AT :: Volume #13

#1207: Transferring

After activating that Teleportation Command, Luo Zheng escaped into a marvelous space. 当激活了那挪移令后,罗征遁入了一个奇妙的空间中。 In the Luo Zheng's under foot, is innumerable red dot, but Luo Zheng at this moment also somewhat is even in a daze. 罗征的脚下,乃是数不清的红点,而此刻的罗征甚至还有些发愣。 According to Luo Zheng's suspected, this Teleportation Command possibly is helps itself display big Teleportation Technique, was spanned surely in the space by oneself instantaneously, organizes in this Great Realm. 按照罗征的猜想,这挪移令可能是帮助自己施展大挪移之术,让自己瞬间跨越千万里空间,在这大界之中腾挪。 Has not thought that after this Teleportation Command activates, was actually escaped into by oneself a marvelous space, but this space had gone beyond the general knowledge range completely! 万万没想到,这一枚挪移令激活之后,却是让自己遁入了一个奇妙的空间,而这个空间已完全超出了常识范围! This below red dot, should represent in this side Great Realm all lord city...... my position, here!” “这下方的红点,应该代表这一方大界中所有主城……我的位置,在这里!” In this space below red dot according to certain distance distribution, but actually luminous spot labelling of azure in a corner, also has lord city in this azure luminous spot not far away. 在这空间下方的红点按照一定的距离分布,而其中却有一个青色的光点标注在一个角落,在这青色光点不远处同样也存在着一座主城 That lord city, after should be Luo Zheng steps into Dream Space, lord city that arrives, does not have to think oneself were assigned in this Great Realm peripheral zone. 那座主城,应该就是罗征踏入梦幻空间后,所降临的主城,没想到自己被分配在了这个大界的边缘地带。 Like so, lord city that on this map indicates from oneself not remote...... 就像这地图上标示的这般,主城距离自己并不算遥远…… But besides this lord city, other lord city from oneself, in addition also has not the short distance. 而除了这座主城之外,其他的主城距离自己尚且还有不短的距离。 Luo Zheng pushes forget about it at will, if depends upon own flying speed to go forward, must cost not the short time to neighboring another lord city. 罗征随意推算了一下,倘若依靠自己的飞行速度前进,到相邻的另外一座主城恐怕要耗费不短的时间。 This isn't Teleportation Command, merely only the function of map?” “这挪移令,不会仅仅只是地图的作用吧?” If indicates lord city merely, is unable to transmit Luo Zheng, was equal to that is map that's all, consumed eldest child's time to get so far as a map, this investment too did not delimit forget about it! 若仅仅只是标示主城,无法将罗征传送走,等于就是一张地图而已,耗费了老大的功夫弄到一张地图,这投入就太不划算了 Thinks of here, Luo Zheng is then trying to find out cautiously! 想到这里,罗征便是小心翼翼的摸索着! Fluttered in this space, Luo Zheng is directly soars red dot goes. 在这空间中飘荡了一下,罗征便是直奔其中一个红点而去。 When Luo Zheng just arrived at that red dot above, below that small red dot revolves unexpectedly, that small red dot center turns out a white light, but the speed that the white light revolves is getting more and more fast, simultaneously releases the strength of intense Space Law! 就当罗征刚刚来到那红点的上方,下方的那小红点竟然旋转起来,那小红点的中央翻出一点白光,而白光旋转的速度越来越快,同时释放出强烈的空间法则之力! This is Teleportation Tunnel! Moreover lord city that...... this Teleportation Tunnel as if direct even/including represents to this red dot!” “这是传送通道!而且……这传送通道似乎直接连向这红点所代表的主城!” Interesting......” “有趣……” As the matter stands, major lord city whatever do choose?” “这样一来,各大主城岂不是任由自己选择?” Luo Zheng's heart Pēng Pēng jumps, if that is right, he then can loot in this Great Realm with ease major lord city! 罗征的心脏砰砰直跳,若是如此,他便可以轻松洗劫这大界中各大主城 This space is not big, had about dozens li (0.5 km) length and breadth, Luo Zheng surrounded in this space, whenever he passed over gently and swiftly some red dot time, that red dot then proliferated Teleportation Tunnel, waited for Luo Zheng to arrive. If after Luo Zheng leaves completely, that Teleportation Tunnel will vanish...... 这一片空间并不大,大约只有数十里长宽,罗征在这空间中环绕了一番,每当他掠过某个红点的时候,那红点便扩散出一个传送通道,等待罗征降临。若罗征完全离开之后,那传送通道又会消失…… Side Great Realm has several tens of thousands lord city, the Luo Zheng's choice also were too rather many. 一方大界有数万主城,罗征的选择未免也太多了一些。 Well, what are these luminous spots?” “咦,这些光点是什么?” Luo Zheng sizes up greatly below this „when map, the center of discovery map also has three luminous spots, among these three luminous spots the neighboring distance is not far. 罗征打量下方这巨大的“地图”之际,却发现地图的中央还有三个光点,这三个光点之间相邻的距离并不远。 However the colors of these three luminous spots are actually different, is the bluish gray color! 