AT :: Volume #13

#1208: City Lord

However this lord city seems to be thorougher...... 不过这座主城似乎更为彻底一些…… Some unexpectedly people also proclaimed City Lord, not only that but must the martial artist one by one registration, and will strike to kill one time to describe the payment half Dream Illusion Points number, this also was too rather splendid. 竟然有人还自封了城主,不仅如此,还要其中的武者一一登记,并且将“击杀一次”描述成缴纳一半梦幻点数,这未免也太堂而皇之了。 That martial artist saw that Luo Zheng responded, is warns, I urged good that you were honest to register, otherwise you may be unable to leave this lord city!” 武者看到罗征如此反应,却是告诫道,“我劝你还是老老实实去登记的好,否则你可能无法离开这座主城!” „It is not able to leave this lord city, what do you mean?” The Luo Zheng's interest instead was stronger and stronger. “无法离开这主城,什么意思?”罗征的兴趣反而是越来越浓烈了。 If this City Lord really can in all martial artist lord city squeeze, the Dream Illusion Points number that then this person accumulates inevitably is not a small number. 倘若这“城主”真的能将一座主城中所有的武者都压榨一遍,那么此人积累的梦幻点数必然不是一个小数目。 As the matter stands omits Luo Zheng actually much troublesome...... 这样一来倒是省去罗征不少麻烦…… That martial artist smiles, City Lord has controlled this lord city, if you have not registered, without paying the Dream Illusion Points number, so long as will leave lord city naturally to have others to strike to kill you! Under this situation, how do you leave?” 武者嘿嘿一笑,“城主已经掌控了这座主城,若你没有登记,亦没有缴纳梦幻点数,只要离开主城自然就会有其他人来击杀你!这种情况之下,你又如何离开?” The Luo Zheng's vision flashes lightly, this martial artist so view, naturally is aims at general martial artist. 罗征的目光淡淡一闪,这武者如此说法,自然是针对一般的武者而言。 lord city is so big, even if unable to resist with all one's strength that City Lord, but finds a place to flee lord city to think that casually can achieve...... 主城这么大,即便无法力敌那位城主,但随便找个地方逃离主城想必还是能做到的…… Sees complexion that Luo Zheng thinks otherwise, that martial artist then said: Advised politely good that you registered on own initiative, otherwise loss possibly was not half Dream Illusion Points, perhaps body all Dream Illusion Points will be looted, at that time you actually rudely awakened!” 看到罗征不以为然的脸色,那武者便说道:“奉劝你还是主动去登记的好,否则损失的可能就不是一半梦幻点了,恐怕身上所有的梦幻点都会被洗劫,那时候你却是后悔莫及!” Some people want to make City Lord, many martial artist are not naturally convinced, these martial artist repeatedly wants to flee lord city, actually only then extremely few people can succeed, so long as most martial artist leave this lord city, was struck to kill immediately, resurrects in lord city, under striking of time and time again kills, the Dream Illusion Points number of accumulation naturally shrinks suddenly! 有人想要做城主,自然有许多武者不服这口气,那些武者一遍一遍的想要逃离主城,却只有极少人能成功,大多数武者只要离开这主城,就被人立即击杀,在主城之中复活,一次次的击杀之下,积累的梦幻点数自然急剧缩水! Where registers?” Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, in the heart has decided the idea then to open the mouth to ask. “在哪里登记?”罗征微微一笑,心中已有了定计这才开口问道。 That side!” “那边!” This martial artist puts out a hand the distant finger/refers. 武者伸手遥遥一指。 After Luo Zheng nods, then goes through in this lord city, soon after then sees in lord city a building entrance, many martial artist are actually lining up, here is the registration pays the Dream Illusion Points number the place...... 