AT :: Volume #13

#1210: Purple clothes female

In this blue garment martial artist heart in great surprise! 这蓝衫武者心中大惊! Feels the power and influence of behind erupting, his single-handed picture ten, the side flies to escape three long swords! 感受到身后爆发的威势,他单手画十,身边飞遁出三支长剑! These three long sword colors respective different, one gold, one silver and one bronze! 这三支长剑颜色各自不同,一金,一银,一铜! The superficial seal cutting of three swords the attractive trace, the contour was very noticeable! 三剑的表面都篆刻了漂亮的纹路,外形十分引人注目! Previously is Ji Family young lord rewards by the black long sword that Luo Zheng twisted and broke in oneself, but this gold, silver, bronze three long swords, were sword that he habitually used, these three swords followed his many years, already and his mind was interlinked! 此前被罗征拧断的黑色长剑乃是姬家少主赏赐于自己,而这金银铜三把长剑,乃是他惯用的佩剑,这三把剑一路跟随他多年,已与他心灵相通! This gold, silver, bronze three long swords dance in the air, then coordinates with each other across a great distance, starts the extreme twist! 金银铜三把长剑飞舞而出,相互之间便是遥相呼应,开始急速旋转起来! hū hū hū......” 呼呼呼……” Under three swords revolve unceasingly, blew gold, silver, bronze tricolor tornado side blue garment martial artist! 三剑不断旋转之下,在蓝衫武者身边刮起了一道金银铜三色龙卷 Three Yue Hanglong twists!” “三岳行龙绞!” After this tornado forms together, blows fierce sound of wind / rumor, strangles to death to go toward rear Luo Zheng just like a flying in circles dragon! 这一道龙卷形成之后,刮起剧烈的风声,宛若一条翔龙朝着后方的罗征绞杀而去! The Luo Zheng's form is actually similar to the sharp sword to be together ordinary, does not dodge does not need, directly soars! 罗征的身影却如同一道利剑一般,不闪不必,直奔其中! Ping ping......” “乒乒……” Tricolor long swords of that three concealment in tornado wind, twist on him actually hears sound of the intermittent gold/metal iron! 那三支隐匿在龙卷风中的三色长剑,绞在他身上却传来一阵阵金铁之声! Luo Zheng does not need body protecting treasure armor, his fleshly body endures compared with First Grade Divine Tool level the treasure of body protecting, although this long sword is sharp, how can also do to Luo Zheng? 罗征并不需要护体宝甲,他的肉身就堪比一品神器级的护体之宝,这长剑虽然犀利,又如何能奈何罗征 Quite what is only troublesome is own clothing, under this strangles to death, on Luo Zheng that black cloth clothing was then ripped together strip, then crushes completely, but this situation Luo Zheng the first time is not with arrived, basically separates soon Luo Zheng to change one set of clothing again...... 唯一比较麻烦的是自己的衣衫,这番绞杀之下,罗征身上那一道青布衣衫便被撕成条状,然后再粉碎殆尽,不过这种情况罗征也不是第一次遇到了,基本隔不久罗征就要重换一套衣衫…… Luo Zheng so passes through this tricolor tornado forcefully, is directly soars this blue garment martial artist to go, both hands find out like the lightning generally! 罗征就这般强行穿过这三色龙卷,便是直奔这蓝衫武者而去,双手如同闪电一般探出! That blue garment martial artist could not escape shortly, is a turning around, in the hand springs golden pill, suddenly crumb! 那蓝衫武者眼看自己逃不掉了,便是一个鹞子翻身,手中弹出一枚金丸,骤然捏碎! Snort, you think that you can obtain my Dream Illusion Points...... to have a dream! My Dream Illusion Points collects for City Lord! Hahaha......” “哼,你以为你能得到我的梦幻点……做梦!我的梦幻点都是为了城主而收集!哈哈哈……” Hears this saying, on the Luo Zheng face reveals a puzzled color, he only needs to strike to kill this person now, can obtain his half Dream Illusion Points, why can't oneself obtain? 