不过这三个光点的颜色却是迥异,呈青灰色! When Luo Zheng flies to these three luminous spots, this bluish gray luminous spot has not congealed Teleportation Tunnel, had not responded. 罗征飞向这三个光点之上,这青灰色的光点并没有凝结出传送通道,没有丝毫反应。 These three luminous spots, is three lord city? Now isn't able to enter?” Luo Zheng judges to say. “这三个光点,也是三座主城?只是现在无法进入?”罗征判断道。 After paying attention to one, Luo Zheng has not stopped over above this luminous spot, but was the choice map chose a red luminous spot in this by the middle spot. 留意了一番之后,罗征并没有在这光点之上多逗留,而是选择在这“地图”靠中间的部位选择了一个红色光点。 In this Great Realm is lord city of edge, the distance is farther, in Great Realm central lord city, distance is nearer, there martial artist will collide to be more intense! This is why Luo Zheng will also choose this red luminous spot the reason. 大界之中越是边缘的主城,彼此之间距离越远,越是在大界中央的主城,相互之间的距离越近,那里的武者碰撞应该会更加激烈!这也是为何罗征会选择这个红色光点的缘故。 After choosing own goal, Luo Zheng again not slightly hesitant, then drills toward this red luminous spot. 选择了自己的目标之后,罗征再没有丝毫犹豫,便是朝着这红色光点钻过去。 Drilled the past instance in Luo Zheng, above the red luminous spot spreads Teleportation Tunnel, then wrapped firmly Luo Zheng! 罗征钻过去的瞬间,红色光点之上扩散出一个传送通道,便将罗征牢牢地包裹住! Buzz......” “嗡……” Is passing through this Teleportation Tunnel instance, the Luo Zheng's eardrum thunders immediately, simultaneously transmits the feeling that one type does not adapt to extremely. 在穿过这传送通道的瞬间,罗征的耳膜顿时轰鸣起来,同时传来一种极度不适应的感觉。 After all this type form Teleportation Tunnel is different Teleportation Tunnel in ordinary significance, general Teleportation Tunnel is connected two places, can reduce hundred times distances between two places, but a Great Realm area is huge, even reduced hundred times the distance, this Teleportation Tunnel as before is not a short distance. 毕竟这种形式的“传送通道”已不同于普通意义上的传送通道,一般的传送通道只是将两地相连,能够将两地之间的路程压缩百倍,但一个大界的面积过于庞大,即便是将距离压缩了百倍,这传送通道依旧是一个不短的距离。 But this Teleportation Command in fact is transfers directly Luo Zheng, regardless of the destination is remote also then reaches instantaneously. This grade of divine ability, is Realm Lord expert can display, at present Luo Zheng can also achieve other place in Dream Battlefield with the aid of this Teleportation Command, under strength of extrusion this Space Law, Luo Zheng does not adapt is also normal. 而这挪移令实际上是直接将罗征挪移过去,无论目的地多么遥远也是瞬间便达。这等神通,乃是界主强者才能施展,眼下罗征梦幻战场也是借助这挪移令才能达到彼处,这空间法则之力挤压之下,罗征不适应也是正常的。 When the sound that as own eardrum vibrates is getting more and more intense, Luo Zheng then falls suddenly toward under! 随着自己耳膜震动的声音越来越强烈之际,罗征便猛然朝着下方坠去! This lord city center, dozens martial artist is sitting well in same place, is actually sitting cross-legged to sit in meditation. 这座主城的中央,数十位武者正端坐在原地,却是在盘膝打坐。 martial artist that each participates in Dream Battlefield prepared complete, in the clan also prepared massive best quality goods true essence stone as well as True Essence Jade, in any case this Dream Battlefield was the projection, in consumed this True Essence Jade, True Essence Jade will not vanish. 每一位参加梦幻战场武者都做好了完全的准备,族中也备了大量的极品真元石以及真元玉,反正这梦幻战场乃是投影,在其中将这真元玉消耗了,外界的真元玉也不会消失。 The martial artist fight, True Essence Jade is the necessary thing, but they do not dare excessively to consume it, after all in the fight that in this Dream Battlefield encounters is not two, True Essence Jade in hand in the critical juncture use, they then while returning to the time of lord city rest sit in meditation, then must absorb yuan qi of heaven and earth. 武者战斗,真元玉乃是必备之物,不过他们并不敢将之过多消耗,毕竟在这梦幻战场中遭遇的战斗不是一场两场,手中的真元玉都是在危急关头使用的,他们便是趁着回主城休息的时间打坐,便是要吸收天地元气了。 Buzz-” “嗡-” With the sharp cry the sound, sky over this lord city then presented a white light group together, but in this light/only group, actually the heavy item falls under! 伴随着一道尖锐的鸣动之声,这主城上空便出现了一个白色的光团,而在这光团之中,却有一个重物直坠而下! Falls the person, naturally was Luo Zheng! 坠下之人,自然就是罗征了! He the first time is used this Teleportation Command, was not clear that this Teleportation Command will lead oneself to where, after his fall downwards to certain distance, tries to stop the fall downwards trend, finally the invisible strengths are actually fettering themselves, entrains toward under him! 