罗征点点头后,便在这主城中穿行,不久之后便看到主城中一座建筑门口,却是有不少武者在排队,此处便是登记缴纳梦幻点数的地方…… Previously Luo Zheng to obtain Teleportation Command, once paid three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, but that cavern is Dream Battlefield deducts. 此前罗征为了获得挪移令,也曾缴纳三十万梦幻点数,但那洞穴乃是梦幻战场扣除。 Among this martial artist payment the Dream Illusion Points number, then elongated the neck to make that so-called City Lord strike to kill! 武者之间“缴纳”梦幻点数,便是伸长了脖子让那所谓的城主击杀! If City Lord wants to strike to kill itself, needs to begin outside the city inevitably...... 城主若是想击杀自己,必然也需要在城外动手…… Thinks of here, Luo Zheng also arranges behind this long team. 想到这里,罗征也排在这长长的队伍后面。 On the martial artist face of lining up on the more or less face appears the color of being unwilling, after all offers within the body half Dream Illusion Points number both hands, no matter what no one will be willing. 排队的武者们脸上或多或少脸上都浮现出不甘之色,毕竟将自己体内一半梦幻点数双手奉上,任谁都不会心甘情愿。 These martial artist that at present lines up, something do not believe in evil doctrines by that City Lord subordinate exterminate several times, have no recourse to come back to register, payment Dream Illusion Points number. 眼下排队的这些武者,有些事不信邪被那“城主”的手下灭杀几次,迫不得已才回来登记,“缴纳”梦幻点数的。 But some martial artist are leaving this lord city to go out to explore at first, returns to later and that City Lord fights to be defeated is struck to kill, after this resurrecting, wants to leave this lord city, wants the little darling comes to here to register, making that City Lord strike to kill the first power to be able again to leave this damned place! 而有些武者则在起初离开这主城外出探险,返回之后与那位“城主”交手落败被击杀,这番复活之后想要离开这主城,也要乖乖的来这里登记,让那位“城主”再击杀一次方才能离开这鬼地方! Most hapless one, martial artist that then falls from the sky in the open country, some martial artist are not born in this lord city, but explores to go into this lord city surrounding region under the open country accidentally, finally actually by the ominous beast or Divine Beast of this region exterminate. 最倒霉的一种,则是在野外陨落的武者,有些武者并非诞生在这座主城,只是在野外探险之下无意中闯入这主城周围的区域,结果却被这一片区域的凶兽或者神兽灭杀 According to Dream Battlefield the rule, the words that falls from the sky in the open country, the main body will resurrect in recent lord city, they are away from this lord city to be recent, after resurrecting, naturally entered this lord city...... to enter this lord city, was equal to that must make that City Lord strike to kill again, can leave safely. 按照梦幻战场的这个规则,在野外陨落的话,本体会在最近的一座主城复活,他们距离这座主城最近,复活之后自然就进入了这座主城……而入了这主城,等于要让那城主再次击杀,才能够安然离开。 Luo Zheng lines up here, to not pay own Dream Illusion Points number, this Dream Illusion Points number is so precious, does he possibly easily give others? 罗征在这里排队,可不是为了缴纳自己的梦幻点数,这梦幻点数如此宝贵,他又怎么可能轻易让给别人? His goal naturally is this lord city City Lord...... 他的目标自然就是这主城的“城主”…… Waited for the time it takes to burn a stick of incense behind this long team, finally turns arrived. 在这长长的队伍后面等候了一炷香的时间,终于轮到了自己。 Name!” Saying of martial artist coldly is responsible for registering. “姓名!”负责登记的武者冷冷的说道。 Luo Tianxing,” Luo Zheng said lightly. 罗天行,”罗征淡淡说道。 Which influence stems from human race? Which? Which Holy Land?” That martial artist continues to ask. “出自人族哪个势力?哪一界?哪个圣地?”那武者继续问道。 Even this does also need to ask?” Luo Zheng asked. “连这个也要问?”罗征反问道。 Asked you, you replied honestly!” That martial artist stared Luo Zheng one ruthlessly. “问你,你就老老实实回答!”