听到这话,罗征脸上流露出一丝困惑之色,他现在只需要将此人击杀,就能获得他一半梦幻点了,为何自己得不到? After seeing this blue garment martial artist crumb that golden pill, erupts the fierce power and influence from this golden pill, huge aura transmits from this golden pill! 就看到这蓝衫武者捏碎那金丸后,从这金丸之中爆发出剧烈的威势,一股庞大的气息从这金丸之中传递而来! Bang!” “轰隆!” Saw that the situation is not right, Luo Zheng then toward the rear rapid retreat! 眼看情况不对,罗征便是朝着后方飞速退去! Spread out dozens zhang (3.33 m) with this blue garment martial artist! 与这蓝衫武者拉开了数十丈距离! After a breath, that golden pill disrupts suddenly, immediately from disseminates the hair general thread blood-color thunder! 一个呼吸之后,那枚金丸骤然碎裂,随即从其中弥散出毛发一般细线的血色雷霆! The strength of these thunder, each likely hair is ordinary, but spreads, spreads toward outside just like the dense and numerous tree roots generally, covers this blue garment martial artist surrounding ten zhang (3.33 m) scopes completely, changes into giant thunder ball! 这些雷霆之力,每一根都像头发丝一般细小,但是蔓延出来,宛若密密麻麻的树根一般朝着外面扩散而出,将这蓝衫武者周围十丈范围完全笼罩,化为一颗巨大的雷球! Sees this golden pill might, the Luo Zheng's eyelid also jumps to continue crazily! 看到这金丸的威力,罗征的眼皮也是狂跳不止! This golden pill might, unexpectedly terrifyingly in this way!” “这金丸的威力,竟然恐怖如斯!” If Luo Zheng just now were involved, at this moment perhaps was also torn into shreds by the blood-color thunder and lightning of this terrifying! 倘若罗征方才被卷入其中,此刻恐怕也被这恐怖的血色雷电撕碎! Although in Dream Battlefield is insufficient really to fall from the sky, perhaps but oneself must lose half Dream Illusion Points to count...... as if, if not for Dream Battlefield, oneself really did fall from the sky? 虽然梦幻战场中不至于真的陨落,但自己恐怕要损失一半梦幻点数了……宛若不是梦幻战场,自己岂不是真的陨落了? Except that in heart wipes beyond the chill in the air, Luo Zheng also before pondering that blue garment martial artist dies the words that spoke, aren't oneself able to obtain his Dream Illusion Points number? 除了心中的一抹寒意之外,罗征也在思考那蓝衫武者死前说的话,自己无法得到他的梦幻点数? According to this Dream Battlefield rule, even commits suicide will still lose half of Dream Illusion Points numbers, like in the wilderness, was previously struck martial artist that kills to be the same by that Heavenspan Mouse, after the Dream Illusion Points number explodes, condenses in the same place, changes into one yellow light/only rolls, Luo Zheng only needed the absorption to be OK! 按照这梦幻战场的规则,即便是自杀也会损失一半的梦幻点数,就像此前在旷野之中,被那通天鼠所击杀的武者一样,梦幻点数爆开之后凝聚在一起,化为一个黄色的光团,罗征只需要上去吸收就可以了! But what makes Luo Zheng not think, after this blue garment martial artist dies, indeed in a big way blew out one to roll the Dream Illusion Points number! 但让罗征没想到的是,这蓝衫武者死后,的确是爆出了一大团梦幻点数! That dense and numerous Dream Illusion Points number, the quantity struck to kill Long Qin also to want many one time compared with Luo Zheng initially! In other words light/only this blue garment martial artist within the body, has at least two hundred thousand dream luminous spots! 那密密麻麻的梦幻点数,数量比当初罗征击杀龙禽还要多一倍!也就是说光这蓝衫武者的体内,就足足拥有至少二十万梦幻光点! However after these yellow dream luminous spots explode, has not actually escaped into Luo Zheng within the body, because this person is not Luo Zheng kills! 然而这些黄色的梦幻光点爆出来后,却并未遁入罗征体内,因为此人并非罗征所杀! Moreover, these dream luminous spots fly to escape to go toward lord city in unexpectedly! 不仅如此,这些梦幻光点竟然是朝着主城之中飞遁而去! What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Luo Zheng's complexion in great surprise...... 罗征的脸色大惊…… Is it possible that this can City Lord, change this Dream Battlefield rule? 