AT :: Volume #13

#1211: Niu Jin

When this female was also the infatuated article novel, at this moment she lay down above the chair, the slender both legs put above a stool, then with great interest is glancing through in the hand the silk scroll. 这女子也算是痴迷时文小说了,此刻她躺在靠椅之上,修长的双腿搁在一只小凳之上,便是津津有味的翻阅着手中绢本。 By Divine Sea Realm martial artist of soul, so long as actually releases the sensation, can in suddenly number hundred thousand character of time on this silk scroll, always remember in the mind instantaneously. 神海境武者的灵魂之强,其实只要释放感知,能够在一个眨眼的时间将这绢本上数十万字,都瞬间铭记脑海中。 But if that is right, then lost the pleasure of studying! 但若是如此,便失去了读书的乐趣! She in word for word is reading, only by doing so, can in the character by novel be involved, can care about among them the destiny...... 她还是在逐字逐句的读着,也只有这样,才能被小说中的人物所牵扯,才能关心他们之间的命运…… In this female studies wholly absorbed, a big group yellow dream luminous spot, rapidly is then rapid to come toward her, suddenly these dream luminous spots were absorbed by this female. 就在这女子专心致志读书之际,一大团黄色的梦幻光点,便朝着她急速飞速而来,眨眼之间这些梦幻光点就被这女子所吸收。 Un?” “嗯?” Purple clothes female knitting the brows head, then also wants on the pure white face to reveal a disfavor compared with the snow, this story sees the most splendid place, was disturbed by others indeed makes people disgruntled. 紫衣女子皱了皱眉头,那比雪还要洁白的脸上流露出一丝不悦之色,这故事看到最精彩的地方,被旁人所打搅的确让人不悦。 Whose such big courage...... killed my person.” “谁这么大胆子……杀了我的人。” In the purple clothes female's folded one page hand silk scroll cautiously, closes the flyleaf, posts own Sumeru Space. 紫衣女子将手中的绢本小心翼翼的折了一页,将扉页合上,置入自己的须弥空间 Afterward sets out quietly, in the snow that in that rustle falls treads out a series of footprints in broken bits, gradually moved lightly, left own dwelling...... 随后悄然起身,在那簌簌而落的积雪中踩出一连串细碎的脚印,缓步轻移,离开了自己的宅院…… Luo Zheng regarding the lord city edge rapid vanguard...... 罗征围绕着主城的边缘飞速前行…… He guessed right, that City Lord subordinate and incessantly a person. 他猜测的没错,那位“城主”的手下并不止一人。 Eight people that in fact this City Lord altogether dispatches, in the eight exits outside this lord city, helping her collect the Dream Illusion Points number. 实际上这位城主一共派遣的八人,在这主城外的八个出口处,帮她收集梦幻点数。 These eight people in the outside world, are that City Lord personal nearly waits on. 这八人在外界之中,都是那“城主”的贴身近侍。 This time comes in arrived Dream Battlefield, the natural boast commisserate boast commisserate industry City Lord serves for this, oneself acquired Dream Illusion Points number will all turn in! 这次来到了梦幻战场中,自然矜矜业业为这“城主”服务,将自己收集到的梦幻点数悉数上缴! But the position that these eight people of institutes are, in martial artist by lord city was jokingly called for slaughter house...... 而这八人所在的方位,被主城中的武者们戏称为“屠宰场”…… Escapes by Luo Zheng's fast, the times of less than half tea then come arrived this lord city another side. 罗征的遁速,不过半盏茶的功夫便来到了主城的另外一侧。 Then sees tall human race martial artist, grasps a pair of gold/metal hammer, stands in city gate. 便看到一位身材高大的人族武者,手持一对金锤,立在城门口。 This human race martial artist air/Qi strong like the cow, the voice is also very loud and clear, then shouts loudly: Stood to me, my hammer got down, you will not feel the pain, the eye shut, resurrected on returning to the city in!” 