那武者狠狠地瞪了罗征一眼。 Sees this stance, the Luo Zheng corners of the mouth shows a faint smile, that City Lord can urge so many martial artist to work for him, inevitably was also the person of there's a long story behind this, otherwise was impossible to have such rallying point. 看到这番架势,罗征嘴角微微一笑,那位城主能够驱使这么多武者为他效力,必然也是大有来历之人了,否则不可能拥有如此号召力。 After all in Dream Battlefield from the position is all people being equal, like that background of Young Lord Hao in demon race thinks that will not be simple, but also most started to trick a number of demon race martial artist to work for him merely, when many demon race martial artist understand how to return afterward, whom also without seeing listened to that Young Lord Hao verbal command. 毕竟梦幻战场中从地位来说是人人平等的,就像那豪少主魔族之中的背景想必也不会简单,不过也仅仅只是最开始忽悠了一批魔族武者为他效力,当诸多魔族武者明白怎么回事后,也没见谁听那豪少主的号令了。 The origin of this rallying point, can only be the position outside Dream Battlefield! 这号召力的来源,只能是梦幻战场之外的地位! Human Path Alliance, Connecting Spirit Realm, Spirit Martial Holy Land,” Luo Zheng said lightly. 人道联盟,通灵界,灵武圣地,”罗征淡淡的说道 Hears the Luo Zheng's words, this martial artist sized up Luo Zheng one lightly, then greeted another martial artist also saying: Ok, went to outside the city with him, after paying the Dream Illusion Points number, you can get the hell out!” 听到罗征的话,这武者淡淡的打量了罗征一眼,便是招呼了另外一位武者同时说道:“好了,跟着他去城外,缴纳梦幻点数后你就可以滚蛋了!” The Luo Zheng complexion mighty waves are outmoded, then followed nearby martial artist, directly soars the lord city north gate to go...... 罗征脸色波澜不兴,便跟上了旁边一位武者,直奔主城的北门而去…… After arrived this lord city edge, Luo Zheng understands why previously that martial artist must warn itself! 到了主城边缘之后,罗征才明白此前那武者为何要警告自己了! The hundred zhang (333 m) above this lord city city wall, is standing erect every other iron tower general Divine Sea Realm martial artist, these martial artist wear black profound armor, grasps the pale gold/metal to cut the saber, look is solemn and respectful, is ordinary just like a sculpture. 在这主城的城墙之上每隔百丈,便矗立着一位铁塔一般的神海境武者,这些武者身披黑色玄甲,手持淡金斩马刀,神色肃穆,宛若一尊雕塑一般。 Friend, these are martial artist what origin? Why will they unify the clothing?” Luo Zheng asked. “朋友,这些武者都是何来历?为何他们会统一着装?”罗征问道。 Guided that martial artist shot a look at Luo Zheng lightly, makes much ado about nothing to Luo Zheng's disdains, idle talk, these profound armor martial artist are the City Lord guards, is the City Lord potency, isn't the unified clothing very normal?” 带路的那位武者淡淡的瞥了一眼罗征,对罗征的大惊小怪十分不屑,“废话,这些玄甲武者都是城主侍卫,为城主效力,统一着装不是很正常嘛?” Normal? In this Dream Battlefield can also lead the guard to enter together?” Luo Zheng asked. “正常?这梦幻战场中还能带侍卫一起进入?”罗征问。 Notices the color of Luo Zheng doubts, that martial artist seems to be self-satisfied, even also shows off the detail of hearsay, our lord city City Lord, stems from All Gods Thoughtless top three big Aristocratic Family, Ji Family! This Dream Battlefield opens, this Ji Family placed the great expectations on City Lord! Then gathered outstanding people in ten thousand Divine Sea Realm, strides in Dream Battlefield with City Lord at the same time!” 注意到罗征疑惑之色,那武者似乎更加得意起来,甚至还卖弄自己道听途说的细节,“咱们主城城主,出自于诸神无念中排名前三的大世家,姬家!这次梦幻战场开启,这姬家城主可是寄予了厚望!