他是第一次动用这挪移令,也不清楚这挪移令会将自己带到何处,当他下坠到一定距离之后,就试图止住自己下坠的趋势,结果却有一道无形的力量束缚着自己,将他往下方拽去! After that white ray dissipation, Luo Zheng then discovered, he has crashed this lord city central zone, in this flash, Luo Zheng also understands why oneself are unable to fly, in this lord city has to ban the spatial ban, is not naturally able to get rid by his strength. 等到那白色的光芒消散之后,罗征这才发现,他已坠落这座主城的中心地带了,在这一瞬间,罗征也明白自己为何无法飞行了,这主城之中都拥有禁空禁制,以他的实力自然是无法摆脱的。 plop!” 噗通!” His fall downwards momentum is very fierce, this numerous pounding after the ground, has together the loud sound. 他这下坠的势头还很猛,这番重重的砸在地上后,发出一道巨响。 When he crawls after the ground, then saw that surrounding has many martial artist to open the eye, is looking at Luo Zheng with strange look, simultaneously resounds a talking in whispers sound. 等到他从地上爬起来后,便看到周围有不少武者都睁大眼睛,用怪异的神色望着罗征,同时响起一阵窃窃私语的声音。 This fellow...... seems like from the space falls!” “这家伙……好像是从天上掉下来的!” How possibly! lord city has to ban the spatial ban, after spanning city wall, is not fly able, how does he possibly crash from the lord city above?” “怎么可能!主城有禁空禁制,跨越城墙之后即不可飞行,他怎么可能从主城的上方坠落?” How does he appear suddenly?” “那他怎么忽然出现的?” On the side of these martial artist discussed low voice, on the face reveals the color of being puzzling. 这些武者们一边小声议论,脸上流露出百思不得其解之色。 Luo Zheng actually does not care at all to these discussions. 罗征对这些议论却是毫不在意。 Whether his not clear Teleportation Command can take away Dream Battlefield, in the outside world whether can use, but Luo Zheng will not easily show it at present, how to appear as for oneself in this lord city, makes this group of fellow guess. 他并不清楚挪移令是否能带离梦幻战场,在外界是否能够使用,不过眼下罗征也不会将之轻易示人,至于自己如何出现在这座主城,就让这帮家伙自己去猜去。 Here is human race martial artist accumulation lord city......” “这里是一座人族武者聚集的主城……” After Luo Zheng sized up one, actually drew such a conclusion, after all the construction of this lord city is like the human race architectural style, but Luo Zheng surrounding these martial artist also all are human race. 罗征打量了一眼后,却是得出了这样一个结论,毕竟这座主城的建筑与人族的建筑风格一样,而罗征周围这些武者也皆为人族 Any race, is unimportant to Luo Zheng, he chooses to arrive at this lord city, naturally to challenge these fat wolves, accumulates own Dream Illusion Points to count that's all...... 什么种族,对罗征来说并不重要,他选择降临这座主城,自然是为了挑战那些肥狼,累计自己的梦幻点而已…… Thinks of here, Luo Zheng then leaves this central region, the preparation first goes to outside the city trying one's luck. 想到这里,罗征便离开这中央地带,准备先去城外“碰碰运气”。 However he was just about to leave, martial artist said: „Did you just come this lord city martial artist?” 然而他刚刚准备离开,却有一位武者说道:“你是刚来这座主城武者?” Hears this saying, Luo Zheng stops the footsteps, turns head to look at that martial artist said lightly: Yes, how?” 听到这话,罗征止住脚步,扭头望着那武者淡淡的说道:“是,怎么了?” This lord city has the custom, newcomer first registers, then pays own half Dream Illusion Points number to City Lord, just now can leave safely,” that martial artist looks at Luo Zheng to say. “这座主城是有规矩的,来者先登记,然后向城主缴纳自己的一半梦幻点数,方才能够安然离开,”那武者望着罗征说道。 City Lord? lord city is not the city in Dream Battlefield, how to have City Lord? But my Dream Illusion Points number is inalienable, how also to pay to this City Lord?” Luo Zheng stares slightly. 城主主城不是梦幻战场中的城市,怎么会有城主?而我这梦幻点数不可分割,又如何向这城主缴纳?”罗征微微一愣。 That martial artist is replies: Other lord city whether has City Lord, I am not clear, but our lord city have, as for paying the Dream Illusion Points number, means simply very much, you made City Lord exterminate nature give him on payment half......” 武者却是回答道:“其他的主城是否有城主,我不清楚,但我们这主城却是有的,至于缴纳梦幻点数,办法简单的很,你让城主灭杀一次自然就缴纳一半给他了……” Hears here, Luo Zheng is suddenly enlighted, on the face reveals not very awkward smile, he actually by the City Lord two characters fooling, this City Lord also with that demon race Young Lord Hao common character, is depends upon oneself influence on squeeze other martial artist Dream Illusion Points numbers. 听到这里,罗征恍然大悟,脸上流露出啼笑皆非的笑容,他却是被城主两个字给唬住了,想必这城主也是与那魔族豪少主一般的人物,便是依靠自己的势力压榨其他武者梦幻点数。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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