人族武者气壮如牛,嗓门也十分洪亮,便是大声喊道:“都给我站好了,我这一锤子下去,你们不会感到痛苦,眼睛一闭,就回城里复活了!” In this human race martial artist front, naturally is also standing row of martial artist, plans to give him own half Dream Illusion Points number payment! 在这人族武者的前方,自然也站着一排武者,打算将自己的一半梦幻点数缴纳给他! Sees this tall human race martial artist, Luo Zheng eyes flash, on the face reveals a happy expression! 看到这身材高大的人族武者,罗征目光一闪,脸上流露出一丝喜色! He then reassigns Primordial Chaos Qi in within the body, immediately his side gust of wind is intermittent, the speed also sped up several points, then speeds along to go toward that human race martial artist at the extremely quick speed! 他便是将体内的混沌之气抽调出一丝,随即他身边疾风阵阵,速度也加快了几分,便是以极快的速度朝那人族武者飞驰而去! This tall human race martial artist brandishes the sledgehammer, is preparing these people to strike to kill at present, feels the distant place to wipe power and influence sending out to come suddenly, that pair of cow eye stares suddenly, the plump lip splits suddenly. 这身材高大的人族武者抡起大锤,正准备将眼前这几人击杀,骤然感受到远处一抹威势散发而来,那双牛眼骤然一瞪,肥厚的嘴唇骤然裂开。 Haha, some unexpectedly people dare to look for the trouble of my Niu Jin on own initiative! Comes well!” 哈哈,竟有人敢主动找我牛金的麻烦!来得好!” This tall human race martial artist life source called Niu Jin, he instinct combative, this time entered Dream Battlefield to seize the chance to kill greatly! 这身材高大的人族武者本命就叫牛金,他天性好斗,这次进入梦幻战场原本想要趁机大杀一番! What a pity finally cannot achieve wishes, they must assist young lord full power, Dream Illusion Points number...... 可惜最终没能如愿以偿,他们必须全力辅助少主,累计梦幻点数…… Slaughters the sheep that cannot revolt against like, Niu Jin not slightly interest, but is the order of young lord is eventually important, can only defend acts as the young lord executioner here, helping her accumulate the Dream Illusion Points number. 像这样屠杀不会反抗的绵羊,牛金没有丝毫兴趣,只是终究是少主的命令重要,只能守在这里充当少主的刽子手,帮她积累梦幻点数。 This moment Niu Jin saw that distant place a silhouette flies to shoot to come high-speed, he was immediately excited! 此刻牛金看到远处一道人影高速飞射而来,他顿时就兴奋起来了! Dream Battlefield just opened at the appointed time, some actually people dares to challenge Niu Jin...... 梦幻战场刚刚开启至时,倒是有人敢挑战牛金…… But after that helps martial artist oneself strike to kill several times, immediately becomes and Mianyang equally is clever. 可是那帮武者被自己击杀几次后,立即就变得跟绵阳一样乖巧。 And the actually several fellow oneself strengths are intrepid, but after that several fellows by own young lord lesson, similarly also turned into the sheep. 其中倒是有几个家伙比自己的实力还要强悍,但那几个家伙被自己的少主教训后,同样也变成绵羊了。 Facing one flock of docile sheep, Niu Jin thought that the tour of this Dream Battlefield is very insipid, bored, therefore works worn out! 面对一群温顺的绵羊,牛金觉得此次梦幻战场之行特别没劲,无聊透顶,所以干起活来都有气无力! Now saw that some people look for oneself trouble, Niu Jin was certainly happy! 现在看到有人找自己的麻烦,牛金当然高兴! Clang! 哐! Niu Jin clashed the two sledgehammers in hand! 牛金将手中的两把大锤对撞了一记! The visible ripple spreads together from this sledgehammer, that sound transmission in the ear of martial artist, the feeling soul is then trembling! 一道有形的波纹从这大锤中扩散出来,那声音传递进武者的耳中,便感觉灵魂都在震颤! Saw that this Niu Jin did not fear the appearance that fought, on the Luo Zheng's face also exudes a happy expression. 看到这牛金毫不畏战的样子,罗征的脸上也泛起了一丝笑意。 