AT :: Volume #13

#1209: Payment

Isn't City Lord?” Luo Zheng strange say/way. “不是城主?”罗征奇道。 That martial artist then explained: This City Lord Dream Illusion Points number does not need his direct take action! This person is a City Lord brave general, he helped City Lord absorb the Dream Illusion Points number, finally paid to City Lord is OK.” 武者便解释道:“这城主累计梦幻点数并不需要他直接出手!此人乃是城主的一位猛将,他帮助城主吸收了梦幻点数,最后再缴纳给城主就可以了。” So-called payment, naturally also with the means of striking killing...... 所谓的“缴纳”,自然也是用击杀的办法了…… Was equal to that this City Lord does not use personally in the take action harvesting city the innumerable martial artist Dream Illusion Points numbers, but lets act to harvest, then City Lord harvests oneself Dream Illusion Points number hand/subordinate again then. 等于这城主都不用亲自出手收割城中无数武者梦幻点数,而是让手下出面收割,然后城主再收割自己手下的梦幻点数即可。 Heard this explanation, in the Luo Zheng heart also somewhat admires this City Lord. 听到这解释,罗征心中也有些佩服这城主了。 This City Lord is also Divine Sea Realm martial artist that's all, but actually in the short time, establishes own one set of rule in this Dream Space, moreover can the implementation of first layer level, indeed be a talent. 城主也不过是一位神海境武者罢了,但却在短短的时间里,在这梦幻空间中建立起自己的一套规则,而且还能一层层的实施下来,的确是个人才。 Next batch!” “下一批!” That blue garment martial artist circles the black long sword gently, that pair eagle-eyed sweeps slightly, is sharp-eyed. 那蓝衫武者将黑色长剑轻轻一绕,那一双鹰眼微微一扫,目光锐利。 Goes,” has that martial artist urging that Luo Zheng comes saying that „after paying half Dream Illusion Points number, they will not feel embarrassed you again......” “去吧,”带罗征而来的那武者催促道,“缴纳了一半梦幻点数后,他们也不会再为难你……” Meanwhile, by the city gate also has 7-8 position martial artist very aware welcoming to that blue garment martial artist, lets his exterminate, gives him own Dream Illusion Points number sharing benefit half. 与此同时,城门两边也有七八武者十分自觉的迎向那蓝衫武者,让他灭杀,将自身的梦幻点数分润一半给他。 Luo Zheng also follows side these martial artist, in the heart is actually somewhat small depressed...... 罗征也跟在那些武者身边,心中却是有些小郁闷…… His goal is City Lord, is not this blue garment martial artist at present. 他的目标是“城主”,并不是眼前这蓝衫武者 Using so the method, this City Lord accumulated the massive Dream Illusion Points number inevitably, strikes to kill him City Lord one person to divide half, this is most saves. 利用如此方法,这城主必然积累了海量梦幻点数,将城主一人击杀他就能分走一半,这可是最为省。 But he has not actually thought that this City Lord actually personally does not act, but sends his subordinate to act. 可他却没想到这城主却不是亲自出面,而是派他的手下出面。 The blue garment martial artist quite sharp vision, swept on this 7-8 position martial artist, the vision actually fell on Luo Zheng, he felt that imposing manner that Luo Zheng hid faintly. 蓝衫武者颇为锐利的目光,在这七八武者身上又扫了一遍,目光却是落在罗征身上,他隐隐感受到出罗征隐藏的那股气势。 However he toward has not gone at heart, in this lord city no one can be disobedient they, only if plans to stay in lord city...... 不过他并未往心里去,这主城之中没有人能忤逆他们,除非打算一直呆在主城中不出来…… Such martial artist also truly exists, some martial artist cannot get used to seeing their so method, but is not their opponents, then has shrunk in lord city shouts curses to them! 这样的武者也的确存在,有些武者看不惯他们如此手段,但又不是他们的对手,便一直缩在主城中对他们叫骂! But is this also useful? 