莫非这城主,能够改变这梦幻战场的规则? This is impossible! 这根本不可能! Above the city wall, that City Lord places on guards has not stood. 城墙之上,那城主安置在上的护卫们并没有站出来。 That blue garment martial artist is not the enemy of Luo Zheng gathering, they can only deliver the vegetable/dish to going out of town outside to Luo Zheng...... 那蓝衫武者都不是罗征一合之敌,他们冲出城外只能是给罗征送菜…… However on the faces of these guards, is actually hanging the smile of ridiculing, is staring at Luo Zheng, seems taunting Luo Zheng's to be weak. 不过这些护卫们的脸上,却挂着揶揄的笑容,盯着罗征,似乎在嘲讽罗征的幼稚。 In martial artist of all forms as for city gate, the respective complexion is different, they sincerely admire in that City Lord subordinate, is not naturally willing to inform the Luo Zheng's reason. 至于城门口中形形色色的武者,各自的脸色都不同,他们诚服在那“城主”手下,自然也不肯告知罗征的原因。 The float is takeoffing one zhang (3.33 m) altitude, Luo Zheng is pressed the brow to look at this, a large number of Dream Illusion Points numbers vanish shortly, Luo Zheng somewhat is also helpless! 漂浮在离地一丈高度,罗征蹙着眉头看着这一幕,眼看数量众多的梦幻点数消失,罗征也有些无奈! Shortly, Luo Zheng's eyes flash, actually flies to escape to go along the city wall! 顷刻之间,罗征的目光一闪,却是沿着城墙飞遁而去! This so-called City Lord had decided hand/subordinate incessantly a person, a side lord city area is huge, oneself are not necessarily able to disseminate here matter, at present he then must seek for the next target, is this City Lord other subordinates...... 这所谓的城主手下决计不止一人,一方主城面积庞大,自己在此处的事情未必能传播出去,眼下他便是要寻找下一个目标,也就是这位城主其他的手下…… That dense and numerous yellow luminous spot flutters, escapes into lord city, finally flies into the dwelling in lord city Southwest. 那密密麻麻的黄色光点一路飘荡,遁入主城之中,最后飞入主城西南方的一处宅院之中。 In Dream Battlefield all martial artist are slaughtering desperately, either competes to capture the Dream Illusion Points number of opposite party with martial artist, either strikes to kill various ominous beasts in the wilderness...... 梦幻战场中所有的武者都在拼命厮杀着,要么与武者争夺夺取对方的梦幻点数,要么在旷野之中击杀各种凶兽…… But this dwelling actually seems very serene! 但这一处宅院却显得十分安详! Little snowflake just like without cotton fiber of weight, gently floats. 一点点的雪花宛若没有重量的棉絮,轻轻的飘洒下来。 Under the hot sun overhead, these snowflakes naturally are the artificial production...... 烈日当头之下,这些雪花自然是人为产生…… In fact close to this dwelling entrance, can feel the cold and pure chill in the air, common martial artist also knows this place is not suitable stays for a long time, cautious retreat. 实际上靠近这宅院门口,就能感受到凌冽的寒意,寻常的武者也知此地不宜久留,都小心翼翼的退去。 In the dwelling, the snow has spread thick first layer, stands in the dwelling, if then still places oneself during the deep winter, a quiet serene atmosphere. 宅院之中,积雪已经铺了厚厚一层,站在宅院之中,便犹若置身在隆冬之中,给人一种静谧安详的氛围。 The female who wears the purple fine gauze, then in the corner of courtyard this snow covers, in the hand holds a silk scroll of palm of the hand size. 一位身穿紫色轻纱的女子,便在这积雪覆盖的院落的一角,手中捧着一部巴掌大小的绢本。 Above this silk scroll has not drawn up the drawing, but covered entirely the dense and numerous small characters, actually when is one article novel...... 这绢本之上并没有绘制图画,而是布满了密密麻麻的小字,却是一本时文小说…… The entire entire world, hundred thousand Great Realm, martial artist is in the absolute dominant position, to put it bluntly then slights civil matters. 整个寰宇,十万大界,武者都占据绝对的统治地位,说白了便是重武轻文。 