便是集合了万名神海境中的佼佼者,与城主在同一时间跨入梦幻战场!” Dream Battlefield martial artist assigns major lord city, has certain randomness, but martial artist of same region divides in the together probability is very big, that Ji Family arranged over ten thousand Divine Sea Realm martial artist, under this assignment then had 20% martial artist to be divided in other lord city, but 80% martial artist followed that City Lord to arrive as in this lord city! 梦幻战场武者分配各大主城,存在一定的随机性,但同一区域的武者分在一起的概率还是挺大的,那姬家安排了上万神海境武者,这分配之下便是有20%武者被分在了其他的主城,但依旧有八成武者追随着那“城主”降临在这主城之中! Was equal to that Ji Family City Lord from stepping into Dream Battlefield starts, the side followed 8000 Divine Sea Realm martial artist, as his guard. 等于那姬家的“城主”从踏入梦幻战场开始,身边就跟随了八千名神海境武者,作为他的护卫。 Also because of these 8000 Divine Sea Realm martial artist, this City Lord has such control, has this lord city accept Weiji, in pompous squeezing city all martial artist! 也是因为这八千名神海境武者,这城主才有如此掌控力,将这座主城纳为己有,冠冕堂皇的压榨城中所有的武者 so that's how it is,” Luo Zheng nods. 原来如此,”罗征点点头。 So is saying, Luo Zheng guides martial artist to come arrived city gate with that has martial artist that in not far away wears the blue garment, the hand holds a black long sword, shuts tightly both eyes to gather the potential! 正这般说着,罗征与那带路武者已经来到了城门口,在不远处却是有一位身穿蓝衫的武者,手执一把黑色长剑,紧闭双目正在蓄势! But in this blue garment martial artist front, then entire simultaneously stand row of Divine Sea Realm martial artist! 而在这蓝衫武者的前方,便整整齐齐站了一排神海境武者 The hearts of these Divine Sea Realm martial artist not resistances, stand in the lamb that same place is similar to treats butchers are common. 这些神海境武者并无反抗之心,站在原地就如同待宰的羔羊一般。 Does not have the means that payment half Dream Illusion Points to count them, in addition can also gain slowly, if not pay, they are unable to leave this lord city...... 没办法,缴纳一半梦幻点数他们尚且还能慢慢赚回来,若不缴纳,他们根本无法离开这主城…… Blue garment martial artist is fermenting some little time, to open both eyes same place immediately suddenly, he gathered the potential for a long time, in this moment stimulation of movement hand the black long sword is then handy! 蓝衫武者在原地酝酿了好一会儿,随即霍然睁开双目,他原本蓄势已久,此刻催动手中黑色长剑便得心应手! The sword glow of that black long sword rises suddenly, in a suddenly time, the black long sword has cut suddenly! 那黑色长剑的剑芒暴涨,在一个眨眼的功夫中,黑色长剑已霍然斩出! pū pū pū......” 噗噗噗……” With blood splattering , the 7-8 red luminous spot wraps these martial artist souls to fly to escape into lord city, starts to wait to resurrect. 随着一道道鲜血喷溅之下,七八道红色光点包裹着这些武者的灵魂飞遁入主城,开始等候复活。 In addition, the ground blows out the bunch of yellow dream luminous spots, because these martial artist were cut to kill by that blue garment martial artist, these dream luminous spots then fly to shoot to go toward that blue garment martial artist! 除此之外,地上爆出一团团黄色的梦幻光点,因为这些武者都被那蓝衫武者所斩杀,这些梦幻光点便朝着那蓝衫武者飞射而去! Like this accumulates the Dream Illusion Points number actually to be convenient......” in the Luo Zheng heart to comment, the Dream Illusion Points number that then this fellow accumulates inevitably was not a small number, this person, was this lord cityCity Lord? ” Luo Zheng also asked immediately. “这样积累梦幻点数倒是省事……”罗征心中评价道,那么这家伙积累的梦幻点数必然不是一个小数目了,“此人,就是这主城的‘城主”么?”罗征随即又问道。 Has not thought that martial artist that guides actually shakes the head, is not.” 没想到带路的那武者却摇摇头,“并不是。”
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