但这又有什么用呢? What the martial artist battle depends on is the strength, does not open mouth. 武者争斗凭的是实力,又不是一张嘴。 Stood,” blue garment martial artist said coldly, in his hand that black long sword reverberated, in the heart actually transmitted an improper feeling again, the vision falls on Luo Zheng again, he then opened the mouth to ask: „Do you name, which influence stem from?” “站好了,”蓝衫武者冷声说道,他手中那口黑色长剑回荡了一圈,心中却再度传来一丝不妥的感觉,目光再度落在罗征身上,他便开口问道:“你叫什么名字,出自于哪个势力?” Luo Zheng light reply: Hasn't registered?” 罗征淡淡的回答道:“不是已经登记过了么?” I make you reply, blue garment martial artist stares at Luo Zheng to ask. “我让你回答,”蓝衫武者盯着罗征问道。 Human Path Alliance, Connecting Spirit Realm, Spirit Martial Holy Land,” Luo Zheng replied truthfully. 人道联盟,通灵界,灵武圣地,”罗征如实答道。 Very good,” blue garment martial artist said: „After resurrecting, you must come to be struck to kill by me again, amount to can leave lord city cubicly.” “很好,”蓝衫武者说道:“复活之后,你要过来被我再度击杀,总计三次方能离开主城。” Three times...... 三次…… Let alone three times, one time not possibly. 别说三次了,一次都没有可能。 Therefore hears this saying, the happy expression on Luo Zheng face was stronger. 所以听到这话,罗征脸上的笑意便是更浓烈了。 Although on his face is smiling, but the mood somewhat is also bad. 他脸上虽然在笑,但心情也有些恶劣起来。 Dream Battlefield in good condition, can make floor martial artist of entire entire world enter, struggles with all talent martial artist high under. But this fellows by oneself influence and strength, actually must build a rule as before, tries to control the destiny of weak one...... 好端端的梦幻战场,能够让全寰宇的底层武者进入其中,与所有天才武者之间争个高下。但这帮家伙凭借自己的势力和实力,却依旧要打造一个规则,试图掌控弱者的命运…… The Luo Zheng strong happy expression makes this blue garment martial artist feel a arrived anxiety, his coldly asked: What do you smile?” 罗征浓烈的笑意却让这蓝衫武者到了一丝不安,他冷冷问道:“你笑什么?” I laugh at you......” Luo Zheng to say suddenly: „To result in beautiful!” “我笑你……”罗征忽然说道:“想得美!” The Luo Zheng's voice falls, that blue garment martial artist complexion then sinks, courts death!” 罗征的话音一落,那蓝衫武者的脸色便是一沉,“找死!” After saying, under the black long sword in his hand turns over, already rashly cuts toward Luo Zheng! 说完之后,他手中的黑色长剑翻转之下,已不由分说的朝着罗征斩来! Sees this, in the city gate many martial artist, after previously Luo Zheng registered, is the martial artist complexion that Luo Zheng guides is also the broadminded big change. 看到这一幕,城门内不少武者,包括此前罗征登记之后,为罗征带路的武者们脸色也是豁然大变。 Dream Battlefield just looked at opening time, many martial artist also refuse to accept City Lord the rule of formulation, some geniuses also try to revolt...... 梦幻战场刚刚看开启的时候,许多武者也不服“城主”制定的规则,一些天才人物也试图反抗…… But the final result is very brutal! 可最终的结果却很残酷! This from Ji Family talent martial artist, almost can martial artist of steamroll city! 这位来自于姬家的天才武者,几乎能碾压一城的武者 What is most essential, that City Lord also brings the Ji Family heavy treasure, supreme divine item, can make City Lord elusive, mysteriously appears and disappears...... 最关键的是,那“城主”身上还带着姬家的重宝,一件至尊神器,能让城主来无影,去无踪,神出鬼没…… Also because of existence of this supreme divine item, almost does not have martial artist can escape from that City Lord chasing down. 也是因为这一件至尊神器的存在,几乎没有武者能够逃脱那“城主”的追杀。 Finally everyone accepted fate, the little darling registers, then payment within the body half of Dream Illusion Points numbers. 