The scholars can only be the mortal common terminals of here, insignificant existence, in the mainstream culture of any race, does not have their forms. 读书人在这里只能是凡人一般的末端,微不足道的存在,在任何种族的主流文化中,都不存在他们的身影。 However when for these years the time, in upper realm actually raised one upsurge of article novel...... 然而这几年时间,上界之中却掀起了一阵时文小说的热潮…… Said actually not the position of scholar enhanced, that poems and songs and so on thing, has not been popular as in martial artist, is various god ghost wills novels is on the contrary popular. 倒不是说读书人的地位提高了,那诗词歌赋之类的东西,在武者之中依旧并未流行起来,反倒是各种神鬼怪志的小说却非常受欢迎。 Reason on Luo Zheng...... 原因还是在罗征身上…… His these years story said that although many martial artist bothersomely extremely bothersome, but some martial artist listened to the mind that story eventually, sparked the interest. 他这几年故事讲下来,虽然不少武者烦不胜烦,但终究有些武者将那故事听进了脑海,引发了兴趣。 But Luo Zheng also wants cultivation eventually, moreover that story also said for the mysterious young girl, everyone was sitter-in that's all, if that mysterious young girl went out, everyone can also collect in side listens, worked as a role of sitter-, but this Luo Zheng, if not storytelling, everyone has not resulted in listens. 可是罗征终究也是要修炼的,而且那故事也是为了神秘少女所讲,大家不过是一个旁听者罢了,若那神秘少女出关的时候,大家还能凑在旁边听听,算是当了一个旁听者的角色,可这罗征若不说书了,大家也就没得听了。 However in the entire world, living being is numerous, the number of mortal are more than ant, really by the culture, these stands in expert of pyramid peak, actually and is inferior to these mortals. 不过寰宇之中,生灵众多,凡人的数量更是比蚂蚁还要多,真论文化而言,这些站在金字塔顶端的强者们,其实并不如那些凡人。 Inquired slightly, when consumed true essence stone to buy to become mountain the article novel sufficiently, even can hire several hundred storytelling people, every day vivid storytelling near own ear, became the recent years actually, among martial artist the most fashionable happy event. 稍微打听一下,耗费一枚真元石就足以买来成山的时文小说,甚至能雇几百位说书人,每日在自己耳边绘声绘色的说书,倒是成了最近几年,武者之间最为时髦的一件乐事。 Even because of so, position when production costs rise, prices rise too of some mortals, for example in All Gods Thoughtless breaking Heaven in a small town of sixth grade Holy Land subordinate, then had/left a storytelling person named stretch/open. 甚至因为如此,有些凡人的地位水涨船高,例如诸神无念的破天界中一个六品圣地下属的一座小城中,便出了一位叫张十三的说书人。 Story that this 13 told, is compiles, when storytelling the mood or the manner, act bashful unusual is proper, then in the recognition of some martial artist by arrived this Holy Land, was then recommended, this 13 position increases successively, it is said also initiated two Holy Land robs...... 这张十三说的故事,都是自己编撰,说书之际无论是情绪还是神态,都拿捏的非常到位,便是受到了圣地中某位武者的赏识,而后一路举荐上来,这张十三的地位节节攀升,据说还引发了两个圣地的抢夺…… Afterward also granted this 41 long life pill, were baseless many several hundred years of life, this is astonishing in the mortal, some small country Country Lord in mortal feared that did not have this treatment. 后来还赐予这张十三一枚万寿丹,凭空多了数百年寿元,这在凡人之中已经非常惊人了,在凡人中的一些小国国主怕是也没这个待遇。 But generally speaking, all scholars must thank a person, that is Luo Zheng! 但总体来说,所有的读书人都要感谢一个人,那就是罗征 If not he using Thunderous Roar Command, oneself story irrigation in many martial artist mind, caused some martial artist interests baseless, will not lead to this round of unrest...... 若非他凭空利用咆哮令,将自己的故事灌注在诸多武者的脑海中,引起了部分武者的兴趣,也不会引发这一轮风潮…… = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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