The Luo Zheng's movement is quite quick, the figure in a flash, then from broken hand to grasp that golden pill, under a tumbling, the knee has pressed in the chest of Niu Jin, the sword blade has aimed at Niu Jin. 罗征的动作极为敏捷,身形一晃之下,便将那金丸从断手之中抓出,一个翻滚之下,膝盖已压在牛金的胸口,剑刃已经对准了牛金 young lord cannot......” 少主不会……” !” “噗!” Luo Zheng has not made this person say the words, if in elsewhere, he could this to speak several idle talk. 罗征没有让此人将话说完,若是在别处,他或许能让此人多说几句废话。 This lord city is everywhere strange, he actually feared the Dream Illusion Points number that will soon succeed in obtaining flew, first killed this person said again, will always be insufficient itself the person of killing, the Dream Illusion Points number will fly away? 这座主城处处诡异,他却怕即将到手的梦幻点数飞了,还是先将此人杀了再说,总不至于自己所杀之人,梦幻点数还是会飞走吧? In fact until now, Luo Zheng does not think clearly, after why that blue garment martial artist dies, the Dream Illusion Points number automatically will fly away...... 事实上直到现在为止,罗征也想不明白,为何那蓝衫武者死后,梦幻点数会自动飞走…… Niu Jin dies, then returned to the city by a red luminous spot package resurrected, at the same time, is one big rolls the Dream Illusion Points number to explode, the Dream Illusion Points number of this fellow compares that blue garment martial artist to be many unexpectedly! 牛金一死,便是被一道红色的光点包裹回城复活了,与此同时,又是一大团梦幻点数爆开,这家伙的梦幻点数竟然比那蓝衫武者还要多! These yellow luminous spots explode from Niu Jin within the body, then flies to escape to come toward Luo Zheng within the body, to see this, Luo Zheng relaxes slightly, he also really thinks that some people can affect the Dream Battlefield rule! 这些黄色的光点自牛金体内爆出来,便朝着罗征体内飞遁而来,看到这一幕,罗征才微微松了一口气,他还真以为有人能影响梦幻战场的规则呢! Above the city wall, numerous martial artist see this, in most vision envies also pities. 城墙之上,众多武者看到这一幕,大多数目光中既是羡慕也是怜悯。 Envying is Luo Zheng actually has such strength, resists Niu Jin not only not to drop the wind directly, instead can strike Luo Zheng strikes to kill, thus obtains so many Dream Illusion Points numbers! 羡慕是罗征竟然拥有如此实力,正面对抗牛金不仅不落下风,反而能一击将罗征击杀,从而获得如此多的梦幻点数! The pitied reason is very simple, their very clear Luo Zheng's fate is anything...... 怜悯的原因很简单,他们很清楚罗征的下场是什么…… Previously that City Lord wanted to control this lord city to trigger the reactions of many martial artist, many powerful martial artist, some martial artist examples must be more intrepid than Niu Jin and the others, some people they struck to kill several times Niu Jin. 此前那位“城主”想要掌控这座主城引起了诸多武者的反弹,其中不乏一些实力强大的武者,有些武者的实例比牛金等人要更加强悍,也有人将牛金他们击杀过几次。 But final result, then by torture of City Lord time and time again! 可最终的结果,便是被城主一次次的虐杀! Now that several martial artist not only Dream Illusion Points number few pity, now even leaving this lord city are very difficult! 如今那几位武者不仅身上的梦幻点数少的可怜,现在甚至连离开这主城都十分困难! So long as that several martial artist go out of town, will face chasing down of City Lord, but the City Lord speed...... absolutely does not have Divine Sea Realm martial artist to get rid! 那几位武者只要出城,就会面临城主的追杀,而城主的速度……根本就没有神海境武者能够摆脱! In their opinion, perhaps this Luo Zheng's fate is also no better. 在他们看来,这罗征的下场恐怕也好不到哪里去。 This Niu Jin died, City Lord...... will perhaps catch up!” “这牛金死了,城主……恐怕会赶来了!” This fellow has not walked unexpectedly, if sneaks off now perhaps also with enough time!” “这家伙竟然还不走,若现在开溜恐怕还来得及!” This person should martial artist that came from other lord city, not clear City Lord strength!” “此人应该是从其他的主城过来的武者,并不清楚城主的实力!” They actually do not know, Luo Zheng simply has not planned to leave this place, his goal is this City Lord...... 他们却不知道,罗征根本没打算离开此地,他的目标就是这位城主…… Dream Illusion Points number astronomical figures that this City Lord how many subordinates, the fat class/flow oil, this City Lord has accumulated? Thinks of here, Luo Zheng where is willing to leave? 城主的几位手下,就已经肥的流油了,这城主本身积累的梦幻点数岂不是一个天文数字?想到这里,罗征哪里肯离开? Since this City Lord is so overbearing in the rumor, oneself killed under his two masters continually, this City Lord should not look for itself on later...... 既然这城主在传言之中如此霸道,自己一连杀了他两名手下,这位城主不就之后应该会找上自己…… Luo Zheng stands outside the city as before, the vision is actually in the wholly absorbed sizing up hand this golden pill! 罗征依旧站在城外,目光却是专心致志的打量手中这枚金丸 Perhaps this golden pill, is supreme treasure has, the might that erupts is so unexpectedly terrifying, fortunately this golden pill disposable consumables! But when even so, meets the enemy releases this golden pill, under can also harvest the effect unexpectedly! 这一枚金丸,恐怕也是一件至宝存在,爆发出来的威力竟然如此恐怖,还好这金丸只是一次性消耗品!但即使如此,应敌之时释放出这金丸,出其不意之下也能收获奇效! But after this golden pill needs the crumb, can stimulate it, is it possible that this can golden pill only be used to commit suicide? 可是这金丸需要捏碎之后才能将之激发,莫非这金丸只能用于自杀么? When sizing up this golden pill, Luo Zheng felt suddenly this golden pill boiling hot, then has the big power and influence on probably from blooms, he is almost the conditioned reflex ejects this golden pill generally by far! 就在打量这枚金丸之际,罗征骤然感到这金丸滚烫起来,便是有大威势要从其中绽放,他几乎是条件反射一般将这金丸远远抛出! !” “噗!” This golden pill after flew more than ten zhang (3.33 m) distance, the dense and numerous blood-color lightnings then dissipate from this golden pill! 金丸在空中飞行了十多丈距离后,密密麻麻的血色闪电便从这金丸之中逸散而出! Sees this, the Luo Zheng's complexion somewhat is also ugly, if not for he responded quickly, perhaps oneself must be involved! 看到这一幕,罗征的脸色也有些难看,若不是他反应快,自己恐怕也要被卷入其中了! In the meantime, Luo Zheng feels the back to transmit a cold and pure chill in the air, when Luo Zheng turns the head to look, actually saw that a purple clothes strolls toward oneself, but this person has flying snow piece by piece to sink...... 就在此时,罗征感受到后背传来一丝凌冽的寒意,当罗征转头望去,却看到一身紫衣朝着自己缓步而行,而此人身前身后却有片片飞雪沉落……
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