He feared that this Niu Jin runs into lord city, feared that this fellow is like clothes martial artist, causes golden pill crumb, then oneself perhaps are wasted effort! 他就怕这牛金逃进主城之中,也怕这家伙和青衫武者一样,弄出一颗金丸捏碎,如此一来自己恐怕又是竹篮打水一场空! „The quickest speed, strikes to kill this person!” “最快的速度,将此人击杀!” After the Luo Zheng heart has decided the idea, has nothing hesitant, when he is away from this Niu Jin also ten zhang (3.33 m) distances, is one step spans the space, planned that strikes to kill in the thunder method this Niu Jin close to this Niu Jin side, cuts off the subsequent hand of this person. 罗征心中有了定计之后,也没有任何犹豫,当他距离这牛金还有十丈距离时,便是一步跨越空间,打算靠近这牛金身边以雷霆手段将这牛金击杀,断绝此人的后手。 However Luo Zheng just penetrated this space, hears that Niu Jin cold snort/hum one, actually wields a pair of gold/metal hammer suddenly, actually pounds fiercely toward void in! 然而罗征刚刚穿透这一片空间,就听到那牛金冷哼一声,却是将一对金锤猛然一挥,却是朝着虚空之中猛砸过来! Bang!” “轰!” Under this pounds, transmits a loud sound! 这一砸之下,传来一阵巨响! That located the Luo Zheng's form actually to draw back void staggering, whole face accidental/surprised looks at present this boorish fellow. 那虚空处罗征的身影却是踉踉跄跄的退了出来,满脸意外的看着眼前这位莽汉。 But on the Niu Jin face is also flooding the color of accident/surprise...... 牛金脸上也充斥着意外之色…… The short distance shuttles back and forth in the space, is only to Space Law one method of foundation utilization, by the comprehension of present Luo Zheng to Space Law, unusual is perfect, the opposite party who he can hide is very at least difficult the way that catches itself to shuttle back and forth! 短距离在空间之中穿梭,只是对空间法则的一种基础运用的方法,以现在罗征空间法则的领悟,他可以将自己藏匿的非常完美,至少对方很难捕捉自己穿梭的路径! But under this Niu Jin double hammer pounds fiercely, not only looks through the method that oneself shuttle back and forth accurately, this pair of hammer can pound void unexpectedly! 可这牛金的双锤猛砸之下,不仅准确的看破自己穿梭的方法,这双锤竟然能砸中虚空中的自己! Luo Zheng was just now given to pound from void by this Niu Jin, the strength in the double hammer containing also makes the Luo Zheng whole body vitality tumbling continue. 方才罗征便被这牛金从虚空中给砸了出来,双锤之中蕴藏的力道也让罗征浑身气血翻滚不止。 But shock in this moment Niu Jin heart, compared with Luo Zheng really! 而此刻牛金心中的震惊,比罗征更甚! But his hammer solid pounding on Luo Zheng...... 他这一锤可是实实在在的砸在了罗征身上…… Only by his strength, a hammer may pound the flat land ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain fully, even the opposite party is Divine Sea Realm martial artist, was pounded the truth that has not escaped by luck decisively by his hammer, at least can pound the meat sauce it! 仅凭他的力量,一锤足可将万丈高山砸成平地,就算对方是神海境武者,被他这一锤砸中断然没有幸免的道理,至少能将其砸成肉酱! But his hammer has after just now pounded, but saw that Luo Zheng staggers to withdraw from void, looks at his color of aura not slightly deterioration, even has not been injured. 可方才他这一锤砸过之后,只是看到罗征从虚空中踉跄退出,看他的气息没有丝毫衰败之色,甚至没有受伤。 This fellow is anything!” “这家伙是什么东西!” Niu Jin this flash, then produced with that blue garment martial artist same feeling, he as if sees is not human race martial artist, but is a monster, can the strength of not injured monster hard anti- double hammer! 牛金这一刹那,便是产生了与那蓝衫武者一样的感觉,他似乎看到的不是一位人族武者,而是一个怪物,一个能硬抗自己双锤之力不受伤的怪物! Even young lord, cannot shoulder the positive/direct hammer to kill, this fellow...... 