最终大家才认命了,乖乖去登记,然后“缴纳”自己体内一半的梦幻点数。 „The fellow who comes one not to accept fate!” “又来了一个不认命的家伙!” Yeah, he will accept fate quickly, in Dream Battlefield, is beside Dream Battlefield, this Ji Family regarding ordinary martial artist is existence of colossus, can it be that also general martial artist can resist......” “哎,他很快就会认命,无论是梦幻战场内,还是梦幻战场之外,这姬家对于普通武者来说都是庞然大物的存在,又岂是一般武者能对抗的……” It is estimated that the Dream Illusion Points number of this fellow will be washed up the light directly!” “估计这家伙的梦幻点数直接会被洗光光!” Surrounded many martial artist look to Luo Zheng, on the face reveals color of the pitying. 围观的诸多武者望向罗征,脸上流露出一丝怜悯之色。 Luo Zheng with several other martial artist stations one row, blue garment martial artist sword rashly, after is nearby several martial artist cut to kill, straight from toward Luo Zheng chops! 罗征与其他几位武者站成一排,蓝衫武者不由分说的这一剑,便是连带将旁边几位武者斩杀后,径自朝着罗征劈过来! This blue garment martial artist black long sword is very strange, that black sword blade brandishes, then in extreme twist! Because the reason of super revolving, this does not seem like a sword the sword, but is black long stick! 这蓝衫武者的黑色长剑十分诡异,那黑色的剑刃挥舞出来,便是在急速旋转着!因为高速旋转的原因,这把剑看上去并不像是一把剑,而是一把黑色“长棍”! But because just this black long sword super revolving, had strength of the intense absorption, pulls the surrounding to that sword blade above, smashing that then twists! 而正因为这黑色长剑高速旋转,也是产生了一股强烈的吸附之力,将周围的一切都扯到那剑刃之上,然后绞的粉碎! Therefore previously by martial artist that this blue garment martial artist killed, the body was not together the careful sword mark, but together fearsome wound! 所以此前被这蓝衫武者所杀的武者,身上并不是一道细细的剑痕,而是一道可怖的伤口! Facing this strange sword technique, Luo Zheng has not actually avoided! 面对这诡异的剑法,罗征却并未躲避! He puts out a hand toward that black long sword slightly, straight from grasped to that black sword blade! 他只是朝着那黑色长剑微微伸手,径自抓向了那黑色剑刃! On the blue garment martial artist face reveals one to grin fiendishly, the speed that the black long sword revolves was quick several points, this boy dares bare-handed to grasp own sword blade, the only result was twisted the fragment! 蓝衫武者脸上流露出一丝狞笑,黑色长剑旋转的速度更是快了几分,这小子敢徒手抓自己的剑刃,唯一的结果就是被绞成碎片! Stupid can the so fellow, why previously give me that tremendous pressure? 如此愚蠢的家伙,为何此前能给我那么大的压力? At this moment in blue garment martial artist heart also confusion, but he has not placed in this heart puzzled, although the feeling of martial artist is very effective, but is not the time correct, possibly previously was wants. 此刻蓝衫武者心中也有一丝困惑,但他也没有将这困惑放在心中,武者的感觉虽然很灵验,但也不是次次都正确,可能此前是自己想多了。 However, when Luo Zheng's hand grasps after the sword blade of that crazy revolving, his complexion changes immediately suddenly! 然而,当罗征的手抓在那疯狂旋转的剑刃之后,他的脸色顿时豁然大变! Blue garment martial artist imagined Luo Zheng this hand under own sword blade strangles to death, is the flesh splash, the flesh on arm is twisted the powder inevitably, a skeleton cuns (2.5 cm) disruption. 蓝衫武者原本想象罗征这只手在自己的剑刃绞杀之下,必然是血肉飞溅,手臂上的血肉被绞成粉末,骨骼寸寸碎裂。 But Luo Zheng gripped the sword blade instantaneous, hears a clear collision sound to transmit! 罗征握住了剑刃瞬间,就听到一阵清脆的碰撞声传来! dāng dāng dāng works as......” 当当当当……” Has not presented him to imagine that! 并未出现他想象中的那一幕! The sword blade that revolved crazily, is rotating in the Luo Zheng hand as before, this fellow unexpectedly forcibly gripped own sword blade! 原本疯狂旋转的剑刃,在罗征手中依旧转动着,这家伙竟然硬生生的握住了自己的剑刃! Under the sword blade strangles to death, hears the clear sound, finally, this strength of strangling to death was used the fetter of single-handed forcibly by Luo Zheng in the hand. 剑刃绞杀之下,传来清脆的响声,最终,这绞杀之力被罗征用单手硬生生的束缚在手中。 Finally, this sword blade by Luo Zheng pinching firmly in the hand, was stopped revolving, but the blade of black long sword has curled! 最终,这剑刃被罗征牢牢的捏在了手中,停止了旋转,而黑色长剑的刃已经卷了起来! This......” “这……” Blue garment martial artist opened the eye suddenly, in that pair of sharp eagle-eyed reveals a terrified color...... 蓝衫武者骤然睁大了眼睛,那双锐利的鹰眼之中流露出一丝惶恐之色…… He follows the young lord many years, has seen many capable person different gentlemen, All Gods Thoughtless various group of talents, he also heard. 他跟随自家少主多年,也见过不少能人异士,诸神无念的各路天才,他也有所耳闻。 But only depends on a hand, can cling this black long sword, and fellow who oneself return safe and sound, this fellow has gone beyond the category of talent, simply is a anomaly! 但仅凭一只手,就能卷住自己这黑色长剑,且自己毫发无伤的家伙,这家伙已经超出了天才的范畴了,简直就是一个怪胎! City wall high and low, surrounded many martial artist saw that this also keeps silent. 城墙上下,围观的诸多武者们看到这一幕也是默不作声。 Said honestly they are glad to see this very much, although some people have no other choice, even also serves for City Lord, but they also paid the Dream Illusion Points number to City Lord, how does this enable in their hearts to be resigned? Has no other choice that's all under this Ji Family influence. 坦白说他们很乐意看到这一幕,虽然其中有些人不得已之下,甚至还为“城主”服务,但他们也是向城主缴纳了梦幻点数的,这让他们心中如何能甘心?只是迫于这姬家的势力不得已罢了 Luo Zheng's appears, is actually helps them exhale, moreover looks at this stance, seemed like has the good play to look...... 罗征的出现,却是帮他们出了一口气,而且看这架势,似乎是有好戏看了…… Said that you want to result in beautiful,” Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, the palm grasps gently! “都说你是想得美了,”罗征微微一笑,手掌轻轻一握! Ping!” “乒!” The resounding transmits together, this black long sword then by twisting and breaking of Luo Zheng forcibly. 一道脆响传来,这黑色长剑便被罗征硬生生的拧断。 Blue garment martial artist deeply inhaled cold air, this black long sword is one from First Grade Divine Tool, is Ji Family young lord rewards in him. 蓝衫武者深吸了一口凉气,这黑色长剑乃是一件从一品神器,也是姬家少主赏赐于他。 Although in Dream Battlefield the buckle the weapon was not grieved, but this Luo Zheng so twists and breaks one with ease from First Grade Divine Tool, he at this moment felt faintly is not wonderful! 虽然梦幻战场中折损了武器并不心痛,但这罗征如此轻松拧断一把从一品神器,此刻的他隐隐感觉到一丝不妙! Whiz!” “嗖!” Thinks of here, in the blue garment martial artist heart has decided the idea, he plans to evade the point temporarily, this is directly soars the city gate to go! 想到这里,蓝衫武者心中已有了定计,他打算暂避锋芒,这便是直奔城门而去! Actually I think beautifully compared with you, you can walk, but Dream Illusion Points must stay behind!” “其实我比你想得更美,你人可以走,不过梦幻点要留下!” Luo Zheng said with a smile slightly, his where will make this fat sheep escape? 罗征微微笑道,他哪里会让这一只肥羊逃了? This person's the savings of Dream Illusion Points number possibly is inferior to that City Lord richly, but definitely also many. 此人的梦幻点数的积蓄可能不如那“城主”丰厚,但肯定也不少。
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