就算是少主,也扛不住自己正面的锤杀,这家伙…… However he is completely different from that blue garment martial artist character, sees Luo Zheng like this, he does not have the thoughts of slightly retroceding, aroused his dreadful fighting spirit! 不过他与那蓝衫武者的性格完全不同,看到罗征这样子,他没有丝毫后退的心思,更是激起了他滔天的战意 This opponent only happens by happy circumstance, will not die in Dream Battlefield, this opportunity was too precious, how can he let off Luo Zheng? 这种对手可遇而不可求,而且在梦幻战场中还不会死亡,这种机会太宝贵了,他又怎能放过罗征 The victory and defeat is undecided, but he only asked the happy war, was young lord accumulated massive Dream Illusion Points numbers as for own within the body, this matter had been thrown by him to the mind deep place goes...... 胜负还未定,但他只求痛快一战,至于自己体内为少主积累了大量的梦幻点数,这事情早就被他丢到脑海深处去了…… Haha, your body is really enviable, but I do not believe that pounds is not flat you! Do not run!” 哈哈,你这身体真让人羡慕,不过我就不相信砸不扁你!你不要跑!” Clang! Clang! 哐!哐! After Niu Jin said that also bumps into several two gold/metal hammers, ripple from the sky spread, that thick powerful both legs are step the mysterious step to charge into Luo Zheng together! 牛金说完之后,又将两把金锤相撞几下,一道道波纹在空中扩散,那粗大有力的双腿便是迈动一道玄奥的步伐冲向罗征 That pair of gold/metal hammer starts to gather in this person of hand greatly greatly, brandishes, forms a lot of hammer shades! 那一对金锤在此人手中大开大合,挥舞而出,形成千百道锤影! This hammer law is mysterious, let alone general martial artist is also hard to look through these hammer shades, is Luo Zheng in the flash, is unable to see flaw! 这锤法也是玄妙之极,别说一般的武者难以看破这些锤影,便是罗征在一瞬间,也无法看出其中的破绽! He looks like a crazy cow to be common, to/clashes toward Luo Zheng by the greatest power and influence, then must become the dust all steamroll of his front! 他就像是一头狂牛一般,以莫大的威势朝罗征冲来,便是要将他前方的一切都碾压成尘埃! So big sound, brought in many martial artist to stop to watch! Even if must endure patiently the sound that the Niu Jin double hammer hammering makes, but they do not want to miss this splendid duel! 如此大的动静,也引来了不少武者驻足观看!即便要忍耐牛金双锤震击发出的声音,但他们还是不想错过这精彩的决斗! „The fellow has not really run!” “那家伙真的没有跑!” Will not be scared, Niu Jin will pound the powder this person......” “不会是吓傻了吧,牛金会将此人砸成粉末……” Before Niu Jin had a fit of temper with City Lord, pounded that pair of hammer in the city wall, heard that the lord city city wall was shaken by him!” “之前牛金城主发脾气,将那双锤砸在城墙上,听说主城的城墙都被他撼动了!” Shakes lord city, was exaggerating. 撼动主城,算是夸张了。 In this Dream Battlefield all lord city are Heavenly Way constructs, is the rule is, is unable to shake actually slightly, then flakes a fragment is not impossible from the city wall! 梦幻战场中所有主城天道构筑,乃是规则所在,实则是无法撼动丝毫,那么从城墙之上剥落一块碎片也不可能! But sees everyone sufficiently to Niu Jin this to the gold/metal hammer, as well as his terrifying the impression of great strength is profound. 但足以看出大家对牛金这对金锤,以及他恐怖的巨力的印象深刻。 Facing the so fierce person, Luo Zheng look is calm, stands in same place motionless, but his strength is actually rushing to own arm crazily, the vision solidly locks Niu Jin under that a lot of golden hammer shades. 面对如此勇猛之人,罗征神色沉稳,站在原地一动不动,但他的力量却正疯狂涌向自己的手臂,目光则牢牢锁定那千百道金色锤影下的牛金
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